Umpqua Holdings Corporation Complaints

Umpqua Holdings Corporation consumers have reported over 89 official complaints. Out of the 89 consumer complaints against Umpqua Holdings Corporation, 17% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Umpqua Holdings Corporation responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 24% of consumer complaints against Umpqua Holdings Corporation resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 7% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Umpqua Holdings Corporation Consumer Complaints

Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 28, 2017 - My mortgage lender Umpqua Bank has engaged and conducted an illegal foreclosure sale. Umpqua Bank has failed to follow the guidelines and policies and procedures that MUST be followed when servicing a government insured FHA loan. A denial letter that was received indicates that if an appeal is requested, that there is a 30 day appeal review period, and Oregon and federal law prohibits a foreclosure sale to be conducted prior to the expiration of this appeal period. However, Umpqua Bank and law firm - neglected to consider this and moved forward with and conducted an illegal foreclosure sale...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 20, 2017 - I was in chapter - for past three years during which time my wages were garnished and according to trustee documents over $36000.00 was paid to my mortgage company yet they state they never received and now county is wanting to auction my property for unpaid property tax which should have been included in my payments when I tried talking to mortgage company they stated let 's get you in home preservation first then we will look into it they never have...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Consumer Loan taking out the loan or lease

March 7, 2017 - I purchased a commercial vehicle in -/-/2016 from - ( - ) and was informed that the product was a loan and that there were no penalty to payoff the loan. I later learned that - was not the loan holder and that company was Financial Pacific Leasing. I also learned it was not a loan as explained by - and that it was a lease agreement. This information was all learned after I gave them a down payment of $17000.00 on $65000.00. I was under the impression via multiple converstations from the - that my payoff balance $55000.00. The company intentionally misrepresented this inf...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 27, 2017 - I bought what was supposed to be my retirement home in - -. It has a main house and a small guest cottage. About a month after - we discovered the house had - mold in the kitchen, master bath and several other areas. I had a home inspection and the home was cleared for section -. I reported the issue to the - - - and they ended up taking the company, - - owned by - - to the - as they had defrauded and were on probation for with the - - - for doing the same cover up to another homebuyer two years prior to doing this to me. The - ordered them to...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Consumer Loan taking out the loan or lease

February 9, 2017 - Dear Sir or Madame, In -/-/- I spoke with - [ Address : - -, NY -, Phone -, -, Agent : - ] and expressed the interest in buying the truck and I stated that I am looking for the loan. The agent advised me that he will find the best commercial load for me. In short time he called me and said that they have affordable loan to finance purchase of commercial truck ( - - - ) via -, -. [ Address:- # - WA.- Phone : -, - -. In numerous discussions with broker ( - ), the loan amount is set to total $20000.00, pay-off in - months, plus ad...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

February 1, 2017 - Umpqua Bank shut off the debit card that belonged to the joint on my account for no reason. The local branch said it was because he had n't used it in 6 months. This account is over 20 years old and has thousands of dollars in it, has never been anything other than in good standing. This account started with Sterling Savings at least 20 years ago when I worked their, they never did anything like this. Typically joints are on the account for the just in case and I had such a case come up and that is when he found out his card was no longer good. Luckily, the joint was not traveling because they...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

November 28, 2016 - This is a follow-up to Case # - I contacted the company to try and work out an agreement. I have attached all of the information....

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

November 21, 2016 - My bank assisted a fraud against me. I went to my bank with a check from a new customer. I told the teller, -, I do n't want anything to do with the money written on this check until it clears their bank. She said, '' Ok. It should clear in 24 hrs. '' I left the bank and returned 3 days later. - was my teller again and she said to me, " The check has cleared. You can withdraw the funds. '' And I did. Two weeks later I went to the bank for another transaction. - saw me and came over upset and said, '' That check you gave me a couple of weeks ago, it was a bad check. '' I reminded her t...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

November 21, 2016 - ( Sorry to be so late in reporting - I 've been hoping to resolve the issue with the bank directly. An Umpqua Bank representative told me last week that there 's nothing more that I can do with them, so I 'm writing to you guys. ) Summary : My checkbook was stolen from my car. Fraudsters cashed $800.00 in bad checks at my home branch bank. Bank says I 'm responsible for that money because it was " negligent '' to leave my checkbook in the car. I say it was negligent for them to cash those checks without calling me, or even bothering to check the ( wildly different ) signature on the check a...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

November 17, 2016 - We used Umqua bank bill pay and this caused us to have - late payment or perhaps - on a credit card from -. We had this all settled and now there is a late payment on our credit reports that we are not responsible for. We put our faith in the bank ( Umqua ) to pay this bill in a timely manner and it was not done!...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 5, 2016 - I live in -, Oregon where property values/home prices have been climbing for the past few years. I bought my home just a little over two years ago. I have made on time complete payments on my mortgage. I asked that my PMI be removed. First my bank claimed that my home was worth - less than I could probably make if I sold it/and - less than the county assessed it for tax purposes and I disputed that. Now they are claiming I need to have have - % equity - even with the low value they placed on my home, I currently have - % equity....

