Citibank Late Fee Complaints

Review and analysis of over 732 complaints against Citibank

Citibank consumers have reported over 732 official complaints related to Late fee. Out of the 732 consumer complaints against Citibank, 13% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Citibank responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 69% of consumer complaints against Citibank resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 2% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Late Fee Consumer Complaints

Citibank Credit card late fee

April 10, 2017 - I did not receive a statement for -/-/2017 with Citi Cards. I sent in the payment without the statement, just the check. I am now being charged a $35.00 late fee that they refuse to remove....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

April 4, 2017 - Late fee ( $20.00 + interest ) was charged for a balance-in-full payment ( $1000.00 ) - DAY after the standard due date. Two things annoy me here : 1 ) The implied interest rate works out to north of 600 %. As you know, there are a few ways to calculate the interest rate implied by a late fee, but I believe my calculation is the most appropriate. Had I paid - day earlier, the fee would have been $0.00. So Citibank has charged me $20.00 for the use of $1000.00 for - day. Note they separately ding me for interest too ( $4.00 ) - I 'm not even bringing that up here. 2 ) ...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

March 30, 2017 - I closed my credit card account with Citi on -/-/-. I paid the account balance in full on -/-/-.The last statement was due on -/-/- so I now realize this was late. I was charged interest of $3.00 and a late fee of $25.00 on -/-/- ( the day after I paid the account balance in full and two days after the - statement was due ). Of course I did not realize I was charged because I did not know the bill was paid late and I had though that I had paid the account balance in full ( not just the statement amount ). Since then I 've been charged an additional late fee of $25.0...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

March 29, 2017 - At the Home Depot - # - store ( in Arizona ) in -/-/-, the cashier offered me a discount if I signed up for a Home Depot credit card. I did so. The charge for the purchased products at the time was about $50.00. On the morning of -/-/- I received a call from Citibank asking for a payment of over $150.00. Between -/-/- and the end of -/-/-, I have not received any information about the account - including a physical card, statements, account number, etc. When I asked them to remove the late fees and interest charges, they refused to do so, even though they never ...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

March 22, 2017 - I called Citi Card Customer service because I got a late fee for being late one day since they did not send me a statement. They email it to me and I do n't have the password to the email address they have on file. I was on hold for over 45 minutes and when I spoke with Customer Service representative said that he could not remove the late fee. He transferred me to another representative and he said that he could not do it and put me on hold again then the line got disconnected. I call again and the same thing happened I asked for a supervisor and the supervisor said he could not remove the la...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

March 21, 2017 - Macy 's credit card charged me a late fee for no reason at all. I used Macy 's credit card to purchase some merchandise. I paid the balance in the previous cycle. During this current cycle, I returned merchandise and received refunded. Macy 's insisted that I have to pay the full amount of previous balance in light of - of dollars of refunds. it charged me $27.00 late fee for - balance....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

March 15, 2017 - My credit card issuer, Citi Visa, assessed my account with a late payment fee of $27.00 on -/-/- that was a direct result of their online payment system being unavailable to access requests from -. In speaking with their technical support services staff 1 day prior due date of about the issue they informed me that they were not able to provide an alternative and advised me to contact the Citi Customer Service line during regular business hours. They assured me that my access attempts and phone call were logged and that the matter would be rectified without penalty. On -/-/- I ...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

March 15, 2017 - This is a follow up to complaint # : -. The original complaint is as follows : My credit card issuer, -, assessed my account with late payment fees of $25.00 on -/-/-, $35.00 on -/-/- and $35.00 on -/-/- which were all a direct result of - 's payment system being unavailable to access requests from - and their Customer Care Agents providing incorrect payment processing information. In speaking with their Internet technical support services staff 3 days prior to the initial fee assessment they informed me that they were not able to provide an altern...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

March 14, 2017 - I paid off my account with Citibank, including all pending charges, and asked to have my card canceled. A few months later, I was contacted and informed that another charge had been added to my account that I had not paid for. Apparently, this charge was not reflected on my account. I had been charged late fees for - and -. I called and asked to have this issue resolved and offered to pay for the late charge. However, they refused to waive both late fees. They waived the - late fee ( admitting that they had screwed up ), but refused to take care of the - fee. They also could not pr...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

