Citibank Billing Disputes Complaints

Review and analysis of over 2,411 complaints against Citibank

Citibank consumers have reported over 2,411 official complaints related to Billing disputes. Out of the 2,411 consumer complaints against Citibank, 19% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Citibank responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 45% of consumer complaints against Citibank resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 5% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Billing Disputes Consumer Complaints

Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 8, 2017 - The creditor violated the Fair Credit Billing Act. I previously notified the creditor that I did not receive statements from - through - due to an incorrect address which I notified the creditor of several times in writing and over the phone. The creditor did not respond to my complaint as requested and have incurred two 30 day delinquencies as a result.I contacted Citibank and spoke with a representative named - who concurred with me.The representative also advised me that online access was canceled without my knowledge or authorization....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 7, 2017 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 30 days past due as of -/-/2015 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 6, 2017 - I just filed CFPB Complaint # -, which, thank you, had been promptly forwarded to Citi Cards. On -/-/2017 I received a phone call/ voice mail message from - , Citi Cards Executive Branch, -, saying she would be investigating, and if I wanted to provide additional comment/questions. Well, although I appreciated the call, I did n't think it would be necessary to call her back, until this morning -/-/2017. When I received email notification of a new e-communication regarding the billing dispute. the e-communication when I opened the link to what is a closed account as of -/-/2017 ...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 6, 2017 - My bloomingdales closed my account after I mad the payment and the account was still open, and now there saying that I have balance thats due. This is not correct because I made full payment and brought the account to a zero balance. I have spoken with them and they still arent trying to assist me but instead keep refering me to the collections agency thats now handling the bill, my account should not be in collection agency status because it shouldnt have a balance due ... .....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 4, 2017 - The card is Best Buy. In -/-/- I made a purchase. The purchase agreement was for extended payments until -/-/-. I paid each month $100.00 when my fee was only $ -- $27.00 I was charged Late FEES! of $ -.For a total of $60.00! I paid the balance off without late fees in -/-/-. I then made a regular purchase on -/-/- for $470.00. When I received my statement, Best Buy says I owe -! I tried calling them to clear this up. I spoke to - people from a foreign country who could barely speak English! .When I asked for the United States - they gave me to anothe...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 4, 2017 - Dispute unfair billing practice and billing error since -/-/- been in dispute since back and forth with Citi Bank Sears Billing @ billing about credit never added back to account after numerous attempts to solve these issues. Credit that was given back for the months of -/-/-, Through -/-/- and -/-/- through now -/-/- has not been added to our account.proof of credit that was apply was put back in purchase for those months which explain our over payment to Sears Credit Card ( Citi Bank ) who refuse to investigate the unfair billing error and refuse to fix the problem a...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 3, 2017 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 30 days past due as of - 2016 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 3, 2017 - I had a Macys credit card which had been closed and I was paying off the balance. In - 2017, my minimum balance was $63.00 and I paid the entire balance by the due date. As far as I knew the card was paid off. I just happened to notice that I had an email from Macys with a balance due of $6.00. When I went back through my statements, I saw that in the - statement ( generated after paying it off ) they charged me a fee of $2.00. The interest accrued said $0.00, but there were fees of $2.00 and then they charged the same fee of $2.00 in - and again in -. Since I do n't ge...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 3, 2017 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 30 days past due as of -/-/2017 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 2, 2017 - ( their Costco product ) I disputed a charge. They appropriately credited my account - then inexplicably put the charge back on my account. Their customer service department says it will take 6 months? They are still charging me the full amount ( - ) on my monthly statements and say there is nothing they can do....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

