Discover Complaints

Discover consumers have reported over 4,513 official complaints. Out of the 4,513 consumer complaints against Discover, 21% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Discover responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 17% of consumer complaints against Discover resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 13% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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Billing disputes
Closing/Cancelling account
Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement
APR or interest rate
Dealing with my lender or servicer
Repaying your loan
Account opening, closing, or management
Credit card protection / Debt protection
Advertising and marketing
Can't repay my loan
Delinquent account
Customer service / Customer relations
Communication tactics
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Credit determination
Credit line increase/decrease
Transaction issue
Payoff process
Billing statement
Collection practices
Collection debt dispute
Credit reporting
Deposits and withdrawals
Balance transfer
Late fee
Unsolicited issuance of credit card
Problems when you are unable to pay
Other fee
Disclosure verification of debt
Improper contact or sharing of info
Getting a loan
Taking/threatening an illegal action
False statements or representation
Making/receiving payments, sending money
Forbearance / Workout plans
Incorrect information on credit report
Application, originator, mortgage broker
Cash advance
Application processing delay
Managing the loan or lease
Taking out the loan or lease
Shopping for a loan or lease
Problems caused by my funds being low
Balance transfer fee
Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
Settlement process and costs
Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Convenience checks
Credit decision / Underwriting
Cash advance fee
Other transaction issues
Overlimit fee
Shopping for a line of credit
Money was not available when promised
Improper use of my credit report
Sale of account
Incorrect/missing disclosures or info
Managing the line of credit
Managing, opening, or closing account
Using a debit or ATM card
Fraud or scam
Credit reporting company's investigation
Credit monitoring or identity protection
Account terms and changes

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New Discover Consumer Complaints

Discover Credit card payoff process

January 14, 2017 - I have a Discover credit card where I want to pay the full balance each month on the due date to avoid any interest charges. In order to not forget to make a payment, I want to set up a reoccurring draft on the due date. Discover only provides options to pay the minimum amount due or " other amount '' on the due date. If you want to pay the full balance amount, you have to draft the payment 10 days before the closing date which is 10 days earlier than the statement due date. If I want to change the draft date to correspond to the statement due date, I have to wait 90 days and then call a repre...

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Discover Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

January 14, 2017 - I called Discover card to advise them that - ( internet services ) credited $380.00 to someone else 's account. I had no balance on my ( correct ) account and asked both - and Discover to ensure that this unauthorized payment was not made. The payment was " pending '' when I called these two companies on -/-/2017. Both - and Discover representatives ( on a three way call ) advised me on -/-/- that the authorization had been removed and that the $380.00 will not be taken out of my Discover account because it was unauthorized. Today, -/-/2017, I learned that after both -...

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Discover Credit card cash advance fee

January 13, 2017 - I was charged multiple cash advance fees given a peculiar situation in while traveling in - I had to withdraw money from ATM using the Discover card but the - government banned all ATM and only allowed for a person to take out only - which equals roughly around $30.00 dollars. Given the circumstances I made multiple ATM withdrawals on the same day to have the ability to survive. Discover charged me $5.00 per every $30.00 I was only allow to withdraw and refuse to waive the multiple fees since it was an unavoidable issue. Total of $75.00 in fees....

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Discover Credit card transaction issue

January 12, 2017 - I have been trying to dispute several charges on my Discover credit card and after the last time I contacted your agency Discover opened the disputes and told me that they had issued provisional credits and allowed the merchants 45 days to respond or the credits would remain permanent. Two merchants provided responses that I am refuting, however, I have not heard anything on the remaining charges since. I would like someone to communicate the status of my disputes with - on -/-/16 in the amount of $500.00. - on -/-/16 in the amount of $5500.00 - - on -/-/16 i...

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Discover Credit card transaction issue

January 12, 2017 - On -/-/-, I purchased a 7-day fare-lock service for a - flight with my Discover card. The automatic purchase was not selected at the time of the purchase. Prior to fare lock expiration, I purchased the ticket using the - credit service. After the purchase I received notification from - regarding the recent purchase from -. I chose - due to the promotional offer of 0 % APR for 6 months for purchases over $99.00. I noticed the charge on my Discover card several days after the initial purchase. My - credit account is not linked to my Discover credit card. I contacted Disc...

