Freedom Mortgage Conventional Fixed Mortgage Complaints

Review and analysis of over 216 Conventional Fixed Mortgage complaints against Freedom Mortgage

Freedom Mortgage consumers have reported over 216 official complaints related to Conventional fixed mortgage. Out of the 216 consumer complaints against Freedom Mortgage, 25% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Freedom Mortgage responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 1% of consumer complaints against Freedom Mortgage resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Conventional Fixed Mortgage Consumer Complaints

Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 7, 2017 - I am a customer of Freedom Mortgage and I have been since I took out a loan in -/-/- to purchase my condo. Since then I have always paid my monthly mortgage payment which includes property tax escrow, on time. However, Freedom Mortgage and its affiliates as holder and servicer of my mortgage, in turn, did not pay my property taxes on time in -/-/- and -/-/- and miscalculated the escrow amounts. By not paying the property taxes for over two years Freedom Mortgage incurred over $3800.00 in late fees and penalties and fines. During the time when they did not pay I sent my paymen...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 5, 2017 - first thing my mortgage started eleven years ago, started through my bank was sold to - right away, i refinanced the mortgage went to -, then over a year ago it went to Freedom Mortgage. My loan hit the 80 % LTV with - long ago and asked they drop the PMI from my loan they said id need another appraisal and to get it down to 78 % so i paid the principal down to 78 % and asked it be removed again and - said no it would only automatically be removed when my scheduled payments reached 78 %, so i asked when is that and they said -/-/2017, then over a year ago Freedom Mortgage bought ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 24, 2017 - Freedom Mortgage misappropriated a refund check from our insurance company to our escrow account to our principal. This was done even though we sent the check with a letter stating exactly where the money was to be placed. They gave us the language to use in the letter. This error was not realized until there was an escrow analysis done and we were notified that we had an escrow shortage. There was no way to access our escrow account on line and we were unable to see the running balance. We contacted Freedom Mortgage and they said they would investigate. Without contacting us they transferred ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 13, 2017 - Our home was purchased in -/-/-. It is a New construction home purchased from -, - was our original Mortgage Lender. We put down More than 20 % on a Conventional 30 year loan. We waived Escrow for our Property Taxes, but Escrowed our Homeowners insurance. The loan was sold to - before the first payment was due. - only had our loan until -/-/-, and it was sold to Freedom Mortgage. Our first payment to Freedom Mortgage was made -/-/-. We Paid every month on time, and also paid - Extra mortgage Payments over the last 2 Years. Our property Taxes were all paid includi...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 10, 2017 - I have been getting unwanted sales calls from my mortgage company, Freedom Mortgage. They are trying to pressure me to go further into debt with them by taking out a second mortgage or a home equity loan. I told them that I did n't want to receive these sales calls, but they keep calling anyway....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 7, 2017 - REF Case number : - Due to an error by Freedom mortgage company while selling my mortgage to another lender, I was reported to the credit bureaus as delinquent on my payments despite a promise that this would n't happen. This shows on my current credit report as having missed - payments. During this time i was servicing the loan through the new lender. This has destroyed my FICO score and thus my credit worthiness....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 2, 2017 - Freedom Mortgage does n't keep a running total of the amount that I 've paid in to escrow. I could n't locate this information on their website, nor their mortgage statements I 've received. I have paid additional funds toward escrow and I ca n't locate that information. I believe it is a Reg Z requirement to provide detail regarding these amounts....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 28, 2017 - Freedom Mortgage has held payment on my account and has not applied toward my balance. Freedom Mortgage did not advise me of a escrow change to my account and has not applied my payment but has reported my account late to the Credit Reporting Agencies. I have contacted Freedom Mortgage 3 times to attempt to have this corrected....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 27, 2017 - I have contacted Freedom Mortgage Corporation on - separate occasions to remove my PMI insurance since we own more than - % of our home. I have submitted a written request to Freedom Mortgage to remove it. They then requested an appraisal, which I also submitted. However, since I did not use one of their vendors for the appraisal they denied my request. They are now contacting me to try and barrow me more money because they have an " updated '' value of our home. All I want is my PMI removed. The customer service has been terrible. Purchase price of home was $160000.00, principal as ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 25, 2017 - When the loan was purchased from - to Freedom Mortgage all contact information was incorrect. Thus I was never notified of the sale. In spite of making on time payments a cascade of various late fees and negative credit reports were issued. Once I was aware of the situation it took months to resolve. Now I 'm being hit with another $110.00 late fee again even though I had made my - payment on time. Their excuse is that they had adjusted my monthly payment amount an additional $20.00, and that they 've waived enough payments for me in the past ( even though those waivers were their fa...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 20, 2017 - Freedom Mortgage has been aware since - - they owe me $3100.00 from - duplicate mortgage payments and has taken no steps to remedy the issue. In - or - -, my mortgage was sold to Freedom Mortgage. My automatic payment for my previous mortgage company was no longer valid, so I called to make a payment, then attempt to set up automatic payments. My first attempt at setting up their automatic payment was unsuccessful, and I never received confirmation that the automatic payment process went through. Both my - and - mortgage payments were one-time payments. In -, I s...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 16, 2017 - Our Private Mortgage Insurance Disclosure form signed at closing ( in 2014 ) states that we can request to have our PMI cancelled once the principal balance of our loan reaches 80 % of the original value of the property. We have paid the loan down to 80 % and met all the other conditions listed on our disclosure form ( except getting a new appraisal, but plan to ). However, Freedom Mortgage sent us a letter stating the following, " A Loan-To- Original-Value ratio of 80 % or less ( original value is considered the lesser of purchase price or original appraisal ) and a current property value at ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 15, 2017 - Issues in this complaint : Improper handling of escrows Failure to pay property taxes timely Repeated provision of false information concerning the status of property tax payment Duplicate payment of property taxes with full knowledge that they had already been paid Failure to reimburse duplicate property tax payment timely Loss of earnings on retirement savings withdrawn to cover unpaid property taxes Details : Freedom Mortgage withdrew $4900.00 from our escrow account for property taxes on - -, -. We were scheduled to refinance on - - through - - and a few days before ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 7, 2017 - My loan payment was adjusted by my lender due to a new escrow account analysis. I did not receive this analysis or notice of the new payment. My payment history is excellent. My normal payment was made in -/-/- but was less than the new payment amount so the lender put it into " unapplied funds '' and sent me a delinquency notice. I promptly made an additional payment and the account is now current. My request for refund of late charges and interest has been denied....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