April 2, 2017 - i have a sears master card which i have not used in many years recd a invoice with a - - dollar charged for phone services fir an inmate in al. told sears the whole story also told them account was breached or hacked close it and i never use it got a letter saying i dont have to pay the min balance due really im in mass. not Alabama still have not closed my account i wanted to know if this was a breach and my info was stolen still have not heared people should know of this if it was a breach...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 31, 2017 - Dear CFPB, I received my first Credit Card on -/-/- and use them all those years, but past 7 months have issue with Citi Bank Credit Card, Dispute which I never experience in my life, right in USA can one large bank do to their customer. I went to Dr in MD and the cost of procedures was $16.00. and I did use - of my Credit Cards for payments the first proceeders the Dr. did was was extremely awful I went through many medicalI waited for 2 weeks and it was very bad I contacted Medical Bored and report and I did send them the pictures before and after they did ask me how I paid and I t...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 31, 2017 - I rented a car from a - at - that put a hold on my card that was equal to over 5- the cost of my rental. I was informed that when the car was returned that the hold would be released immediately. When I returned the car I verified with the merchant that they had released the hold and I had a conference call with the credit card company so that they could verify directly with the merchant via the transaction ID that the charge was not valid and that they could release the hold however the credit card company refused to do so. The credit card company was AT & T Universal Card and I have be...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 31, 2017 - I made a purchase with at Macy 's with my Macy 's credit card ( # - ). The items never arrived. I disputed the charge but Macy 's refuses to credit my account and wants me to chase my refund via their shipper. I have no contract with their vendor. My contract is with Macy 's. I want my refund. Please help as this is consumer fraud....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 30, 2017 - The account above is currently reporting on my credit report but I am only an authorized user. I would like to remove myself immediately....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 29, 2017 - I went to Macy 's and purchased - items. The clerk was pushing me to open a macy 's credit card and told me my purchase qualified for 20 % off ( up to $100.00 ) if I opened a macy 's card. I did ( it took a while ). I was assured that the discount would appear on my first statement. The receipt for the credit card said something similar : " Your NEW ACCOUNT SAVINGS WILL APPEAR ON YOUR 1st STATEMENT, not your purchase receipts. '' I called Macy 's multiple times ( they were closed originally ( do n't open until - ) ) and had a complex system that did n't recognize my account number ( an...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 28, 2017 - 1. On or about - -, I searched for a - hotel in -, - on " - '' and booked the - rated - - - Hotel for - -. The booking was non-refundable. 2. On - -, I called and wrote - a letter asking for my booking to be cancelled because I learned from - that the - was undergoing major renovations and guests were complaining about their stay. The renovations were not disclosed on the - website. 3. - refused, both on the phone on -/-/16 and by an email reply to my letter on -/-/16, and instead assured me that there would be no issues wi...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 27, 2017 - I was a sears credit card holder for over 25 years until today. 2 years ago i moved, and requested an address update with my new mailing address. I use an auto-debit payment to pay my bill, and never really gave much thought to it until i was in sears recently and for the 4th or 5th time, again requested an update to my mailing address. I finally got my first statement today, after 2 years ... to see sears has been charging me a " Late Fee '' on every month for at least a year, more likely longer. $37.00 a month, hidden and blamed as my auto debit posted to them on the - ... .1 day after ...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 27, 2017 - On, I believe -/-/- I contacted my credit card company, along with the merchant, - on a three-way-call to request a credit for a payment I made with my Citi Credit Card on -/-/- in the amount of $550.00, which the merchant claimed she did n't receive. She stated the payment was processed via - who in-turn should have made the deposit to her bank account, but she claims she did not receive the payment. During the three-way-call the credit card customer service rep confirmed that the payment was indeed made to -. I was also able to see it on my account transactions. Well, at...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 27, 2017 - I went to purchase some items at Home Depot in -/-/- and made a Home Depot staff at check out who offered me a credit card with a promotion value worth $ - $40.00 discount on my purchase. I refused and offered to pay and leave but she insisted. I obliged her but after applying for the credit card she applied the discount of $40.00 and I paid the remaining amount at the desk. I did not get any credit card subsequently and did not make use of any credit card from Home Depot. However, I got this bill for $240.00 on the -/-/-. I called the number stated in the bill to clarify ...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 25, 2017 - I have contacted Bloomingdale 's customer service department four times about this matter and I have been continually lied to about this matter being resolved on my next statement. It still is not resolved four months later. With this letter I am asking for your help in finally resolving the issue. I put jewelry charge of $4000.00 ( $3700.00 after using $220.00 worth of rewards cards ) on my club account on -/-/2016, but returned the jewelry on -/-/2016. The credit was applied to my regular revolving account by the sales person even though I asked her at the time to make certain tha...