February 27, 2017 - My credit card issuer, -, assessed my account with late payment fees of $25.00 on -/-/-, $35.00 on -/-/- and $35.00 on -/-/- which were all a direct result of - 's payment system being unavailable to access requests from - and their Customer Care Agents providing incorrect payment processing information. In speaking with their Internet technical support services staff 3 days prior to the initial fee assessment they informed me that they were not able to provide an alternative and advised me to contact the - 's Customer Service telephone line during regular busi...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

February 23, 2017 - There was some fraud that occurred on my Best Buy Credit card. The fraud was reported and the company indicated that I did not owe the charges and they sent me another letter saying that I would not be responsible for the charges and they would correct the errors on my credit report. I 'm again receiving late fees and charges from Best Buy AFTER they said I was n't responsible and they are continuing to bill me " late fees '' and other charges for the account for which they said I previously owed nothing. They had a collector call me and I on recording told the collection agency the letter of ...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

February 20, 2017 - I used my Macy 's credit card, issued by Department Stores National Bank, in-store for a purchase of about $65.00. I had moved since using the card last, and asked the cashier to confirm my address on file. She said my address on file was correct. I never received an invoice for this charge. Six months went by, and I never received an invoice by mail or email. The bank did have my correct email address on file. The only reason I realized I had an outstanding balance was because I checked my credit report. They charged me $150.00 in late charges and interest fees and were unwilling to work ...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

February 11, 2017 - This is the second time this has happened to me. I received my monthly statement from home depot which has a due date on the - day of the next month. I usually pay at the local store on or before the - of the month, However, i paid by us mail on -/-/2017 for the due date of -/-/2017, total bill of $27.00. On -/-/2017 I received a notice that my account had been assessed a $26.00. late fee plus $1.00. interest. The $27.00 was posted -/-/2017. 10 days from - - to - - - - did better. . interest on what???...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

February 7, 2017 - My last Citi credit card statement included a late fee of $20.00. When I called the company for an explanation, they told me it was for a late -/-/- payment ; going on to explain that my payment is due to Citi on -/-/- and THEIR records show that the payment was not received until -/-/-. This puzzled and disturbed me because I had previously set up the payment electronically through my checking account to arrive on time. So, I did some investigating and as you can see from my attached - Bank statement, the funds were electronically transferred to Citi on -/-/- with a...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

February 4, 2017 - Again CitiCard has charged a late fee to my account for a payment being late by 24 hours or less. They did this once before and i submitted a complaint, and was issued a refund. The fee was generated regarding a due date for payment of - -. I paid what was due on the -. On the - the late fee was issued. I had a " chat '' with a representative of citicard but they said they could not reverse the charge, because they had done this once for me already within a 12 month period. I explained that when they charged me before, it was unfair and predatory as well. They would not reverse the...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

February 1, 2017 - Citibank. I had a dispute and was fearfully of card number being compromised. Citibank sent me a new card. On my end I did pay the card balance in full, as I 've done in all the 15 years I 've had the card. I made my payment 1 day late, payment in full. They charged me - on my account.. I tried contacting Citibank but they refused to reverse the charge. I close the account and paid their penalty. I paid Citibank in full for all my charges and felt that a one day late payment in full should have a not be penalized. I work for a family run lumber yard and if we treated our customers such as a...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

