Citibank Other Fee Complaints

Review and analysis of over 386 complaints against Citibank

Citibank consumers have reported over 386 official complaints related to Other fee. Out of the 386 consumer complaints against Citibank, 11% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Citibank responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 61% of consumer complaints against Citibank resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 2% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Other Fee Consumer Complaints

Citibank Credit card other fee

March 27, 2017 - Last Fall Macy 's charged me for an loyalty program I did not buy. I asked to have it removed several times. After many months, and escalation to supervisors at Macy 's credit they removed the charge and interest. I am now receiving bills again from Macy 's with interest charges with small but incorrect interest charges. Macys also failed to update my credit and remove the erroneous late payment information. I can not be late to pay something I did not buy....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

March 27, 2017 - I had applied for a Citi bank secured credit in doing so to try to and rebuild my credit! Citi bank had denied me. Then approximately three days later I get an email saying my application was under review ... ... so a week passes fast foward to today - -, 2017 I check my - - - checking account and I see Citi bank took out $300.00 for a deposit for the secured card! With no notification no call no email saying that they were going to be doing so the money was withdrawn!! I called customer service and they told me that my applicatioin is still pending?? But yet You first told me...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

March 23, 2017 - Macy 's is charging a minimum interest even though there is no balance on the account at the time the interest is charged. I was told I need to make a payment on the interest charge while there was a - balance I made a payment of - ( -/-/- ). I was assured by the rep that that would bring my account to - and there would be no late fees/charges. A month ( -/-/- ) later I was charged another $2.00 which I didnt know about because I did n't check my account since I wasnt carrying a balance. I made a purchase in -/-/- and went online to pay off my account. Found out there...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

March 21, 2017 - Purchased a product with 24 months deferred interest. Figured out automatic payments to pay off it 23 months. Did not pay off in 23 months and was not notified of that fact. Charged all of the interest previously accrued at 25 %. Called to see if they would forgive remaining interest and they declined. I should have been notified that date was approaching so full payment could be made....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

March 5, 2017 - I have a Macy 's Credit card. I purchased an item in late -/-/-. My bill with tax was $97.00 and change. I went online to make a payment and decided I want to pay the full amount. I called credit customer service so I could get an exact amount so I do n't get billed the following month for change. Girl in credit gives me amount I pay it immediately. -/-/- I decided to go online to see if they added interest and they did and even $2.00 I did not feel like making another call and wait so I opted to just pay it and be done with it. -/-/- I check my and I am hit with ANOTHER eve...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

February 28, 2017 - Macy 's is charging me a $2.00 " Minimum Interest Charge '' fee on a - balance credit card account. My Balance was - on my -/-/2017 Statement. I pad the balance in full on -/-/2017 way before the end of the billing cycle. On -/-/2017 I was charged a $2.00 fee. This has happened to me several times in the last few years. I want Macys to respond to this and let us know what is being done to fix it. How many other customers just pay the fee? When I called macy 's, they told me it was not an issue and I will always be charged this fee unless I pay the balance in full every mont...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

February 25, 2017 - I paid over $ - on - card and over $ - on another, wiping out all my savings/spending potential to pay back my debt to Citi , but then they added an interest charge to the then current balance that 's been backdated to my now current minimum payments on both cards : - costs $89.00 and the other probably half that....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

February 23, 2017 - I 've continued to have multiple issues with Citi and their - Card. They charged me multiple fees for a glitch in their mobile app, then it took me nearly two months to even get a response regarding my complaint. The charges totaled $120.00. After continuing to get no assistance, I was finally able to speak to a person claiming to be a manager. She told me all of the charges would be reversed, however only $75.00 was reversed, the other $50.00 remained. Now I 'm having yet another, but different issue. I paid my bill in full with the understanding that the amount I was given $1000.00...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