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Discover Credit card apr or interest rate

January 11, 2017 - To whom it may concern, I have been charged a late payment APR by Discover for the last few years because of missing one payment -/-/-. Based on the Credit Card Act of -/-/-, I believe this has been done unfairly and in a manner that is against the law. To my knowledge, I demonstrated six months of consecutive on-time payments, but did not see m y original rate restored. In addition, I 'm not even sure I was the full 60 days late required to even trigger the default rate. I have repeatedly contacted Discover about this and they have told me that they will not lower my interexst rate...

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Discover Credit card advertising and marketing

January 10, 2017 - We are receiving - - - calls a day ( - - - ) asking us to call Discovery - Discover card with NO explanation whatsoever We have complained to Discover Card TO NO AVAIL, calls persist every day. In our -, - continues at -...

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Discover Credit card balance transfer

January 10, 2017 - PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FOR ALL DETAILS ... Summary Here - - I received a call from " - - '' supposedly ( it was actually - - ) with a special offer to transfer all my credit card balances onto one new Card ( ended up being Discover ), and that the transferred amount would be interest free until paid off at $250.00 per month. The cost for this was $1900.00 and was charged to my - - card ( see attached ), and then transferred to the Discover card. They did not mention anything about a transfer fee to the new card, and I was charged an additional $420.00 for that. I was a...

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Discover Credit card transaction issue

January 9, 2017 - I am very disappointed the way Discover handled my dispute. They sent me a letter dated -/-/2016 stating that regarding my charge of $5100.00 from - a company that contacted me by an unsolicited telemarketing phone call, promising online business related. They never provided me the services that I paid for. They scammed me out of $5100.00. So Discover stated at the letter that they have no record of me disputing this charge in the past. But as as of -/-/2016, they were initiating a dispute investigation and sent me a notification informing me of the temporary credit to my account fo...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 9, 2017 - Discover Credit Card Servicing has prevented me from accessing my account information online and everywhere else. I submitted a fraud claim after my card was compromised while I was hospitalized for a chronic illness and they have taken no action towards providing a proper resolution and crediting my account. I have reached out to the Executive office and continue contact with Discover agents who said that an investigation was being conducted. I received a letter in the mail stating that the investigation was concluded and that I was not liable for the fraudulent transactions, but to this date...

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Discover Credit card credit card protection / debt protection

January 9, 2017 - On -/-/2016 I purchased a couch from -, and on -/-/2016 the couch was returned. The couch contains 90 % polyurethane foam which contains - toxic chemicals, and I am extremely allergic to the couch. I contacted discover regarding the situation, and discover provided me with credits. On -/-/- Disc. Reversed the credits stating they had contacted the vendor, but the vender never responded to Disc. I provided Disc. With a copy of the email from - stating they would refund the money, and still nothing. So now I have no couch, and I am out $2000.00....

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Discover Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

January 9, 2017 - I have a balance of 4000 plus dollars on my account and there should be a - dollar balance currently as all transactions were fraud on the account since -. I filed multiple claims multiple times but they never got back to me or re-credited my account. I do n't even see credits from large fraud charges to merchant. Discover has not even proved to me that I made the charges. IF I know I did not make the charges, then how does them simply doing an investigation that does n't even entail any real proof make them correct and me wrong? There are many more charges of all kinds that I have not r...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes


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Discover Credit card other

January 5, 2017 - MY NAME IS - - AND I AM FILING MY SECOND COMPLAINT AGAINST DISCOVER CARD. AFTER NUMEROUS GOOD FAITH LETTERS AND FIRST COMPLAINT, I RECEIVED A FORMAL RESPONSE AND A PHONE CONVERSATION WITH - - IN THE CUSTOMER ADVOCACY DEPARTMENT. DISCOVER HAS FILED A LAWSUIT AGAINST ME THROUGH - LAW FIRM. DISCOVER CARD IS IN VIOLATION OF FCRA AND FDCPA. FCRA Section 623 ( a ) ( 3 ) 623. Responsibilities of furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies AND FDCPA Section 807 ( 8 ) 807. False or misleading representations [ 15 USC 1962e ] ( 8 ) Communicating or threatening to communicate ...