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 25, 2017 - I paid off my Macys Credit on -/-/2017, payment for the balance due had to be received by Macy 's on -/-/2017. To my surprise I received a $2.00 statement from Macy 's at the end of -/-/- for $2.00 then in -/-/- for another $2.00 and now in -/-/- for another $2.00. I called in -/-/- and they said they would remove the charge, so I did not pay. In -/-/- I did not call so I called again in -/-/-. Now they say that it is interest due from my last statement ... .so why do they keep billing me for additional $2.00 every month. I have paid off other credit...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 24, 2017 - I had a Sears Credit Card and used it to purchase a product but during a previous previous purchase of a weed trimmer which was still under warranty and also I had purchased the Protection Agreement ; the weed trimmer stopped working. I took it back to Sears and was told I had to take it to their Service Department and on the second day I took it to the Service Department of Sears and was told that my weed trimmer was a 2 cycle trimmer and Sears policy is to automatically E-CHANGE the product and - in the - MS Service Department gave me a letter and told me to give it to them to get a ne...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 24, 2017 - on -/-/-, I meant to send a billpay payment to Citibank for a credit card account, in the amount of - i accidentally send them a payment for -, resulting in an overpayment of $21000.00. I have been promised a refund as of -/-/- and as of today, -/-/-, i STILL have received NO refund. It has been almost 60 days since i first called in for a refund. I have called 5 additional times over that timeframe, each time escalating the lack of refund and Citibank has done NOTHING except promise me a refund within the week and giving me no refund. Twice we have spent over an hour on...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 22, 2017 - CITI Thank you prefer card company made a mistake in my mailing address by forgetting put my unit number in my billing address. So I did not receive my statements. When I found out the pending balance when I checked my credit report and contacted the collection companr and they forwarded those statements. When I contacted CITI, they refused to take off the interest charge and fees. This late payment mistake was caused by CITI and they should not charge me any interest and fees. Now my credit is effected by this. So I have to stuck with the high interest rate for my other credit cards balance w...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 22, 2017 - On the internet I searched for " IRS EIN Number ''. A site came up appearing to be the IRS. With my CitiCard issued by Citibank, fooled by the site, I paid what I believed to be a customary fee of $140.00 to the IRS. The next day realizing that the legitimate IRS provided EIN numbers free of charge I emailed the merchant informing I was rejecting his service. In fact I never opened the merchant 's email presumably providing me an EIN number. I informed Citicard of the above via phone and in writing. Citicard via their dispute process ruled against me. Attached find the dispute ruling ( 1 pag...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 20, 2017 - I had a cash advance offer on my Citicard credit card which expired on -/-/2017. I paid the balance in full on -/-/2017 however when I received my statement today there is still a balance for the cash advance of $370.00 which not certain why if the balance was paid in full. Statement billing period was -/-/2017 - -/-/2017 and I did have other purchases during that time but if I paid the outstanding balance in full why is there still a balance reflected in the special offer?...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 20, 2017 - This account is reported in to -, - and -. The account is being reported to have a derogatory rating which is very troubling to me! I am concerned about my credit because I was recently denied a loan and my existing credit accounts have increased my interest rates. This negative rating has caused me serious financial distress and will continue to cause me financial and - until this issue is resolved. In researching my legal rights, I have found several items that I understand I am entitled to. In order to rectify this situation and ensure my rights have not been violated in any w...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 20, 2017 - On -, 2016 I purchased chocolates from - at the - in -. The saleslady rang my purchase for $86.00 when in fact it should have been for much less. When I brought this to her attention she apologized and said the sale has already been processed on my Macy 's credit card. To rectify the situation she rang up a credit on my Macy 's credit card thus effectively cancelling out the erroneous charge. When my statement from Macy 's came I noticed that the initial charge was processed but not the necessary reversed charge. I called Macy 's right away to dispute the charge and then as requi...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 19, 2017 - I routinely pay my myBestBuy credit card through Citibank in full. Occasionally, I try to make payments in advance of the next billing cycle. This is the only credit card I have ever had that refuses to let me do so, telling me that I 'm not allowed to make any more payments at this time. The ability to send a payment is literally blocked. I just was just charged interest on purchases on -/-/-, despite not having financed anything, as far I can tell. It is suspicious that the system keeps clients from making payments. I ca n't even tell if I am going to be subject to finance charges. I wa...