February 22, 2017 - My credit card has a service whereby - precheck services are reimbursed as one benefit of my $450.00 annual fee. I obtained the - recheck in -/-/2016. I have made 5 phone calls spanning the last 4 months and have yet to get a refund of that money. Every time I call, they are " going to look into it '' and " I should expect a credit any time now. '' This is absolutely unacceptable for a financial institution to be holding onto my money for this long with a promise of providing this reimbursement. I have spent no less than 2 hours on the phone which is very precious and another example...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

February 10, 2017 - -I was billed $27.00 fee. It was not denoted for what it was. ( they said it was a late fee. I always pay my bills on time and IN FULL. but they waived it stating it was from -. I paid on time. ) -I was charged $52.00 for interest on - bill. I paid my - bill on time. -it also denoted I had interest charges for all of 2017 at $100.00. As I already stated, I pay my bills in full, and on time. I do n't pay interest and I avoid late fees. So it is my view that Citibank is charging these fees INCORRECTLY and therefore FRAUDULENTLY to see if their customers are " monitoring '' the...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

January 25, 2017 - I hold a Citibank Access More Card, and I have been an inactive customer, not having used my card for several months. Due to family medical reasons, I relocated to - permanently from the US in -/-/2016. Approximately in -/-/-/-/-/2016, I logged in online to close my Access More credit card account since I was no longer in the country. I noticed that Citibank Access More Card had assessed me an annual fee in -. I called the bank and requested them to cancel the card, which they did. I have recently checked my Citibank credit card accounts again, and to my horror, have noticed tha...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

January 24, 2017 - I was charged a minimum interest charge fee of $2.00 despite having a $0.00 balance after making my final payment before the statement due date....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

January 23, 2017 - Double charges of interests. Macy 's charged me interests several times for one time of late payment. I was late for a payment once, and there was a late fee and interest. I paid the full amount, $95.00, and this amount included the late fee AND the interest. This was due on -/-/2016, and I made the payment on -/-/2016. But Today, I found out that they charged me interest ( something called minimum interest of $2.00 ) for -/-/- AGAIN after this payment. Since I made the full payment before the due date, I am not supposed to owe any more interest. But they charged me again for the...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

January 16, 2017 - Macy 's hitting me with - interest charge on my - balance credit card...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

January 11, 2017 - Macy 's is charging me a $2.00 " Minimum Interest Charge '' fee on a - balance credit card account. They charged me the $2.00 fee on -/-/- and when I notified them in writing, the customer service agent advised I had a - balance. Now the account shows as 30 days past due and they charged another $2.00 fee on -/-/- while the balance was still - except for the $2.00 fee from -/-/-. I do not owe this and do not want this to negatively affect my credit rating....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

January 10, 2017 - Citicard has made countless errors with my account in the past year. They have double billed me, failed to get back to me when they promise to respond within 24 hours, they switched my account without asking me, they sent my cards in the wrong name and to the wrong addresses. They always have excuses but to this day, they have not corrected errors on my bill. I asked them to waive the $85.00 annual fee, and they are very nasty about it, threatening me, instead of waiving it after all of the fines and fees they have cost me with their errors and incompetence. Please help....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

January 8, 2017 - I 've had my Best Buy Credit Card for several years, including through several bank switches. Some time in - 2012, I was signed up for debt protection, which I never requested. I never noticed since I typically paid off my debts immediately. However, over the past 2-3 years I have been leaving a balance on my card. When finally deciding to to pay off the entire balance, I noticed I had been getting $10.00 debt protection fees this entire time. I contacted BestBuy who told me to call this special debt protection number. I called them and they canceled. However, they could provide no detail...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

December 20, 2016 - I paid off my full statement balance before due date but I was still charged interest....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

December 15, 2016 - Thought I had changed " auto-pay full amount '' to " pay minimum '' prior to payment date, because I knew there would be insufficient funds in my checking account. Apparently I did not do it correctly, and the auto-pay for the full amount was processed. I was checking all my accounts on -/-/- and saw that my balance was, in fact, considerably less than it should have been, and on investigating saw they had processed the full payment. I called immediately and they checked my account and said the auto-pay had NOT been changed, and the account was paid in full. I explained that was not possi...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

