Citibank Credit Line Increase/Decrease Complaints

Review and analysis of over 339 complaints against Citibank

Citibank consumers have reported over 339 official complaints related to Credit line increase/decrease. Out of the 339 consumer complaints against Citibank, 24% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Citibank responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 7% of consumer complaints against Citibank resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 5% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Credit Line Increase/Decrease Consumer Complaints

Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

February 20, 2017 - Citi Bank company purposefully dropped my credit limit under what I owe by almost $1000.00, without warning or time to bring my balance down under the limit. ( Previous limit : $4500.00 ... .dropped to $2300.00 ... .when I owe $ - ) Following is what happened, -/-/-, 2017 just before midnight, I made a payment of $1000.00 to Citi. I realize in the morning payment was for the wrong card. I called and asked Citi stop the transaction. I was told they did not see it in their system. As a precaution, I called my bank and explained what happened and to stop this payment. -/-/- 2...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

February 18, 2017 - Without provocation, I received notice that my credit line was being decreased by nearly 100 %. My available credit was reduced from $ - to - ( the rough amount of my available balance ). When I called to question the change, I was provided a nob-descript response referencing my - report. It was my understanding that under the FCRA I was entitled to a copy of this report, but was refused by Citi and have been given no further explanation. This is predatory in that it affects my utilization of credit, further subjecting me to increase in APrs, etc and a higher cost of credit withou...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

February 15, 2017 - Citibank , NA has erroneously and drastically reduced my credit limit to my credit card ending in -, the credit limit has essentially been reduced to zero as the new limit is the balance of my account, severely impacting my balance to availability ratio. Citibank sent me a letter informing me of this decision on -/-/16 stating due to a delinquency I have with another creditor, they have reduced said credit line. They did not specify with whom I have this said delinquency with and when I called their customer support, they could not tell me where said delinquency was originating from a...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

February 13, 2017 - CBNA did an unauthorized Hard Inquiry on -/-/2017. Their information mailing is - - - -, - -, SD - and their contact number is -. When calling the number, the company stated was CitiGold and the only way to talk to someone was to enter my social security number- and I 'm not doing that. I have no idea what this is and did not authorize/approve ANY company to do a hard inquiry. I did ask for a credit line increase from Citibank on a credit card but nowhere did it say on the request that a hard inquiry would be preformed. Can you please remove this Hard Inquiry? Thank y...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

February 13, 2017 - There was an incident with CitiMortgage ( see CFPB Complaint # - ) that caused inadvertent negative credit reporting which CitiMortgage has since agreed to remove. However, as a result CitiBank who backs my Home Depot credit card reviewed my credit worthiness during the time frame in which the negative error reporting was taking place immediately reduced my credit limit to the balance of the credit card itself which makes it appear as though I now have a maxed out credit card which also reduces my credit score even further. I have maintained excellent credit worthiness throughout my life un...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

January 27, 2017 - Citicard Corp. continues to decrease my credit as I am paying down my balance, My desired resolution would be to get permission from me to run a credit check continuously when ever they feel they want to without asking. They say they sent me an email but I received nothing and also a text message but again simply not true. I authorized them one time to do this credit check initially to obtain their card I no longer desire to have their credit cards so I am paying them off and closing the accounts. The card company representative had informed me that she checked into this and seen that - cre...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

January 2, 2017 - It is my opinion that CitiBank is engaging in - discrimination in at least this instance, both in how a compromised - card was handled, the charges for expedited replacement and approving only $22000.00 of a requested $25000.00 credit line increase with income identical to my husband, and credit scores either identical or nearly identical to his. His was granted, mine was not. My husband 's card was compromised on -/-/16 and a replacement card was sent next day air at no charge, without him asking. My - was compromised on -/-/16 and I was told I would receive a replace...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

December 16, 2016 - I contacted Citibank/Home Depot card service in -/-/- regarding severe flooding, which was declared a federal disaster # -, in -. This caused me a major hardship as I lost my home and vehicles as well as the indirect effect on my business. The representative, -, advised there would be no problem since it is a federal disaster that policies were in place to assist. There would be no late fees, interest and they would not report any negativity to the credit bureau. I asked if there would be double or triple payments due, as well as would this effect my credit limit/interest rate an...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

December 16, 2016 - Account was paid in full on time and closed. - did not report late payments until this account was closed. I have - other - accounts in good standing. If I never paid on time why was more credit extended with credit limit increases....

