American Honda Finance Corporation Complaints

American Honda Finance Corporation consumers have reported over 379 official complaints. Out of the 379 consumer complaints against American Honda Finance Corporation, 25% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how American Honda Finance Corporation responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 6% of consumer complaints against American Honda Finance Corporation resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 10% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Complaints

American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

June 9, 2016 - I have been an Acura car owner for several years, never once missing a payment, until I tried to sign up for Acura Financial Service 's auto payment on their website in -/-/-. Apparently my autopay request did n't go through, even though I saw the confirmation on the website saying everything was complete. 30 days went past and a payment apparently did n't go through, and I never once heard from Acura saying there was an issue ( they claim they did n't have my phone number, even though Acura called me several times regarding another matter ). I finally realized from my bank statement that...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

June 8, 2016 - I fell behind on my monthly lease payments. My vehicle was taken by the bank. I called to reinstate and was told that I did not have that option because my payment history was not good. I was told that I would be obligated to pay $36000.00 by -/-/16 in order to get my vehicle back. I inquired whether or not I could pay the cost of the remaining months on my lease rather than the entire cost of the car. I was told that paying the remaining payments under my lease term was not an option. I must pay the $36000.00. My credit report only indicates that I am obligated to pay the balance...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

June 7, 2016 - Ca n't pay late fee so they want repossession of the car and i told them i can cancel my gap and pay it but that 's not good enough....

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

June 7, 2016 - I disputed an account with American Honda Finance with the - major credit bureaus and directly with AHF. The credit bureaus and AHF both verified the accounts as being accurate and responded to my dispute in a timely fashion. But what they failed to do per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, was to update my account as being disputed within 5 days of receiving the dispute which according to the Federal Trade Commission is their responsibility and when not done, is a violation of the FCRA....

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

June 4, 2016 - In -/-/- Honda financial double posted my payment. Once they credited my account, I paid them again. I was promised everything was ok and I had nothing to worry about. Well, - - I received a call while I was sleep 3 days after -. I was told my account was past due. I explained what happened and the lady kept telling me I owed the money. My bank gift involved. The lady was waiting on documents from them showing the payment went through my account. She said she never recovered it, so I had to send her screen shots of my account then she called me and said she needed the before and ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

June 3, 2016 - Honda is reporting my account to the credit bureaus as a current charge off with a 30 day late payment in - 2009. This is not accurate and needs to be updated....

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

June 1, 2016 - Auto lease matured in - - and I extended for 6 months. Since the inception of the auto lease, I had automatic deductions made by Acura Financing with no problems. In - -, I extended the lease for another 6 months. In - -, I noticed that Acura Financing did not take out the payment for - -, - and I contacted them on - -, - and they told me I had to sign an extension form and fax and auto payment would resume, which I did. I manually paid - payment on - -, -. Yesterday, I received a call from Acura Financing that - and - payments were not mad...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

May 30, 2016 - My car company American Honda Finacial has contacted my job after told not to! I work at a hospital and I can not have any personal calls come through on the company phone. American Honda Finacial keeps calling my job and my Director told them they can not call the hospital phone. I have also recently spoken with Anerican Honda Finacial Repersenatives and had told them orally not to call my job and gave them an updated number and point of contact on - -, 2016. I also made a payment agreement! However, I am feeling unsafe that my Truck has a recall with airbags that Honda has yet to repla...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

May 28, 2016 - I have been disputing with the Credit Bureaus the amount of a repossessed car I purchased with HONDA beginning in -/-/--/-/-. The purchase of the car was - with a mandatory warranty, that i could not deny or remove from my loan. My payment was - monthly. I was let go from my company in -/-/-, and I kept up with my payments until I could not any more. I made last payment of - on -/-/-. My car was repossessed -/-/-. The amount I had left on the loan was -. I never received notice of sale nor did i receive an updated amount that i owe after the sale of the ca...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

May 26, 2016 - We have financed - vehicles through American Honda Financial services AHFS ). We make monthly payment on - vehicles by ACH from - - - -. In - of 2016, AHFS sent through - payment requests for each vehicle ( I understand this happened to many people ). They quickly sent through a correction and our bank statement indicates we made - payment on each car in -. In late - I began receiving massages from AHFS that just asked me to call them back. I was able to finally do that on - -. I had no urgency as they did not tell me why they were calling and I had no re...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

