Discover Billing Disputes Complaints

Review and analysis of over 449 complaints against Discover

Discover consumers have reported over 449 official complaints related to Billing disputes. Out of the 449 consumer complaints against Discover, 21% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Discover responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 37% of consumer complaints against Discover resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 4% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Billing Disputes Consumer Complaints

Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 9, 2017 - Discover Credit Card Servicing has prevented me from accessing my account information online and everywhere else. I submitted a fraud claim after my card was compromised while I was hospitalized for a chronic illness and they have taken no action towards providing a proper resolution and crediting my account. I have reached out to the Executive office and continue contact with Discover agents who said that an investigation was being conducted. I received a letter in the mail stating that the investigation was concluded and that I was not liable for the fraudulent transactions, but to this date...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes


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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 4, 2017 - Discover, I am very upset by the way my dispute is being handled. I am seriously considering transferring my balance and filing suit as a result of this dispute for $470.00. I initally filed the dispute because it was taking the appraisal company too long to send the documentation, even though as i have stated to you that i never needed the appraisal in the 1st place because i aready had one done myself. There was a mix-up in the communication and my card was never supposed to be ran in the 1st place. Either way - agreed to cover the costs as stated in the email that I sent. I get a notif...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 2, 2017 - There was fraud committed against me in - 2013 by sister in law that used to live with us. over $ 4- in online charges were made by this person. shortly thereafter she moved out and left the state. I have called numerous times to Discover, filed fraud affidavit, and even a police report. They did credit most of the charges however, they left over $800.00 for some reason. I am now learning about this as a result of being turned down for a car loan, because of the discover issue that is apparently reflecting negatively against my credit. This issue will now force me to pass up an oppor...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 2, 2017 - I contacted " - '' for pest control services for mites that are in my house. For about 3-4 years I have had problems with these insects and used various pest control companies. to apply chemical application, which did not rid the house of this pest. Tech from " - '' came by and performed inspection and sold me the idea of " Thermal Heating '' a service that was " Guaranteed '' to kill all nuisance ( mites ) insects in the entire house.. The price for this service was expensive, but for the results guaranteed, I was willing to spend the money required : $1000.00. Note : This insect has ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 26, 2016 - I have a Discover card that has not been used in years. I recently noticed they are charging interest charge on cash advances. I contacted them about it and they replied that the charges were from over 7 years ago. The agent could not really tell me when or amount. So, sent a message to the company and I received this replied : Thank you for your email regarding the Cash Advance interest on your statement. After reviewing your account, I found that we chatted with you online on -/-/2016, regarding this matter. If you need further assistance with this matter, or if you have other question...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 18, 2016 - This is in regards to my previous complaint with Discover Card and the following transactions ... -/-/16 - $700.00 -/-/16 - - - $380.00 -/-/16 - $4900.00 -/-/16 - - - $2000.00 -/-/16 - $2600.00 -/-/16 - - - $1200.00 -/-/16 - $730.00 I am NOT paying for these. They are NOT MINE! I have received nothing of value from any of these companies. You need to take a closer look at these. I contacted - and they are adamant that they refunded the $2600.00 on -/-/2016. Do your job correctly and conta...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 15, 2016 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 60 days past due as of - 2012 30 days past due as of - 2012 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 12, 2016 - On -/-/2016 my balance was incorrect. My online account show the following : Last Statement Balance : $910.00 Recent Transactions : $130.00 Recent Payments and Credits : - $40.00 Current Balance : $1000.00 That math can not be correct and Discover needs to credit my account $21.00. Thanks...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

November 28, 2016 - there were several unauthorized charges totaling over $3000.00. they were all cash advances taken from my card. i submitted a claim and filled out and sent back a form stating that i did not make these charges. 2 weeks later i get a letter stating that they found these charges to be correct and put them back on my card. I have NEVER taken a cash advance on - crdit card ( i do n't even know how to do this ) they said i would have had to use a pin number, I 've never had one! as far as i know you would have to go into a bank and show an ID to get a cash advance. Obviously It was not me. At ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

November 28, 2016 - Discover is displaying the incorrect balance for my credit card. Please see attachment and not that the math does not add up. Also note that if you included the pending activity of $26.00 you still do not arrive at the balance that is stating so the pending activity can not be the issue....

