Synchrony Financial Other Bank Product/Service Complaints

Review and analysis of over 69 Other Bank Product/Service complaints against Synchrony Financial

Synchrony Financial consumers have reported over 69 official complaints related to Other bank product/service. Out of the 69 consumer complaints against Synchrony Financial, 12% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Synchrony Financial responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 25% of consumer complaints against Synchrony Financial resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 20% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Other Bank Product/Service Consumer Complaints

Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 10, 2017 - - in -, MD. - sometimes use CareCredit to finance their procedures. CareCredit is owned by Synchrony bank. Over a year ago, -. Last month, this - filed a fraud claim ( worth $8100.00 ). I was asked by CareCredit/Synchrony bank to provide documentation proving that the -. The following week, I received a fax from Synchrony bank stating that I did not provide enough information and that I would lose the $8100.00. - I tried to call CareCredit and Synchrony bank multiple times to see what I could do in order to resolve the problem so that I would not lose the money. Unfort...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

April 3, 2017 - Synchrony Bank Credit Card withdrew $3800.00 dollars from my bank account, rather than $38.00, as they were authorized. When I contacted Synchony, I was told they did not make the withdrawal, a third party did, on their behalf and that I would have to call back in 2 to 5 days to get my money back. They also told me they do not have a complaints or compliance department....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 29, 2017 - I was approved for Synchrony Bank Credit Card through -, and i purchased some furniture items from - on -/-/-, to be delivered in -/-/-, and called them on -/-/- to cancel items worth $480.00 way before delivery. Fast forward to -/-/-, I made two payments in the amount of $65.00 and $160.00 and am trying to payoff my final bill and had to call Synchrony Bank. They told me I am responsible for $1000.00. They told me I had to go into - store to settle this, so I went to the store and spoke to the Supervisor. After numerous attempts she and I made to Synchrony...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 21, 2017 - Dear Sir/Madam : I 'm a - Military - with - ( - ) after - years of military -. As recommended by the treatment team, I bought a massage chair in -/-/2014 via GE Capital Retail Bank with 0 % interest. My wife, - always made monthly payment on time through -. We were never informed that the GE Capital Retail Bank transferred our account to Synchrony Bank with 29.9 % interest rate in -/-/2014. We tried to contact the Customer Service of Synchrony Bank many times ; however, it seemed that they are not willing to resolve the problem. We would like to report this issue to...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

March 15, 2017 - My complain is with Synchrony Bank, who handles the JC Penny accounts. I have had an on going dispute with JCP and Synchrony Bank for a year or close to it about my account with JC Penny. I have been late in payments a couple of times and have not be able to catch up since I have always paid on my account. But not to the satisfaction of JC Penny or Synchrony, therefore in - of 2016 I just paid what I owed and be through with the company and the bank. I send a check for $200.00 to JCP knowing that it should cover what I owed and close my account. I kept receiving late statements from JCP a...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 28, 2017 - Sychrony Bank has behaved negligently in the fraudulent issuance of credit under my name. My personal data has been stolen, probably as a result of the - Hack. I first learned of this in - 2017 when someone opened a credit card and forwarded my mail. I intercepted that effort, placed a fraud alert with - ( which passed to - and - - automatically ). Then I began actively monitoring my data with an online service. Moreover, upon review of my credit report on about - -, 2017, I saw that Synchrony had pulled my credit report on - -, 2017. I called to alert them to t...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 20, 2017 - There was an fraudulent account opened in my name with Synchrony Bank via -. There was no balance and I have already talked to the bank representatives about the matter and they seemed to have corrected the issue but just wanted to keep you all abreast of the situation. If there is anything I can do to erase this bad mark on my record please let me know. I will submit a 7-year credit monitoring service with one of the credit reporting agencies and also I have reported it to my local police department....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 16, 2017 - I think Synchrony Bank needs to be investigated. For - the late fee they charge is astronomical its around $30.00 and I see some fraudulent and deceptive business practices. I 've seen that other customers are being treated unfairly and unethical....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

February 9, 2017 - My mother, the owner of an IRA at Synchrony Bank passed away on - -, -. As the executor of the estate of my mother, I contacted Synchrony Bank on - -, - and informed the representative of her passing. The representative indicated that a copy of the death certificate would be required to cancel the Required Minimum Distribution ( " RMD '' ). I explained that the death certificate had not been finalized and stressed that a RMD should not legally be made to a deceased person. The representative checked with their supervisor and confirmed that they would be able to put a stop on ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

