Experian Problem Getting Report Or Credit Score Complaints

Review and analysis of over 1,105 complaints against Experian

Experian consumers have reported over 1,105 official complaints related to Problem getting report or credit score. Out of the 1,105 consumer complaints against Experian, 13% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Experian responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 4% of consumer complaints against Experian resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 40% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Problem Getting Report Or Credit Score Consumer Complaints

Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

April 7, 2017 - Since falling victim to the -, - -, Experian, and several other data breaches I have been unable to obtain my report and dispute anything on my report online. I only receive a message asking me to contact someone at the reporting agency. I would like to have my report unblocked as it has been more than 5 years since these breaches and I am in the process of repairing my credit. The inability to dispute online is hindering my progress tremendously....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

April 4, 2017 - It has been about 3 years since I 've discovered that the credit bureaus made an error, where they have me and my brother as the same person. We do have very similar names, mine being - - - and my brother 's being - - -, and our social security numbers only have a differing last digit while the rest of the numbers are identical. I have filed for dispute multiple times as my brother did, and we were also forced to pay a fee to correct this error last year. Just recently, I 've discovered that I still can not pull my credit report and all of my credit history is combined onto m...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

April 3, 2017 - We filed a complaint against Experian about 45 days ago. In the complaint we specifically stated that the company never issued us a number to unfreeze the credit bureau report when we paid to freeze it. Therefore, we are unable to unfreeze the credit bureau report in order to apply for credit. Since the original report, Experian sent us a copy the credit bureau report. This is not what we asked for. Experian needs to send us a number to unfreeze the report....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

March 30, 2017 - My credit score has gone down - points since -/-/2017 to date however the credit monitoring service and the Experian, -, - credit bureaus are unable to explain why or what companies made the report to cause the drop. I have attached copies of my reports and request a full inquiry providing explanations or restoration of points....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

March 30, 2017 - I am not sure if this is the right category for my complaint. I have contacted all three credit bureaus about my credit score decreasing by - points. After speaking to a representative at both - and - about the issue they assured me the credit bureaus would have to explain what happened. So far none of the - have been able to explain it. I pay - $6.00 a month to lock my credit report and notify me of any changes to my report. No one can access my report without my knowledge or permission. -, a creditor of mine, arbitrarily, increased my credit limit from $350.00 to $600....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

March 21, 2017 - - is not allowing me access to my once a year free credit score that W. George Bush passed a law in 2008 stating that we are allowed one free credit report and score each year by law. - nor - nor Experian are allowing this to occur. I guess paying - - dollars in fines has not even phased them whatsoever. Why is it the that nobody is doing anything about this behavior. Why do they continuously get away with ripping off the American people that built this country and free Democracy. Enough is enough with this behavior. Somebody needs to stand up and actually do something about it ...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

March 10, 2017 - When credit bureau experian and - are pulled by lenders - is my credit score. I have more than 10 year 's of established credit. Also, for some time now - states that credit files split into - with that beingvsaid I have missing positive information on only my -. I spoke to the office of consumer affairs and they advised me the credit splitting and not reporting years of established credit is an error with their database. Why should their error be at my expense?...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

March 5, 2017 - My credit damage occurred because of beyond my control.one example is the default had happened the contract enter between me and my school, broken by the school.This without investigation the school and education made me in default.I have no money to take this matter to court. will review my case please. The second issue I have is with -.They charged me high interested rate. Because of this I had paid high down payment and my trade and - years loan for used car. will you review my contract with -. Thank youl...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

March 1, 2017 - All three credit bureaus : Experian, - and - can not explain my credit Score while all scores are different. None of these bureaus can explain the Score process nor specifically why my credit score is being negatively impacted by their own records, due to " revolving credit not being established long enough ''. Their own records incidate my revolving credit has been established 14yr, 10 months. This was NOT reflected on my credit bureaus until I disputed a negative rating from -, which was removed. Nearly immediately this Negative factor arose and no one will or can explain....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

March 1, 2017 - I am not able to remove a credit freeze I may have put on my account when I was disputing some items. Now I ca n't get credit because most places say that they can not pull my credit due to a credit freeze. I was trying to get my free credit report on line but because there is a Credit Freeze, I was not able to get any of the reports online. I try to contact all - bureaus but non offer an online or telephone call to remove the CREDIT FREEZE, please help, they are killing me with denials due to unable to see my credit....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

February 24, 2017 - Attempted to obtain report from Experian through AnnualCreditReport.com and received an error message directing me to experian.com or to call Experian consumer services. Attempted to PAY for my report through Experian.com and received the same error message. After speaking to consumer services they stated that they can not verify my identity ( even though I have provided 100 % legally factual information ). Phone rep for consumer services says there is no way to obtain my credit report....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

February 13, 2017 - I ca n't view my credit reports and YOU are costing me Section 8 Housing. The apartment complex denied my residency. I only have a few days for an appeal. HELP me, PLEASE!...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

February 3, 2017 - I have sent the demand letter to - credit bureaus for updating my credit report and scores, but they do n't do anything, I still not get my credit report. Please update it now, it is my right to have that information....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