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

November 25, 2016 - Discover credit pulled a bait and switch on me as a consumer. I received a balance transfer offer to get 0 % Apr to pay down my balance in full ; giving me until - 2017. They are continuing to charge exorbitant fees, making it difficult for me to pay off the balance. When I wrote to them stating how difficult they have made things for me, they stated, " Paying down the complete statement each month avoids the charges ''. First off, I understand paying down the statement avoids charges. - does not know me. If he did he would understand that the company I used to work for ( - - ) n...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

November 15, 2016 - On -/-/2016, I rented a car from - - and on - -, 2016 turned in the car at the airport in my city. On -/-/2016, when I made the online reservation, I prepaid for the vehicle for the amount of time needed. On -/-/2016, I was charged an additional fee of ( $78.00 ) which appeared on my Discover Card statement. I contacted - - but was not given a reason for the extra charge. However, the amount ( $150.00 ) which I prepaid to use the vehicle was validated. I contacted Discover Card to dispute the ( $78.00 ) however was unable to get my money back because -...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

November 14, 2016 - I received a balance transfer offer from Discover and before I took advantage of the offer I called Discover customer service to check on how the payment apply because I had some balance on high interest rate. They assured to me that the payment apply to the high interest balance first till it paid off and then apply the payment to the lower interest. I got this confirmation twice from - different persons. I called the third time to transfer the balance and to confirm how the payment is applied to the balance. Based on - confirmation I transferred some balance and signed up for automatic...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

August 25, 2016 - I received at unverified email from Discover concerning a past due amount on my account of approximately $37.00. I 've never had a missed payment with Discover, so immediately called the number on the email. The next 20 minute were the most invasive, pressure filled customer service encounter I 've ever experienced. The operator proceeded to tell me that I had only paid $30.00 of a $67.00 bill and I had been accessed a late fee of $27.00 and interest penalty ; however, if I authorized her to get into my - - - checking account she could take my money. In shock about her knowing...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

August 13, 2016 - been with discover 20 plus years good customer i have no doubt they will respond with a script. they have putnotes on all my accounts essentially disbaling me from getting any help on any of them or interest refunds. Racial profiling of sorts. i will not put up with it. i tried to see if apayment was scheduled on - and to handle the ending offer. so i can avoid interest. i called at - friday -/-/- was told to be transferred to - that i could get no help in CS cust service. that is not a way to treat anyone. i cant do business here, wont. but i certainly wont go without knowing if...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

August 9, 2016 - An Item I purchased but never received and disputed with Discover and Discover closed the account in favor of the Merchant and reported it to the credit agencies, lowering me score, it turns out the merchant was honest and issued a refund which they verified and - verified, - 2015 a refund as issued due to lack of inventory, but on - - 2015, Discover notified me in writing the cased was closed in the Merchant 's favor, but clearly it was not. I believe the - attachments below will help to clarify my concern....

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

August 1, 2016 - I charged a car rental ( - ) using my Discover Card. The car was " never rented '' as I disputed the charge and the reservation was cancelled by the rental agency The Reservation # was - The amount is $140.00. Discover has said this was resolved. However as of my last payment ( - ) I paid this along w/ other charges for fear of damaging my credit My records show - debits and only - credits so I think I 'm owed the $140.00. They refuse to give me a refund....

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

July 11, 2016 - Discover Bank is trying to sue me in court for a Discover Card that has incorrect balance, we have asked many times for a complete listing of all charges and balances but have never received any of them. The balance is way above the card credit limit and is not valid. Please contact the debt collecting law firm - , - - - at - xt. - to stop this unfair lawsuit at once....

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

July 4, 2016 - My credit card Discover card, has allowed a fraudulent charge to post and remain on my credit card account. The amount is $1.00, - - - I have supplied Discover card with documents and proof numerous times and they still left this charge on my account. I want this fraud charge removed off my account....