December 14, 2016 - I paid my Macys Credit card off 2 times - the first time I paid it off in full. The next month they charged me another - - then again the next month. I called and they stated that they would take care of it and pay it off. 8 months later I find out when I checked my credit they never did so. They kept charging my account - - I have had this card since - never had an issue until this year. I have never paid a bill late. Macys never sent me a notice about the account being pass due ever. I had to close the account and Macys still shows my status as Charged off / pass due and account pai...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

December 9, 2016 - I have a Macy 's credit card, which I rarely use. As of -/-/2016, I had a $0.00 balance and have not made any purchases on the card after that point. Earlier this week, I tried to make a purchase on my Macy 's credit card but was told by the store clerk that my card had been declined. When I got home, I logged onto my online Macy 's credit card account to figure out why my card had been declined. I discovered that Macy 's had been charging me a " $2.00 minimum interest charge '' on a monthly basis since -/-/2016, and that, as a result, I had a $6.00 past due balance. I ran some searc...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

November 30, 2016 - Macy 's credit card continues to charge $2.00 " interest charge '' even though I always pay my balance in full. This only started happening recently. I logged into my account today to find it past due, with a balance, despite the fact that I have not used the card in months....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

November 30, 2016 - I have a credit card through Citibank with a $450.00 annual fee, Citibank mailed me a new card agreement right before my renewal date stating my annual fee would now be $350.00 and I would have no late fee penalties and a reduced annual interest rate. After I renewed my account and paid the annual fee I received a letter from Citi stating that the previous letter had been in error and the fee was still $450.00. I called Citibank to try to resolve this matter and was told that they would not stand by the quoted annual fee. I feel this is a case of bait and switch that deceived customers....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

November 14, 2016 - I received a notice from CITI that my Bloomingdales card, which I have n't used for a while, was enrolled in the " Credit Protection Plan ''. AND I was being charged $.00 for every $100.00 of balance, whether or not I was late. This was news to me? Never did I realize I had such a charge or signed up for this " Credit Protection? " I immediately called the number to unenroll and on the phone asked when I signed up, they said 2009? I then asked how much I had been charged to date and they said, " $110.00 ''. I was pretty mad to know that they had charged me over the years and only wondere...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

November 3, 2016 - I was charged an nsf fee because they allowed a transaction to go through when the funds were not available. The charge has not posted to my account as of yet, still pending and still charged me a fee....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

November 2, 2016 - I moved to another state ; attempted to change address multiple times with Citi. I had not received a statement from Citi in over a year. I called multiple times to change my address. I could not reach a human being until I called on -/-/2016. I was told by this person, my payment due had increased and I was now over my credit limit ( mind you I used the card one time for a promotional purpose when I opened this account ). Citi had charged multiple fees and penalties onto my account and had NEVER notified me of an issue. Upon calling in and finally getting a person to speak with ; Citi h...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

November 2, 2016 - This is regarding my Macy 's revolving credit account. It 's very simple. When I pay my bill in full on or before the due date leaving a - balance, Macy 's applies a finance charge on a - balance. This has occurred 6-8 times in 14-15 months of a new account. Each time I 'm incorrectly assessed the charge I 'm forced to contact customer service and they always remove the charges. I do n't feel it 's my responsibility to monitor each month and more importantly, how many customers are unaware of this fraudulent business practice. Each time I contact Macy 's corporate office they assure me t...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

November 1, 2016 - I was really hoping Macy 's had changed their bizarre practice of charging - dollars after a balance is satisfied. I 've had a Macy 's card previously ( and currently ), paid the - dollars after my total balance is settled, only to be charged - dollars in subsequent months. When I 've called in the past, it has been explained as interest for the first month, and then a " mistake '' in the following months. The only way to stop the charge is to call and ask for it to be credited back - and then I get charged again in the following month. I have found the most effective way to deal wit...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

