MOHELA Debt Collection Complaints

Review and analysis of 27 consumer complaints against MOHELA

Out of the 27 consumer complaints against MOHELA Debt Collection, 41% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how MOHELA responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against MOHELA resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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Created with Highcharts 4.2.3Consumer ComplaintsClosed with explanationClosed0246810121416182022242628

Created with Highcharts 4.2.3Consumer ComplaintsFalsestatements orrepresentationFalse statements or representationCont'dattemptscollect debtnot owedCont'd attempts collect debt not owedImpropercontact orsharing of infoImproper contact or sharing of infoCommunicationtacticsCommunication tacticsDisclosureverification ofdebtDisclosure verification of debt02468

Created with Highcharts 4.2.3Consumer Complaint History7/20138/201310/201311/20131/20143/20147/20148/201410/201411/20143/20154/20155/20156/20159/201512/20156/20169/201612/201601234

MOHELA getting a loan fraudulent loan

July 17, 2017 - I have a loan with Mohela ( https : // ). I am in repayment process now and have made several payments on time. However, in the payment history, I noticed that payment was not applied to the principal even for those payment that was paid on time. I contacted Mohela on - / - /17 and below is the response I received : " Interests accrues daily on federal student loans. Interests accrued between payments : therefore the amount of interest varies with the number of davs that lapse between payments. Payments must be applied first to any outstanding interests, and then to the p...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

April 12, 2017 - In -/-/- I began - school with a unsubsidized and subsidized loan. I was counting on Public Service Loan Forgiveness via the -/-/- College Cost Reduction Act. Shortly after graduating, my loan was sold or transferred from - to Aspire. I was set up on a " level '' payment plan- $490.00 a month. I called Aspire repeatedly to make sure I was on-track for PSLF. Aspire 's phone staff/loan counselors assured me repeatedly year after year that I was on the right track and I just needed to keep making payments. At one point I had even inquired about income based rates and had been to...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

March 31, 2017 - MOHELA continues to find ways to extend loans by using recalculations. Example I pay off a loan, incidentally all my loans get a little extra payment from that months auto debit. They then recalculate my payment amount based on this current paid ahead account status. I end up with a lower overall payment but they ensure they get their 120th payment. Level repayment should mean level repayment. They have the audacity to say that my loans on a ten year plan may require a large payment to satisfy the terms of my loan at the end, I pay nearly 8k extra every year. -typed on iPhone...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

March 30, 2017 - I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found several late payments on my student loans with the dates below : - 90 days past due as of -/-/2013 - 90 days past due as of -/-/2013 - 90 days past due as of -/-/2013 - 90 days past due as of -/-/2013 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that this was supposed to be in deferment and it did not get processed correctly or the payments I sent in were not registered....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

March 28, 2017 - A student loan obtained by myself in -/-/- for a total of $9000.00 was discharged through bankruptcy in -/-/-. Authorized by a federal court and signed by a federal judge. During that period some loan relief was either granted or not granted. My relief was approved. Many years later I was contacted by DOE and told that the judge did not indicate in my BK that a specific hardship would occur without the relief granted. Therefore the judge had no authority to grant my relief. My loan more than quadrupled because of this and I have been paying this balance since the -/-/- 's. The...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

March 16, 2017 - I have - separate loans under consideration ( I 'm opening - separate incidents, - per loan ). Each loan was transferred a number of times, and satisfied with the final lender. The problem is that the original lender is still showing the loan as not satisfied with - of the - major credit reporting agencies....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

March 16, 2017 - I have - separate loans under consideration ( I 'm opening - separate incidents, - per loan ). Each loan was transferred a number of times, and satisfied with the final lender. The problem is that the original lender is still showing the loan as not satisfied with - of the - major credit reporting agencies....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

March 16, 2017 - I have - separate loans under consideration ( I 'm opening - separate incidents, - per loan ). Each loan was transferred a number of times, and satisfied with the final lender. The problem is that the original lender is still showing the loan as not satisfied with - of the - major credit reporting agencies....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

March 16, 2017 - I have - separate loans under consideration ( I 'm opening - separate incidents, - per loan ). Each loan was transferred a number of times, and satisfied with the final lender. The problem is that the original lender is still showing the loan as not satisfied with - of the - major credit reporting agencies....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer need information about my balance/terms