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

June 25, 2016 - In - - a California merchant, a -, auto-renewed a subscription I purchased in - without providing a working mechanism by which I could opt out of the auto-renewal. The only mechanism on their online site required me to cancel the current ( - ) subscription before its full term, forfeiting any unused portion. Since I paid for a full subscription, I refused to accept this requirement. Instead, I purposely withheld my Discover Card 's ( DC ) expiration date from the merchant, expecting a credit card transaction lacking a valid expiration date would be rejected by DC. Instead, DC ap...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

June 24, 2016 - As noted in the letter CFPB Case No. : -, An offer was made to pay -. However. Im rejecting this offfer on the grounds that I should have never been asked, to assume a debt of -, ther card was issued to me with a debt of - i was coierced into assume the debt by a discover rep who told me that discover would attach a lein on the property that I inherited, my credit report still shows a charge off of -. I recently received a collection letter from - to collect a debt of - If Im offered a settelment to pay - why does my credit report still reflect the the amount of -. I...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

June 22, 2016 - Was unsatisfied with the way Discover was handling my account, so I closed it. They are now charging me 30 % interest, even though I 've never been late and I have very good credit....

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

June 17, 2016 - I made a rental car reservation online through. I was not going to be able to use the reservation. I called - to request a refund, they said my reservation was nonrefundable, non transferable, and no changes could be made. I called discover, my credit card company to dispute the charge. They called priceline on a - phone call, and the resolution was my reservation would be canceled and they would provided a refund. I did not received a refund and disputed the charges with my credit card company, discover. - canceled my reservation and did not provide a refund, and I was unable to use ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

June 8, 2016 - I have attempted to contact Discover for over 3 months about an issue their website and the calculations of the current balance. Multiple times I have went to my activity and it computes my current balance with the following formula. Last Statement Balance - Payments and Credits + Transactions = Current Balance. However, many of the times when I review this information the math does not add up. Everyone of these times it has show that my current balance is more that it really can when you do the math. It makes it seem that Discover is simply taking this additional money and hoping that I do n'...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

June 3, 2016 - Discover is reporting an authorized user on my account that needs to come off my credit report. Account number -...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

May 27, 2016 - The payment did not process. The company reversed charges of $170.00 time -. The charges should be - reversal and two payments. I also have overdraft fee, which should be waived because discover reversed the charges....

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

May 24, 2016 - Complaint number:-, addition to complaint when talking to the discover card representative I asked her what was discover cards late fees and she could not tell me. She had to stop and try to calculate the amount they charged me on my account. This is very disturbing because on all my other bills including other credit card bills the late fees are the same every month. They do n't change based on who you are, or how much you make. If this is the case discover card can do what their doing now and charge me what ever they want that month. The - to - unwanted phone calls a day are also an...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

May 24, 2016 - I have a Discover It credit card. I made a payment on - -, 2016. Payments in the past had posted the following day. However, this time the payment was held for more than ten days. No reason was given for funds being held. I called and spoke to a representative who informed me that she did not know the reasons but other departments had access to this information. My concern is the abuse of power. My account has not shown any signs of " fraud '' or related situations that merits " stringent screenings ''. Besides, this is nothing new, -/-/- a rental car refund was held up for more th...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

April 8, 2016 - I joined - - as a consultant the first week of - 2016. I charged $150.00 & $680.00 on my Discover credit card. About a week and a half after joining they sold the company to - -. I requested they cancel my request and give me a refund. To date I have not received the merchandise or a refund. I disputed the charges with Discover who stated - - provided documentation that - left the merchandise at my front door. I have not received anything and have been trying to get my money back since - without success. Please help ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

March 30, 2016 - Discover emailed me about fraud activity on my credit card. I received the email and contacted them when I got the email. It was determined that the charges were fraud and card was not in my possession. My last known whereabouts were at a - -. I was within rights of notifying discover of my fraudulent unauthorized charges. they instructed me that there is a - - liability on fraud charges. i thought everything was ok until -/-/- where i called them on status of dispute and they said they were denying the claim and that i will be billed. i was like why was n't i notified and why...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