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Discover Credit card closing/cancelling account

January 4, 2017 - I got my first credit card on -/-/2016. It was Discover. And my account was closed - days after I got this card. A few days later they sent a message to me, saying that they closed my account due to unsuccessful payment history. I tried to pay off my credit card - days after I got this card, which was - or more days before the first due day. I 'm regularly paid and able to pay off the credit card every month. And I finally paid off before the first due day. The problem about the unsuccessful payment was that I was new to any credit card and any checking account in -. I deposited ...

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Discover Credit card other

January 4, 2017 - On - -, I mistakenly made my mortgage payment to Discover card in the amount of $2200.00. On - -, I recognized the mistake, called DiscoverCard at -, spoke with - in Delaware Billing department, and she stated that they would send me a check for $2200.00 after my balance of $14.00 is paid off, and that this check could take several weeks to arrive. I asked - if I will receive an email to this effect, and she said I would get one in 72 hours. On - -, I checked my balance online for Discover card, and it showed a credit balance of $2200.00. I called Discover ca...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 4, 2017 - Discover, I am very upset by the way my dispute is being handled. I am seriously considering transferring my balance and filing suit as a result of this dispute for $470.00. I initally filed the dispute because it was taking the appraisal company too long to send the documentation, even though as i have stated to you that i never needed the appraisal in the 1st place because i aready had one done myself. There was a mix-up in the communication and my card was never supposed to be ran in the 1st place. Either way - agreed to cover the costs as stated in the email that I sent. I get a notif...

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Discover Credit card advertising and marketing

January 4, 2017 - I have had a Discover card since - in which they have advertised for decades a " 1 % cash back bonus ''. ( See the attached - which references this. This was how Discover entered into the credit card business was with the 1 % cash back bonus to compete against Visa and - - and MasterCard. Tonight I called Discover because my cash back was much less than 1 % and I spent approximately $11000.00 in -. The whole year I 've only earned $270.00 in cash back bonus but spent $41000.00 on my Discover Card. So my cash back bonus should be $410.00. I find out that because my annive...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 2, 2017 - There was fraud committed against me in - 2013 by sister in law that used to live with us. over $ 4- in online charges were made by this person. shortly thereafter she moved out and left the state. I have called numerous times to Discover, filed fraud affidavit, and even a police report. They did credit most of the charges however, they left over $800.00 for some reason. I am now learning about this as a result of being turned down for a car loan, because of the discover issue that is apparently reflecting negatively against my credit. This issue will now force me to pass up an oppor...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 2, 2017 - I contacted " - '' for pest control services for mites that are in my house. For about 3-4 years I have had problems with these insects and used various pest control companies. to apply chemical application, which did not rid the house of this pest. Tech from " - '' came by and performed inspection and sold me the idea of " Thermal Heating '' a service that was " Guaranteed '' to kill all nuisance ( mites ) insects in the entire house.. The price for this service was expensive, but for the results guaranteed, I was willing to spend the money required : $1000.00. Note : This insect has ...

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Discover Credit card credit card protection / debt protection

December 30, 2016 - On - -, 2016, I purchased a smart - Watch - - - at - - for $290.00 ( excluding tax ) using my Discover - credit card. I found a lower price on - -, 2016 for the same exact item on - for $220.00 ( excluding tax ). On - -, 2016, I submitted a claim for Discover 's Price Protection, a program which reimburses you for items purchased with your Discover credit card if you find a lower price for the item within 90 days. The claim was for $71.00 ( the difference between the price I bought the item for and the price I found a few days later for the same ...