March 14, 2017 - When I was in college and graduate school, the paperwork I signed was for fixed interest loans. My loans have been transferred to various servicers over the years, none of which was a refinance by me, rather my loan sold to a different company without my consent. Each of them, prior to MOHELA, used my monthly payments to reduce the principal debt as well as taking a majority of the payment for interest. When - serviced the account, over 24 % of my payments went to reducing principal. From -/-/--/-/- - took over the loan, 19 % of my payments went to reduce the principal. MOHEL...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

March 9, 2017 - Mohela is my current loan servicer. They are reporting on my credit report that I was 90-120 days delinquent in -/-/--/-/-. I contacted Mohela and they indicated that it was transferred over delinquent from - loan servicing. I know that I have never been late. They said to call -. I called - they have no record of servicing my loan since -/-/-. - said to call - -, - - has n't serviced since -/-/-. I called - and - and nobody has serviced this loan since I consolidated -/-/-. I have called the student loan servicing help line, the nslds.or...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

March 9, 2017 - My student loans were deferred while in graduate school and recently became eligible for repayment. I had existing ACH auto debit instructions setup with Mohela, my loan servicer. Upon the end of deferment, only - of my - loans were drafted by ACH. I was misled to believe that setting ACH payments would include all loans. This misstatement resulted in my remaining loans to be late, incurring additional interest. It was only by chance that I logged onto the website to check my loans that I noticed I was one day late. I am signed up for paperless statements and did not receive a...

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MOHELA can't repay my loan can't temporarily postpone payments

March 1, 2017 - I was unemployed from - -, - to - -, - requested monthly help from Mohela telling them I had number money for any payments for my student loans. They did n't inform me until - - that I could defer with any penalty monthly. In - - I was informed by a Mohela agent that I could have submitted for a 6 month deferment the day that I was unemployed due to my unemployment....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

February 27, 2017 - Hello. Our daughters Private student loans are being uncooperative as to extra fees, taking parents off as co-signers and ability to consolidate loans for better rate equals saving and lower, payments. We have asked repeatedly. They also call repeatedly harassing us at our home which is illegal. Lenders are - - and Mohela..these loans are from 2006 it 's time that this is paid off and matter closed. Our daughter needs her life back so do we. - - -...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

February 16, 2017 - I paid off my loan to Mohela account no. -. But Mohela took out my monthly payment anyway, so they caused an overpayment of $130.00. I have called Mohela to try to get that money back but they have refused to send me the $130.00. This is a consolidated student loan. - -...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer need information about my balance/terms

February 12, 2017 - I am a - and work -, all of which qualify for the public service student loan forgiveness program. I have been on the program for several years. I have - things I need help with. First, unfortunately, when I first went on the program I was mistakenly told to sign up for a type of government student loan which did not qualify. I found out and changed to a program which does. The problem is, I ca n't find out exactly when I was put on a qualifying program so I do n't know how many more payments I have to make to reach the 120 payments required on a qualifying loan and have the rest ...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

February 9, 2017 - -/-/- I am again writing about my high irest and high principle on my student loan from MOHELA. I am writing about the fact that the principle has doubled since the inception of my loan. I am writing because I think the interest rates and the enormous of money I now owe is completely unfair. For me, this began with a collection of student loans -/-/-. I attended graduate school with the loans. I suffered a bankruptcy and a divorce. My loan as of -/-/- was $55000.00. It now totals $97000.00 because of an inability to meet payments and a series of forbearances. Forbearances t...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

February 9, 2017 - Mohela was my loan servicer for several years until -/-/-/-/-/- when I transferred to - in anticipation of - day filing for the - - ( PSLFP ). Upon reviewing my payment history with -, I learned that Mohela had failed to put me on a standard ( " level '' ) PSLFP eligible - repayment program in the summer of -. This was despite the fact that I specified clearly in telephone calls with them that this was what I wanted and despite the fact that I had been only on other PSLFP eligible payment plans prior. Instead, Mohela, without my knowledge and understanding, appar...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

February 7, 2017 - I have a student loan with Mohela that I am paying on time, it is not delinquent. The payment for - 2017 is due now and 16 days past due and they are calling my mother about this debt. she has nothing to do with this loan, thee loan is in my name only. This is harassment....