February 1, 2017 - I requested my credit report thru annual credit report. After filling out the info and answering the security questions- report did show up. I went to save and print and it kicked me off the page and said I needed to request by mail or phone. The next report, Experian, said they could not process my request and to send them copies of my social, Drivers license, mort papers, utility bills, etc. Are you kidding me? I am not sending my personal info in the mail like that, that is how identities get stolen. I am completely shocked this credit agency would ask me to send these things, especially...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 24, 2017 - I have - different credit scores with Experian Credit Reporting Agency. I recently signed up for one of their credit monitoring products and they gave me my FICO score of - but when I went to apply for a mortgage they stated that my Experian credit score was less than - how could that be.My score should be - score rather good or bad based on a consistent industry standard system....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 23, 2017 - Requested credit score for the first time this year from Experian and was charged $4.00 to view my score....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 21, 2017 - I tried accessing my experian credit report online to view it to see if the incorrect information reporting has been corrected. Report # -. I received a message they were unable to honor my request to view my report. There is suppose to be unlimited online access to view your report but experian will not allow me to. I am submitting this complaint because I want to see what is reporting on my credit file. I am trying to obtain a mortgage and with all these errors on my report is affecting my score in a negative way....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 18, 2017 - I have had issues creating a bank account in the past year due to a " mixed match '' social security number and had to bring in my social security card to verify my identity. I can not log onto Experian.com or AnnualCreditReport.com to verify my identity with my name, address, and social security number. Therefore, I can not access any credit reports to see if there are any discrepancies. However, when I tried applying for medical assistance and put in my mother 's name and address with my social security number, the identity was " verified. ''...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 16, 2017 - I have been verbally told and using tools through the - credit bureaus websites informed that there is no block on my credit reports. However - has closed my mortgage loan modification file due to their alledged attempts to obtain my credit report and said report being " locked. '' The credit bureaus refuse to provide anything in writing stating that my credit reports are not blocked. - refuses to reopen my mortgage loan modification application package and my home will now be forced into foreclosure....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 12, 2017 - I applied for a card with - on a " pre-screened & approved letter ''. I was then told that I was denied due to reports from Experian, and -, -. I tried to contact both of them, both refuse to even respond to me, nor was -. These firms know they have wrong credit information, and Experian did send me one letter stating I had to supply information that - - - gave them, doing so just to update their credit records, and report they did nothing wrong. Their actions have done me a great deal of harm, and stopped me from getting medical equipment needed for my mother in -....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 11, 2017 - i can not verfiy my identy on the question so i need to get that fixed...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 9, 2017 - I couldnt recieve my credit scores or info from 2 credit agencies - or - and i on the one i did get it said something about auto financing loan and mortgage loan so i dont know what those are i dont own either of the 2 a house or a car...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 9, 2017 - I can not access my report uploaded Id and as card never heard back security questions asked all answered you still denied access...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 8, 2017 - I recently saw an article about how the CFPB fined the - major Credit Bureaus. The article encouraged consumers file complaints if they have any. I am writing this letter to file a complaint against Experian regarding a request I made to investigate my consumer file. I believe that my Identity has been stolen because I am having a lot of issues retrieving any Credit information such has Credit Reports and Credit Score from all - Credit Bureaus. When companies are processing my applications for a credit card or a loan they are informing me that no credit history exist for me or that I h...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 7, 2017 - I have requested Experian to provide me an up to date credit report for the last 2 months so I can verify that the updates that were supposed to be done were completed. Experian stated that they will send me a credit report almost 2 months ago and as of today I have yet to receive it....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 4, 2017 - I have been using a credit monitoring service for sometime now. When my husband and I were in the process of applying for a preapproval for a mortgage, our credit scores were a lot higher than the credit monitoring service showed. The - credit monitoring service showed a score of - but when the mortgage company pulled my credit my score was -....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

January 3, 2017 - - has a partnership with Experian. They have a credit score on my landing page that says its mine. It was -, so i went ahead and applied for a car loan. They turned me down. They told me they dont use that score but pull from Experian and -. They suggested i pull the report from them, so i did and Experian is - points lower. When i called to ask why no one would say, they said there is - negative report, and to dispute it. I did and every since than my score has been going down daily, yet when i call they wo n't answer why even though i have a subscription with them. They refuse...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

December 29, 2016 - In - 2016, I applied for a credit card from - and was denied based upon my Experian credit report. In - 2016, I requested Experian send me a copy of my credit report and Experian refused....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

December 29, 2016 - Experian requires you sign up for $ to get your credit score....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

December 14, 2016 - I have tried fro two months to have the - credit bureaus verify incorrect information on my credit reports and i have not received any replies.. i even sent letters certified to make sure they received them and nothing to this date.. They have violated the FCRA and at this point and time they must delete all negative items from the reports .... I hope you are able to contact them in this matter as it has brought me to my wits end. Thank you for your time. Attached is the last letter i sent this credit reporting agency...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