February 1, 2017 - Citi Bank /Home depot credit card Charged a late fee multiple times when the due date fell on a Sunday, and the payment was received the next available business day. This is a violation of the fair and accurate credit collection act, and they have refused to correct the illegal action they have done by claiming payments can be made in stores 7 day a week. I believe Citi Bank has done this to many others, and make regular practice of being unfair and deceptive to consumers...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 28, 2017 - Gradually increased minimum payment above my externally preset ( personal checking ) auto-pay amount. Made no attempt to inform me that I was past due other than emailing me to tell me my statement was ready to view. No collection attempts were made, no phone calls, no emails, no letters via post office....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 25, 2017 - Missed a payment on a credit card due to mishap with bill pay at my bank. Paid in full 10 days late. Called credit card company to settle the issue and see if anything could be done, they said no, the - $ late fee would remain. I stated I would close the account. They offered some bs but I was n't interested. I asked what the current balance was so I could pay in full. She told me the balance but said it would change as every day the LATE FEE would accrue interest...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 24, 2017 - Citi stopped sending statements in - 2016. The representative told me they were trying to fix an issue where some people were getting duplicate emails but they accidentally shut off all email statement notifications. I received neither paper nor email statements from - 2016 until I realized now that I have been accumulating late fees and interest. They are refusing to waive the late fees and interest ( have made two attempts so far ), despite admitting it was their mistake. 9 year customer/ never missed a payment or carried balance before this....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 23, 2017 - When Costco changed from - - cards to Citibank Visa, the balance from - was switched to Visa without notice. When first Citi Visa statement was received, there was a late fee. Several other friends/relatives had same experience. Just received latest Citibank statement that included late fee and interest. Our bank transferred funds to Citibank -/-/17 as the statement had -/-/17 due date. Customer Service rep said the bill was actually due -/-/17 in spite of due date -/-/17 being clearly printed on statement. They reversed charges upon complaint, but many custome...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 17, 2017 - Regarding complaint case # -, I want to add that as part of resolution I want my credit reports at -, -, and - to reflect the fact I did not pay Citi Bank AT & T Universal credit card bill late. I also want the complaint published....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 17, 2017 - I received a bill -/-/2017 from Citi Bank ATT Universal Card. I noted a late fee of $24.00 on my statement. I never pay a bill late, and this is reflected on my credit reports. I asked what the charges of $23.00 were for, and the charges from - - and - - - are correct. I paid $23.00 online through my - account. I always pay online the day I get a bill. I called customer service, and the agent could not help. I asked to speak to a supervisor. I spoke to - - in - at approximately - -/-/- in attempt to correct the error. I did not get the bill for $23.0...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 14, 2017 - On -/-/- I received an email from - that " Your - Anywhere - ( - ) statement is ready. '' This was the first notification I have ever received from Citi that a statement was available. I received this card on -/-/-, when - ended their relationship with -. - transferred my recurring - membership payment to this new card without my knowledge. When I logged onto the Citi website to review the -/-/- statement I discovered I had been charged $100.00 in late fees and interest in addition to $55.00 for the renewal of my - membership on -/-/- Despit...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 13, 2017 - In - -, my credit card company claims that I logged into my account and agreed to paperless statements. I have not logged into this account in more than a year, paying my bills via automated phone or check by mail. Additionally in - -, I was hospitalized - due to complication related to my - -. I never rec 'd a statement from Citi for -. When I return home for hospital in -, I was shocked to find a voicemail from Citi indicating that my payment was now very late and I had accrued late fees. I called and spoke to them about the matter. I explained that I had been very...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 10, 2017 - I get garage doors ( -/-/-- $1100.00 ) from Home Depot on their credit card that offered no interest for 12 months ( 12-month period expiring in -/-/- ). I had to make a small minimum monthly payment. I did not receive my first - statements, and the first - payments were late. I paid the credit card in full on -/-/- along with a $60.00 prior late fees. I was told that the other late fees of $25.00 will be reversed. The fee was never reversed. The card issuer starting charging interest and monthly fees on $25.00. As of -/-/-, ( a copy of the statement is atta...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 10, 2017 - I paid off the balance as stated when I signed into online banking on - of $90.00. The VERY next day, the credit card company charged me a late fee for the previous month. Then they began charging me interest on the late fee ( no purchases had been made for several months, I was just paying down a final balance ) and I did n't realize it. I assumed the card was paid off, and the interest and late charges continued to rack up. I got a phone call about it months later, and when I went to look, I owed them $75.00! When I called, the guy argued with me angrily for a half hour about how I sh...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 10, 2017 - On - my financial institution sent an electronic payment to Citi/Best Buy. The payment was due on -/-/17. With the banking system shut down for the holiday. My payment did not post to my account until -/-/17. Thus, causing the system to access my account a $27.00 late fee. In the history of my account, I 've never had a missed and or late payment. The same system for making payments has been used every single time. After reaching out to Citi/Best Buy via chat. The associate named - was able to promise an adjustment to my account for the $27.00 incurred. The associate then...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 5, 2017 - THIS REPORT WITH SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS WILL BE ATTACHED. 1. Since - I paid my credit card bill each month soon after I received it. 2. On -/-/2016 - around the time Citibank was transferring my credit card from the original - Universal Card to the Citi Preferred Card - I paid my -/-/- bill online. 3. I printed Citibank 's receipt of my online payment. 4. My bank - - - never received a transaction request from Citibank. 5. I was surprised to see my -/-/- charges plus a late fee on my -/-/- bill. 6. I paid my -/-/- and -/-/- charges. 7. I sent Citi...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