February 7, 2017 - I thought I previously turned on autopay to be effective for my -/-/2017 payment of $84.00, but I did n't notice I either did n't do it correctly or confirm the change so when my due date came up, my payment was not sent. I realized it when I did not see it as a pending transaction after the fact. Since then I successfully turned on the autopay, but now I have a late fee of $37.00 for that late payment. I called customer service today -/-/2017 and asked for a waiver of that fee. I was told its not possible. I previously had an issue that - took responsibility for and waived the fees...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

February 2, 2017 - I have made a payment each month as required to my account from day one to Synchrony Financial. After they receive my payment in the month due, if it is received a day early, they will post my payment to the previous month and then charge me a late fee for the month that they received the payment a day or two early....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 1, 2017 - I was charged a late fee of $39.00 because the payment was received 1 day late. Synchrony bank send my bill 7 days before it was due and it was paid immediately by bill pay from my bank. When I called the customer service # I was told that is the fee and that they do n't even have to send a bill by law for my loan and I should know to just pay it. The rep was nasty, argumentative and dismissive. I have never had a experience like that with a bank in my life. When I asked to speak to a supervisor I was told none was available. This is the worse bank....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 30, 2017 - My Sam 's Club MasterCard operated by Synchrony Bank had some fraudulent activities on it. The account was closed and a new card was sent to me. Once I activated the card I could then log in on line and check my account. The problem is since Synchrony Bank closed the account I can not go on line and look at any previous charges under my old credit card number. After several call to customer service managers the above statement is true and they have had other complaints about the same lack of service from other customers. The explanation is " That 's the way are system does it. '' Even though t...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

January 23, 2017 - I made a payment to my account on -/-/-. I have sent the bank all of the proof that it was delivered on -/-/-. I also provided a copy of the cashed money order that was cashed on -/-/-. It was cashed by the bank. It is -/-/- and after talking to the bank Rep they claimed that they have n't received any of those items that I have the proof that it was delivered and cashed by the bank. Synchroney Bank....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 21, 2017 - On -/-/- I spoke to - in the universal fraud department at Synchrony Bank about a fraudulent - Rewards application that was submitted under my name. She stated that she would have it closed down, a fraud file created in their system, and a deletion request sent to the credit bureaus. She questioned me about my legitimate Gap, Banana Republic, JCPenneys, and Sam 's Club accounts. I informed her that those were mine and not fraudulent. I received a letter from Synchrony bank on -/-/- that these - legitimate accounts were closed down. I then spoke to a - in the universal f...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 13, 2017 - I have a - email account where much of my personal business was transacted. Since - of this year, if not sooner, I started to received fraudulent, hacked alerts for accounts utilizing my social Security number, name, address stated I have accounts and out money On -/-/2016 also have an inquiry from -. I have had this problem before and would like this inquiry removed from my consumer credit report as part of this anti-ID theft action I an taking to protect myself....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

January 11, 2017 - Reason for Contact : We used the CareCredit card to pay for a dentist appointment. We were told that we had to pay a monthly fee until we pay off the whole account. We did n't have a limit or anything like that. After we paid almost a - dollars from the monthly fees, they charged us with an interest fee with a $1.00, - when we were told there was no interest and all we had to do with was pay our monthly fee to pay it off. That 's unfair and an act of theft. I work hard for my money for them and I paid my monthly fees on time for them to try and do that....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

January 5, 2017 - They are unwilling to assist in a dispute on my Care Credit credit card. The dental provider overcharged me, synchrony said they researched it and are siding with the provider. When i asked why it 's because they have to take into consideration the provider 's claim. But not mine? just because they 're a business? this does not mean they are incapable of scams, which I explained to synchrony. I also, several times, explained that my insurance paid they 're part after i paid what was an estimation during my initial consultation. The estimation turned out to be inflated, and was actually more th...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

December 26, 2016 - Synchrony Bank was the Bank that provided loan for the 'Car Care One ' Account I had opened to charge my balance for maintenance work on my car at - in - , T- . I have been paying Synchrony Bank through automated payments from my Checking Account. I was getting an automate call from the bank itself ( and never has it been identified in the call that there was 'collection issue ' or my account is 'delinquent ' in all the calls - almost every month on - to date ). I was under the impression I was regularly paying my bill from my checking Account and my payments were all going towards m...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