February 4, 2017 - I applied for a refi in - -. Freedom Mortgage has been completely unorganized. They continually are switching my account to different employees ... Losing my documents.. Requesting and re-requesting documents. They have lost information. It has now come down to where they wo n't honor my locked in interest rate and want to charge me additional fees. Freedom has caused the delay, with hiring and firing and losing documents. No one is on the same page. It has been 6 months. One person will tell me that the Quick Claim Deed does not prove that I am not financially responsible for another h...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 31, 2017 - Our mortgage was sold to Freedom mortgage soon after we closed. As soon as they got over, all - broke loose : 1. We were told as soon as the mortgage balance dropped below 80 % of original loan, we were going to be able to recast the loan and get rid of the escrow. We called several times. Every time we called, the person at the end of the line was telling us a different story. We have several names of people that we called and we can produce evidence/records of these calls. - we sent our request in writing for the above things to happen - we sent the payment in, plus the recast fee ( they...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 24, 2017 - Freedom mortgage has failed to pay my property taxes for -/-/2016 to the - county treasurer. I know have a delinquent tax notice out against me when I have done nothing wrong as it was suppose to be paid from escrow. Freedom mortgage, has been extremely difficult to work in getting this situation resolved. They are stating they will not have resolution until the end of -/-/- which is unacceptable since I have been working on this for almost a month when I found out. I need resolution of this as I pay my bills and have done nothing wrong. Freedom mortgage needs to take care of their m...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 21, 2017 - I contacted Freedom Mortgage on -/-/- to inquire as to the status of the PMI being charged on my loan. I was informed that the PMI was scheduled to be terminated in - -. Freedom Mortgage stated that, as of -/-/- my LTV is -. When I stated that my PMI should be automatically cancelled when the LTV drops below -. The rep told me to write an email to Customer Care so Freedom could research the issue, which I did on the same day. My husband called to follow up on -/-/- as we had not received a response to my email. Freedom told my husband that, in order for F...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 11, 2017 - My Broker and I contacted a manager at Freedom Mortgage on -/-/- asking about if they would be sending the - Tax payment in. We were told that it was to be mailed out on - -, -, upon which we told them that that would cause it to be late. I told them that I would go and pay it so that my loan would be able to be closed. I did and have copies of the paid receipt from - - - - office and also the front and back of the check. I contacted Freedom Mortgage on - -, - and told them that I had paid the taxes personally and they said that they mailed the check t...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 8, 2017 - This a request for reimbursement of $21.00 from Freedom Mortgage as well as a request for a review by the appropriate authority of a questionable business practice on the part of Freedom Mortgage that likely results in impacts to many unknowing mortgage customers. The background follows : I sold a property at - - -, -, CA that had a mortgage with Freedom Mortgage. The business address and contact information provided for Freedom Mortgage on my previous mortgage statements is as follows : -, -, T- -. The property transaction closed on - -, 2016 and I am providing ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 6, 2017 - Charged a late fee on my mortgage payment erroneously. check was cashed on -, late fees payable after - and yet bank charged me a late fee....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