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

October 3, 2016 - I have - business loan agreements with Financial Pacific Leasing at $5000.00 each The loans were acquired through a broker. The terms were presented with very misleading and deceptive language. I was told the loans had no pre-payment penalty and I only had to pay 36 equal payments. I was also told that there was no pre-payment fee. I am unable to acquire the following information from this company either on the statement and the website. 1- Will not show a pay-off balance 2-Verbal payoff comes to $21000.00 ; that 's over 50 % interest, which amounts to loan-sharking / If the broker had...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 28, 2016 - My wife and I invested in -, -, -, ( parent company : - ) in 2001. We purchased the stock @ $10.00 share and added more stock over the next couple of years @ $10.00 to $11.00 per share. The stock grew to over $20.00 and settled around $ -/share. One Friday morning, with no notice before, during or after, the FDIC closed the doors of the bank, turning the assets over to Umpqua Bank of -. We lost approx. $280000.00 of our retirement and never heard a word from anyone at FDIC, the bank, it 's board or anyone else. The only contact left was Umpqua who were not responsiv...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

September 25, 2016 - I applied for the third time for a FHA refi and wasted 2months of valuable time only to find at the end that I could not have more than - FHA at one time. Because it was check in the front I paid for an appraisal and was denied. This caused my credit report to be affected with two more months of past due on an balloon payment. Today I received denial reason which are wrong. The bank changed the product so they could then deny me for the 1 ) excessive obligation 2 ) unacceptable payment record on previous mortgage and then 3 ) Does not meet FHA guidelines. All of the above is wrong because...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage settlement process and costs

August 10, 2016 - Case number - They still won ' give me my money. I can not do what they ask it is impossible. Please help me to the next step so I can get My money Back. By the way I called them to get specific information on my loan they said they understood what I wanted but kept sending the wrong stuff. They were rude and being difficult on purpose. I needed the part in the contract that says that if - - or should die the house automatically goes to living person.. I gave plenty of information to them about his death and that my name was on it. They are harrasing me. The person, - - - cal...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage settlement process and costs

July 30, 2016 - My friend and I purchased a house together in - OR. We set it up so that if either of us died the other person would get the house. - - Died -/-/2016.I had to sale because I could not afford it.The house sold on -/-/2016. My name was on the sale papers, deed, and should of been on the loan also.We had an escrow account for taxes and insurance. The insurance had no problem giving me my check in my name alone. You people at Umpqua bank refuse to give me a check with my name on it alone.I explained many times to your workers that it was impossible for me to produce a death certificat...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Consumer Loan taking out the loan or lease

July 29, 2016 - The loan was made - 2015 for around -. However when I received the loan instrument It reads in bold letters at the top LEASE WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE however after reading the loan it was my interpretation to purchase the full - would have to be paid then you would have an option to purchase for -. Subsequently I refused to sign the lease. However Pacific Financing - called me at least 30 times swearing the lease did n't read that way. So I agreed to sign the lease and supplemented it with an addendum clarifying the loan amount the interest rate and I had the option of paying the...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

July 27, 2016 - Umpqua bank allowed a transaction of $180.00 out of my checking account from a garnishment, then charged me an additional $120.00 in fees. My paycheck that Friday was only $300.00 and my checking account consisted of only - dollars and change prior to my direct deposited check. They wiped my entire account to - balance then closed it. When I requested all funds be refunded as that was my very last paycheck prior to going on - which could take weeks to process prior to receiving any payment at all. I 'm a single mom with now not a dime to feed, clothe or shelter my own children. ...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

June 29, 2016 - When I first stated my account with Sterling savings I was asked if I wanted to have my debit purchases continue even when my account was over drawn. I stated I did not want to be able to continue using my card if there was no money in my account raking up huge overdraft fees. Sterling savings became Umpqua bank. I have a business account and I raked up huge overdraft fees because I was not aware my account was empty. I contacted Umpqua and stated that I had agreed to have my debit card rejected if I had no money in my account. Umpqua stated it did not have that policy but I was never contacte...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

May 19, 2016 - I went through a divorce at the time I was an Joint owner on a checking account. I was told the account had been closed by the bank employee. Throughout the discovery process soon realized the account was still open I had just been removed from the account. I looked into the matter further and notice my signature had been forged on an " authorization to delete form ''. I got an attorney to assist with this issues was advised to send a demand letter because of the wrong doing by the bank for not following compliance when verifying signatures. In that demand I requested a dollar amount, I receiv...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