December 23, 2016 - I have - promotional balances with Synchrony Financial - of which is a 0 % interest that needs to be paid off by -/-/2017 in order to not incur interest. Every month I make a payment of $200.00 for the account. The amount necessary to be paid for this 0 % balance not to incur interest is never applied correctly requiring me to call every month. The explanation I 've been given is this is how the system applies it and I need to call. I find this disturbing considering Synchrony set the terms and should be responsible to make sure it is applied correctly. I also have several other conc...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 19, 2016 - Synchrony Bank of - Florida created a fraudulent bank account in my name and issued an Amazon credit card that was used to purchase a - laptop computer. I was never contacted about the creation of this bank account or issuing of the credit card....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 15, 2016 - I had a credit card with Sychrony Bank. The card provided rebate rewards, payable onece per month. My card had a balance of over $130.00 in rewards -/-/2014. The card was stolen, so I called the bank for a replacement card. I received the replacement card, but there was confusion on the phone call regarding a replacemnt card that the bank sent on another account ( I thought the card was for the account in question - it was not ). At any rate, the bank cancelled my account, claiming that I had requested the account be closed, and refused to issue me the rewards balance. I complained abou...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

December 10, 2016 - Synchrony Bank has been calling me -- times a day at all different times and for 7 days a week. This week they started using their own name before they used a restricted number which did not show who was calling and this has been going on for over 6 months. - : the account that was behind was Walmart but they lowered the limit on another account called Paypal which at that time was never behind. But I am not going to pay anything on Paypal until they change their actions. Walmart is being paid on schedule and every month. They call me at work, before - and after - They use an au...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 6, 2016 - I purchased a bedroom set from - which I finaced that same day - also bought and paid for with my debit card in the amount of $110.00 a second box spring from -. I received my furniture however the boxspring was damaged so the took the one they were going to deliver and brought the other - later. I paid - $ leaving a balance of $590.00. I received my second paper statement reflecting an increase in $100.00. I called the bank and spoke - - who said she didnt know why but shows was additional purchase made -. I never went back to this store or any furniture store. -...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 5, 2016 - SYNCB/CCARE1 ACCOUNT NUMBERs : - -/-/- Address : C/O - - -, -, FL - Phone : - ATTENTION TO DISPUTE DEPARTMENT : Dear Sir or Madam : I am a victim of identity theft. An identity thief used my personal information without my permission to open an account several account in my name this debt is not mine. I have enclosed proof of my identity and a copy of my Identity Theft Report. In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I am asking you to stop collection proceedings against me and stop communicating with me about this debt, except as the Fair Credit...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 3, 2016 - Out of no where JCPenney has lowered my credit this is the second time happened and I been with JCP for over 3 years. At first I started with - dollar credit then it it increased up to - and then up to - and few months ago up to now supposed to be -. I Called and asked and was told it was a random audit then spooked to the Supervisor who said it was something on my credit that is why Synchrony Bank determined this. Next I spoke with the MOD who said sorry there is nothing can do for you I am the highest person you can talk to and I am going to know disconnect the call. I have alwa...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

November 30, 2016 - I have repeatly applied for Credit and have been refused. My Ex-wife sold me property under a fraudulant Document. I filed for divorce and paid the court ordered support. I have been told if I want this harassment to end I would have to remarrie her. She has abused me financially since 1969. Presently I ca n't get a Credit Card. It seems as if I am a Target for Fraud....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

November 23, 2016 - Synchrony Bank has sent unitemized bills and multiple harassing, " recorded '' phone calls for mysterious " balances '' charged for presumed, unspecified, apparently fraudulent goods or services which neither the bank nor I can identify, verify, adjust or refute related to an - credit card that I have shredded many months ago ( I 've subsequently made all my - purchases from a different credit card from my - ). I 've identified the transaction as a " scam '' which they have not denied or disputed, and have demanded, as documentary proof of the scam, a transcript and/or copy of the pho...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

November 7, 2016 - SYNCB/CARECR ACCOUNT NUMBERs : - -/-/- C/O - - -, -, FL - Phone : - ATTENTION TO DISPUTE DEPARTMENT : Dear Sir or Madam : I am a victim of identity theft. An identity thief used my personal information without my permission to open an account several account in my name this debt is not mine. I have enclosed proof of my identity and a copy of my Identity Theft Report. In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I am asking you to stop collection proceedings against me and stop communicating with me about this debt, except as the Fair Credit Reporting Act...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 18, 2016 - In - my identity was stolen when my health insurance company was hacked. Somebody filed a phony tax return in my name. I got that cleaned up and thought everything was over. In - - the - was breached and a person in OK - had my mail forwarded to them illegally. There was enough evidence that a police report was filed. The following week I learned that - credit accounts were opened in my name and cards were sent to OK - ( someplace I have never been to and is - hours away ) I was able to contact and correct the issue with - out of - banks/lenders. I first called -...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 17, 2016 - I am a patient of a - in - Oregon and needed some - performed. The - provided me with a credit application and I was approved. I did not know that it was an application for an outside agency called CareCredit / Synchrony Bank, but rather, I was under the impression that it was the - office line of credit not a credit organization or banking institution. I was issued credit and never was informed that it was through a bank or credit agency. I have been paying payments in the amount of $85.00 up to $100.00 at the rate of 26.99 % interest in the unpaid principal. Of my payment ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