January 6, 2017 - I have been a Freedom Mortgage customer since I purchased my home in - -. In - - I decided to refinance my loan, but the entire process has been extremely frustrating and unsatisfying, particularly with a Freedom Mortgage employee, - -. - - demonstrated appalling disregard and unprofessionalism. Emails between - - and I illustrate how I have been proactive in this process to provide the necessary documents needed. Yet, - - has neglected my information resulting in me receiving an email from - -, that my loan would be withdrawn due to " non-responsive c...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

January 4, 2017 - I was contacted by my mortgage company ( Freedom Mortgage ) about refinancing. It sounded too good to be true since they said it would not cost anything. I verified that the company was legitimate and decided to pursue on - - 2016. I have a few rental properties and the loan officer asked some questions and he incorrectly filled out an application for me. I told him that there was missing information and he stated " you already have a loan with us and you qualify only on your income so it should be fine ''. Well once it got to underwriting, they have been slowly asking me for information...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 31, 2016 - We are refinancing our mortgage through - - - - -. We were pre-approved by Freedom Mortgage company for $160000.00. pending our appraisal. We were given an FHA certified appraiser from - - ( through - ). The appraisal came back at $190000.00. which was only $5000.00 shy of what we needed. So the broker ( - - ) revised the loan request accordingly. We were just waiting for the approval of the underwriter. The underwriter requested that some comments be added to the appraisal so the broker sent it to the appraisal company for adjustments. we received our upda...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