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Discover Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

December 30, 2016 - I found out earlier this year that there was a judgement on my credit report when i went to buy a car. Discover credit card company filed the judgement against me back in 2010 and I am just finding out now. I never had a Discover card so I filed an identity theft claim and followed every step. Now after I sent numerous letters to them stateing the crime, they will not investigate the theft and instead they are going to garnish my wages. This is unexceptable to me, I will not be harrassed and pay for something I did not do....

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Discover Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

December 30, 2016 - My Discover Card was used fraudulently. I reported the charge I did not recognize. Seven days later I received a message that my new card had been mailed, however the address was incorrect. I called Discover and they informed me that someone had changed the address within the seven days since the fraudulent charge. Why was someone allowed access to change an address during a fraud dispute? Why was the card mailed without my verification of the correct address? In addition, when I called Discover their Customer Service did n't seem to verify my identity and a Fraud Specialist by the name of -...

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Discover Credit card advertising and marketing

December 29, 2016 - The Discover card offers an extended warranty that appears in the list of benefits ; their website states " No need to worry about expired warranties. We will extend the terms of an existing eligible warranty for up to - additional year on warranties of 36 months or less '' and further states this is " Available to all Cardmembers ... This exclusive benefit is available to you as a valued Cardmember. We 've got you covered when you use your Discover card. '' The reason for my complaint is if you decide to utilize this benefit and file a claim, the claims process ( which is administered by a...

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Discover Credit card transaction issue

December 28, 2016 - I paid some bills yesterday from my Bank - - - ( routing # -, account # - ) yesterday - -. I intended to pay my Mortgage - ( act # - ) for $2200.00, but when I checked today on line, by bank - - - instead paid my Discover Card ( account # - ) with a confirmation number -. I called DiscoverCard today, talked to a - in Billing department in Delaware, and - said 1 ) she has no record of ever receiving the $2200.00 and 2 ) that there was nothing that she could do. In other words, the $2200.00 vanished into thin air!...

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Discover Credit card credit card protection / debt protection

December 28, 2016 - On -/-/- ; I contacted Discover card to inquire as to my balance due. I was informed that the balance due was well over $2400.00. I immediately checked my account activity and learned that there were multiple cash advances, $500.00 each plus service charges. I contacted Discover, I informed them that I had not received any alerts regarding this activity, ( my alert was set at $100.00 ). I closed the account and spoke with a representative who assured me that Discover Card 's Fraud policy was in full effect and I was not responsible for the charges. I had also paid an extra monthly f...

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Discover Credit card apr or interest rate

December 27, 2016 - on - i called discover to see about lowering the interest rate on my account and was told it could n't be done but financial aid may be able to help. i spoke to - - - - who said i could be put on a program that would reduce my interest rate to 9.9 % o both purchases and cash advances for a period of 6 months. i noticed that each month the cash advance amount would increase. when asked why i was told all money after interest was applied to the lower purchases balance and the only way to decrease cash advance amt. was to get that balance below the purchase amt. - checked with h...

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Discover Credit card delinquent account

December 26, 2016 - Discover card was paid almost 2 years ago and they continue to update monthly and damage my credit. It is affecting my financing and they are in violation of the FCRA....

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 26, 2016 - I have a Discover card that has not been used in years. I recently noticed they are charging interest charge on cash advances. I contacted them about it and they replied that the charges were from over 7 years ago. The agent could not really tell me when or amount. So, sent a message to the company and I received this replied : Thank you for your email regarding the Cash Advance interest on your statement. After reviewing your account, I found that we chatted with you online on -/-/2016, regarding this matter. If you need further assistance with this matter, or if you have other question...

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Discover Credit card credit card protection / debt protection

December 24, 2016 - I called the -. They quickly transferred me to -. Who once again immediately dismissed my claim. And stated that they just administer based on the warranty provided to them by Discover. - provided me a copy of the warranty in place in -. I questioned the language and showed him where I was confused based on his denial. He stated that he was not allowed to change or interpret the language. But was instructed to deny the claim based on the language. The language in question is that of a " Covered Purchase '' - Warranty defines Covered Purchase as : " personal property, including g...