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 19, 2017 - I went online in - 2017 noticed a fraudulent charge of $35.00 on my Macy 's Amex credit card, a card which I have n't used in a very long time. I contacted Macy 's customer service and told them of the fraudulent charge and they told me they would investigate. Three weeks later, they sent me a form to fill out which asked me to detail the specifics of the charge, including date, transaction name and amount. I was not able to do this as Macy 's has refused me access to my account online and had not sent me a statement showing the fraudulent transaction. I have the legal right to receive my...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 18, 2017 - According to the Consumer Protection Federal Agency and the Department of Conciliation Services for Foreign Residents ( CARE ) there is a term of 5 working days to cancel a timeshare without penalization. I sent an email within the 5 days to have cancel with -. This was done through a 3rd party. I have followed all suggestion since then and NO funds have been returned to me. A representative from the company spoke to me and an executive at CitiBank about the refund and was supposed to get back with us after the last conversation that was over a week ago and although CitiBank was unable to g...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 18, 2017 - We have been dealing with a foreign vendor that has was not able to ship out a very expensive dog slat mill from purchase time in mid -. This vendor has been desperate to not refund the money and has said what it took for us to consider salvaging the deal. So we had a dispute with him and closed that dispute as he promised to get the merchandise to us. This vendor knew where we lived as he charged shipping as part of the original item quote. He still could not get it shipped to us and I filed a complaint with the CFPB back in - because my credit card company would not re-open the dispute...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 18, 2017 - I opened a bust buy credit card to earn 10 % cash back, when i received my credit card statement I went online and paid the balance due in full. The payment due date was -/-/2017 which was a Saturday, on Sunday -/-/- i paid the balance in full typically when a payment is due on a weekend you have until Monday to make the payment. Furthermore when I logged in on Sunday the balance due in full reflected the same amount as my statement. I paid the entire balance a figured that was it. I never received another statement. On -/-/- I received a message from the collections account statin...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 17, 2017 - On -/-/2016, while in -, I purchased a leather jacket for $1300.00, which was to be shipped to me, so I left the merchandise with the vendor. The next morning, I realized that I did not want the item, so I went back to the vendor to ask that he not ship the item and provide me with a credit back to my account. The vendor refused to provide a refund and stated that he would only be able to do so AFTER he shipped the item to me and I was able to return it to him. I filed a dispute with Citi Credit Cards and received a provisional credit while they conducted their investigation. I provided...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 17, 2017 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : - days past due as of -/-/2014 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 16, 2017 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 30 days past due -/-/2014 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 16, 2017 - When signing in with customer service representatives over the phone for auto payment they got my bank account wrong .after that because I was out of country and could not manage all accounts I got a late payment on my credit report.i never had any late payments this is affecting my score with bad impact.when I find out this I made a payment immediately but did n't help...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 16, 2017 - I had a Home Depot credit card for which is being issued by Citibank N.A . for which I am disputing the balance of $100.00. For many months I am getting statements that I owe money for a credit card for which I had but is closed now for which I called Citi Bank last year several times disputing the interest charge that started out to be about $7.00 or so and every month I was getting charged interest and late fees. No matter how many times I tried to dispute this balance I was not able to resolve the issue. Some time last year I participated in survey for which I gave negative feed back fo...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 15, 2017 - or your information I also submitted this complaint to the Federal Trade Commission. I ordered - products online from the merchant ( - ). The cost per product is only $4.00 each. I was made to believe that this is the amount i have to pay for each product. But when the bill statement came, I have to pay $92.00 for each product ( 2 - ) and $97.00 for each ( 2 - ). I would NOT have agreed to pay those amounts if only I knew the merchant has indeed truthfully posted the terms and conditions before the checkout. I filed a dispute to the Citi Cards company. But The Citi Cards comp...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 14, 2017 - I went to - with my family on -/-/2017. A male staff member at the resort was caught by me and my - year old daughter, -, and he was blushing. This caused my daughter to be afraid and not want to go to the food court again. Later in the trip while I was away from her and my - year old, while they were in the arcade, another man was caught standing behind her in what was an attempt to speak to her. I interjected, and the man said he " had no children or grandchildren, but it was too late to start now ''. I asked - to call security and they responded that it was probably nothing...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 13, 2017 - I disputed a charge on my card because the goods received were defective and not as described, and the merchant was not responsive to my requests for return/refund. Citi opened an investigation, but did not collect any information from me. The case was then closed because Citi said the merchant provided ample evidence that my claim was invalid. The evidence from the merchant was nothing more than tracking information when goods were first shipped to me. I dont understand how that constitutes ample evidence that my claim was not valid since I was not disputing the charge on the grounds that the...