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

December 1, 2016 - On -/-/2016, I made a $420.00 payment. This would have left me with $560.00 credit available to use on this card. I planned on using this card or about $ - of it for a trip we are taking. On -, after my payment posted of course, I get an automated phone call stating that they have now decreased my credit limit $500.00 leaving me on $69.00 available credit. When I called, they stated that all my payments to them have been on time but tried saying that I 've been paying late on other credit cards I have. That is NOT TRUE. I have NOT missed any payments, in fact since I 've gotten...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

November 30, 2016 - My name is - - - and I have a Macy 's Credit card reward joint with my husband - - -. I would like to file a complaint against Macy 's for unfair credit discrimination and retaliation.I had filed a complaint against Macy 's before regarding almost same issues but ever since I filed the complaint, Macy 's has been retaliating against us numerous times for no reason. We feel that we are being attacked by Macy 's lately. Every time I call they continue to ask my husband information to verify the account after I provided them with my information and I explained to them that I am ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

November 30, 2016 - I requested a credit line increase on my Sears Mastercard and was declined. The reasons they gave were " unsatisfactory credit and/or derogatory public record references ''. I immediately pulled all - credit bureaus to see what could possibly be reporting negatively. EVERYTHING is reporting paid as agreed or no lates wth the exception of - - 30 days late -/-/2012. that was 4 1/2 years ago and should not be a reason to decline credit. There is not any public records at all. I feel they are discriminating against me because I am a single woman in her - 's. If they have a more legitima...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

November 29, 2016 - Back in - - erroneously reported late payments on a student loan that was deferred. I contacted the Bureaus directly and provided them with proof of the error and requested that they remove any negative ratings from my credit report. All bureaus complied with the exception of -. I reached out to the CFPB for assistance with getting this error corrected and the same reflected on my credit report. I have since had my credit limit decreased on my Citibank credit cards as a result of this. I have been a Citibank client for about 20 years. I had one credit card with a limit of - and ano...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

November 26, 2016 - To Whom It May Concern, My name is - -, phone number -. I have been a loyal customer to Citibank for years. I was always proud of the customer service and the banking services that Citibank provides. For almost two weeks I have been trying to ask CitiBank to save me and my account from an agent who committed a discriminatory act against me and harmed my credit intentionally but they emailed me saying " we are sorry we can not do anything to assist you please contact the presidential office. The story begins when I called Citibank to talk to a credit department to increase the credi...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

October 11, 2016 - I received a notice from Citibank , NA on - - indicating my credit limit would be reduced on my Sears Card since it had been dormant with no balance for 21 months. The notice stated if I made a transaction by the end of - I could avoid the limit reduction. I consider this a form of extortion forcing me to use the card or risk a negative report of my credit report as a result of Citibank reducing the credit limit. I did us the card on - and paid it off on -. Citibank continues to threaten me with a line reduction and reported account dormancy to - on -/-/16....

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

October 7, 2016 - CitiCards said they were going to do a " soft pull '' when I asked for a credit line increase but they did a " hard pull '' and it is now on my credt report....

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

October 6, 2016 - I have a CITI Diamond Preferred Card and was given an $1800.00 credit limit. I have never paid late, managed my credit limit responsibly. I make over $ - annually and have more than enough resources to pay the obligations on this card. About 2 months ago I receive a notice from CITI indicating that my credit line was being reduced. I did not agree with the this decision and called to complain. My credit line was reinstated and I was told that I should not have this issue again. On -/-/2016, I received an email indicating that once again, my credit limit was being reduced. I called again...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

September 30, 2016 - I am attaching a statement, but the short version is Citibank denied my credit increase based on an exisiting Payment Arrangement program - that they say I am enrolled in. However, they have no proof of that, and in fact - of the staff that I spoke with agreed that I am not in any program and that my card is in good standing. After speaking with different staff at Citibank - I was told that " I must have had a debt charged off with Citibank, sometime in the past 36 months. '' However, they have no information about this, no dates, no amounts, nothing and they also will not provide me this i...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