December 28, 2016 - On -/-/2016 my wife and I sent an overnight package containing documents for possible loan modification to Freedom Mortgage 's loss mitigation department. I have called multiple times to check on the status of our case, Freedom Mortgage tells us form - is missing, but then Freedom Mortgage verifies later that the document has been received and the loss mitigation department needs to evaluate the form and for my wife and I to call back several days later and check on the status, but when I call back, again Freedom Mortgage claims they still need the - form, but after checking find the d...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 28, 2016 - Freedom Mortgage became the servicer for my home loan on - -. I made the - payment to my old servicer, -. Freedom Mortgage incorrectly calculated my mortgage payment. They had it at a higher amount. I made my - payment to Freedom. They claimed the - payment was not enough, so they applied no funds to the loan. They obtained the payment made to -. They now had - payments, which they calculated to cover -, because they miscalculated my mortgage. This meant I had - payment made, over 2 months, with a pending positive balance, but not enough to cover the incorrectly c...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 21, 2016 - On -/-/2016, I decided to take advantage of a no-cost refi. I 've only been in my house/mortgage for a little over 2 years, but the idea of lowering the interest rate and monthly payment, even marginally, was attractive to me at zero cost. I called in, spoke to someone at my mortgage company ( Freedom ) by the name of -. I happened to know al of my vital information such as credit score and LTV because it 's something I track personally. I shared all of this information before giving - permission to pull my credit report and he shared some preliminary figures and rates based on that in...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 20, 2016 - I called Freedom Mortgage to confirm that if I paid my loan down to less than 78 % they would stop my mortgage insurance. They confirmed and I did. It was n't gone the first month, or the second so I called back. They said they would submit a request. I assured them this was n't necessary, as at 78 % they do n't have a right to decline a current loan ( never missed a payment ). After a week a MI specialist called back and said that I needed to submit a written request ( nope, see the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 ) and that they could keep my MI on the loan all the way down to 75 % at thei...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

December 20, 2016 - RE Case number : - In this complaint I spoke about paperwork being misplaced, lost and receiving form letter responses from Freedom Mortgage ( FM ) referencing fake extensions and fake names of CSR 's. Every time I have had any communications with FM its been either traceable, provable or with a additional person on the call to verify what I am speaking about is honest. This witness is - - -, - - - - -, - -. We received a response from FM from a individual named - - through this complaint process. Since the original complaint more paperwork has been lost,...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 19, 2016 - I am trying to get rid off the PMI on my home loan. My property value has been increased and I am thinking of reevaluating the property price and drop the PMI. But my lender now says I should have paid - for at least 2 years before I can take this route. Is this true? I am going through some website and none of them says this 2 year rule....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 17, 2016 - We closed on a refinance with Freedom Mortgage on - -, 2016. On - - I was told to cancel auto payments and to NOT make payments for - and -. However the autopayment had already gone through on - -. I called customer service to cancel the autopayments and was told we would be refunded the $1100.00 payment made in error two weeks after closing. It is - -, no refund check and no one at Freedom Mortgage is willing to help me figure out what happened to our money. I called customer service who said they have no notes about a refund, but opened a ticket and I never he...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 17, 2016 - I refinanced my home mortgage. The refinance closed at the beginning of - 2016. My loan servicer, before this refinance closed, was Freedom Mortgage. The title company, for the refinance - - - requested a prepayment for the second half of our 2016 property taxes, $2300.00, due on - -, 2016. - paid the property tax on - -, 2016 check # -. After receiving my escrow refund from Freedom Mortgage, which was less than I expected, I logged in to Freedom Mortgage 's website, and realized Freedom Mortgage had also submitted payment for the property tax from my escro...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 12, 2016 - Hello. I recently contacted my mortgage company - Freedom Mortgage - regarding requesting removal of PMI from my mortgage. In the letter - SEE ATTACHMENT ), I advised that my current outstanding principal on my loan is $210000.00 ( As of -/-/-, the loan balance is : $210000.00 ) ( SEE ATTACHMENT ), and that the 2016 value of my residence, as determined by - office, and that which I pay taxes on, is $270000.00 ( SEE ATTACHMENT ). I provided the attachments as proof. I showed that $270000.00 x 80 % = $220000.00, and therefore I had over - % equity in my home, based upon ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 2, 2016 - I have been trying to get a " stringline '' mortgage done with - since -/-/- of this year. I have finally ended my relationship with them due to concerns over private information sharing and their practices are concerning....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 2, 2016 - Our loan had been transferred to Freedom Mortgage, we were on a biweekly payment plan as we wanted to payoff the loan faster. We ended up moving from - Texas to - and sold the home. During closing a payoff amount was requested and we contacted them to notify that the loan would close on -/-/- and the payment for -/-/- would be included in the payoff amount. A represenative told us this was normal practice and so we went on to close the loan on the -/-/-. Once the loan was closed and paid in full, we began looking for a new home in our new - of -. Come to find out our...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 1, 2016 - My mortgage was transferred form - - - - to Freedom mortgage. I was not notified that I would be required to change my account/ loan number for online bill pay. I continued to make my mortgage payments via my bank bill pay until I received a letter from Freedom Mortgage stating I had missed - - payment. I confirmed that the payment was processed with my bank and the payment for - 2016. My bank stated the payment had been sent to my previous mortgage company. Freedom Mortgage assessed late fees and turned the delinquency over to collections hurting my credit....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 1, 2016 - Mortgage Issues I - - purchased a home on - -, - through -. Conventional loan with 5 % down - credit score and PMI we were told was $150.00 then the day of closing it was changed to - a month. Within 2 months - sold the loan to -. - serviced the loan until Approximately - - when it was again sold/transferred to - ( - - -, SD - ) -. In - -, - we were sent a statement that our projected escrow was in the negative ( unclear as to how that was I called in and never got a clear answer just stated that the property taxes went up an...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