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 13, 2017 - I took the Citi - - card due to an offer for credit off a flight I was booking. I made the payment for the full amount by phone, received a confirmation # and also a paper statement showing a balance of -. A few days later I started receiving calls from Citi saying my account was over due. I called back and they said the payment had been returned. I attemped to make the payment again and it seemed to go through again. Now a week later the account shows a balance again and another late fee and returned check fee....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 10, 2017 - I had a balance of $6200.00. I made total payments of $5300.00, PLUS Citi credited my account $840.00 for a fraudulent charge. This equals $6200.00 in payments and credits. Remaining balance was $0.00. Citi is charging me interest for the fraudulent charge....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 9, 2017 - I was - for Military purposes and used the CITI card that was issued to me. I stayed at the assigned hotel for the period of time that we reserved the room for. We departed as planned. The hotel charged us for an extra day 's stay, claiming that " someone was occupying the room ''. We first tried to consult with the hotel manager, but could not make progress. We filed a dispute with the credit card company a month after the dispute ( -/-/- ) and waited for resolution. I continually checked their Online account they have set up for me, and the status of the dispute never changed from a ...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 9, 2017 - My name : - - - -. My address : - - - - , - -, CA -. My contact # : - It 's about my dispute with Citi Cards, billing dispute department, - - -, SD - . I 've signed the contract with - - to purchase - - weeks from -/-/- to -/-/- in - on -/-/-. That was my last day in - and paid $13000.00 by my - Costco Card. When I came back home - California, I figured out that they put the wrong period of contract from -/-/- to -/-/-, so I tried to contact them. Their office in - and I 've had to call th...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 9, 2017 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 30 days past due as of -/-/2012 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 8, 2017 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 30 days past due as of -/-/2013 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 6, 2017 - My credit card was charged 2 times by a company called -. I disputed both charges with the credit card and the credit card ruled that I should have to pay - because - offered to refund - charge. I never agreed with - 's pay 1/refund 1 offer and was never told why both charges were not refunded. In the dispute itself, I made a downpayment for 2 - - tours that were both 6+ months away. Several days later, my wife called and wrote many times to ask for a refund for both 2 tours. - never provided any service or value for my money and only reserved the - tours for - bu...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 6, 2017 - A visa credit card issued by Citi accepted a charge from a merchant who had either an incorrect credit card number or expiration date that passed or both. When I called to inquire how it could happen they said that for some select merchants who allegedly submit recurring charges there is a special treatment when it comes to changed credit card numbers and expiration dates that have passed - they are provided with new credit card info so that they can continue to bill. I suggested that this was done without my consent, that the agreement is between the credit card company and the merchant an...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 6, 2017 - On -/-/2016 Costco changed from - to Costco Anywhere Citi Visa. On -/-/2016 I paid $5900.00 to -. On the first statement from Citi Visa I received a bill for $5900.00 the amount that I had paid - ; Citi informed me that I had not paid - and therefore ; I needed to pay them. I informed them that I had payed - and sent them a copy of my bank statement that showed the $5900.00 being deducted and payed to -. Citi Visa refuses to correct their mistake and issue credit to me for $5900.00. Because Citi Visa has not corrected their mistake my credit score has been down gr...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 3, 2017 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found late payment on the dates below : 30 days past due as of - 2015, - 2015 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that my monthly statement did not get to me....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 3, 2017 - I missed a balance due payment of - in - on my Citi Bank credit card. I did n't see the bill come in but found it later buried under some papers on my desk. I called as soon as I received my past due notice. I have been a customer since 1993 and always pay my bill in full, with rare exception. I argued that the $25.00 late fee should be removed if they just looked at my history. I paid the $30.00 charge but not the late fee. This month I received a bill that charges a late fee of $37.00 on the $25.00 late fee from last month. Now the bill is $63.00 That simply does n't make sen...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 1, 2017 - In - I purchased an item online using my Citibank Mastercard. The seller did not have the item in inventory at the time of purchase but told me they would within a month. Two months later I still did not have the item and so filed a dispute on the charge with Citibank and they provided me with a conditional credit. The item then arrived a week later. When I authroized Citibank to reinstate the charge they charged me twice for the item. In several email and telephone contacts with them I was repeatedly assured the duplicate charge would be reversed yet they have not done so and I feel I have...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