September 29, 2016 - I 've been a Best Buy card member since -. I always pay my bills on time and even pay more than minimum monthly payment. As of -/-/- they reduced my credit limit from $2100.00 to $1300.00. When I called to inquiry about the recent change - -, new applicant specialist, informed me due my credit report the company must reduce my credit limit. I explained to her the items are currently being disputed and her response was that does not matter. Best buy can not reverse decisions made. This is poor customer service and demonstrates best buy do not value good card members. Furth...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

September 20, 2016 - I allowed my son to use my account and he paid the bill. Upon his passing we found out that the balance was over $17000.00. and we were told that because the account was in our name we were responsible. Our credit limit was -, very sufficient, but Home Depot took it upon themselves to extend credit beyond that amount. I feel that we should be resposible for only charges upto the credit limit. I have never heard of any credit card extending credit without the knowledge, consent or request of the card holder, but I guess with approx. 24 % int. they did n't care....

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

August 29, 2016 - I contacted Shell Citibank - -. I called customer service. I asked them about a credit limit increase if it was a soft or a hard inquiry. I explained I was going to go for a major purchase and I ca n't have any hard inquiries on my credit. They said they could not answer this question. They said since you have a fraud alert to fill it out online and they will contact me before they pull the credit whether its soft or hard. This did not happen it was a hard pull the next day. I spoke to several supervisors the - - I spoke with said it would take up to 10 days to remove it. This did ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

August 24, 2016 - We are very careful with any charges on credit cards or obtaining financing. We received a threatening " Account Notice '' from Sears stating that we must make a purchase or other transaction by - -, 2016 or have our credit limit lowered and to " hurry '' in doing so. We feel this is pressure to use our card, and we feel since we voluntarily applied for the account and paid as agreed ( actually early ) we should have the account available at our discretion. We know that credit bureaus receive information about account limits and closings, and these reports affect credit scores. We feel t...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

August 24, 2016 - Filed a chargeback dispute as a result of receiving defective merchandise from -. I provided Citi with all information requested in a very timely fashion. Citi then adversely closed my dispute stating that I had not provided requested information in a timely fashion. I provided all requested information to them. At no time did they ever communicate with me that they needed additional information....

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

August 19, 2016 - I have a credit card with Home Depot. Home Depot cards are issued by/through Citibank. I have a Citibank HD credit card. For quite some time, my credit limit was $1000.00. I have never gone over the limit, and I have never paid late. Recently, I have been trying to pay my credit cards off/down to increase my - score. On or about - -, I paid the $800.00 balance on my home depot card down to $500.00, which would be 50 % of the $1000.00 limit. Immediately after crediting the payment, without notice or justification, Citibank lowered my credit limit from $1000.00 to $700.00. T...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

August 15, 2016 - Recently my available credit limit was $400.00. Due to the recent heat wave, I was waiting until the weekend for a sale to purchase an air conditioner for my elderly mother whose central air conditioner has ceased working. As I was in route to Home Depot, I contacted the credit department to ask for an increase since I may have needed additional funding to cover the purchase. I felt extremely confident in this request since previously Home Depot credit department has constantly harassed me with numerous phone calls even when I made payment arrangements to make payments that were financially ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

August 2, 2016 - My credit limit was reduced, due to errors on Macy 's part. I have paid off my balance month ago, but due technical issues on their end. I was charged fees, and not notified of changes. I called to get fees waived on this past Saturday, and now today I get a letter stated my limit is being reduce, which will effect my credit score. I want my credit limit restored....

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

July 23, 2016 - I applied for a CITI Simplicity credit card with the intention of using the balance transfer offer. I submitted my application online. As I was waiting for my approval status, the website refreshed and provided me with an error message. I then called CITI credit card applications customer service to notify of the issue and to find out the result. I was notified that I was approved for a $2000.00 credit limit. I notified the customer service representative that I would like to request that the limit be increased. I was told I needed to wait until the card arrived in the mail then to call back...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease


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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

June 17, 2016 - Home depot credit card lowered my credit limit due to inactivity. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

June 15, 2016 - I had a $2000.00 credit line with Sears. I always pay my card timely ; in fact I always pay my account early. I did so in - pay - payment early. I had requested long before that my due date be changed to the - I believe so there would be no chance of my payment being made late. It was agreed to do this, however, they never did and my payment for - or - was a day or so late. I immediately contact them by phone to resolve the matter. Later, they took away my $2000.00 credit line for their own mistake. I called in about that and spoke to repetitive women who told me to write in...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