November 29, 2016 - The lender pulled a bait-and-switch on my loan application. I 've been trying to refinance my mortgage since -/-/- and the lender has been dragging his feet. -/-/-, I locked in a rate ( using my current mortgage company ) and began the necessary steps towards a refinance. I delivered all requested documentation and reappraised my house. I 've repeatedly followed up with the lender asking questions and requesting status updates, but the lender failed to respond. Almost two months after I locked into my rate, the lender finally responded saying that he thought " [ myself ] and the proc...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 22, 2016 - My escrow was calculated for the new payment. The bank estimated my local taxes at an apporximate 20 % rate hike ( no one can tell me how they came up with that formula ). I spoke with the - in mid -/-/- questioning this and alerting them that my taxes will indeed drop from the previious period due to several factors afforded residents in -. I was told to email the final tax bill to them which I did on -/-/2016. My tax bill has acually been REDUCED by approximately $ - from the previous year - not the 20 % increase they projected -. To date there is no update on my escrow...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 21, 2016 - I currently owe - $ - on my home with 22 % made on my principal payment ( $ - home value ) and live in the US. I am currently just past year - of my loan. At 20 %, I sent a letter to my lender stating that I would like my PMI removed, which they responded that I would have to have my home assessed to process the removal or it would automatically be removed at 22 % of my principal payment. This aligned with what I had read online and felt sure this would work. At 22 %, I was still getting charged for my PMI. I called and asked why it was not auto-removed, and they told me that b...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 17, 2016 - Freedom Mortgage has failed to pay my - property taxes by the - - due date. Freedom Mortgage is collecting $470.00 each month intended to pay taxes and insurance. I have loan closure documents specifically stating that city taxes will be paid out of that escrow....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 16, 2016 - My mortgage was transferred from - to Freedom Mortgage without my knowledge. I believe the transfer occurred in -/-/-. I continued to make my monthly payments, on time, directly to - as I always had. I made electronic payments via - online billpay for the amount of $1500.00 for -/-/-, -/-/-, and -/-/- on -, -/-/-, and -/-/- respectively. - has stated that they forwarded those payments to Freedom Mortgage on -, -, and - respectively. - has assured me that all of those payments were forwarded electronically - not via paper check. Fre...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 14, 2016 - Freedom mortgage increased our monthly mortgage payments by $500.00 stating that we had a " shortage in the escrow account. '' They indicated that the school taxes, homeowners insurance, tax increases. We believe that they had us down for STAR exemption in NYS when it had not gone through back when we applied on -/-/2013. For the past three years Freedom Mortgage was paying our taxes based on a STAR exemption that we did not have and when they realized they raised our fixed rate mortgage by $500.00....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