March 1, 2017 - I closed my Macy 's credit account leaving a - balance but two months in a row they continue to charge me a fee. The first month was $4.00, I paid the amount thinking maybe I stilled owed something, Then the following month again the now charge me $2.00, I believe this company is taking advantage of consumers....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

February 28, 2017 - I have an ongoing investigation with Macy's/Citi concerning 2 accounts with fraudulent transactions. The first, I opened and have used for several years until -/-/2016, when I identified fraudulent purchases. I notified Macy 's ( store ) who could not help. I had to call the credit/security department during their regular hours, M-F - ET. Living in -., that is n't easy to do when you are working .None the less, I did, I received and completed the needed affidavits/statements concerning the purchases. Not long after, I saw that a new account was opened ( I did not authorize ) which had ...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

February 27, 2017 - Hello team, I need your help. Please can you assit me in resolving this mess that I have with - diffrent merchamts. Because of their bad faith and incopetence, they want to stole $290.00 from me. Thanks again. I rented a car with - back in -/-/-. Some of my items with a value of $290.00 dollars were stolen when the car was under their care. After I complained, and even thought admitted in one e-mail that they were sorry for the incident, they refused to take any responsibility. They stopped answering to my complains. I am attaching all of the correspondence between - and I...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

February 26, 2017 - To Whom It May Concern : I am disputing the charge of $760.00 from - CA because I was interested in purchasing an electric scooter a.k.a hoverboard, from this company back in - 2015 and because of the price, declined to do so. While I was speaking to the salesperson for almost an hour in an outside flea market, which all the " stores '' were in a tented area, some of his sales people were surrounding potential customers frequently. I know I had my card scanned from a skimming device that takes your numbers off of your card and was charged. I saw the pending charge later that night when...

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

February 24, 2017 - Citibank Customer Service informed me that according to their transactions records, they have NO record of any car rental fees from -/-/2016 - -/-/2016. This card has been closed out by Citibank. $700.00 owed on the amount in for car rental yet, they have no record of any transaction from the time frame mentioned. Citibank should re adjust the amount they claim I owe on this card. Minus $700.00 in rental fees they can not locate....

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Citibank Credit card billing disputes

February 23, 2017 - Citi Bank stopped sending me paper statements without notification, which caused me to have two late payments which included late fees and interest. I have paid my bill current, have never been late before and paid in full every month. I have called customer service three times and we have come to the conclusion that, when you use the online site a box pops up with a check mark already in it. If you do n't remove the check mark, you have signed up for e-statements. I find this action very deceiving, if I wanted e-statements I would ask for it. I called after my first payment was late when I re...

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