October 15, 2016 - I am in the process of filing bankruptcy and thereby, collecting information for my lawyer. In - -, I had a PC Richard Credit Card from GE Capital consumer Card Company. They have informed me that the statute of limitations has run out. However, - - has been calling me endlessly to collect on this debt, including on a Sunday evening. GE Capital Consumer Card Company changed its name to Synchrony Financial in - to reduce its exposure to the finance business. - - initiated a series of moves to separate this area of the company. That included the Synchrony Financial spinoff ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 9, 2016 - On - -, I opened an account with Synchrony Bank with the intention of purchasing several CDs. I gave the information for the transfer from my checking account at my local bank of $50000.00. On - -, Synchrony made an automatic withdrawal not once, but twice, for a total of $100000.00, obviously causing my local checking account to be overdrawn. Synchrony returned $50000.00 on - -, but then quickly withdrew another $50000.00 the next day! After dozens of phone calls and speaking with Supervisor - -, nothing was done in spite of - , - assuring me every day ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 28, 2016 - I received an store card, issued by Synchrony Bank ( - ), that I never asked for. It is intended for use on I can not cancel the account. The bank says it 's fraud - I do n't believe it - why would the card come in the mail to me. It is an unsolicited account and I need to get it cancelled!...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 25, 2016 - On - -, - I discussed with my dentist future orthodontic work that would be needed, and expected that he would prepare an itemized plan for this work, so that I could consult with the dental insurance carried by both myself and my husband, develop a plan of treatment, and work at the insurance coverages, other expenses and a payment strategy before beginning or authorizing treatment. Today, - -, I received a bill from CareCredit/Synchrony Bank for $420.00 due -/-/- with a charge balance of $10000.00, that lists a transaction date of -/-/-. This account was...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

September 20, 2016 - Synchrony - has been charging me a " late fee '' of $35.00 per month since at least -/-/2014. I was told by Amazon customer service that the " late fee '' is assessed because I pay to early. My due date for payment is in the last week of the month but I pay in the first week of the month. This does not make sense to mme and I want my monies back to included interest....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 18, 2016 - Synchrony Bank has sent through the mail numerous and unnecessary duplicate documents containing - or more of our social security numbers to me, my wife and my mother-in-law even though we had already provided this information and it was on file at the bank prior to them sending out the duplicate requests. I have tried to resolve this issue with the bank on many occasions for well over a year, without success. My last attempt to resolve this issue was on - -, 2016. On that date, I spoke by phone to a Synchrony Bank representative and asked if the bank had received my wife 's signatu...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

September 16, 2016 - Logged into the synchrony bank for amazon and I get a message about credit card protection service. I click the box to skip this and it ignores me. hit the button to learn more and than it attempts to force you to sign up for the service. Just one more problem with a bank trying to steal money from an honest individual....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 15, 2016 - My issue is with Syncronybank, issuer of CareCredit. I have set up all my payments account via online. Not realizing I gave my credit card number, which expires instead of giving my checking account number. In -/-/2016 my banking card number was changed. As a result no payments were sent, thus rendering my account 'late ' with late fees. In the meantime I was having a hard time getting thru to to make my payments. I found myself going into a loop with referring me to Syncronybank. The time of day I would attempt to get on site to handle my business appeared to be after hours. ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

September 15, 2016 - Synchrony Bank is charging lates fees for payments delivered on time. Only payment is set through - for the monthly payment. What they do is send the timely payment bank to - and making the payment late so they can collect late payment fees. I already check with - - and the fraudulent action is from Synchrony Bank. I gess if the do this to - of people they collect an inmense amount of money doing fraud transactions and abusing clients like me....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 13, 2016 - I would like to lodge a complaint against Synchrony bank. They are reporting a wrong and fraudulent information to credit bureau agencies. Since, - -, I have been in contact with this bank who promised that this information will be deleted. However, when I received my credit information, they put a negative $300.00 from - account to my credit report. I notified them that my car was broken into and all of my personal and SS number was stolen back in -. I kept sending correspondence to this bank that this account was charged fraudulently and it should be removed. To to their omissi...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