October 24, 2016 - Every time I have a - balance on my Macy 's credit card, I get a $2.00 charge. For what? I have called and they say I do not have to pay it, yet, others who have n't paid, had it accumulated and then got charged late fees! So I pay it, but it is n't right. If I have a - balance, then I owe, NOTHING. Also, I noticed in collecting my bills to file this, I have been charged $2.00 on top of interest!...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

October 23, 2016 - On -/-/2016, I attempted to pay my credit card bill online. The Closing date on the account was -/-/2016. Online, I was told that there were " technical difficulties '' and I could try later. -/-/- and -/-/- are - holidays so I can not " try later ''. I talked to Customer Service via " Chat '' who repeated that there were " technical difficulties '' and I should try later. I repeatedly asked if there was another way I could pay and did not receive a response to my question. I telephoned and the voice mail system was likewise malfunctioning. I should not have to pay late fees a...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

October 22, 2016 - I called the phone payment system like I do every month to pay this was in -/-/-. My husband and I decided to pay our Citi bank card off the phone payment system asks you if you want to pay the min payment or the balance. We opted for the balance it was over $5000.00 dollars. We paid it off. Several months went by and just this week we started getting phone calls a out a past due balance? I was shocked. I told them we paid this off in -/-/- there should not be any bal left they said the amount the phone system gave me was not the total due there was a $36.00 dollar charge and int...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

October 20, 2016 - Since i dont use my citi thankyou premier card much, i decided to downgrade to citi double cash back card to avoid the annual fee. I contacted citi and asked to downgrade my card. They did it and told me that they would remove the annual fee since there is no annual fee for the new card. After 1-2 weeks later, I found out that the fee is still there and called them again, asking to remove. They told me they would do it. Now, it has been more than a month, they still did not remove it yet. They made me have to pay it....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

October 12, 2016 - citi card was charging me a phone payment besides the auto pay every month with out my authorization. I had no knowledge of the phone payment. When I contacted them they did not provide a clear response to the issue....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

October 11, 2016 - I paid the " New Balance '' on my card 4 days prior to the due date. I was assessed an interest charge even though the statement indicates that no interest would be charge if the " New Balance '' was paid by the due date. I called to attempt getting the charge reversed and was given an excuse that the New Balance had to be paid in full for 2 consecutive months in order not to incur an interest charge. That is not what is stipulated in the statement. Furthermore, I believe it is an unfair practice as all other cards I have ever had do not charge interest when a balance is paid in full by the du...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

October 6, 2016 - Applying for the Citi / AAdvantage Executive Card I called to ask when the Annual Fee was due. I was told it was due at the 6 month mark. So, I applied and received the Citi / AAdvantage Card. On the first statement I received the annual fee of $450.00. I immediately called them to tell them of the problem but, all they offered was $50.00 off the $450.00. I told them what I had been told earlier but, I just got a " stock answer ''. I paid off the card all but the $450.00 annual fee and then closed it. They sent me a letter saying the card is closed but they will still be charging me th...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