May 24, 2016 - - was repossessed by Honda Financial Services on or around - - or -. As soon as vehicle was recovered, I contacted the company to try to obtain vehicle back. The customer agent advised me of the payment amount due and when it needed to be paid. The amount need to be paid was $3700.00 and need to be paid by - - according to the customer service agent in the recovery department. I obtained a check from my financial institution and had it sent via overnight delivery on - -, 2016. After following up with the company on - -, the company vehicle disclosed that they wo...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

May 23, 2016 - American Honda Finance is incorrectly reporting a 30 day late payment on my credit report for - -. I have a credit report dated - - - that did n't report a late for -, but showed a late in - -, also in error. Also attached is a report from this account from - directly that shows - in -. We notified Honda, and they updated - to reflect as paid as agreed and removed the late, but at that time they THEN reported - as a 30 day late, as shown on my credit report dated - - -. There should be no lates shown since - -. I have tried at great length...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

May 17, 2016 - Upon maturity of the loan they wanted me to pay almost an extra $1000.00 without being able to tell me what it was for. When I refused they charged off. I purchased a - Honda Accord and financed it through Honda financial account -. During the course of the loan I did a couple of extensions. This changed my maturity date from - to - -. I was half a month behind on payments due to a divorce and custody battle but always paid it before the 30 days and let them know ahead of time. The loan since always paid before 30 days never went past due o my credit. I would each month make t...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan taking out the loan or lease

May 17, 2016 - I guaranteed a company auto lease in - with -, the lease was for - months and ended in - -. I made most payments on this lease because the company was not financially able to make them. In - - - wrote me stating that a payment was due and I should remit it to them. I called - stated that the lease has ended and that I no longer was associated with the firm, the response was that they extended the lease without informing me and that as long as the lease number did not change I was responsible. I stated that I did not authorize this extension and would not be responsib...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan shopping for a loan or lease

April 30, 2016 - We received a letter from Honda that said they would waive up to 3 remaining lease payments if we lease a new Honda. In - 2016, my daughter and I went to the Honda dealership and worked through finding an AWD CRV to lease, which took time. The dealership was able to get a AWD CRV -/-/2016 and we leased the new vehicle. So, we returned the leased vehicle ( Civic ) to the dealership with my letter ( attached ) on the same day we leased the new vehicle. Everything went well with the return except they did not honor the waiver of the last 3 payments, Honda only waived two payments. When I cal...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

April 29, 2016 - Honda Financial has not lived up to their promises. They promised me in - 2015 to change the due date to -/-/- and they still have n't done this. There have been issues with Honda and electronic glitches causing harm to me and my credit. - threatened me and said that I need to start cleaning my car because it 's going to get repossessed tomorrow. Honda gave me my account number over the phone and my Mom made the last payment. It has been two weeks and the payment has not been credited yet. I should n't be in repo status and - had no right to harass me. When I requested to speak w...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

April 23, 2016 - On or about - 2013, I completed my payments to American Honda Financial ( AMF ) account -. I delivered the car per received instructions to a - dealer located in the city of - -, California. At that time the vehicle was inspected and I was release of all obligations under this contract. A couple of weeks later, the American Honda Financial contacted me requesting information about the whereabouts of the car. I disclosed the information and they were unable to locate the vehicle for days. When the vehicle was finally located, AHF requested a payment of $5200.00. Since then I ha...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

April 22, 2016 - American Honda Finance reports false information on my credit reports. They show multiple repossessions for an account not associated with me. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

April 17, 2016 - I leased a new Acura -/-/2015 and turned in my previous Acura based on their assurance that my last two payments would be forgiven as I had moved to a new lease. Months later I was harassed repeatedly by Acura Finance representatives who informed me that I had failed to make these payments, despite the fact that had I never missed a payment while in possession of the car. Despite speaking to - separate people and explaining the situation, they made no effort to resolve the issue and kept calling me to demand their money. After weeks of this harassment I noticed that negative information...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan taking out the loan or lease

April 15, 2016 - I am an affected consumer who received an auto loan with an extremely high annual interest rate of 19.5 % from American Honda Finance Corporation in - -. I have reason to believe that this interest rate was assigned to me solely on the basis of my race ( - ) and income level ( less than - annual ). During my initial consultation with AHFC, I disclosed to the AHFC administrator my financial and living status which would hinder me from affording a large down payment for a vehicle aside from the value of my trade in. Because this would be my first time financing a vehicle and becaus...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