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MOHELA can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

January 21, 2017 - I obtained about - in student loan debt -/-/-. When I graduated from college -/-/-, I was n't able to pay back my loan at the minimum payment because of other debt. They would n't allow me to use an income-based payment plan because that only calculated my income and not any of my bills. Not being able to make the payment they always suggested that I do a forebearance which continued to accrue interest. When I finally had the opportunity to consolidate my loans, the lowest rate was 8.25 %. My debt is now - and I pay 8.25 % interest on it. I 'm not allowed to re-consolidate at a...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

January 19, 2017 - My loan was transferred to MOHELA for servicing several years ago. My balance at the time was around $81000.00. I am entering my 12th year of repayment and I still owe $81000.00. I have been paying $250.00 per month for over ten years. When I call MOHELA, they tell me that they only keep two years of records. They say that I have additional accrued interest due to a forbearance we took when my husband had -. My loan was in graduated repayment for thirty years, but their site says my loan wo n't be paid off until I am -, almost 30 more years, so they have changed it to 40 years with...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

January 19, 2017 - I 've been paying my Government Loan for 11 years. My original loan amount was around $24000.00 and I now owe $36000.00, which I 've been paying as often as I can for 11 years. Some of the time I had to defer my payments due to losing a job or between contracts. I do n't feel that this is fair for me to have to pay on this loan for as many years as I have, around $250.00 per month. Thanks, - -...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

January 18, 2017 - - charges higher interest and I do n't believe to be amortizing my loan correctly....

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MOHELA can't repay my loan can't temporarily postpone payments

January 18, 2017 - My federal student loan is serviced by MOHELA. Six months ago, I requested a forbearance because of unemployment. The process entailed filling out and submitting - forms along with documentation of unemployment. I did so, and my request was denied. MOHELA wanted a different more documentation. I initially had trouble getting additional documentation, but eventually downloaded from the website of the Texas Workforce Commission ( TWC ) a Payment List Summary. This summary contains information about when and how much I was paid in unemployment benefits. It also indicated that I had received th...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

January 3, 2017 - I have - direct loans ( - subsidized, - unsubsidized ) currently serviced by Mohela. On - -, 2016 I paid a lump sum of $1000.00 and directed Mohela to apply the full amount to Loan -, using their online payment system. The payment was applied to the correct loan ; however, my next monthly payment ( auto-debited from my bank account on - -, 2016 ) was not applied correctly - a small amount was applied to Loan - and a larger amount was applied to Loan -. I contacted Mohela when I realized this error and was told the revised allocation was because my account was ...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

December 29, 2016 - Mohela does not allow automatic payments ( i.e. of interest incurred ) during deferment stage of loan....

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MOHELA disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

December 29, 2016 - I send my payment on time every month for 18 months and I have never received a statement or anything from them. I have no way of knowing if my payments are even being applied against my huge $50000.00 balance. When I call them they say they do n't know the balance or payment information and they will have to contact the credit bureau for my balance. What are they doing with my payments? Why ca n't I access my account online to view my payments and statement information. They have never sent me anything and know nothing when I call. This seems very fraudulent to me....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

December 16, 2016 - MOHLEA customer service told me to contact a company to have them enroll me in public sector student loan forgiveness program. They referred me to a company called - - - which charged me over $700.00 an d did not change anything but put me on a income based payment plan....

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MOHELA can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

December 7, 2016 - My loan is an - loan. I was just told for the first time today -/-/16 that there is a guarantor - that is keeping me from being able to do a cash modification because my income has been greatly reduced and I am currently on short term - and I 'm not sure when/if I will be released to go back to work. I was shocked of this news and very upset that I had never been told of the guarantor b/c I have tried to get lower payments in the past and was turned down. I do not want these to go into default I 've exhausted all avenues and talked with many reps from Mohela all of my loans tota...