October 3, 2016 - Citibank calls their new credit card as Costco Anywhere Visa card but the " anywhere '' is an oxymoron and deceptive marketing. I do n't remember reading a foreign transaction fees in the card holder agreement, however it is not mentioned on the webpage that lists the benefits of the card. While I was in - earlier this month, I used this card more than the other credit cards, since the foreign transaction fee did neither show up on the use of the card, nor the same day, nor the next few days. The foreign transaction fees showed at the end of the month on the billing statement. Which to me...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 28, 2016 - I have an account with Best Buy. I recently checked my statement on line and found a charge of about $28.00 and some change for Debt Protection Service. Since I acquired the account I never authorized to have this service. I contacted Debt Pro company and they say it was activated in 2007 and I have been paying on it since. I called Best Buy, they could not give me a straight answer on how this was added without my authorization. I am looking at getting a credit towards my Best Buy account for the amount I have been paying for this unauthorized service since 2007....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 27, 2016 - I opened a Macy 's credit card ~12 months ago and have been using it and making full payments on time, but I have not purchased anything in the last 2 months. They are charging me a $2.00 a month " minimum interest fee '' each month, despite not having any purchases and not carrying a balance. I now owe $4.00 - will that show up on my credit report? Will I be charged a late fee? This is n't legal right?...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 22, 2016 - On multiple occasions over the years, I have fully paid off a balance on my Macy 's store credit card a few weeks before the payment due date. I still receive a bill the following month for $2.00 listed as a minimum interest Charge, but the detail lists the interest charge as $0.00 with the $2.00 listed under fees. There should be no interest charge on an account that has been paid in full prior to the payment due date. No other credit card I have has ever had any fee after the full balance was paid off....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 22, 2016 - i am being charged $ - monthly service fee with a $0.00 balance on my account. No statements received...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 21, 2016 - I have maintained a Macy 's credit card for several years and pay the balance monthly. In the past 6 months, DSNB/CitiBank has been charging a $1.00 'Minimum Interest Charge ' each month, compounded, regardless of account balance. In other words, if I have not used the card and have - balance, the fee is still charged each month. I pay any balance in full well before the payment due date and the fee is still charged. When I dispute the fee by calling DSNB, they immediately credit the fee. This is my inconvenience to wait on hold each month to correct DSNBs credit card add on fee. Admitte...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 15, 2016 - on or around the - of -, I called Citi bank to discuss some return check fees that was accrued to my account. I have - credit cards with Citi bank and for medical reason I lost two weeks of work and I did not have enough funds in my account when the payment came in. to my surprise, the bank keep trying over and over again to get the money and every single time they tried, they charge me - dollars per time with out me authorizing the transaction. the bank is doing this fraudulent just to charge me return fees and profit themselves with my struggles, putting me in a worst financial c...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 14, 2016 - I been getting a $2.00 dlls charge from a Macy 's card but mY balance its - $0.00 for about 3 months that I have n't used the card....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 12, 2016 - On a purchase made from a company in -, Citi visa charged a " Foreign Transaction Fee '' of - % and an additional increase of - % in interest rate. I was not notified of these charges and learned only when they showed up on my bill. Neither was the increase in interest rate disclosed....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 7, 2016 - Even with a - balance, Macy 's Credit ( CitiGroup ) charges a $2.00 interest free each month. They also participate in a Residual Interest scheme, so even if you pay off your balance by your due date, they will charge interest on that balance. This is not explained or adequately disclosed....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 7, 2016 - I called in to downgrade my Citi AAdvantage Gold card to a Citi Diamond card within a few weeks of the annual fee posting, and was told that the fee of $50.00 would be erased by the time the next statement posted. It did not, so I called in, and learned that I would be refunded the fee " within 51 days of account conversion '', or - -, as the account conversion process does not begin for another few weeks, despite my old card already having been closed and my new card already been received. I will now have to pay the annual fee to avoid having my account go into default, even though th...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

September 4, 2016 - Macy charge me a sneaky - $ minimun interest, even though i have n't use that card for months....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

August 27, 2016 - I have had a Macy 's credit card for over 10 years but have not actually used in about 7 years. I have set up automatic bill pay and when checking the account today I found that I have been charged from a company called - --credit life insurance, $ -- $6.00 a month for years!! I never gave my consent to add this program and was never notified it was being added! I am attempting to have my money refunded for the years of paying this fee....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

August 27, 2016 - yes on our sears credit too find out from collections if i can maybe cancel card.cant afford high monthly payments.way too high???? like too talk too collections first before i might close account. please have them call me - - - its my moms account but i have power of attorney too...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

