Servis One, Inc. Conventional Fixed Mortgage Complaints

Review and analysis of over 235 Conventional Fixed Mortgage complaints against Servis One, Inc.

Servis One, Inc. consumers have reported over 235 official complaints related to Conventional fixed mortgage. Out of the 235 consumer complaints against Servis One, Inc., 22% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Servis One, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 96% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Servis One, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Conventional Fixed Mortgage Consumer Complaints

Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 23, 2017 - this is a follow up to this complaint - we were never given the option to modify this loan. we were steered into a deed in lieu then were told that they would do a short sale and take care of all the liens on the property. they knew about the liens since - of - since that was when the initial title report was pulled. we were run around in circles and provided a short sale approval with - liens. we assumed that the lender took care of this but to our dismay it was not. then we were told that once it got under contract that then the lender would work the liens out. i have corresponde...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 23, 2017 - Company charged fees to my account which they can not support and will not provide documentation for. Company Assessed 2 identical " Fees '' to my account in the amount of $4500.00 on -/-/- and -/-/-. The first they say was a charge from my previous servicer. However my previous servicer never charged the fee and it never showed up on any statements. BSI is the only entity trying to charge the fee. They " claim '' it was for foreclosure costs incurred by the previous lender, however I was in active loan modification negotiations with the previous lender all the way through transfe...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 14, 2017 - The lender advised on -/-/2017 By - - - - opt - - the clients file was approved for a loan modification : approval terms of In-house mod are as follows : Total loan amount is $780000.00 -interest barring balance is $540000.00 -deferred balance ( balloon note ) $240000.00 -I/R is now 4.85 % and was 6.125 % - month term - 40 years P & I pmt amount is $2500.00 1st pmt due -/-/2017 - this loan is on a service transfer list and will be transferred -/-/2017 - approval of terms are needed by the lender prior to the service transfer to ensure the new servicer honors the te...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 14, 2017 - PLEASE REFER TO CASE NUMBER : - Please Note that I have started an investigation the ID number is enlisted above however, I am not able to add or update any additional information therefore, I am starting a new complaint. BSI stated within their last response to the CPFB that they can not generate a monthly statement for me due to the fact that my mortgage was discharged in a Bankruptcy back in -/-/-. Which i rectified with - back in -/-/- prior to BSI buying the loan. They also stated and acknowledged the fact that I have - loan numbers with the same servicer when I only ha...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 8, 2017 - 1. Lender has grossly mismanaged escrow account. Home was sold in a tax sale on - occasions with most recent tax sale - -, - whereas I had to pay the attorney fee of $860.00 so that the lender could be permitted to pay the Maryland - - taxes which can not be paid until the attorney fee is paid which is why I paid the $860.00. 2. Lender since -, has failed to provide any yearly accounting for escrow account/disbursements nor has the lender provided monthly statements. 3. Lender has failed to accurately provide - statements reflecting correct interest paid during a ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 4, 2017 - BSI Financial Services took over a loan I had with -. The problem is very poor and inaccurate service on the loan. No return phone calls or information provided on the loan. Miss paid Escrow and other issues. Lack of staff to help customers. This is a collections business with only one goal. I am not that individual this type of service is not acceptable to me or millions of individuals with good credit and payment history....

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 2, 2017 - I have been working with a realtor over the past several months specicialy 12 months. This realtor has done a horrible job and really did NOTHING to help me with this short sale. I totally mislead me into believing that he was actually working for me. He was never able to actually get a legitimate buyer and able to get the bank to work with us to complete the short sale. Now I have an attorney and a new realtor ; helping me get thru this process. I have an offer that I am going to accept and submit to BSI financial. I would ask that BSI stop the sale and allow me additional time to effectuate ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

December 21, 2016 - Our home at - - -, - -, CA was foreclosed on while in a modification with BSI Financial Services. * Our home was foreclose on - -....