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MOHELA can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

December 7, 2016 - I want a payment I can actually afford. I have had my loan for years and been on the income driven repayment plans. Every year the payment goes up to an amount that is difficult to afford. I have had to resort to taking - loans and even cashing in some of my - with the - % penalty to afford the payments. There are now new plans that base repayment on 10 % of income but I am being told that I do not qualify as I am not a new lender although the site that estimates payments show me that I do and shows a payment I can afford. I have repeatedly sent the servicer notes and the never take t...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

December 5, 2016 - I had filed a dispute with all - credit bureaus on -/-/2016 on Mohela for incorrectly reporting late payments when my account was in deferment. I discovered on - - the late payments had been removed and investigation had been closed, then on - - my credit report reflected the late payments had been re-inserted into my credit file. Mohela and/or all - credit bureaus have 5 days to notify me of re-inserting a previously deleted item. I did not receive any such notification. Please delete these items immediately....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 20, 2016 - About - -, - I applied for the REPAYE plan with Mohela to begin immediately, while I wait for a decision on my - - application with -. Instead of my REPAYE plan beginning asap as requested, I am currently on General Forbearance until - -, -, Mohela states my REPAYE plan wo n't begin until - -, - and put me on Administrative Forbearance from - - - - -, -. When I asked Mohela why I was no put immediately on the REPAYE plan they stated that the Board of Education controls the date. I would like to be put on the REPAYE plan immediately as requeste...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

November 19, 2016 - This Loan was included in my bankruptcy. The Trustee in the bankruptcy said this loan was approved to be discharged in bankruptcy, but Mohela & US Dept. of Education refuse to see that. They say I did not supply a " Hardship Test '' If US Dept of Education and Mohela felt there was an error in the Bankruptcy Case they were to respond as any other creditor would half to by the date determined in my case file. This was established in the Ninth Circuit under - argued -/-/- and Decided -/-/-. This student loan has been on my credit report since - posted by Mohela and even listing...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

November 18, 2016 - US Department of Education and Mohela both have the same student loans listed on my account # - over 10 times. All for various amounts! I find this to be very deceptive and a violation of the FDCPA as reporting the same loan multiple times going back as over 16 years to keep this on my credit reports is not fair or ethical....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

November 14, 2016 - I received a call at work regarding my student loan. It is due on the -/-/- and I pay every month before it is - days past due. I received a call on -/-/- at - from - - I called the next day and explained that my home number and email are the ways I prefer to be contacted and they have this information on file. I NEVER gave them my work number because that is not a good number to contact me on nor do I want those calls on that number. I contacted them on -/-/-, letting them know not to contact me on that number again. My payment was also made that morning. The person...

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MOHELA can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

November 9, 2016 - MOHELA does not allow payments to be made on accrued interest for existing loans if you continue to borrow. So you can not reduce the interest that will be owed on your loans when you graduate. This information is not clearly available anywhere on their website, and when attempting to pay off my accrued interest via phone, which is apparently the only way to direct payments, the representative assured me that my payment would be applied as directed. It was not until checking my account the following week that I was made aware of the error. Finally after calling another different representative...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

November 4, 2016 - I was made aware today that MOHELA has been calling family members for the past week looking for me. They were told repeatedly that I do not live there but still continued to harass him. I spoke with them today and they said I must have provided them with the number but this is false and they did not take the matter seriously....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 2, 2016 - I have been paying my loan servicer, Mohela, an extra amount each month to pay my loans off quicker. I sent them a letter directing their accounting department to apply money above and beyond the amount due on each loan to the principal of the loan with the smallest balance. Twice now they have misapplied funds and sent me past due notices in between statements. When incall about this they tell me it is impossible for their accounting department to keep my instructions and follow them. I think this is nonsense. Please look into this...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

October 26, 2016 - I have - student loan from loan servicer Mohela. The loan was disbursed in - disbursements. In - 2016, Mohela reported to the - credit bureaus that I was 60 days late on - loans when in reality there was only - loan. This is causing a negative impact on my credit score. Not to mention that the forebearance paperwork that was submitted in - 2016 was back dated to include - 2016 payment. I am a hard-working single mother, and a veteran of the - who is striving to provide for my - young sons. I can not afford the financial impact that Mohela 's erroneous negative re...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

October 20, 2016 - I graduated in - with a - - degree and went to work for - in Ohio. My family has a long history of -. I was told in - that - Loans enrolled me in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. They did n't and they went out of business. They sold my loan to -. I contacted them to make sure that it got transferred properly and that 's when I found out they never put my loan into that program. They assured me that they would fix it and that my loan would be in that program. They did n't and they went out of business. They sold my loan to Mohela. I just found out today that ...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