November 13, 2016 - I applied for a refinance of my home mortgage with Freedom Mortgage on -/-/2016. Finally closed on -/-/2016. I received numerous requests for the same information. Delay after delay. Incorrect information on documents sent to me numerous times. A request for a letter of explanation from my employer for an error caused by Freedom Mortgage. I sensed a delay in wanting me to get frustrated and walk away from the refi due to the slightly lower interest rate and my adding cash at close in order to increase my equity and eliminate the need to pay for mortgage insurance....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 10, 2016 - Before my loan was acquired by Freedom Mortgage, - was collecting escrow from me without paying the state. At the end of the year, I was sent a check from - with the entire amount I was paying them, from which I used to pay my outstanding taxes ( which - mistakenly did not pay ). I never paid escrow again to - mortgage. While I was fixing the problem, my mortgage just happened to be sold to Freedom Mortgage. Freedom Mortgage paid my property taxes, without any money in my escrow account. They paid the state a much larger and very incorrect amount which they are now basing my escr...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 9, 2016 - Freedom Mortage is refusing Automatic termination of PMI at 78 % LTV as required by Homeowners Protection Act ( HPA ) of - ( Automatic Termination as required by USC Title 12, Section 4902 ( b ), and definition of : Termination Date as defined by USC Title 12, Section 4901, ( 18 ) ). Freedom Mortgage is incorrectly applying an investor guidelines as outlined in Consumer Financial Protection Bulletin -, dated - -, -, Section -, on Automatic Termination, and specifically Page - Section B applying to " Investor Guidelines ''. I am submitting a formal complaint and wish Freedo...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 8, 2016 - Freedom mortgage over charged me $820.00 for my escrow account. I am retired and this has a significant impact on my budget. I learned that they over charged me when I got a refund check in -. I questioned this and got a response with a lot of inaccurate information. I sent them a response to their letter on - - and have not gotten a response to date ( -/-/16 ). I left - messages for - - - and have not gotten a return call. Finally on ( -/-/16 ) I spoke someone on the escalation team and I told them that I expected a response to my letter....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 7, 2016 - I have been incurring a Escrow/impound from the mortgage company for them not having my Master policy for my condominium on file. This has been addressed to them, they have received it and I am still being incurring the escrow fee.. After several calls and attempts and spending countless hours on the phone with multiple representatives, they still have not waived the fee....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 27, 2016 - Freedom Mortgage needs to stop sending me Cash Out Refinance marketing materials. I receive at least 1 of these mailings per month. I have called them and asked that they stop. I asked to be opted out of all marketing materials when I called. In addition, I completed an Opt Out letter they sent and returned it. They responded with a letter confirming that I was opted out. However, I continue to receive these letters monthly....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 27, 2016 - Freedom Mortgage does not document my current escrow balance. My loan originated with - Mortgage and had been serviced there for 3 years prior to being sold. Freedom Mortgage does not reflect on their website or my monthly statement what my current escrow balance is. I am not provided enough information to determine what it is either. There is no starting balance for the year or disbursements for the year. Only the amount paid in for the year is shown. I have no way of knowing for certain how much of my escrow money Freedom Mortgage holds. I was told that I could call to get that informatio...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 24, 2016 - I called my mortgage company, Freedom Mortgage, to find out what the pay off was on my home because we are selling it and purchasing a new home. They told me that is would cost me $30.00 and it would be 72 hours before I would receive that information. They stated the fee would be added on to the final balance of the pay off on the loan. I feel that this fee is unacceptable and they are keeping my information hostage for a fee. There is not an early pay off penalty. This is my information and I do not feel they should be able to withhold it for a fee of any kind....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