May 27, 2016 - - lowered my credit limit by - with no notice. Account has been open since 2012, and balance had been paid in full for most billing cycles. In this instance, payment was 6 days late. Company claims they notified me of this policy in 2012. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

May 26, 2016 - On or around - - of this year, i wanted to get an increase in my credit limit with my - - credit card issued by Citi. I applied online to get an increase in credit line. They emailed me back asking me to call a particular number. When i called the number the representative said she needed to run credit to see if i qualify for an increase in line. I told the rep that i only want an increase in the line WITHOUT running my credit as i did not want to impact my credit report and - score. I explicitly said NO to running hard credit over the phone. But they ran it anyway and it showed...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

May 10, 2016 - This bank voluntarily undertook to lend me money but the lending was not accomplished with due care and increased the risk of harm to me through ( 1 ) an inability to access the proper amount of funds to properly grow my business of providing legal services particularly on or about - -, - which is when I filed for Chapter - bankruptcy ( which was dismissed ) and after the - -, - - Supreme Court order of suspension from the practice of law ( which I am challenging ) but at which time a proper amount of loan funds would have allowed me to redirect my law practice to poten...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

April 5, 2016 - I have been making payments on my credit card bill on time and more then the amt due and Macy 's have lowered my credit limit twice. The first time I dealt with it but this time they took all the money I had made and left me with a $500.00 limit and available $29.00. I made a total of $370.00 ( available credit ) and was left with a balance of $420.00 to pay off. Macy 's had no reason in lowering my credit limit. I cancelled my card and will be cancelling the last payment made with my bank. Macy 's does not appreciate their customers especially the ones making payments on time. How can...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

April 5, 2016 - I am a Citi credit card customer for almost 8 years. I made a credit line request from online account on - - 2015. The request resulted in a Hard inquiry on my credit report. The credit line increase with Citi card has always been a soft inquiry for me in the past 8 years. In response to my complaint with CFPB, Citi executive replied ( response attached ) " When a credit limit increase request is submitted, online or by telephone with a representative, the request may be instantly approved without a credit bureau review. If the request requires additional review, you are notified that ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

March 22, 2016 - A couple of months ago I thought I paid my Macy 's card in full. Then a couple months later, I looked at my statement and it had several $2.00 charges. Macy 's charged me interest on an account that was paid in full and because there was a balance, an automatic $2.00 charge was given. It was something new they had just started and as a courtesy, removed all of the charges off my account and reported to the credit bureau that I was in fact not late on any credit card payments. Things took a different turn when Macy 's ( credit services ) reduced my credit limited from approximately $3000.0...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

February 28, 2016 - Hi and thanks for your assistance- I went down to my bank ( Citibank ) to apply for a $200.00 secured credit card- the bank person told me there would be no credit check. Today I received an alert from my - ; looks like there was a credit report inquiry by CBNA obtained a copy of your - Credit Report - Alert Type : New Inquiry Found On : - -, 2016- This was unauthorized by me! Please help!! - - in - - - ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

February 6, 2016 - Macy 's American Express card limit was decreased for no apparent reason. The card was overpaid accidentally and used to bring the balance back to -. A week later the limit was decreased from $10000.00 to $500.00. This will negatively impact my credit FICO score which is in the - range ; no lates ; with a - % credit usage. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

February 4, 2016 - In early - my family had a health crisis so my credit utilization spiked. Twice in - - raised my credit limit and my home depot credit card raised it once because of the falling utilization ratios. In - -, - I made a $2000.00 payment to my Citi Simplicity card. Then a few weeks later I did a cash advance and on - - i made a $500.00 payment. The card was below 50 % Utilization. Then on - - they sent me a notice that my debt levels are too high and for this they are cutting my limit in half to $1700.00 which put my utilization at close to 100 %. By - - I...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

January 21, 2016 - I have sent 5 messages regarding my Macys Private Label Card to Citibank ( after logging into and being redirected to their site ) asking them to lower my credit limit after an automatic credit line increase they gave me towards the end of last year. I asked them to lower the line to $2000.00 and to not do automatic line increases. I have never received a response from them after all the secure message and tonight I called them and was on hold for over an hour before hung up. They are messing up my credit score and I want this resolved NOW. They should be fined! ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