March 26, 2016 - Dispute Case : - -/-/15 - - NJ $58.00 I received defective merchandise from a company. The item was returned, but the company failed to issue credit. Therefore I disputed the charge in writing on my Discover Card. Discover has not investigated correctly. The merchant presented -. However the merchant failed to provide proof the - - - were accepted. This was denied. In addition I provided proof ( tracking ) that the item was returned as requested by the merchant. Discover claims this to be outside the return limit. However the merchant failed to provide proof of del...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

March 8, 2016 - My problem is in two parts, both relating to how the credit card company has changed the application payments to my balance and interest charges. First, I recently made a payment in excess of the minimum. According to the Credit Card Act of -/-/- this should have been applied first to the highest APR balance and then to the next highest APR until the extra money was gone, instead this extra money was divided between the different APR balances. This meant that money was left on the highest APR balance, even though the starting balance at this APR was $0.00 and I made an extra payment of ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

March 7, 2016 - I am writing to dispute recent correspondence from Discover Financial Services. I reported fraudulent charges to my credit card but they remain on my account. I timely notified the companies I never received any goods or services and the companies agreed to take the charges off the account, yet Discover continues to place the fraudulent charges to my account. This is very - to me as I am a victim of identity theft and insurance fraud. Please help me. ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

March 5, 2016 - Discover credit card site shows incorrect amount, instead of $79.00, it shows $130.00 and it I try to make payments, it shows $130.00, which is incorrect Last Statement Balance $0.00 Payments and Credits - $120.00 Transactions + $200.00 Current Balance = $130.00 Next Statement Closing Date -/-/- ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

March 5, 2016 - The issues is with Discover Card. My phone company, - - went out of business for serving customers in the state of Michigan. Discover Card charged - times, - we disputed, and - new charges in -. So Discover charged 14 monthly payments, and keep arguing they have given in all the credits for disputed charge. They have not followed up on phone calls, complaints, investigations, the Discover Card agents agree we are due 5 months credits, but then after we get off the phone nothing happens. ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

March 4, 2016 - I am dissatisfied with the current outcome of a dispute that was initiated with Discover Card regarding a single transaction that occurred on -/-/2015 in the amount of $280.00. I have corresponded with Discover Card at least four times since -/-/2015 ( which I have enclosed as an attachment to this complaint ). I believe that the credit card issuer has violated consumer protection laws by failing to implement the Special Rule for Credit Card Purchase protection despite overwhelming paperwork evidence submitted by me that shows the merchant has conducted business in bad faith less...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

February 29, 2016 - I paid my bill in full of $2000.00 on - 2016 by deducting from checking account that included any and all purchases, cash advances in advance. DISCOVER took all payments and processed timely. The acceptance of payments and processing is [ willful agreement ] sufficient and substantiates remittance in full by DISCOVER closing my account after receipt of payments. DISCOVER repeatedly and persistently engaging or intentionally in harassing, harassment or harassing behavior against me to date. The communicating through electronic emails [ automated ], phone calls, third party collection age...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

February 17, 2016 - The credit card issuer - Discover Card - fails/refuses to remove charges from my account claiming that the merchant - has not received the returned items. I provided all the required and supporting information including tracking and delivery receipts from -. ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

February 14, 2016 - I disputed a charge with Discover Card. My wife canceled an order with - before the phone rep. placed it because she did n't agree with the tax. The phone representative assured her the order was not placed. Two day later a charge from - was on my card. I disputed it because she told them not to place the order and she has never received the product / order as of today. The charge was $17.00 ( - of - ) installments. ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