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Discover Credit card closing/cancelling account


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Discover Credit card credit determination

December 21, 2016 - Discover card approved my application for credit. After mailing the credit card, they are saying that the application should have been denied due to the previous account being revoked. I made my payments on time for the previous account and Paid the account in full. The previous account was closed because of too many disputes. That 's what Discover told me. The payment verification team put a hold on my newly approved account and now, I have not even been able to use it since I opened it. I feel discriminated against and I am being denied credit when I am legally approved for it!...

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Discover Credit card other fee

December 21, 2016 - After receiving a declined charge on my card I looked into what the charge was and found that it was a payment for a payment protection program. I immediately called Discover 's Customer service and support and was told that I had been enrolled in the program since initially having opened the card account. I requested the audio recording of my verbal acceptance of the enrollment in the program and I was told that it was only noted on my account that I gave my verbal consent and that the audio was not available. This concerns me as I do not enroll in any programs that cost monthly charges due t...

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Discover Credit card unsolicited issuance of credit card

December 21, 2016 - I applied for a secured credit card with Discover. When I first applied they told me that I needed to upload a photo of my social security card in order for my account to be verified. I was - during this time and did not have my social security card on hand, so I decided to not move forward with the account. I did not express this to the bank, but I assumed they would not approve me for the card without proper verification. Since this was a secured card, I provided my account information where the money would be taken. Four weeks after applying for the card, I saw that I $200.00 had been ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 18, 2016 - This is in regards to my previous complaint with Discover Card and the following transactions ... -/-/16 - $700.00 -/-/16 - - - $380.00 -/-/16 - $4900.00 -/-/16 - - - $2000.00 -/-/16 - $2600.00 -/-/16 - - - $1200.00 -/-/16 - $730.00 I am NOT paying for these. They are NOT MINE! I have received nothing of value from any of these companies. You need to take a closer look at these. I contacted - and they are adamant that they refunded the $2600.00 on -/-/2016. Do your job correctly and conta...

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Discover Credit card privacy

December 18, 2016 - Earlier this month, I received the Annual Privacy Notice Statement from Discover. On -/-/-, I tried to check my privacy settings online at It was impossible to find my privacy settings. I called Discover to find out the information. The representative told me to check my user agreement. That was not helpful. Later that day, I sent a secure email to Discover requesting the information to check my privacy settings. The representative ignored my request. I want to be sure the privacy settings are correct, but the Discover representatives are not providing the information so t...

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Discover Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

December 17, 2016 - I received my credit report and Discover Financial Services account number - is on my credit report. I did not open this account this is a fraud account. I have a fraud alert on my credit report I have talk with Discover and ask them to validate this account and to provide me with proof that this is my account. they will not provide me with any proof that I open this account this account will not verify the account please help ......

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Discover Credit card credit determination

December 16, 2016 - Discover Card Services falsely advertises, using the lure and encouragement of secure card offers for those with bad or challenged credit circumstances to apply - yet, they deny a secured application with dollar-for-dollar collateral despite their advertising on the website and, after multiple transfers to representatives and much time lost, no one can answer why? I feel their advertising and language is misleading and falsely representative ( contradicting ) to what they advertise and solicit, and they should be held accountable...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 15, 2016 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 60 days past due as of - 2012 30 days past due as of - 2012 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Discover Credit card rewards

December 15, 2016 - I signed up for a Discover credit card because of its cash back promotions, including 5 % " bonus '' spending categories and 5 % " Discover Deals. '' However, Discover has made it virtually impossible to verify that their cash back has been properly applied via unacceptably long delays in crediting the bonuses, inadequate and confusing documentation of the bonuses, and a chronic unwillingness to investigate my inquiries....

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Discover Credit card rewards

December 15, 2016 - I signed up for a Discover credit card because of its cash back promotions, including 5 % " bonus '' spending categories and 5 % " Discover Deals. '' However, Discover has made it virtually impossible to verify that their cash back has been properly applied via unacceptably long delays in crediting the bonuses, inadequate and confusing documentation of the bonuses, and a chronic unwillingness to investigate my inquiries....