September 13, 2016 - My payment was duplicated via ACH by Sychrony Bank. They will not return funds via ACH. I was told, " We have no process for that. '' ) I was told that they will issue refund check in around 14 days. I asked for it to be overnighted as it was a considerable sum of money ( $2.00, - ). I was told there is no process for that either. Really? I find that hard to believe. How is it possible that a bank can not ACH back funds received in error or overnight a check? As far as I am concerned, they are sitting on everyone 's money and holding it hostage. I escalated my request all the way to manag...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 13, 2016 - synchrony bank closed by Amazon card account and has not provided me a letter stating the reason. I want a letter stating the reason the account was closed....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 5, 2016 - For over a year, Synchrony Bank has been issuing unsecured credit in my name. After countless letters and documents, the Bank continues to provide credit inquiries and harass me regarding its inappropriate and questionable behaviors. In - - the Bank opened a fraudulent - account. After working through the tedious process the Bank sent me a vindication letter dated -/-/- that stated, " Our investigation of the account has been completed, and the claim has been resolved in your favor. '' I trust that American public had to eat the charges as I am sure the Bank took the loss as ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

August 5, 2016 - In - -, I found my credit score dropped from - to approximately -. Upon my investigation with - credit agencies, I discovered that an individual opened a Paypal Extras Mastercard with Synchrony Bank in - -. I am unaware who opened the account or if/where the card was mailed. I have been contacting the Synchrony Bank since - to have my credit score restored. However, there is still no news from them. We need to get the score corrected to close our first house in -....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

July 18, 2016 - This is to complain on the fraudulent activity of the SYNHRONY bank, affiliated with Amazon Internet store. I made - purchases that were applied against Synchrony Credit card. The first statement I received at - - 2016, which showed amount $200.00 while I owed $110.00 for my purchases. - - 2016, I had send letter to Synchrony bank along with my check with payment the whole amount I owed for my orders. This payment was made within the grace period, so no any late fee must be applied. ( See Exhibit - ). - - 2016, Synchrony bank send me confirmation of my payment. ( ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 17, 2016 - This is the - complaint regarding identify fraud put forward concerning Synchrony Bank. Relative to the other - complaints, the Bank simply sends me a letter explaining they are acting properly ; thus, they close the case. For over a year-and-a-half the Bank has continued to make inquiries and establish credit in my name even though they have all the legal records. The last - inquiries were on -/-/16 and -/-/16. Of equal interest is the Bank closed a savings account in my name and has not provided me the information requested. These are my - issues ( 1 ) since they have...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 16, 2016 - After paying my bill on time for over a year CareCredit ( Synchrony Bank ) applied $700.00 in interest because I had not paid the entire balance within a certain amount of time. This is such a awful way to do business. I feel it was a sneak attack. When I called the manger - at CareCredit was rude and talked to me like I was stupid. He told me it was the terms of my contract and I should have read the contact before agreeing to it. When a person is sick with pain and in need of CARE the last thing they are thinking about is a contract. That was my situation when I initially signed up for ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 13, 2016 - SYNCB/JCP ACCOUNT NUMBERs : - -/-/- - - -, -, FL - PHONE : - ATTENTION TO DISPUTE DEPARTMENT : Dear - : I am a victim of identity theft. An identity thief used my personal information without my permission to open an account several account in my name this debt is not mine. I have enclosed proof of my identity and a copy of my Identity Theft Report. In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I am asking you to stop collection proceedings against me and stop communicating with me about this debt, except as the Fair Credit Reporting Act allows. I ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 13, 2016 - SYNCB/LOWE 'S DC ACCOUNT NUMBERs : - -/-/- - - -, -, GA - Phone : - Dear Sir or Madam : I am a victim of identity theft. An identity thief used my personal information without my permission to open an account several account in my name this debt is not mine. I have enclosed proof of my identity and a copy of my Identity Theft Report. In accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I am asking you to stop collection proceedings against me and stop communicating with me about this debt, except as the Fair Credit Reporting Act allows. I also ask that you notif...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 12, 2016 - Log into my online banking account at Synchrony Bank from a computer that is not a registered device ( I personally choose never register ANY device - even my own computer ). You are brought to a page with some telephone numbers ( showing only the last - digits of the telephone number. You have option to request TE-T message, or CALL on the telephone number you choose. The problem is that on 6 occasions, this page shows telephone numbers that are not valid - they are not my telephone numbers, so I can not proceed to login. When I called customer service to resolve this over the course of ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