December 12, 2015 - I applied for a Macy 's store credit card to help build my credit score. I was approved for a card with a credit limit of $300.00. I purchased around $100.00 worth of items, and then for around 6 months made my minimum payments when the due date came around. I tried to enroll online to make payments online, but they could n't link the online payment option with my card, because they said the card number was n't valid. I called tech support and they could n't help me. they said their system was having trouble recognizing some of the recently issued card numbers. Unfortunately I do take owne...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

November 22, 2015 - I really need CITI to lower my interest rate for a short period of time. Because of lowering my original credit limits my credit score has dropped drastically. Therefore my ability to receive more work has been limited to the point where I need to make this request. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

November 13, 2015 - I am a Citi credit card customer for more than 7 years. I made a credit line request from online account on -/-/2015. The request has resulted in a Hard inquiry on my credit report. The credit line increase with citi card has always been a soft inquiry for me in the past. I contacted customer service and they informed me that the online credit line increase requests are hard inquiry and the credit lime increase requests over the phone are soft inquiry. However, the website does n't mention any disclosure or notification while I was making the request. The representative asked me to fax or ma...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

November 3, 2015 - On - -, Citibank contacted me about a decrease in my credit limit ( a decrease of $2500.00 ), due to items that had appeared on my - credit report, which stated that if the credit report changed, I could have them reevaluate the decision within 60 days. On - -, I contacted them and they stated that they only could request a credit limit increase, there was no process for disputing their previous decision. They requested a credit limit increase and the increase was denied, and were not able to provide me with a reason. Their decision was triggered incorrectly and they have unfa...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

October 16, 2015 - I received a letter dated - -, 2015 indicating that Citibank reduced the credit limit on my Sears Credit Card from $16000.00 to $2000.00 because I have not used my card recently. The reduced credit limit was so low that if I had gone to a Sears to make any substantial purchase in between when the credit line was reduced and the time I got the letter the transaction would have either been denied, causing considerable embarrassment, or potentially gone over my limit and may have incurred an overlimit fee. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

October 10, 2015 - I have ( - ) citi cards, - visa and - mastercard. This pertains to my citi visa card. Earlier in the year, I did a balance transfer in order to pay the balance without APR. Since then, I charged additional dollars on my citi vsa card during a certain 2 months. I always pay my cards on time and alot more than the minimum balance due. Since - I have $4700.00 toward this card. They have lowered my limit twice this due to credit report review. '' They have not disclosed specifically about what caused the limit to decrease. Once I called and they told me due to another delinquent pay...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

October 8, 2015 - Credit card company lowered revolving credit line. I have paid balences all along with over - in assests. This has affected my credit score. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

September 25, 2015 - I receive a mailed offer '' of Do n't let Your Credit Limit Decrease from Home Depo. I feel this is a rather adverse action being taken towards me as I know of no wrong doing on my part. I could understand closing my account for inactivity but treatening to reduce my limit as a marketing tool to try and get me to use the card does not go over very well. I believe this company is in violation of Truth In Lending Act ( TILA ) and Equal Credit Oppertunity Act ( ECOA ) on - fronts. First the offer '' is not in an Adverse Action '' format to include the primary reason for taking this action a...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

September 22, 2015 - I applied and was awarded a Sears Citi Credit card in - 2013. They approved and awarded me a credit limit of $6000.00. I have paid consistently without incident. Now they have dropped my limit to $4800.00 which has impacted my credit score because I owe $3800.00. So instead of being $820.00 away from be 50 % below the limit the credit limit keeps getting reduced as I pay the credit card down. So my credit score is lower then what it should be due to no fault of my own. Please request that Sears increase the limit back to $6000.00 as originally agreed. They do not have to permit or...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

September 8, 2015 - I contacted Sears to increase my credit limit for me to buy one of their product I was denied such increase then received a letter from the company explaining the reason which was - unsatisfactory credit and/or derogatory public record references ) I called the company -/-/2015 for more explanation since I was positive that I have no public derogatory on my credit account the customer service was not sure then confirmed that there is nothing on my credit history ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