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

November 22, 2016 - My mortgage company has not comply to help my with a mortgage modification for almost 3 years already. I have submitted many documents to them with no cooperation. Now they wwant me to vacate the property and I am -. They are sending a real estate agent every week to harrased and tell me that I have to vacate the house as soon as possible. I have no plave to go to and neither the funds to do so. All I wanted was to get a more comfortable payment for my mortgage and I end up almost loosing the property. They have submitted to me documents where they claim that the house has been foreclosed o...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

November 15, 2016 - My mortgage was previously owned by - -. It was purchased by - -, managed by BSI Financial. They have been mismanaging my escrow, refusing to speak with me, and has placed my home in foreclosure for funds they say i owe but refuse to provide an eexplainaction of their findings. I have submitted proof of payments and they still are pursuing my home. I am currently under the Hamp program and have not defaulted on it..I have been harassed since BSI Financial took management of my loan ... They purchased insurance on top proof of insurance already active.. I am currently in a bankruptc...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

November 2, 2016 - we were originally trying to do a modification, then a deed in lue to get hafta relocation, our application was never processed for the hafta relocation nor the modification...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 20, 2016 - Working a short sale for - of our clients. File was submitted to the jr. lien holder on -. On - we received - lien approval in which the approval letter expires on -. There has been no contact to the law firm from BSI except for a couple of occasions. On - BSI was informed that the - lien approval letter expires on -. On - BSI was contacted for an update - no updates were made to the file. On - was advised that the file was submitted to the investor for approval and to allow 10 business days for the approval letter to be received. As of today - we still have ha...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

September 27, 2016 - I had a mortgage through - - - for a home in MD. I was approved for a DEED in lieu. The paperwork was done and processed -/-/2016. Bwi financial services notified me they were taking over loan on -/-/2016. I called and notified them I was in a deed in Levi and it has just cleared -/-/-. They said okay they will make note and I notified them they needed to stop calling and mailing me items. I do not own the home any longer. They have continued to mail me sending letters and bills. I called a gain and told them to stop. I just received another bill. I called again this morning ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

September 13, 2016 - My bank ( - - - - ) sent my mortgage payment to - previous loan servicers. A third servicer ( the correct - ) BSI Financial Services, was finally paid on time, but one of the incorrect payments was lost and never returned ( $1000.00 ). One of the incorrect payments was returned because my bank stopped payment on the check. The second incorrect payment was made through billpay and the payee claims they forwarded the funds to BSI Financial Services. BSI claims not to have received the funds. I asked my bank to investigate but they were unable or unwilling to follow through. ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

September 7, 2016 - I am so frustrated. I am also very desperate. I am loosing my home. I am a single parent after loosing my husband to -. He left me with - kids. I had to get jobs, not a job but jobs to sustained my children. I struggle on a daily basis to put food on the table. All I am asking is for Bsi to please consider my request .I need a roof over our heads. This is the only thing both of my kids have to connect to their father. Bsi has refused to review my file and consider my request .Now my home is also worth a lot less than when we bought it. I would not be able to live with myself if I did not...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

July 14, 2016 - BSI Financial Services assume my home mortgage on - - from - and held it until - - when they have transferred it to -. I recently discovered that BSI debated my escrow account with BSI about $2200.00, on top of the money requires for paying the property tax. Upon my inquiry BSI informed me that it placed force property insurance on my property. My property at that time, always, and as of this time, was and is insured through the Home Owners Association. This information was provided to BSI by - with the transferred mortgage papers. In addition, per BSI request, I had the...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

July 3, 2016 - BSI financial does n't send me a monthly statement each month nor can I pull from my online account. In addition, it appears each monthly payment is not applied in the month in which is was paid. The account shows paid, however, the business office is a month to two months behind in posting the payments....

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

July 3, 2016 - BSI Financial does n't send me a monthly statement nor do that make one available online each month. In addition, sometimes they post a payment one month after the payment has been made....

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

June 24, 2016 - This complaint is against BSI Financial. I applied for a mortgage loan modification in - -, - - and appealed the second denial on - -, - that took more than 9 months to be reviewed. I inquired weekly to confirm my application was complete, however, BSI failed to communicate efficiently, despite numerous emails and phone calls to my fifth contact person inquiring if there was any additional information needed to complete the loan application I received no response nor returned phone calls. This was a very difficult time due to being behind on my mortgage. I attempted to inf...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

June 19, 2016 - My loan was transfers to BSI for - -. I have made several calls and even submitted a registered letter requesting that my mortgage loan be review for accuracy. I also requested payment arrangements. This started in - 2016. When I called I was usually transferred to - - - the loss mitigation officer for my mortgage. I left several messages and sent several emails. No response. When I was finally able to get - - on the phone, he was less than helpful, as a matter of fact he hung up the phone on me. I requested to speak with his supervisor - he told me " no '' several times. ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 9, 2016 - Re : BSI Financial Knowing and Intentional Violation of Federal and State Debt Collection Practices BSI Financial : Please be advised that you have knowingly and intentionally violated both state and federal debt collection laws by improperly reporting our account as delinquent to the credit agencies. I had numerous conversations with your account representatives about your failure to properly apply our escrow shortage payment of $480.00 made in - 2016. Due to your failure to apply this payment to escrow, you then alleged that our - payment was not made, since it did not include the in...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