April 6, 2016 - I made an electronic payment for both my - and my wife 's - on -/-/16, so I made - payment on each of the - accounts ( auto loans ). This is not a recurring ( automatic ) payment, it is a one time payment made on each account. The - charges were posted against my checking account on -/-/16. Now, today -/-/16, - identical charges were posted against my checking account. Honda Financial Services, without my authority, duplicated the charges, which has resulted in my checking account being overdrawn. It took me hours to contact them. They informed me it is an e...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

April 6, 2016 - Honda Financial services Illegally submitted Double car Payments and unauthorized to thousands Of its customers since as early as per some customers say since - - and Honda Financial services Knew and until today -/-/16 I was victim of such act and it was personally taken out illegally form my bank without Permission or authorization. I trusted My bank information on there site and Never agreed to auto pay, easy pay.. I solely Left that information so when I want to pay future payments and the information was stored. leaving I thought it was safe with a company so big to leave my b...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

April 6, 2016 - Quite simply, I authorized a transaction to Honda Financial Services for my monthly payment in a timely fashion. I posted this payment on - -, 2016 and it cleared my bank ( - ) on - -. My payments are due on the of each month. 5 days later, Honda Financial posted another transaction of - to my checking account without authorization. They claim it to be a " glitch '' but they do not realize that this - over drafted my account. It 's not about the fee! They have denied me access to my own funds through an unauthorized transaction, however long that may be for. This is clearl...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

April 6, 2016 - Honda Financial Services charged, without permission, my checking account that was attached to my loan. I had already made a payment on -/-/2016 and today, -/-/2016, that same exact amount was charged. They had no permission nor consent to charge my account. Now i am dealing with a huge negative on my account, as well as future overdraft fees. The fact that i have to call honda, wait for hours to be on hold and just get a message that they 'll resolve the issue soon is unacceptable. Also having to contact my bank, who is n't at fault. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

April 6, 2016 - I have a Honda CRF 250L Dual Sport Motorcycle financed through Honda Financial Services. I submitted my monthly payment on -/-/2016 and it cleared my bank on -/-/2016. I checked my bank account today and Honda Financial Services ( HFN ) had withrew another payment without authorization. I have attempted to contact their customer service several times and can not get through. There are several others in the same situation. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

April 6, 2016 - Honda Finance Services has an Easy Pay service which automatically withdraws a monthly payment. They withdrew this monthly payment twice. This is apparently a routine problem with them, and is affecting - people today. There is no way to contact them to report a problem or resolve it, other than a toll free number that is not working today, and at the best of times does not allow direct contact with a customer representative. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan taking out the loan or lease

April 3, 2016 - the " loan '' was induced by fraud. As there was not full disclosure to the material fact ( s ), In order for any contract to be valid, there must be 'full disclosure ', 'good faith ', 'valuable consideration ', and 'clean hands '. Which amounts to ; 18 U.S. Code 656 - Theft, embezzlement, or misapplication by bank officer or employee. 1 ). I was not told that the Federal Reserve Policies and Procedures and the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ( GAAP ) requirements imposed upon all Federally-insured ( FDIC ) banks in Title 12 of the United States Code, section 1831n ( a ), PROHIBIT t...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

March 30, 2016 - I have a negative line item showing on my -, - and - reports from American Honda Finance. I have NO association with this creditor nor have i ever. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

March 25, 2016 - I am a - on a fixed income. I have just enough income each month to pay my bills and to feed and provide shelter for me. If I have extra expenses in one month, it puts me behind financially and this is what happened in this situation..I have a loan with Honda Financial. I have paid $380.00 a month, without interruption, to Honda since -, until a month or so ago, when it changed to $400.00, using the extra $17.00 to pay off late fees that had accrued and for which your agency helped me to finally stop accruing. All because Honda would not change my payment date. In early - -...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

March 22, 2016 - I lost my job - -, 2016. I called Honda Financial Services to inform them of this and see about deferring some payments until I could get working again. I was told " no '' because I had n't had my vehicle long enough to make six consecutive payments. I assumed I would be getting a tax refund this year and just get caught up with that money. When I went to file my taxes, I learned I was going to be PAYING IN and getting NO refund.I called Honda back and asked them to work with me.Again, I was told " no ''. After asking several family members ( who are all financially strapped themselves ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan taking out the loan or lease

