Discover Billing Statement Complaints

Review and analysis of over 70 complaints against Discover

Discover consumers have reported over 70 official complaints related to Billing statement. Out of the 70 consumer complaints against Discover, 24% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Discover responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 17% of consumer complaints against Discover resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 4% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Billing Statement Consumer Complaints

Discover Credit card billing statement

December 9, 2016 - On - -, 2016 Discover Credit Card received and acknowledged receipt of $1100.00 total balance payment for my credit card account which card 's identification number I changed after I complained about - fraudulent charge made to my account which have since been credited to my account. However, my account balance payment of $1100.00 has not been credited to my current account and past due charges have been levied on my account # - : $27.00 and -. Here is a copy of my current account status and balance : -. Take notice that my current balance does not account for my paymen...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

November 21, 2016 - Discover is displaying the incorrect balance for my credit card. Please see attachment and not that the math does not add up. Also note that if you included the pending activity of $8.00 you still do not arrive at the balance that is stating so the pending activity can not be the issue....

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Discover Credit card billing statement

November 21, 2016 - Discover is mistating my current balance. Please see attachment. The math does not add up. Also, please not that the attachment shows the pending activity so it can not be due to the pending activity not showing in the current balance....

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Discover Credit card billing statement

August 24, 2016 - I am concerned about a Credit Card I currently have with my banking institution. I owe upwards of - on this card, but am having difficulty understanding how the interest rate on the card is calculated or even what that actual rate currently is. I have reviewed my billing statements and the card 's website and am unable to definitively and clearly understand what the rate is or how it 's determined. I believe this is a deceptive business practice to prevent me from being able to clearly understand my interest rate. Also, it seems every time I make a payment, an exorbitant interest charge is ...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

July 9, 2016 - Discover card is deleting records that can disprove the balances owed on their accounts. After 10 years of paying about $200.00 a month on my account there is no reduction in my balance. I began to research this account to find out what the initial balance was as well as an accounting of how and what charges was I still paying for but was unable to find that information out because those records were inaccessible. I was lulled into trusting discover When I began this investigation I pulled up records that showed a beginning balance but no purchases only an unchanging balance. My credit limit...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

June 18, 2016 - After cancelling paperless billing with Discover Card because the online bills were always blank, My paper statements are not sent to me. I have to remember to call Discover Card every month and have them create and send my statements. Their customer support always tells me that everything looks fine on their systems but yet the statement is not sent unless I call and tell them I have not received it....

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Discover Credit card billing statement

May 25, 2016 - Discover Card ( Has denied Receiving Credit Card Payments so they can raise zero Percent interest Rates ) and ( Never Mails billing statements on time so they can raise zero percent interest Rates ) Discover Card has frequently forgot to mail my Statements. The Statements never were mailed. As a result they Dropped my zero Percent interest Rate and Raised it several Times.. The Discover Card Company also denied they Received my billing Payments so they could raise 0 % interest rate. It is unusually that all other Credit Card Companies received my Payments but Discover Card has a higher Rate o...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

April 21, 2016 - I called my credit card company and asked why I have paid over - a month and only - go toward my balance. The women responded that I 'm being charged interest even though the account is closed. I asked her how can they do that she said she do n't know. I just wanted to know if they can do this?? I have been paying back the money i owe for over a year now and my balance was - when I started paying back.. it is now -. Please help me because if they are not suppose to be adding interest I would like to know. I have every intentions of paying back the money I owe but do n't want to be ...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

April 1, 2016 - We have a credit card with Discover. We make our minimum payments on time and as a way to pay down our balance sooner, we have been making extra payments. Typically these extra payments were being made on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. The amounts of these extra payments were anywhere from $5.00 - $50.00. We made a payment of $350.00 recently. That amount covered what I used to purchase things plus extra. Upon checking my account, I noticed that our balance had increased instead of decreasing, so I called. I was told that according to my user agreement, Discover confiscates extra payments ...