June 4, 2016 - 1. I have not paid my mortgage for a while due to the refusals of my mortgage Servicer/Investor to modify my loan. I lost my job in - -, -, and at the same day I requested my mortgage servicer ( - - - ) for a mortgage modification through Home Affordable Mortgage Program ( HAMP ) but has been denied ( simply no official answer ) FIVE times. Each time - - - offered help but when I try to avail of such, results : Either I was given a run-around, no reply, and declined. 2. The owner of my loan, or the Investor is - -. 3. With my mortgage 's 7.375 % interest ra...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

May 23, 2016 - On -/-/2016 I paid the REMAINING BALANCE of my mortgage in FULL via - check in the amount of $1.00. On -/-/2016, " - '' informed me my payoff could not be applied to my account until a $41.00 recording fee was paid. On -/-/2016 the $41.00 recording fee was paid via - check. Today, -/-/2016 I have received a late fee of - for the $1.00 remaining balance because - -/ '' - '' never applied my payment to my account ( violation of FCRA ). My $41.00 recording fee was never applied to my account either ( violation of FCRA ). My loan has fail...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

May 23, 2016 - I paid my mortage balance of $1.00 in full via a - billpay check on - -, 2016 to BSI Financial. BSI refused to apply my payoff to my account and instead continued to send me late fees -/-/- on a $1.00 balance!!! Upon speaking to a supervisor, I was informed that they could not apply the final payoff payment until I paid them $41.00 to record the deed with the courts as PAID! I requested proof of this policy in writing which I never received. On - -, 2016, I sent the $41.00 recording fee anyway so that I could be DONE with this crooked company who has refused to appl...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

May 21, 2016 - Filed a complaint against BSI - 2016. Sent my payment in on - -, 2016, they alleged it did n't arrive until - -, 2016. I feel as though I am being penalizing for complaining. It does n't take 5 business days to post. Either someone held the payment or did n't check the - - on the -. Secondly, I want to a full explanation of the $350.00 fee charged to my account ( - ) that they refuse to explain. I also want a full refund based on the reply given for the prior complaint. I do n't want a credit, I want refund. ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