March 14, 2016 - See attached document for full story and facts. Additional document includes the - extension contracts the first on for - - - for 10 months in - and the second on for - - - for 23 months in - and -. Next are the - original lease contracts for each car as stated above. I meant to have them in different order, but has been very hectic and stressful. I scanned at - Library due to my movers stealing my brand new printer. I realize now I might like to provide additional docs for ledgers I discuss and advertisement mailed to me b - - for a set lower payment...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan taking out the loan or lease

February 17, 2016 - What Happended My wife and I have an auto loan from American Honda Finance Corporation. corporation. The CFPB and the DOJ recently resolved an action with American Honda Finance Corporation. The action stated that - borrowers were paying higher interest rates than white borrowers. Honda was required to pay $24.00 - in restituion to affected borrowers. My wife is -. When is CFPB going to send us our portion of the settlement? ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

February 15, 2016 - In - of - I engaged in a traded in with my - Honda Civic at - -, because the car battery continued to fail. I was told by the dealer that in order to trade in the car I would need to commit to a new car to receive financing. At the time of trade in I was told that there were no more comparable cars on the lot, so I choose to finance a Honda Accord. I was informed that the monthly payments would be - due to my history and score which was a - - - at the time. Because I was dependent on a car for work and personal responsibilities, I agreed reluctantly to finance this amou...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

January 26, 2016 - American Honda Finance Corporation deducted two monthly automobile payments from my payment account for -/-/-. They blamed this on their newly re-designed web site. No means to email complaint to company. Contact us tab on website has no mailing address of Corporation. Only an - number to call. Upon calling, and listening to numerous canned prompts, and being told expected wait time would be two minutes, but turned out to be 19 minutes. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

January 26, 2016 - My mother died in - - and at the time of her death was leasing a car from Honda Financial Services, with whom her account was in good standing ( i.e., she had made all lease payments on time and in full ). Upon her death, we voluntarily surrendered her car to Honda Financial Services in pristine condition, provided Honda with a copy of my mother 's death certificate, and proactively inquired as to what balance was owed on her lease. In response, Honda first sent a confusing letter in - - that insinuated ( a ) that they had repossessed the vehicle ( when in fact it was voluntarily r...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

January 21, 2016 - To Whom It May Concern, We really need some help. We had a high interest loan through Honda Finacical since 2010 on a 2010 - - We recently traded in the vehicle to - as they agreed to payoff the rest of the loan. We notified Honda of this the very next day after signing the contract with -. The - dealer needed the exact payoff amount and tried to call Honda Financial multiple times. They refused to give the info. to -. I then called Honda Financial back who told me that if - did n't make the payment right away they were going to mark us 30 days late on our credit. I told t...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

January 20, 2016 - How can I find out if Honda over charged me for my loan? ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan taking out the loan or lease

January 13, 2016 - I leased a - - - VIN # - on -/-/- from - - in -, MD. The car was new with - miles on odometer ; presently - miles. After all leasing paperwork was completed to lease this car ; the salesman INFORMED ME AIR BAGS ARE NOT WORKING AND I WOULD HAVE TO BRING CAR BACK TO MAKE THEM OPERABLE. He said he had to KEEP all of my leasing papers ; no paperwork for me at all! Everyone at dealership was aware of airbag problem but me. To make it worse, the car has had problems since I have had it. This car would not even pass inspection so why was it on the lot for sale? I ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan shopping for a loan or lease

January 12, 2016 - Honda advertises no money down lease on new Civic for $ -/mo.. In very fine print, they show hundreds, if not - of dollars of upfront costs to do this lease. The no money down offer is misleading if not fraudulent. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

January 8, 2016 - On -/-/-, I entered into a 36 month lease for a Acura MD- at $500.00 per month. Included in the lease was the Ohio sales tax of $1200.00, which was amortized over the life of the lease in the $500.00 payment. On -/-/- I extended the lease - months, and was required to make an up front payment of $190.00 for the Ohio sales tax on the extension. As the $1200.00 sales tax was amortized over the original lease term, my payment should have been reduced by the portion of the $500.00 going to pay off that obligation, that amount would be approximately $36.00 per month. Whe...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