September 3, 2015 - My Citibank credit card account opened 19 years ago was closed without warning. Being one of my oldest credit card accounts, this decreases my FICO score and damages my credit rating. When I called and asked for the account to be reopened, Citibank wanted to run a new credit report to reopen the account. Running credit inquires will decrease my FICO score and damage my credit rating. When used, my payments for this card have always been on time. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

September 1, 2015 - Hello team, I would need your help removing a credit inquiry done by Citi on my - report without my consent. On - -, I had requested for a credit limit increase in Citi website and I clearly remember it DID NOT mention anything about pulling a credit report. As soon as I entered my annual income details with expected credit limit and submitted the initial form, I just got a message that decision will be mailed to me later. The next day, on - -, I received an E-letter in my Citi account as : We ca n't approve your request because you currently have the maximum amount of credit w...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

August 24, 2015 - On -/-/-, I opened my e-mail from my citi cards account to be informed that the line of credit on my account was being reduced from $24000.00 to $21000.00 and the stated reason was that I had big balances on other bank credit card accounts. I have had the citi card since -/-/-, and with the exception of -/-/-, I have paid my account in full or in an amount exceeding the minimum payment each month before the due date. Last month I was visiting friends in the Florida - when I mailed my citi card payment on -/-/-, but the payment was not credited to my account until -/...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

July 29, 2015 - In year -/-/- Citi reports to - a high balance of $0.00 and a credit limit of $4800.00. but in -/-/- Citi reports to - a High Balance of $4200.00 and a credit limit of $4800.00. Why? In -/-/- Citi reports to - a high $0.00 and a Credit Limit of $9900.00. In -/-/- Citi and - do not report a High balance, but report a credit limit of $9900.00. Why did Citi not report a High Balance? Is n't my High balance the same as my credit limit? Why is Citi changing my original credit limit? In - Citi reports to - a high balance of $8500.0...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

July 23, 2015 - On -/-/- citicards pulled my credit report and approved me for a credit limit increase on my credit card from - to -. There was negative information on my credit report at the time ( a bankruptcy filed -/-/- ), however, my credit limit increase was approved. Since that increase in -/-/- I have used my account in accordance with the terms & conditions, however, I am now being turned down for increases because of my bankruptcy on my credit report. With this in mind I feel unfairly discriminated against. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

July 23, 2015 - I applied online for a credit limit increase on my Citicards credit card on -/-/15. Before I clicked the submit button, my screen said you must click the box to acknowledge that a credit report would be pulled. I agreed to this. On -/-/15, I got an email that my credit limit increase request was declined. I put a posting on - for a reconsideration of my credit limit increase request. An hour or so later on -/-/15 a member of the social media team called me regarding my denial. The gentlemen from the social media department said that in order for him to escalate my denial t...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

July 7, 2015 - I am attempting to increase my credit line on a credit card from Citi. Citi representatives tell me that - is telling them I have a security freeze. In order to get control of this, I actually placed a security freeze so that - would mail me a PIN. I got the PIN, then paid Experian to remove the freeze ( $5.00 ). Several hours later, I attempted to remove the freeze again, but - told me no freeze was in place. ( See screenshot document, attached. ) On calling Citi again, they again told me there is a freeze in place. This time, however, they said the freeze is in place due to state...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

June 26, 2015 - I had - late payment so Citi card lowered my limit. The late payment could not be avoided. I am told that this is an illegal act. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

June 22, 2015 - On -/-/2015 Citi Bank reduced the credit line on my credit card although I have never been late and have honored the terms of our agreement. This action by Citi Bank will reduce my credit score because it will reduce my available credit and increase my outstanding debt ratio. My credit should not suffer if I have kept my end of the agreement. ...

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Citibank Credit card credit line increase/decrease

June 22, 2015 - On - I called Sears Card to pay off and close the account. I approved an electronic payment thru my bank. On - my lender drew a credit report which listed me as past due - days. on -, I called Sears Cards and was told that the payment of - failed due to incorrect a/c #. at that point I authorized a new payment for the then balance. I asked that they contact the credit reporting services and advise them of the error, I was told that this would take 7-10 days. On - I received - letters from Sears stating that the account had been brought to a - balance, but the Credit rep...

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