January 4, 2017 - I closed a Citibank account and made sure there was no out- standing balance. But Citi did n't take enough to clear a late payment penalty, which should not have been charged, and then in the following month it charged a late fee on the late fee - in other words, a - % in - month penalty for a phantom bill....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

December 29, 2016 - I had a Bloomingdales charge card since -/-/-. They never sent statements or alert via email or mail. In -/-/-, I had a balance of $11.00. Bloomingdales still did not send me alert via email or mail and quietly charge me late fees. When I found out this issue in months, the total balance has reached almost $200.00. I called Bloomingdales to resolve this problem. I offered to pay the original balance $11.00 but they insisted that I paid all fees. I believe this is not my problem. If they had alerted me via email or mail, I would have paid off that $11.00. All other credit card...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

December 28, 2016 - I opened a Macy 's - credit card roughly - years ago, for which I had a physical credit card issued. In the last - months Macy 's created a separate " store credit '' account under my name separate from my - account ( no physical card, no notification of creation ). This " store credit '' account only tracks purchases made online at or through store purchases, both made using the - card. All other purchases made using the - outside of Macy 's are charged to the - card. In -/-/2016 I fought a late fee on the " store credit '' account and signed up for autopay, a...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

December 7, 2016 - I received my Macy 's - credit card statement which only showed the - items I purchased for $46.00. I did not pay the credit card for $46.00 which was due on -/-/2016 because I know I will be returning the - items. I returned the - items on -/-/2016 which was several days before the due date. I received my - credit card statement which reflected a late fee of $27.00 assessed for the - items I returned before the due date of the credit card statement. I called Macy 's to have them reversed the $27.00 because the - items were returned several days before the du...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

December 5, 2016 - I obtained a Best Buy Credit Card administered by Citibank. I signed up for paperless billing. I have faithfully made the payments on time. For the -/-/- statement I submitted payment and it was posted by Citibank on -/-/- in the amount of $110.00 which exceeded the minimum payment. It was received and posted by Citibank prior to the -/-/- payment due date. I proceeded to get multiple past due notices, dunning phone calls and in the end a past due charge. When I contacted the company, their position was that my payment was too prompt so it was not applied to my -/-/- stat...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

December 2, 2016 - My Citi ThankYou Preferred Card statement dated -/-/2016 showed a balance of $2.00. I attempted to pay the bill electronically through the Citibank website as I always do for my credit card bill ( and many other bills ). I got a message saying that the balance was too small to be paid electronically. On my -/-/2016 statement, there was a $.00 minimum interest charge and a $2.00 late fee ( in addition to the other charges incurred for that statement ). I complained to the telephone and online customer service representatives, explained the situation, and asked for the interest/late c...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

November 18, 2016 - I carried a balance on my credit card from - month to the next. Then when I paid the card in full the following month by the due date my card statement showed that interest had accrued on my account. The company said it was the interest accrued between when the statement was printed and when my money was received....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

November 6, 2016 - Went online to my bank to pay bill 2 days before it was due. The next day was grayed-out on Citibank 's Bill Pay and would not accept payment, which was not the case with other bills I was paying at the same time. They were open to receive payments the following day. I called my bank and they said it must be a problem on Citibank 's end. I paid, assuming that they have a grace period like other credit cards when the due date is on a weekend. The payment reached them on Monday and I was charged a late fee. I called them and asked that it be forgiven as a one-time courtesy, as I have never misse...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

November 5, 2016 - Citibank Visa credit card and I assume most credit cards charge late fees and what is already an obscenely high interest rate. It 's unconscionable that both are permitted by law. If a credit issuer is permitted to stuff fees into terms and conditions, at which point does " standard '' terms become worse that loan sharks? These so called regulated industries are no better - 16 % plus in interest charges. How is it a credit card is able to charge a flat $25.00 on late charges regardless of the balance owing? And each month add another $25.00? Plus able to charge interest on the outstanding ...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