January 7, 2016 - I had a loan with Honda Financial Services since -. I paid timely and was never late. I paid this loan in full in - of -. This vehicle was purchased with proceeds from the - - - -. So my obligation to Honda Financial Services ( HFS ) ended and the debt was completely liquidated at that time. I have documents to support this. After that fact, HFS paid an amount for vehicle taxes of approximately $690.00 and sent me a bill. I did not agree that I owed that money to the taxing authority and liquidating that tax debt could undermine my ability to get it corrected by the tax...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

January 5, 2016 - the lease with american honda finance was discharged by chapter - on - and they were reporting to - correctly theu - but on - they removed the chapter - discharge and started reporting current late or missed payments, i have disputed with - but they only answer that american honda finance claims that they are reporting correctly and only america honda can make the change no matter what documents i provide such as the chapter - discharge of american finance. i have sent letters to american honda and they never respond. i am in the process of purchasing a home and this is...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease

December 23, 2015 - I called Honda - on -, spoke with a lady named -, requested the full payoff amount for my lease/loan. I was given the same amount that appears on my online statement. I paid $22000.00 in full immediately following the call checked on - and the assessed - in tax fees. When you call for a payoff that is the amount you owe, should be nothing more. This is unbelievable practices by Honda. From my understanding taxes are included in the lease payment, so where did this come from and how can these dealerships/finance companies continue to do this to the consumer. Secondly, we moved ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay

December 10, 2015 - I am currently due for my - - payment on my vehicle. I have been receiving numerous phone calls after the seven day grace period. Yesterday I received - calls back to back at -, -, - and -. I had missed those calls and they kept calling back. That is harassment! I worked collections and there are rules against constant calling and hanging up and calling back again and again! ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan shopping for a loan or lease shopping for a loan or lease

December 4, 2015 - I 'm an -. Because of this I feel as though I was discriminated against when getting a loan from Honda Financial Services. For some reason I feel as though something is n't correct and I believe I was overcharged interest on my car loan. If possible I would like someone to look over my paperwork. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan shopping for a loan or lease shopping for a loan or lease

December 3, 2015 - I recently purchased a vehicle through a - in - -, NY. My loan for thevehicle was financed through - Bank. On -/-/15 Honda Financial sent me aletter stating that they had been unable tooffer me credit " on the terms originally requested '' and that " our subsequent counteroffer has sinceexpired. '' The problem here is that I have nodocumentation of Honda Financial ever making aloan offer to me, nor do I have any record ofHonda making a counteroffer. The referencenumber on the letter from Honda is -. Furthermore, Honda said that I couldobtain written documentation on reaso...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay problems when you are unable to pay

November 24, 2015 - I purchase a - - - on -/-/- in at the time they charged me a high interest rate of 9.64 %. I was a college student and I paid faithfully until I was injury on my job as a teacher assistant, then they came and taken the car from me in the year of -, after I informed American Honda Finance Corporation my status, that I was on workman comp and I paid faithfully and they the American Honda Finance Corporation just up and taken my vehicle, which caused me hardship. The company did not even try to work with me, and I was paying what I could, the American Honda Finance Corporatio...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

November 22, 2015 - Fair debt collection practices act violations:1. Debt collectors are not permitted to ask a consumer to pay more than they proportionally owe [ 15 USC-1692c ] 807 ( 2 ) ( a ). By failing to validate the debt, the debt collectors are doing exactly that. By failing to provide a CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING as required under the Uniform Commercial Code Article -. 2. Sending a paper known as a financial statement that is not signed and or certified DOES NOT constitute as a valid certified statement of accounting [ 15 USC-1692g ] 809 ( b ) and violates the rights of the consumer or borrowe...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease managing the loan or lease

November 16, 2015 - They sent me a bill for excess miles on a lease. According to my agreement of the new lease with -, they were supposed to not charge me for the excess miles. The leasing company was taking care of this. Unfortunately, - never forgave the excess miles charge and I paid it, as I did n't want it on my credit report. Apparently, it went to my credit report anyways. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay problems when you are unable to pay