July 7, 2016 - Synchrony Bank : deceptive business practices, poor record keeping of financial transactions, and fraudulent behavior in the servicing of consumer credit payment processing for - : Over week ago received robo-call from " Unknown ''. Answered call - automatic message claiming to be - -. Paid $1000.00 on account. Later found my - bill and called - at - to verify payment. Agent claimed " we have no record '' of payment. I stopped payment and informed them. -/-/- called to payoff promotional amount which was - ( promotion ends -/-/- before the can add interest ). A...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 5, 2016 - I opened my account with Synchrony Bank through a furniture purchase -/-/-. My monthly payment is $97.00. I received notification in - -, that a late fee had been assessed. I contacted Synchrony Bank to ascertain why a late fee was assessed and found that my due date was on the - of each month. I requested the due date be changed and they did so and waived the late fee for -/-/-. Great, no problems. Now in -/-/- I receive a phone call stating I owed $170.00 and was late even though I had paid each -/-/-, -/-/- within the first week of the month. After spea...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

June 30, 2016 - Initially in - - i was notified of - fraud applications submitted through SYN financial for Walmart and Lowes which resulted in - inquiries being placed on my credit report. I received help to initiate a fraud claim with the creditor and was informed the applications had been declined and this info would be forwarded to all - bureaus to have removed from my credit file. We allowed the 90 day time frame to do so and received no help or communication from Synchrony and in - of - we called to get an update on why they were still reporting on my credit file ; I was informed th...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

June 28, 2016 - Opened an account with syncrony bank made payments. Missed one or two payments in 2014 because of - and after that all my payments made were not bring credited to balance. I 'm a - - vet trying my best to get out of debt syncrony is the only one that 's been reporting delinquency on my credit reports. Tried calling them to settle but to no avail. Please help me resolve this....

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

June 25, 2016 - I have a credit card with QVC, synchrony bank collects for them. I went on the QVC website a made a payment for the entire balance showing on -/-/-, that payment cleared my bank the same day. Synchrony bank said the payment could be fraudulent, even after speaking with me and that were holding the payment up for 7 days. They already have the money, it cleared my bank account so what could be fraudulent about that, it was an electronic payment, not a check. Yet they sent me an email saying that the payment would be credited the same day. My balance at QVC shows $9.00 with a credit limit ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

May 7, 2016 - I had - accounts with synchrony bank -a Lowes account, a Walmart account, and an Old Navy account. I always paid on time except one month I was - and I forgot and was late with my Lowes payment. I paid it immediately once I realized the issue, after that synchrony dropped all my credit card balances ( which were paid off with a - balance on all of them ) and they ran my credit score ( hard run so it shows on my credit report ) three times for each card afterwards which caused my credit score to drop!!! This should be illegal and this is the worst scam credit card bank I 've ever dealt...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 27, 2016 - On Monday, - -, - I spent over an hour trying to get a manager on the phone to help me with payments to multiple accounts. ( All of my accounts are in good standing and in fact some are almost paid off and others have been paid off in total ). To make my payments I call - because for the past six months my statements have either not reached me or have been delivered late. I had been fortunate enough that managers I spoke to in the past were considerate enough to help, waived the fees, and assisted me with making my payments. Synchrony Bank, unlike other banks, charges a $ -/P...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 12, 2016 - I had a debt with Synchrony Bank $570.00 and the bank ordered - - - - to collect the debt. Synchrony Bank accepted a settlement I offered $300.00 and I paid it in the time manner. One month after the Synchrony Bank ordered another debt collector - - - to collect the rest $270.00. I explained to to the last collector that I already paid my debt through the settlement and I sent them all documents. -/-/2016 they made a report on my credit. Synchrony Bank already accepted the settlement. ...

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Synchrony Financial Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

April 7, 2016 - I applied for a line of credit with care credit thru GE I as originally denied but was told I would be approved if I had a cosigner. I got a cosigner and was approved. I received a welcome letter and - cards in my name. When the bank changed to Synchrony bank I received another letter. a few months later I called Synchrony bank due to not receiving a statement and I was told that I did not have an account. I argued with the rep to no avail. They said my cosigner was the only one on the account and I was just an auth user. The only info they have on my cosigner is name, ssn and dob. No phone...

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