February 14, 2016 - sent Discover a payment a week before due but was charged a late fee ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 31, 2016 - As of - or as far back as - -, Discover card has been returning my phone payments to my banking institution [ - bank ] that I 've made in a timely manner. Not only is Discover charging me with late fees, they are including returned [ electronic ] check fees. - informed me that the problem is not with them. Altogether, the fees are totaling upwards of $290.00 with a current payment made today -/-/-. I also called Discover today to obtain my account number which they refused to do. I informed Discover that I needed the acct. number to pay my bill online through -. I ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 12, 2016 - Discover Financial Services posted a negative statement I was late in making a payment. Not true - - - - of -, - issued a legal document, and notified Discover Credit Card that I do not owe them the UNAUTHORIZED charges they originally submitted back in - 2015 for $1400.00 and $450.00. I never did business with this company other than get an estimate via phone with - -. I believe that their Quality Assurance guy -, after talking to my son, may have been the culprit for these postings the next day. I faxed all the executives in IL a copy of the legal document...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

January 2, 2016 - I lost my job last - so I was unable to make payments on my Discover card. Several months later I was working a temporary job and Discover contacted me. I made several $120.00 a month payments so my account would not go to collections. I was told after my 3 months of payments that I would go back to a once a month minimum payment. They told me that I would need to set it up on my own online. I asked are you sure you just ca n't take it out now and they said no we can not do that you have to go online and set it up yourself. Well on the - month like clockwork I notice of withdrawal from...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 30, 2015 - I would like to amend my previous complaint [ Case number : - ] to include recent facts. On - - I received a letter dated - - from Discover card. They said I had 10 days from the date on the letter to respond. They had determined that despite the evidence that the company was acting in bad faith and had in fact not supplied me with anything usable for my vehicle, they would return the complete amount to them. I asked for a supervisor, who told me the same thing. She was in Delaware. I called back and asked to speak with a supervisor again. This time she was in - - -. S...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 27, 2015 - We stayed at a property advertised by - in -/-/2015 - -/-/-. Property Case -. The property was misrepresented. It was dirty, unhealthy, made my - year old have -, there were lots of bees in the condo - hornets - every day. There was mold in the shower. The shower curtain was disgusting. I called -. They told me i had to go through Discover credit card. Discover, denied my dispute claim after giving me the half payment of - back, not once, but twice, and finding in my favor - on a recorded telephone call on -/-/2015 - or thereabouts. [ Utah call center / dispute b...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 26, 2015 - I am writing regarding the unscrupulous and horribly corrupt methods of Discover Card Financial Services located in - - - Utah. I had purchased a microwave from - using my Discover Card, and I had the microwave installed in my home. I subsequently discovered that the microwave may have been a used unit as there was no warranty card or owner 's manual. Since I was dissatisfied and very unhappy with the microwave unit, I informed - I was going to return it. They agreed to take the microwave back and I returned the unit on -/-/-, and it was on that date - removed the un...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 24, 2015 - When my father died, I notified his Discover card that he had passed ( sent them a copy of his death certificate ) and that his estate was insolvent ( it is ). They started sending ME the bills for his account, at my address and in my name, and calling me ( have called me at least - times ) to tell me *I* owed the money. I told them the - time they called that I did NOT owe the money, and that they should send documentation that I was responsible. They said " we ca n't '' and " we do n't have that documentation ''. But they continued to call. And my credit rating was impacted. FINALLY...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 12, 2015 - I disputed a transaction because I received a faulty product from - -. - admitted the product was faulty. They refunded my money after refusing to refund me when i went into the store initally. It was a huge ordeal, but they finally refunded it after acknowledging the product was in fact, faulty as received. This product happeend to be a computer component that ended up damaging another component ( that was also purchased from - ). I went into - and told them what happened and that the product was damaged by their faulty equipment in the first place. They refused to refund me my...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

December 7, 2015 - Brief summary : I hired - on -/-/15 for technical assistance and was charged $140.00. The service person failed to provide the solution and I spent the entire next day trying to contact her. I never could contact her and she never called back. I hired - to resolve my technical issue which they determined was caused by a - programming change. They resolved the issue. I sent email to - on -/-/15 with my complaint and asked them to cancel my " subscription '' and refund the amount paid. My Discover Card ( Discover Financial Services or DFS ) bill dated -/-/15 bill...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