November 8, 2015 - I have an account with Honda Financial that is not reporting correct to the credit bureaus. It was a lease I paid it off in full I was only late - payments They reported multiple late pays and I have contacted them over and over to resolve. I have also tried to dispute it through the credit bureaus but it was not fixed. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan shopping for a loan or lease


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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay problems when you are unable to pay

November 4, 2015 - I called today -/-/2015 to American Honda Financial Services to discuss the account and resolve a situation that we are encountering with the monthly payments due to my medical situation I got behind. My daughters have been helping me with the medical issues and now helping me financially since I am -. Today my oldest daughter called American Honda Financial and they wanted to speak to me so I can authorize my child to speak to them. My daughter called we was on a - way called and I gave more than - times autorization to American Honda Financial to speak to my daughter on my beh...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan problems when you are unable to pay problems when you are unable to pay

November 3, 2015 - I purchased a car from - where they up charged me on the interest rate. I fell behind in my note due to a legal situation where my mother was overdosed causing her to die and I ended up with funeral expenses as well as inherited debt. As of today my car has been reposes and Honda would n't offer me a payment plan. But only a pay off amount of -. I just recently settled my mother 's medical malpractice case and have a check that I am waiting to clear. I asked could they give me 10 days for the check to clear and they wo n't even allow that. Here it is I 'm trying to pay my car off and be ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer Loan managing the loan or lease managing the loan or lease

October 30, 2015 - I noticed that my credit score was negatively impacted when I was in process of refinancing my mortgage. This was a result of an oversight on my part for missing my - 2015 car payment to Honda Financial Services. When I did realize the oversight I immediately paid - 's and - 's payment. I feel that Honda Financial Services did not pursue all avenues of making me aware of the situation and did not inform me of the negative impact of this oversight would have on my credit score. I did not receive any written documentation to inform of my missed payment nor were any voicemail messages le...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer loan problems when you are unable to pay

October 17, 2015 - America Honda Finance is listing a paid off auto loan as charged off account. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer loan taking out the loan or lease

October 17, 2015 - American Honda Finance via a Honda Dealer forced me into an auto loan contract at an exorbitant interest rate in -/-/2011. American Honda Finance along with the Honda Dealer discriminated against me based on my race, religion, color and national origin. The dealer promised me an interest rate of 5.99 % APR on my loan and took my down payment checks. But when I looked at the contract, the interest rate was 16.99 % APR. I refused to sign the contract and I wanted to back off but the finance manager told me that I can not back off as I have already gave the checks for down payment and if I back...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer loan problems when you are unable to pay

October 16, 2015 - I purchased a vehicle in - 2011 though Honda America Financial Services and was subject to discriminatory lending practices by way of a higher that normal interest rate given to - - Borrowers. I have spoken with - representatives and neither was able to inform me of how to pursue restitution. ...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer loan shopping for a loan or lease

October 7, 2015 - I purchased a car in 2005 value $18000.00 Honda Civic. I paid the car note for 4 years at the end of the 4 years I was told that there was a balloon payment of $8000.00 on the car. I had no idea I had a balloon payment. I told Honda finance that I did not have the $8000.00 to make a - time payment and they told me I had to return the car after paying for it for 4 years and they will treat it as a lease.I returned the car in great condition with minimal mileage. Now 6 years later Honda reported to credit bureaus that I owe $380.00, - for a Civic. I have called several times to Hon...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer loan taking out the loan or lease

September 21, 2015 - In - I put a significant down payment on an Acura - form - - in Virginia -, with some financing help through Acura Finance Corp. Now American Honda Finance Corp - I made my monthly payments to American Honda Finance Corp. for approximately 2 years before I was offered a lower interest rate on the loan from - Bank in - VA. In - - - Bank took over the loan and I began to make monthly payments to - Bank up to - - - when I made a significant payment to purchase the car outright, yet never was given the title to the car. Since that time my wife and I hav...

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American Honda Finance Corporation Consumer loan managing the loan or lease

July 18, 2015 - I co-signed an auto lease four years ago. I just checked my credit report and the leasing company has included the lease holder 's credit history for this account on my credit report. When I contacted the lease company, I was told that a co-signor is a joint applicant with their company. I never received any notifications through mail or phone call stating that the primary lease holder was late on payments ( - times, 30 days late ). The lease company did n't have my address and phone number on file but are holding me accountable on my credit report. I did n't have the opportunity to make th...

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