May 9, 2016 - - sold my mortgage to BSI Financial. They took a year to set up ACH payments. They try pulling the payments early causing NSF fees. Then they wo n't accept payments. I 'm going to end up losing my home, that I had built on land that was my late grandfathers and then my late dad 's. My research has shown me horrible things about what this company does and their Investors, - - -. It seems they foreclose on people, a " friend '' company buys the home at auction and BSI ends up owning the property before it 's all said and done. -. Too many people are losing their homes to this croo...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 21, 2016 - I had a mortgage with -, they purchased my mortgage from another lender. My taxes were never included in my mortgage. -/-/- I fell behind a couple of payments, My mortgage payments were - per month. In -/-/- and -/-/- I sent double payments to catch up. Citimortgage at this time paid some property taxes on my mortgage. Then they took the payments that I sent them for mortgage payments and applied them to taxes they had paid. They said my mortgage payments were now - because they had paid the taxes and I was four months behind on my mortgage because the - payments wer...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 19, 2016 - I refinanced my mortgage and there are additional cost added to my bill that BSI financial want explain what they are. I was told that my attorney would explain it to me. ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 8, 2016 - Ridiculous!!! I have been in review since - - Nobody at BSI Financial , our Servicer, will respond to our requests. When we send documents, we hear NOTHING. They do not respond to us, nor our counselors -, - and - at - -. And DO NOT SAY YOU DO NOT HAVE AUTHORIZATION TO SPEAK TO - AND CLOSE THIS CASE, like you tried to last time. My written authorization is attached. - also tried sending our help request to the investor, - and they did n't even bother to respond either. We have so many emails to them sending documents and then following up, and only TWICE has BSI...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 7, 2016 - My name is - - my property address is - - - -, -, Florida -. Servicing Lender is BSI Financial Services. My loan number is -. I am writing because I was approved for a trial modification and was supposed to make three trial payments commencing in - -, - my last payment being in - 2015. I have now completed all my payments and have yet to receive the permanent modification. My representative assigned to my case is - - phone number - ext - however, I have left him numerous messages and he is never available and never returns my calls. I have cal...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 5, 2016 - Six months ago I submitted an application for a loan modification after I had - problems and - renters who gravely violated the lease with not paying their rent, leaving debris and garbage all over the yard, inviting other folks to live with them, bringing in a trailer for even more people to live in, growing drugs and destroyed the electric meter by trying to slow it down. Spending over three months and expensive attorney bills to get them out, another month to clean and repair, replace appliances and find new tenants. ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 2, 2016 - Our mortgage has been paid to below - % since -/-/-. By law, the servicer is required to drop Private Mortgage insurance at that point. I have requested our servicer, BSI financial to drop the PMI three times, and it has not happened. ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 2, 2016 - I purchased a home in -/-/- in Georgia. My family fell upon some hardships which impacted our income so we applied for a modification. I was able to use a 3rd party attorney and get a $85000.00 principal balance reduction. One month later, - - - sold my mortgage to BSI Financial Services who then told me I needed to do another modification as they welcomed me with a raised mortgage and changed terms under which I had already signed with -. They notified me that my payments would not be accepted and returned and now they have a sale date of -/-/- set on my home. I we...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 30, 2016 - This is in addition to the dispute date -/-/2016. After reviewing all the attached documents that were sent over from BSI I realize even more how vindictive these people are. Half of the documents from - - - were never received by us. Any time we were asked for more information/documents, it was faxed within in 24 hours. Also, the statement about not making the trial payments was because of filing a chapter - which halted the whole process causing us to have to re file for modification. As ive said before. These people lie and hold back important information to make what thei...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 22, 2016 - My mortgage was previously with - - - and they sold it to BSI Financial as of - -, -. My mortgage had been in the foreclosure status previously with - - - due to my husband being - and not getting paid. We were working with - - - to get the mortgage current. We finally received the documentation and total amount due to get the mortgage current. We did not receive this information until -/-/- therefore the total amount of $14000.00 was sent to BSI Financial on - -, -, which made our mortgage current and out of foreclosure. We have been tryi...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 16, 2016 - I received a letter from BSI Financial stating they were setting up an escrow account because they made a payment to the county tax office in error. I checked the county tax office and they do not show receipt of this payment. BSI states that I have a negative balance of - in an escrow account. I pay my taxes directly, which is the way the mortgage was originally set up. BSI bought the mortgage from -. My tax bill was paid on - -, 2015, by me, way before the due date. I have tried to contact BSI financial at -, which is the number shown on the letter received. I called during t...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 12, 2016 - Refer to complaint -. The complaint was not resolved. The company did not correct my mortgage payment effective - 2016 per their response. They admitted that they stole $1200.00 from my escrow account to pay someone else 's taxes and that they penalized me by raising my monthly payment. They made their correction effective - 2016 leaving me to pay the $890.00 for - which is $220.00 more than was due for - 2016. Their response did not address the other issues at all ... the fact that they have consistently paid my - taxes late costing me late fees and interest. They did ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 8, 2016 - inability to contact bsi ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 3, 2016 - I was having some problems paying my mortgage due to my husband being in an auto accident & unable to work. My mortgage was through -. They sold my mortgage to BSI Financial. I was about 6 months behind in - -. My husband & I received a settlement from the auto accident. I took care of all of my delinquent payments plus put over $18000.00 down on the principle. That took me through - -. I made my - - payment. On - -, - my husband & I received several intent to forclose notices saying I was 9 months behind. I called BSI immediately & was told to disregard those n...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 23, 2016 - Hi I refinanced in -/-/-, BSI Mortage company is impossible to reach, when I do I get a different person and have to explain everything that happened since -/-/- again and again. I contacted the company that did my refinancing to get help and they were able to get someone to call but that was -/-/- and have n't heard from them since, numerous calls, phone messages left at ex - and company mainline, emails all go u answered. Since -/-/- when i changed home owners ins. My payment has n't been correct, numerous calls to old and new home owners to ensure that I was insured...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 20, 2016 - Servis One Inc dba BSI Financial and - Mortgage increased my monthly payment without cause or reason. They decided themselves that my property taxes would be increasing in 2016 even though the County Treasurer has not issued tax bills for 2016. They arbitrarily selected an amount of $1200.00 as my new property tax amount and said I had an escrow shortage of $1500.00 as a result. My monthly payment was increased from $670.00 to $890.00. I have made 5 attempts to contact them by telephone without success. The recording says they are experiencing an increased call volume and disconnect...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 19, 2016 - I have been trying to get a loan modification for over 2 years from my lender BSI Financial. They routinely turn me down for a loan modification for reasons that are false, ( this last time they said that I only make - a month and that is not enough, but in reality I make over - a month ). They never return my phone calls and I had to file chapter - a year ago to keep them from selling my house out from underneath me. Until - I was paying the Chapter - trustee over - a month and my loan payment of - to BSI. But I have not paid them since - but have stayed current on my ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 16, 2016 - Our Loan was recently transfered from - to - which we received notification for in -, We made 2 payments to - and when we went to Pay for - 2016 their web site stated there was no payment due, Today I was finally able to get thru to them and they stated that they had sold the loan to BSI Financial Services, I asked when they where going to let me know and they said they send a letter, I told them I never received a letter so they looked it up and found out that they had put the wrong address on the letter, so they are resenting another letter today, I have not received anything ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 16, 2016 - I received a notice from BSI Financials on -/-/2016 ( dated -/-/2016 ) that my loan had been transferred to them and as of -/-/2016 my old servicer will no longer accept payments from me. ( Note they generated letter 3 days AFTER the fact that my old servicer will not accept payments ). I also got a letter saying that I am one month behind in my payments ( which is total lie given that I have automated payments going to - - old servicer ). I have called BSI 5 times and no one picks up the phone, and it finally transfers to Voice Mail. I have left 2 VMs and still there is n...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 13, 2016 - My mortgage loan ( Fixed loan ) was transfer to another bank ( - to BSI Financial ), and this month my mortgage payment went up from $1300.00 to $1700.00. When I called BSI, they told me that when they got the loan, it had a negative escrow balance of $1200.00, and when they paid the taxes and insurance my escrow was negative over $4500.00. Now my question is, where is all the escrow money I paid to -? My mortgage payment is going up more than $400.00 just got the transfer of the loan ... this will affect my finances big time. I need help dealing with this ... my escrow money h...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