August 26, 2016 - Please combine this with - or delete that complaint so citi is not getting - complaints for this. I am not able to update - so I 'm filing a 2nd complaint. I realized the issue, it turns out there was an unauthorized transaction from my checking account and the electronic payment of $1300.00 that I submitted -/-/16 was then returned. I will say the fee description of returned check is confusing, I did n't send a " check '' that was returned. Also, I read through the terms and conditions again and no where does it say when making a payment that you 'll submit the payment nume...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

August 26, 2016 - I am being assessed a " returned check fee '' which makes no sense. I have never used a check with my credit card, in fact, I hate that they send them to me. It 's identity theft waiting to happen when credit card companies just issue out checks soliciting balance transfers. It 's just them trying to get more money out of consumers by charging them balance transfer fees and not caring that they are opening up opportunity after opportunity for someone to steal those checks. I have n't gone back through my and my wife 's accounts with Citi to make sure that there are not additional fees, but no...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

August 19, 2016 - Best Buy/Citibank has been charging me debt protection fees without my authorization. I just found out recently the total is $1000.00. In addition, I believe those fees have prevented me from paying off promotional purchases before the expiration date cost me at least $500.00 more in back charged interest. I have disputed this, but have not heard anything except they would cancel the service....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

August 17, 2016 - Citibank guaranteed an annual fee refund when I downgraded my Citi ThankYou Premier card ( which carries a $95.00 annual fee ) to a Citi ThankYou preferred card ( which carries no annual fee ). Despite several attempts to contact, and request my refund, they refuse to respond....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

August 14, 2016 - I have a Macy 's credit card. I paid off my balance on - -, 2016 and then was charged an interest payment on - -, 2016 - $2.00. I tried to use my card on - - at a Macy 's store but was informed that my card did not work. This was embarrassing. I called and found out that my account had a balance of $6.00. I went online to view my account history and saw that I was being charged $2.00 a month in interest on my - balance account since -. I sent in an email requesting that they remove the interest fees and asking why I was being charged interest if my balance was ...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

August 13, 2016 - I currently have a Macy 's store credit card. Although, I have a - balance on my card, it says that I owe a $2.00 finance charge. I paid the credit card off last month and did n't use it. I do n't understand how I have this finance charge....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

July 29, 2016 - In - -, I received a flyer through the mail from Citi Bank offering their Double Cash MasterCard with 0 interest on all purchase balances for 18 months. I applyed on-line and my first billing period ended - -, -. I calculated that the interest-free offer would end with the -, - billing cycle. On my -, - statement there was an interest charge for $64.00. I contacted the bank and was told the offer had ended - -, -. I was informed I needed to produce the flyer as proof that the offer was for 18 months. I had not saved it. But I had agreed on-line to the term...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

July 28, 2016 - I have been a citi aadvantage card holder since -/-/2007 I upgraded my card. with that I went from a $50.00 to $95.00 yearly fee. When I signed up I was told that this year would be waved since I upgraded my card. I have called in 4 times now to get a run around. they tell me that a supervisor will call me back and they never do....

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Citibank Credit card other fee

July 27, 2016 - I am a Citibank Thank You Preferred Visa credit card holder in good standing ( and a Citigold Premium checking account holder ). In -/-/- I received a balance transfer offer from Citi Bank with the following offer language : " Lower Rate '' : 0 % promo APR with a fee of $5.00 or 4 % of the balance ; and " No Fee '' 4.99 % promo APR. I was confused because it says " No Fee '' but below reads " The standard balance transfer fee is $5.00 or 3 % of the amount ... .. '' so I called Citi Customer service to get clarification. I was assured that the 4.99 % offer was indeed a " No Fee '' offe...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

July 24, 2016 - I have a reoccurring interest charge on a purchase from 2014...

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Citibank Credit card other fee

July 24, 2016 - On -/-/16, Citibank close my Prestige Credit Card account # - without explanation and refused to respond to my inquires. This account is an new account I opened in -/-/- and I paid the $450.00 in order to enjoy the benefits of this account. Since this account was unilaterally closed by Citibank, I would like Citibank to refund me the $450.00 annual fee I paid....

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