October 20, 2016 - I was contacted by Freedom Mortgage shortly after my mortgage was sold to them from - encouraging me to refinance with them the loan they currently serviced. I was told they would lower my rate and it would n't cost me anything. I asked why they were doing this and they replied if we do n't someone else will. I agreed as long as the term of my loan was n't extended and the rate was lowered and it did n't cost me anything. Documents were mailed to me dated -/-/16. I signed them and returned them -/-/16. I contacted Freedom Mortgage several times after returning the documents to g...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage settlement process and costs

October 18, 2016 - Back in - -, Freedom Mortgage was to close the refinancing of our mortgage loan. We started the loan application in - - and on the onset, our feeling was things were being handled and managed to allow us a closing date of - -. When there were delays due to operations issues with Freedom, we requested that all of these issues be resolved before the party involved in the transaction had travel plans and would be unable to postpone them. Needless to say, Freedom was negligent in responding to this and closing did n't happen on time for this party to leave for Florida for 3 mon...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage settlement process and costs

October 14, 2016 - I have been trying to get a loan payoff on my loan for almost a month now. I was told again that I would have it by today, Friday -/-/2016. I understand that I have not made payments however I am trying to settle the account on the sale of the home....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 12, 2016 - I have prepaid my flood insurance for 3 years and my home insurance for the year. Every month I pay for both flood and home owners insurance despite submitting proof that they have been paid in full. I have contacted there escrow department over a dozen times. They fail to respond unless severe persistent measures are taken. I have called, sent emails, even certified letters. My insurance company has contacted them. They have confirmed they have gotten the documents and yet, every month I am still overbilled. They overpaid my property taxes by -, which when asked by the - clerk she has n...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 10, 2016 - Received an annual escrow account disclosure statement on - -, - that shows a shortage due of $6400.00. My homeowners insurance , county and city taxes have each gone down when compared to bills paid in -/-/-. If a shortage existed last year why was there only an increase of $96.00 monthly for escrow ( $1200.00 for the year ). Either they have serious accounting issues or they are ripping me off. When I called the Customer Care Department and selected the prompt for escrow the person was unable to answer my questions. Escalated to Sheriff. During this conversation it was cl...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 5, 2016 - My wife and I bought our home in -/-/-. Our lender was - - - at that time. Last year they were bought out by Freedom Mortgage, and ever since then we have had nothing but hardships and trouble. First, they kept mailing me letters and calling me non stop about refinancing, telling me they can get us a better interest rate and lower monthly payment. So we decided to try it out finally. My last job put me in a financial rut that I 've been trying to get out of, so we planned on doing a cash out refi to pay off all our debt so we only had our mortgage to worry about monthly. Well aft...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

September 28, 2016 - On - -, 2016 my mortgage with Freedom mortgage was paid in full and I received a payoff letter from Freedom Mortgage confirming this on - -, 2016. On - -, 2016 Freedom Mortgage withdrew a principal and interest payment of $2000.00 from my bank account resulting in an overpayment. Despite - or more calls to Freedom Mortgage to recoup these funds, I have not received them....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

September 24, 2016 - Little to no communication from Freedom Mortgage. They purchased my home loan 2 months ago. I have not received any payment or billing information. I only received an account number after calling customer service. I was threatened with a late fee if i didnt make a payment on their website. I was told they dont accept electronic payment from - - - and making a payment through my bank will result in a late fee as they have to mail a check. I will not make a payment on Freedom 's website as i have zero confidence in this company. With - - - there is a tracking system for payment...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

September 16, 2016 - I have paid down my mortgage below the requirement for PMI. Freedom Mortgage refuses to terminate my PMI unless I pay for an appraisal at my expense. Per the below they are to automatically terminate upon reaching 78 % of original value of the home so there would be no need for me to pay for an appraisal. My house has increased in value but that should not be relevant per the below. Automatic PMI termination Even if you do n't ask your lender to cancel PMI, your lender still must terminate PMI on the date when your principal balance is scheduled to reach 78 percent of the original value of y...

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