May 5, 2016 - My home lone is With Umpqua bank Loan # -, and they ordered Home insurance even though I verified my coverage of insurace with - with Umpqua at least two times ( faxing them my insurance cover sheets. ) Yet they still ordered insurance on -/-/2016 in the amount of $3300.00 and raised my payment amoung to pay the insurace, so I was paying - insurance companies then I even called and spoke with an supervior with Umpqua on -/-/2016 and we did a -way call, with My - insurance representative, to verify insurance. and the representative from Umpqua said oh good fax/scann...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage settlement process and costs

December 8, 2015 - last year I applied for a loan with Umpqua bank ( actually sent a complaint to CFPB on the loan officer last year ) and rescinded the loan the day after I signed since it was not the terms I was told it was. Recently my husband and I decided to do a refinance and found out that Umpqua bank recorded a - on my home. As you can imagine I was so upset. I have been dealing with them for the past week, and they are trying to fix it however has not happened yet. That is illegal and should not have happened. ...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease managing the loan or lease

December 5, 2015 - I am unable to get statements of account from bank, to validate my payments are actually going to my car purchase. Online statements were frequently unavailable " No accounts found '' and paper statements never get mailed. Bank states they 've got everything set correctly, but I still never get anything. Not even sure of exact loan type as the bank has yet to provide me any paperwork other than an account number. ...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

November 30, 2015 - I discovered a check I wrote to pay a bill, never was received by the person it was sent to and that whoever stole it, wrote their name in above the payee and cashed or deposited it. My bank can see it was obviously altered and have sent it to the other bank as a fraudulent item, but they are not giving me " provisional credit '', even though their customer service has told me that their policy is to receive a credit within 7-10 business days. Today is the - business day since I reported it. This is a business checking account with Umpqua Bank. I have called several times and no one can exp...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

November 3, 2015 - I received a summons and complaint from a process server stating I was being sued by - - - - - - - - ca bar # -. I was server at my place of residence where I have resided for almost two years. Attached to the complaint is a letter mailed to a address other than mine. I never received and letter to my place of abode. The plaintiff never attempted to resolve this matter without taking action, but false claims to have in there complaint. The current and original creditor is n't listed on any documents and again no documents or communication was made with me. I was deni...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage settlement process and costs

October 30, 2015 - I submitted an application to Umpqua Bank for a mortgage -/-/-, 2015 and was assigned a closing date of - -. - - was assigned as the mortgage banker. On the application I noticed that my home value was listed as $320000.00, where this figure came from I do not know. After the original good faith estimate was sent to me and prior to going forward and pre-paying for the appraisal, I asked - - if there were any issues that I should be concerned about and I was told no, everything was fine. Unbeknownst to me, the terms of the mortgage were based on a 60 % LTV which was exa...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

September 18, 2015 - Our mortgage bank-servicer is collecting $250.00 monthly for property taxes and hazard insurance escrow, but only crediting between $77.00 and $ - monthly to the escrow account. The Bank-Servicer has refused to respond to - written requests for error resolution or explanatory information. We do n't know if this is negligence, fraud, or a misunderstanding. These facts, however, are indisputable : - Our mortgage requires a monthly payment of $2100.00 : $1800.00 principal & interest and $250.00 escrow. The Bank-Servicer website says, however, that our Total Scheduled Payment '' i...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 27, 2015 - On the morning of Tuesday, - -, I received a call from my homeowners insurance company letting me know my annual payment was overdue. This payment should have come from Umpqua Mortgage and was due - -. I called Umpqua to find out what had happened. I waited on hold for a long time, than eventually opted for the get called back without losing your place in the queue '' approach. I finally received the call back at -. The rep I spoke to made no attempt to investigate or solve the problem, merely telling me that she 'd pass my information along. On - -, I received a notice o...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 10, 2015 - My mortgage is held with Umpqua Bank. Formerly, Sterling Bank. Since the time Umpqua took over all Sterling clients and loans, my mortgage payments have been messed up. In - 2015, as I normally do, I mailed my mortgage payment, it was cashed by Umpqua Bank on -/-/15, ( proof of the payment is available and was sent to Umpqua Bank ). Then in the beginning of - I received a call and mail from Umpqua Bank stating my mortgage was - days behind and they sent me loss mitigation paperwork. Not knowing if they were accurate, I authorized - immediate payments. I then went home to rese...

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Umpqua Holdings Corporation Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

May 11, 2015 - I refinanced an existing home loan with Umpqua Bank in - this year. Since then I have been on the phone for several hours trying to get my insurance and auto deposit set up correctly. In the last two weeks Umpqua has taken - full mortgage payments from my checking account but not at the date they specified. My insurance company says that my balance with them is short $60.00 but when I call Umpqua they tell me the account is fine. ...

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