November 8, 2015 - I asked Discover to issue me a new credit card so that - could n't find me to charge an annual recurring charge of $59.00 for an account that was set up by my minor child without my consent. - was not helpful when I called and kept asking for information I did n't know because I did n't set up the account. Discover issued me a new card with a new number and promised me that - would not find me. The next year ( in - ) the - charge showed up on my new card! I have been disputing this since - - and talked to numerous people. In the end ( after disputing and removing - di...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

October 30, 2015 - RE : Complaint # -. I received an email on -/-/15 stating my payment of $48.00 has been posted to my account yet discover card continued charging my account on -/-/-, -/-/-, and -/-/- causing $75.00 in overdraft fees plus a $.00 transaction fee. No notice was received stating the payment due date had been changed from -/-/- to -/-/-. ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

October 15, 2015 - Discover Card has acknowledged that accounts ending in - and - were closed due to identity theft - FRAUD -, but had continue to charge me for - purchases - ( $600.00, $1400.00, $3800.00 -. Although I told them these were non receipt items, they insisted it was fraud and treated it with the Fraud Department. It should have remained in disputes. Regardless, the disputes exceeded the allowance of 45 days which then should become permanent. However you will see it took them several months with the investigation and there was no correspondence between the initial credit u...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

October 7, 2015 - I was either solicited via phone or contacted through online ad. I 'm not sure how I got in contact with the corporation originally, but the first thing they offered to do for me was to write a Business plan including the following : 1 ) A company summary including a description of my business, 2 ) Provide a target marketing strategy - with industry association analysis - and help with product selection ; and demographics ; 3 ) Provide a break even analysis. They would also provide a financial plan. This was all included in the initial charge of $6600.00 on -/-/-.The marketing plan was ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

September 30, 2015 - In the year of 2013, I recieved a discover card. A car was rented on this card and it exceeded the balance of the card which was -. I gave no consent to allow this charge and yet I was charged with it. Now on my credit report it states that I went over my limit 150 %. I am disputing the charges with the rental car company. I feel that discover hurt me more than helping. Someone help me. Discover also said that evn if i paid the balance in ful that it would not be removed from my credit report. I dont know what to do but I do know that this is illegal. I have contacted the - as well. Than...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

September 26, 2015 - I am writing to complain about Discover, which has repeatedly used deceitful practices to attempt to collect payment on unpaid balances. I guess from their perspective they want money no matter how they can get it. Discover card has created another division ( Discover It ) which it uses to sell financial products to lower end '' consumers. This division, I believe, has been specifically tasked with accidentally '' engaging in payment fraud to cause trouble for their customers. On - occasion, Discover scheduled a duplicate payment. Because Discover suspects the customers of their inferior ...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

September 22, 2015 - I had an account with -. I noticed on my credit card recently that they had charged me again. I had n't received any notice from them that my card would be charged, that they were renewing ... I went to - and cancelled my account. Then asked for a refund. They let me know that they do offer refunds. So, they do n't notify folks that their account will renew ... let their customers know they will be charging them. They email about just about everything, but not about charges on the account, not before, not after! I submitted a dispute with my credit card company, which was summarily denie...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes


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Discover Credit card billing disputes

September 10, 2015 - I took an - online class. This company out of -. My first class was a - - course. I then signed up for the - course AND $590.00 for the class itself and make - orders for materials of $590.00 each for a total of $1700.00. This was on - -, 2015. But when I started the class I found out that I was in another - course. I contacted - by phone and was advised that it was no problem ''. I could take the course later and they would take care of it ''. Despite numerous calls, I did not get a refund I have also not received ANY material. I put a dispute in with Dis...

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Discover Credit card billing disputes

July 18, 2015 - made payment on time but 20 minutes late was charged $35.00 fee. Called to complain and was told fee would credited back into account for being a loyal customer since 1996 and always paying on time. Now two month later they DISCOVER CARD has n't given me a refund!! After phoning a bunch of times! ...

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