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Discover Credit card customer service / customer relations

December 15, 2016 - I have a Credit Card Account with Discover, ending in -. I have been with Discover for over half a decade, without any issue, until -/-/2016. My Discover Credit Card ending in - was compromised and some unauthorized charges occurred, which I reported promptly. The Card was closed, and an investigation was initiated. After the completion of the Fraud Investigation, a new Account was set up, transferring my credit and balances ; and I was contacted by the Customer Protection Team. I was prompted to set up a verbal password for my account, which I did. Since then, everything seems normal...

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Discover Credit card other

December 15, 2016 - re ; complaint # - ... ypu have recieved..i forgot to give you their phone # - and address no physical e-mail invitation code : - ( really )...

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Discover Credit card other

December 14, 2016 - my daughter viva reieved an application for credit card from DISCOVER - with all kinds of bonus credits free - score Apple payback never responsible for any unauthorized purchaces 2 % cash back cash back for good grades ( most predatory of all ) 0 % APR on purchases for first 6 month 13.24 % -22.24 % interest no annual fee cash back match first year offer ( whatever the heck that is ) call their - number under - can only apply on - to get off list if she does n't give permission...

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Discover Credit card apr or interest rate

December 14, 2016 - I opted sign up for Discover Card 's at 0 % APR promotion which expires on -/-/2017. I recently reviewed my monthly statement and online account details to find out the expiry date for the promotion because I could n't recall the date. I found that the promotion expiry is not shown anywhere that the consumer can view : not on the statement and not online. After contacting Discover through their chat function tonight, I was informed that the only way to find out is by contacting Discover. This was really upsetting to me because the only reason Discover would choose to do this is to deceive cu...

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Discover Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement


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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 12, 2016 - On -/-/2016 my balance was incorrect. My online account show the following : Last Statement Balance : $910.00 Recent Transactions : $130.00 Recent Payments and Credits : - $40.00 Current Balance : $1000.00 That math can not be correct and Discover needs to credit my account $21.00. Thanks...

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Discover Credit card customer service / customer relations

December 11, 2016 - I am unable to log in to the Discover website : -. I attempt to reset my password ; but, it tells me that - of my security information questions is incorrect ; which it is not ( the model of my first car ). The website is the one that is wrong. I was being told, it was information pulled from public records. Then, the public records are wrong. I know very well what my first car was. The site will not let me sign in with another e-mail address. This needs fixed and yesterday!...

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Discover Credit card other

December 11, 2016 - Discover credit needs to be investigated for fraud, and bait and switch practices. There is no $0.00 fee charged each year, despite the attached online statement made by their company. Fees ARE indeed charged each year by Discover, they are exorbitant, and they continue to lie about it. This is a discriminatory practice, and it is unlawful. Discover should not be allowed to make this statement, as it is a lie. Discover does indeed pull a bait and switch on the consumer as a result of this front page statement, and continues to advertise incorrect information to an unsuspecting public. This ...

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Discover Credit card arbitration

December 11, 2016 - I am getting ready to retain an attorney so that I can take legal action against Discover Financial Services. Dealing with this company has been nothing short of a nightmare, but I 'm going to give them - final chance to resolve this matter to my satisfaction. That is what I 'm hoping to accomplish with the help of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. If Discover Financial Services is still unwilling to help me, I will contact my legal counsel to file the lawsuit. In -, Discover Financial Services became aware that I was disputing the account ending in -. However, they did not ...