November 2, 2016 - I have a Best Buy credit card with Citibank as the underwriter. Citibank has sent notices that state they are charging a late fee of - $ despite the CARD Act 2009 that clearly indicates late fees can not exceed - . I have told them this repeatedly but nothing has changed. Furthermore, I have been told that they are removing my late fees only to later find that the late fees have not been removed and Citibank then charges me another late fee on top of the previous late fee. This deception and fraud has been going on since - -...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 28, 2016 - I received an email notification from Citibank ( credit card ) that my - payment in the amount of $500.00 was returned due to the payment account being closed. I made my - payment on - - ( due date was - ) via the Citibank website. The website listed - payment accounts ; however only - was available to choose because the other account was listed as " cancelled. '' In fact, during the process of making the payment, the cancelled account was not listed in the drop down menu for choosing a payment account. The other payment account was listed as active and this account was ...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 24, 2016 - I was charged in error for items I never received and it took the company ( Sears ) several months to resolve and refund this charge. I took out a Sears card to purchase a washer/dryer that they never delivered/installed. I have a different mailing address than my residence ( safety concerns ) and I received the bill slightly late as I was not expecting one at all. I called Sears Citi Card immediately, and they told me I needed to take my concern to Sears, that the entities were entirely separate. I was not informed at this time that unless I contested the charge within 60 days of the first st...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 24, 2016 - I purchased a dress online from Macy' on -/-/- for $340.00. It did n't fit my sister so it was returned and credit was recorded on -/-/- for $320.00. When I got my statement ending -/-/- it showed that I had late fees of $27.00 and interest charges of $3.00. I called customer service on or about -/-/- to resolve the issue and the agent indicated that the late fee and interest charges would be reversed and she would waive the $20.00 discrepancy for my troubles. Had something to do with a glitch in the system for no minimum payment posting. Fast forward to -/-...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 19, 2016 - I always paid my Citi Card online and opted out of paper statements. About three weeks ago my online payment option was NOT available to me. It said " service not available '' when I clicked Payment option. I got a late fee -/-/- and was due for another late fee in -/-/-. I called CITI CARD at -. I asked them to get rid of my late fee. They told me they had NO idea why my payment option did n't work. They refused. I said cancel the card. They bumped me to a manager. She also did n't waive my fee or assist me. Said I would have to call tech support. I said cancel my card and pass m...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 17, 2016 - I applied for a credit card that a zero interest balance transfer. I never received the card, or any paperwork stating the card was active or approved. I received a bill in the mail in -/-/-, I paid it because I pay every bill I receive. I since had a the account closed because I never received the cards, CITI opened up a new account and sent me a bill. The one they sent me in -/-/- was due on a holiday. I sent them the payment electronically before the holiday, but it was processed the day after, hence generating a late fee. They would not waive it because the previous account had a...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 13, 2016 - I had an account with Citibank. The account was closed and paid to a $0.00 balance. Unknown to me - Citibank reopened the account to accept charges from the -. The account was again brought to $0.00 and closed again with instructions to never reopen it. Without my permission - the account has been reopened and several hundred dollars of fees are applied to the account - but Citibank can not produce any purchases...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 12, 2016 - My --year-old mother incurred a $29.00 charge on her Sears/Citicorp credit card with payment due on -, 2016. She wrote a check ( # - ) on her - - - account for that amount on - -, and mailed it on - -. Sears/Citicorp acknowledged receipt of the check on - -, a full 10 days after it was mailed. The check cleared on - -. As a result of being one day late ( either because of mishandling on the part of USPS or Sear/Citicorp ) my mother incurred a late fee of $31.00. Thinking this was a billing error*, she did not contest the fee. As a result the month...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 11, 2016 - Citi bank charged me late fee and interest for the payment not paid on time due to technical issues at my bank. As soon as I learned the issue, I arranged payment from a different bank one day after the deadline and I alerted Citi bank right away. It charged me a fee anyway....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 10, 2016 - After being a customer for over 29-35 years ( first credit card ) I had my ID stolen and stopped doing business online for a while with all companies. This caused me to have one missed by a few hours payment in - -. Then in - -, I completed paperwork to setup auto pay. In -, it was not yet set up for some reason and I missed a payment because I thought the autopay had been setup. I was told that this $25.00 fee would be credited on my next bill and I should wait until I received the bill. I called customer service and was now told that I could not get money back due to having ...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 7, 2016 - Sears Credit card company adding late fee and different balance due amounts bill clearly different then the one customer receive....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 6, 2016 - After ( at least ) over a year of consistent, on time, payments to Citi Cards for my credit card, I was assessed as being two days late on my credit card payment -/-/-. I have been charged $27.00 for a late fee. I requested a waiver of the late fee, which Citi Cards has refused to grant. This seems highly unfair - other companies are willing to waive a late fee in situations where the customer has been consistent in making payments. I would like Citi Cards to waive the fee....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