October 20, 2016 - I happen to be monitoring my credit report and realized that Mohela has falsely reported a derogatory report to all the credit bureaus - for - loans - - and - I dispute this information and moreover, wish to file an official suit against them for damages to my credit report and for ruining my credit. I have been on a forbearance plan due to not being employed for over a year ( - actually ) trying to seek a job and unable to get - due to the issue I can not retrieve my degree from the university I attended because I can not retrieve my degree - which for the jobs I have applied r...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer need information about my balance/terms

October 14, 2016 - I consolidated a portion of a federal loan to a private loan for a better rate in -. The company I consolidated this loan to was - ( - - Bank ). My loan was then transferred to a management company called MOHELA - of -. There were many issues with - and a number of errors that occurred during the transfer to MOHELA. Two things have not been corrected. One - the transfer from - to MOHELA now shows my original balance with - to be double the amount I actually owed ( owed approximately $100000.00 ; now shows $200000.00 ) and they have not corrected this with multipl...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

October 13, 2016 - I have federal stafford loans serviced by Mohela. While earning a subsequent degree, Mohela placed my loan into deferral 3 times " automatically ''. This occurred despite my written request to them, per their instructions, to not automatically enter the loans into deferent. On each occasion it has taken me at least one month to notice Mohela 's error however try havenot been willing to retroactively remove the ( albeit minimal ) extra accrued interest. When speaking with their staff, each time this happens I 'm told that my account is in order to prevent auto-deferral and this wo n't happen...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

October 7, 2016 - I was approved for a forebearance through -/-/2016. However, Mohela is reporting past due for -. I 've already contacted them about without a resolution....

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MOHELA can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

October 3, 2016 - I graduated in - after getting an - from - I married directly out of college, had a son and was a stay at home mom while my husband worked. We divorced in - and I sought work out of the home to take care of my son. In - I filed for Chapter - because I was unable to pay my bills and take care of my household all at the same time. During the proceedings a representative from some student loan institute said they would not forgive my loan but they could re-work the payments ( even though during the year I filed they were forgiving student loans ). I have never defaulted on my lo...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

September 20, 2016 - Account Number : - Mohela/Department of Education, I was shocked when I reviewed my credit report and found several late payments on my student loans with the dates below : 90 days past due as of -/-/2014, 120 past due as of -/-/2014 I am not sure how this happened, I believe that I had made my payments to you when I received my statements. My only thought is that this was supposed to be in deferment and it did not get processed correctly or the payments I sent in were not registered....

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MOHELA cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 19, 2016 - Mohela has been calling me for almost a year now. i have blocked the number and they find new and different numbers to call from. They call multiple times a day everyday and i have explained to them a minimum of 10 times now that the person linked to my cell # is not me. I went through a lengthy process of proving this twice before so they would remove my number and it somehow keeps getting added back into their system. they continue to call -3 times daily all hours of the day, leaving me messages about a debt owed that is not mine. i have asked many times now, proven the number is mine and...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

September 16, 2016 - I looked at my statement and noticed that the beginning balance is $ - less than the current balance. I called MOHELA to find out why and they said it was due to my forbearances. After 30 minutes of math on the phone we found out that for each month 's forbearance, they are capitalizing 2 months of interest. Not good. This might be a broader problem than just a problem for me, but it is costing me $ - because they are capitalizing double the interest on my account and the accounts of others....

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

September 9, 2016 - I have made payments in excess of the amount due on the loans. I did this a few times until I noticed that my balance due was -. I continued to make payments in excess of the amount due however they were now only going to interest or nearly all going to interest. There is no way to know what the interest owed for the period is on each loan. This was a year ago. I called and complained telling them that I wanted a detailed listing of interest accrual by loan since I have - loans so that I could balance out what I have paid to what they have posted to my loans. They could/would not provide...

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MOHELA dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

September 8, 2016 - I have been paying my daughter 's student loans for the past 20 years and I have never been missing a payment. Throughout the years I received notifications of the loan being sold to various service industries. The original loan amount was $ - and change and after 20 years, the balance is $ - and change. This is not right and I would like the consumer affair to conduct an investigation into the US Department of Education and its servicing industries. My daughter attended the University - from -/-/- to -/-/-, I started repaying her loans immediately after. I am barely making...

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