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Discover Credit card other

December 11, 2016 - I have reviewed my credit report and noticed some errors being reported by Discover on my credit file. I disputed the errors with the bureaus and Discover verified them even though that each bureau has different information. On -/-/16 I then sent a letter to Discover asking for documents to review and verify information reported and they ignored my request. On -/-/16, I sent another request to where they replied with a letter stating the account was settled in less than full and everything was reporting correct. Unfortunately it is not the case, the information being reported is di...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

December 9, 2016 - On - -, 2016 Discover Credit Card received and acknowledged receipt of $1100.00 total balance payment for my credit card account which card 's identification number I changed after I complained about - fraudulent charge made to my account which have since been credited to my account. However, my account balance payment of $1100.00 has not been credited to my current account and past due charges have been levied on my account # - : $27.00 and -. Here is a copy of my current account status and balance : -. Take notice that my current balance does not account for my paymen...

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Discover Credit card other

December 9, 2016 - I wanted to sort out a bill that I had with a hotel that I stayed in During -/-/-. There was about a - dollar discrepancy with the total costs, this turned in to overdraft charges are lot of falsified information that should have never been presented to me about my initial dispute. The dispute was handled poorly and to make matters worse, the entire customer service term treated me like -. They eventually would just leave me online- during out chats, they would never be consistent on information that had a clear yes or no answer- it was n't until I contacted their HQ to explain my c...

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Discover Credit card transaction issue

December 8, 2016 - I would like assistance in disputing a charge on my Discover Card. I am a - year old retiree who became involved with - amongst many others.Also on my credit card their merchant 's name is different, It shows as - And - FL. I was contacted by an unsolicited telemarketing phone call last year. They offered me a very profitable online business, a website and training. They disappeared right after I paid them. I tried to get in touch with them and they would not return my calls. I opened a dispute with my credit card, Discover and they told me It has passed too much time and could not...

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Discover Credit card credit card protection / debt protection

December 8, 2016 - I have had a credit card in good standing with Discover since -. In or about - they started charging me a credit protection fee with out my knowledge. I was a student at the time and my parents paid my credit card bills so I never noticed the charges on the account. In - ii was in a class action suit against discover for charging me this fee and received a check for this situation however with out my knowledge they continued to charge my account up until I took over my bills from my parent in -/-/- when i noticed this charge and called them to immediately remove it as i did n't a...

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Discover Credit card other

December 8, 2016 - There is a credit balance on my Discover credit card account. I requested that check be sent to me to resolve the balance and to date there has been no evidence that there has been an action to refund my money to me...

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Discover Credit card transaction issue

December 7, 2016 - I was contacted by an unsolicited telemarketing phone call from a company called - that promised me a very profitable at home online business. I paid them $3000.00. It seemed very good to turn it down. They said they would train me on how to find drop shippers so I could sell on -, - and any website for that matter. They have done nothing to help me and I was unable to locate any dropshippers that would turn even the smallest profit. They provided no support whatsoever in order to help me. And when I requested my refund they turned me down and stopped answering my calls. I did not m...

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Discover Credit card identity theft / fraud / embezzlement

December 5, 2016 - I received a letter from discover card stating that I have a balance that is delinquent. I contacted discover card and advise that I never applied or open an credit card account with their company. I have disputed the credit card account with the credit bureaus and with discover card requesting that the account be removed from my credit file and the account ca n't be validated nor will they remove the account from my credit report....

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Discover Credit card delinquent account

December 5, 2016 - Discover card has reported me to -, - and - as having been 30 days late, I never received a statement from Discover and sometimes do n't get all of my mail and that is why I requested electronic correspondence ( not statements ) and alerts to let me know that I have a new statement, payment, payments when the card is not present etc. I have this with all of my other credit cards and I have an absolutely perfect credit history but unfortunately Discover did n't alert me of a payment due and I did not receive a statement so I was alerted by experian ( I use all - agencies to monitor ...

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Discover Credit card delinquent account

November 30, 2016 - This account was a joint credit card with Discover card the account was to increase my credit score. I did not use the card nor did I have a card to use. The primary card hold was doing me a favor, but ended up hurting me. I 've been trying to get my name removed from this card and trying to get it removed off of all my credit reports. The primary card holder abused the card and was n't paying the monthly payments. The only way I found out that the bill was n't getting paid I download an app to see how my credit score was looking boom it popped that the account I have joint with has n't been p...

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