October 4, 2016 - I called due to losing my Macy 's American Express Credit Card. I could not find my husband 's card. I am the authorized user he is the account owner. This card is being reported on my credit. I am not sure what the rep put in the notes but now it is marked for fraud. I only told the rep I lost my card and could not find my husband 's at the time. Now they wo n't even allow me to make a payment on the card. This caused the card to be late. They demanded that I pay the current balance which is not due until -/-/2016 and the past due ( stating that it was all due now ). Then is still going to ...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

September 28, 2016 - This morning my mother found out that Citicard had switched her to paperless statements without notifying her or asking for authorization. I 'm pretty sure this is illegal but even if it 's not it 's an abuse of the system. My mother is probably like many Senior Citizens in that she prefers to receive paper statements. Not receiving one meant that she was charged a $53.00 late fee on top of her minimum payment. The good news is that when she spoke to a representative they told her they 'll credit the late fee to her next bill ; my concern is that more people need to be aware of this potentia...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

September 24, 2016 - Hello, I was charged a late fee on my citi credit card on -/-/2016 and when I called to reverse the fee about a week and a half later ( and subsequently closed the account ), I was told by the representative that it was removed successfully. I did n't see that reflected on my account on-line so I called them again which I was told that the on-line information wo n't change since the account has been closed. To my surprise, I was charged again with another late fee on -/-/2016. After I called the company to resolve this, I was assured again it was resolved and the account will return to -...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

September 21, 2016 - Citi - card charges a $25.00 late fee AND interest. That 's outrageous! The late fee is high and the company is charging TWICE for an error....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

September 14, 2016 - I did not received my Citibank Credit Card statement for -/-/- resulting in them assessing a late fee of $29.00. I remember that I had an outstanding balance on my card and went online to check when the payment was due, I found out that the payment was due the next day. While I was online, an attendant reached out to me and asked me if I wanted to talk. I explained to the person that I did not received my monthly statement -/-/- resulting in me not making my payment on time. the attendant reviewed my account and stated that since this will be my first late payment, he would go ahea...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

September 14, 2016 - For about 50 years, I had a credit card with Macy 's. For the past 20 years, at least, I rarely used it. Occasionally, there would be a discount available on a purchase with the use of the card, and I would use it then. Since I used it so rarely, I usually had to update the account with the cashier at the time of purchase. Each time, I continued to have the same card, same number, and same name on it. In -/-/2016 I made a purchase, using my Macy 's card, was told I had to update it, and did. This update was a bit more complicated, and I was issued a new card with a new number and in a variat...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

September 12, 2016 - Was charged a Late charge that was not my fault. Tried to make payment online, would not take my payment. Tried to call that day. Had to wait 45 min hung up. tried to call next day, die day, compnt said all agents were busy call back later. Called day and was late. Not Fair. I tried for two days to get them there money....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

September 11, 2016 - Dear Consumer Financial Protection Bureau : I am making a COMPLAINT and want to express my uttermost displeasure with the way Goodyear Credit Plan/Citibank has been harassing me about a credit bill that we paid in full!!! The credit card was issued for the purchase of - tires at - on - -, -. Goodyear/Citibank representatives continue to call my cell phone at least 3 times daily. Below are the phone numbers they have used : - - ( - - KY - - ( Texas ) - Sometimes I answer and sometimes I do not. Every time it 's always the same story. They want to help resolv...

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Citibank Credit card late fee

September 10, 2016 - I paid my Citibank credit card bill on - - from my - Bank account. - mailed a check to Citibank well in advance of the - - due date. Citibank said they did not receive the payment until - -, so they charged my account $25.00 for being late. I called customer service to explain that the payment was sent well in advance of the due date, and there should be no late fee. I asked them to waive the $25.00 fee. They would not....

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Citibank Credit card late fee

September 9, 2016 - Citicard : I subscribed to paperless billing and pay out of my bank account. I provided CITI with bank info. They did not deduct amount due, then claimed I was late, charged a late fee and interest. I decided to close account and pay, but I think this may be a scam and want to report it. I never received a paper bill, although requesting it....

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