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Discover Credit card billing statement


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Discover Credit card billing statement

February 29, 2016 - I made a large purchase using Discover Financial. I used discover because of the Discover rewards. During this purchase I was offered 10 % cashback plus 5 % cashback for using the discover card while making the purchase through a department store. I received the 5 % rewards. I also received an email at the beginning of - stating I was going to receive the 10 % rewards on my next statement, beginning of -. I did not receive the rewards and when I asked Discover financial I was told then a month later that I was n't going to receive the rewards. I then followed up later in the month and wa...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

February 27, 2016 - My discover card statement was automatically deducted from - checking, in the amount of $380.00. I downloaded the statement and when i calculated the numbers i came to a different amount of $350.00. these are the amounts from statement. - $37.00 - - $10.00 - gas - - - this is a credit to acct. I returned merchandise. - $8.00 - gas - $290.00 - tires - $380.00 direct pay full balance. If you want I can e-mail the. ...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

January 23, 2016 - For five years I have never been late on a payment with the merchant. The company, despite receiving returned emails and messages that my phone numbers were no longer in service reported me to the credit agency for my delinquency. The FIRST time the company contacted me by physical mail on -/-/16 I immediately contacted the company and offered to pay the full amount of my bill off but inquired with - - in the CMA department why they did not send the physical mail to me before reporting me as delinquent despite knowing that my emails and phone numbers were both coming back as not be...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

December 9, 2015 - Never received bill. First and only purchase in - 2015. Until i called recently to ask a question. They told me account is closed due to non payment. ...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

December 7, 2015 - Discrepancy of actual transactions vs monthly statements. Balance does not match. I have documents. No one is taking me seriously. - is. FOLLOW UP TO ERRONEOUS CHARGES AND MISHANDLED MANUAL TRANSACTIONS TRANSFERRED OVER. The Fair Credit Billing Act, the federal law that dictates how credit card fraud and billing disputes are handled, defines a number of situations as billing errors, including " goods or services not accepted by the obligor or his designee or not delivered to the obligor or his designee in accordance with the agreement made at the time of a transaction. '' In other words,...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

October 30, 2015 - I have had an automatic payment set up for the - of every month since 2010. I have paid over the required payment every month. On the - payment I changed the amount to the minimum payment due for financial reasons. Discover is telling me because I changed the amount of the payment it changed my due date the - of the month. I was never notified of this change. I have always known that after the - of the month all my bills are paid and what is left is mine to survive on for the month. Discover did not try to take the payment until the - of the month. They continued to try on the -...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

October 27, 2015 - I requested Discover Card for a Statement in - ( statements sent for people who - ). I thought the American Disabilities Act ( ADA ) required accommodations for the -, but Discover sent me the below response to the request : '' Re : Other Billing Questions [ # - ] " Hello -, Thank you for your message regarding your Discover account. I understand your inquiry for - statements, and I am happy to provide you with additional information today! I sincerely apologize as this is not a type of statement that is currently available. We do want to improve and are always looking to d...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

October 15, 2015 - There is a huge difference between my balance displayed online. My - spend shows a balance of $15000.00, while the online balance with no transaction description of charges sums up to $35000.00. This is a huge discrepancy of $20000.00. Which may be possibly explained by the following : Discover Card issued back credits that were rightfully mine in the amount of $21000.00, off a sudden out of no where, they recharged me back. These are the following items I have documentation that states the cases were settled in my favor : - - # - $1600.00 - - - $2200.00 - ...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

October 6, 2015 - Discover Card Services failed for 3 months in a row to send me a billing statement or notification for $14.00 and $16.00 charges to my physical address or email, - which I did not authorize on this card. ( Formerly carrying a $0.00 balance for years! ). When I called their Representative about them not sending me any kind of statement of account, I was told that Sorry, but there 's nothing we can do about it, you were late paying ''. I 've been a Discover cardholder since - with no late payments. I would not risk ruining my good credit by not paying $14.00 and $16.00 statements....

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Discover Credit card billing statement

July 12, 2015 - I contacted Discover to pay off the higher balance of my card. The guy told me $570.00 would pay off the higher rate but I had to pay the same day when my regular payment would be deducted from my bank. I mistakenly used my old checking account ( i forgot to delete it from my discover profile ). i called back & explained. the lady told me she would waive the fee but not until - - because she could n't see the NSF fee ( not real time ). I paid the $570.00 because the payoff would have been $560.00 but I wanted to make sure interest would be covered because the rep could n't tell me ...

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Discover Credit card billing statement

July 6, 2015 - On -/-/15, I disputed an Incorrect Electronic Funds Transfer with Discover Card for Image Dental ( $600.00 ). Since this time only a temporary credit was issued and again the ( $600.00 ) appears on my account. I was told by Discover Card they do not offer permanent credit for Incorrect Fund Transfers. They only ask the Merchant to provide a credit to my account. ...

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