January 27, 2016 - I fell behind on my mortgage due to a hardship. My Mortgage was with - Bank, who sent an Auction Notice, the house is being Auctioned on - 2016, then I find out when I call - Bank that they Sold my property to BSI Financial Services. On - -, 2016. I have written - emails and phoned BSI Financial 4 times so far. Last call was today and they informed me that they do not have my information in there system! What! I am being foreclosed on and the bank who bought my property has no information in the system on this. The rep. I spoke to from BSI after telling me he can find no reco...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 13, 2016 - A problem was previously resolved where the mortgage company, BSI Financial, put us into foreclosure for supposed missed payments. We filed a complaint with CFPB Claim # -, and this was cleared up and supposedly rescinded as this was their mistake- we made all of our payments and provided proof. We continued to make payments and again they are saying they did not receive payments for - and - although they have attached proof. Our account manager, - -, calls my home harassing us, and refuses to give my wife any information and says she can not speak to her even though she is list...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 26, 2015 - BSI servicing company keeps harrassing me with threats to report my account to credit bureaus and tacking on late fees for a payment they have already received by failed to apply. Please see all attached evidence, statements, and copies of checks cashed. i have emailed and called them several times to remedy this, however their customer service representatives simply have no answers and offer no solutions. My grace period is the - of the each month, my payment is $110.00 and I always round up to $110.00, and I have never had a late payment in my LIFE! I am sick of being harrassed by pho...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 14, 2015 - am currently 2 months behind in my mortgage of which is due to due an error BSI Financial made calculating the escrow. My mortgage loan was transferred to BSI Financial by - in in - after I became ill and got behind in my payments in -. I received a - - to bring my mortgage current in -. I received notification from BSI stating my mortgage payment was increased to $2200.00 effective - in -. I called BSI immediately upon receipt of their notification of the increase. I called for a long time and left several messages ; weeks later I got a call back from -. I explain...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

November 22, 2015 - Is about bsi financial service they dont do mortgage modificatin and iam loosing my house. I been here for 12 years also my friend - had been leaving w me i file bankruptcy i been paying since - but - sold it to bsi finamcial ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

November 12, 2015 - This will be our - filing with you guys. As of today we have also hired a real estate attorney to represent us in State court. Our loan was originally with - - - with underwriting when it got transferred to BSI. We were told BSI would pick up where they left off and complete our modification. Both my husband and I were previously laid off and fell behind on everything. We were only asking for a recapitalization. No debt to be written off. No decrease in interest rate. We were fortunate enough to find full time jobs again and I ended up making more money then before. We have submitt...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

November 11, 2015 - I have previously submitted a complaint with you guys. -. We have now been forced to short sell our home. Its on the market and has n't even been released from our bankruptcy as of yet. We are seeking legal help and trying to seek help from every agency we can. My husband and I are begging you guys to please look in to all the complaints this company has against them for the same reasons. Please review our former complaint filed with you guys. We need help ASAP. - and - - ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

November 9, 2015 - I started a modification with - - - Bank in -/-/-. The process was almost to completion and then - - - sold the loan to a - called BSI Financial out of Maryland. I had to start over again with the modification process with BSI and that started in -/-/-. My first conversation with BSI was with one of there processors by the name of - - -, he told me the I would probably not qualify for a modification because I did not met the standards for that type of loan. I asked him how it was that he could determine that without taking an application. I am not sure b...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 23, 2015 - Filing this complaint towards BSI Financial Services, for double billing of late fee. The borrower, been making monthly payments dating back to -/-/-. All monthly payments are been payment by bank cashier 's check. Payments have the standard monthly amount and monthly late fee amount, all included in the payment. For Example : Regular monthly amount of $2100.00 and monthly late fee amount of $66.00 for a total payment of $2200.00. The payee ( Borrower ), been making payments of $2200.00 each monthly. The payment covers the regular monthly and late fee. The problem with BSI Financi...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 19, 2015 - Brandy from BSI Financial Services Intentionally told us not to pay a mortgage payment because we had an account overage of $3100.00 after they bought our loan in -/-/2014. A year and a half later they called us to say they made a mistake and we were 30 days past due and needed to pay. Along with late charges charged back to that date. This was their error not ours. We noticed that they were claiming our payment was late every month. So we started sending our payment by certified mail with return receipt. They have intentionally held our payment until after the - of the month every mont...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

October 16, 2015 - - - is facing a financial hardship. He has reached out to his servicer BSI for assistance to retain his home. BSI has stated that they will not assist - - because they are stating he has insufficient income and excessive obligations per the decline letter sent in - 2015. - - has the home and a small car payment of - monthly ; no further obligations. He is delinquent on his mortgage in the estimated amount of $59000.00 without attorney 's fees and cost. He became delinquent due to his wife becoming -. She was no longer able to work and there were excessive - bill...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

October 14, 2015 - I currently am behind in my mortgage payments and have submitted an application to be considered for a loan modification. I have provided all documents requested to be considered for assistance but I have a foreclosure sale scheduled on -/-/15. My mortgage company is saying they dont have enough time to complete the review and that my home will go to sale. I need help getting this sale date postponed. ...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

October 8, 2015 - I have been trying DESPERATELY to obtain a mortgage modificationfrom BSI / - - -, I have been LIED to misled, treated rudely, and continueously misinformed about the process needed to save myhome. I have hired a consultant to help me thru this process and theyhave received the same treatment, I was made to use my 2 two weekextensions to try to make it thru this process but this company hasfought me every step of the way, I am asking you PLEASE for someassistance in this matter My family and I are at our wits end, if you re-view this matter I am confident that you will see that this pr...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

September 28, 2015 - -/-/- BSI Financial took out a home insurance policy on my house even though I already had insurance. This made my escrow account low '' so they increased my monthly payment. I got that straightened out and money refunded, I asked for my payment to be reduced to what it was before the issue and was denied. -/-/- I noticed that they started showing an insurance premium again, I asked that it be removed as I already had insurance and again provided proof. -/-/- received notice that my monthly payment was to increase again due to insurance in my escrow. I called and asked that the...

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Servis One, Inc. Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

September 22, 2015 - This is my - complaint for BSI Financial. Per my previous complaint BSI stated my hazard insurance was n't supposed to be in escrow. They corrected that with my previous complaint, and now my hazard insurance and taxes are now in escrow. They are now charging me a monthly escrow amount of $120.00 for my tax and insurance which is understandable, however they are also charging me a additional monthly shortage of $190.00. When I called into BSI Financial I was advised by - - that it is a cushion ''. I would like to know why I am being charged an additional $2300.00 as a cushion ...

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