December 14, 2016 - Several years ago my report had me with a - address. I have never set foot in the state. I sent a dispute. They denied it saying I would have to prove I have never lived there. I could n't think of a way to do that. No when the ask security questions to get my reports or dispute because I do n't know the answers I am shut out of my own reports...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

December 13, 2016 - I have tried fro three months to have the - credit bureaus verify incorrect information on my credit reports and i have not received any replies.. i even sent letters certified to make sure they received them and nothing to this date.. They have violated the FCRA and at this point and time they must delete all negative items from the reports .... I hope you are able to contact them in this matter as it has brought me to my wits end. Thank you for your time. Attached is the last letter i sent this credit reporting agency...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

December 12, 2016 - I have tried fro - months to have the - credit bureaus verify incorrect information on my credit reports and i have not received any replies.. i even sent letters certified to make sure they received them and nothing to this date.. They have violated the FCRA and at this point and time they must delete all negative items from the reports .... I hope you are able to contact them in this matter as it has brought me to my wits end. Thank you for your time...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

December 1, 2016 - My bank reduced my credit limit based on information from Experian. I immediately pulled a copy to see no issues and a score - points higher then what they received. However, the bank says they are using a Vantage Score. Apparently, bureaus give consumers a FICO and use that on their credit monitoring programs. I have asked for the Vantage Score as well via mail. A consumer CAN NOT obtain this on the website and they have no option to speak to a person to address this Vantage issue at their phone number. How is this fair credit reporting?...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

December 1, 2016 - My auto loan through ally - - is in good standing and when I make my payments every month I get no credit score increase for making on-time payments...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

November 29, 2016 - Received a letter from Experian stating that a changed has been made to my account. They provided - phone numbers to which I called. The recorded message said there has been a changed to my information and if I did not make those changes stay on the line to obtain a credit report. I called several times and held for for a total of fifteen minutes only to be hung up on. Experian has a habit of not allowing the consumer access by phone and if you ( the caller ) do n't respond to the prompts ( even if the prompts do n't apply to your situation they hang up the call. It 's there tactic of avo...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

November 27, 2016 - I have tried to retrieve my credit report from Experian online. I am unable. I am requested to write in for it. I tried to call to find out why but I can not find a number to actually speak with someone. I finally received my report and have tried to file a dispute and again I am being asked to send in for a credit report which I already have. I have not had the problem with - and -, only Experian. Any assistance would be appreciated....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

November 25, 2016 - I was trying to submit a credit report request for my boys, who are 7, since I received a mailer from - with both of their names on it. Tried to use Experian 's Online Request form, but the system would not take any of my online documents, even after redoing them to the specs they requested ( PDF or TIFF and no color documents ). Unfortunately, the automated system did n't give me an option to address this. I 'm not comfortable sending this documentation in the mail since it would contain ALL the necessary information to create accounts in both my kids ' names and mine as well since it requ...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

November 24, 2016 - I 've been fighting with Experian for a few months now. I bought a car back in - - I was able to have my credit report pulled just fine then, but after getting the car I started having issues. I applied for a mortgage shortly after and the bank was n't able to pull my Experian credit report, but they were able to pull my wife 's report just fine. I called Experian and they were certain it was on the bank 's end ( even though they pulled my wife 's report ), because everything was fine on my account from what they could see. They confirmed I have no blocks or freezes in place. The house sold...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

November 16, 2016 - I have been unable to obtain an Experian score and I 've contacted them twice and have been told I have a score yet I ca n't pull it up?!...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

November 14, 2016 - IM sick and tired of trying to get a credit report that has everything on it. not like some of the services they sell. i want to pay $12.00 for my credit report, but they cant verify my info. they say i have to mail them all kinds of proof of ID. YET I CAN SIGN UP FOR 1 OF THEIR MONTHLY FEE BASED CREDIT MONITORING NO PROBLEM. NO MAIL. .JUST GIVE US YOUR CC # AND YOU 'VE GOT OUR CREDIT WATCH FOR $20.00 A MONTH.. THIS SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. THEY REFUSE YOU YOUR REAL REPORT BUT OK YOU FOR THEIR MONTHLY SERVICES WITH CREDIT REPORT AND CREDIT SCORES. THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO CONTROL OUR CREDIT...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

November 13, 2016 - Despite YEARS of stellar credit reports and scores, at or about - for each reporting agency, I was a couple of weeks late paying - credit card bill and my score dropped over - points! Really, over - points by each agency. This is unbelievable. I have not been late paying any bill in many many years. I was in fact in the hospital undergoing transplant - at the time this bill was due. I do not dispute that payment was late but after my very long history of cultivating exceptional credit status this - point drop must be seen as excessive. In addition, I am in the middle of refin...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 31, 2016 - I have disputed several reports on my Experian credit report. After repeated request for - to mail me an up to date credit report showing the corrections that were made and my current credit score they have failed to comply with my request....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 30, 2016 - I am unable to access my Experian credit report online or initiate an investigation online. I subscribe to Experian 's credit monitoring service, however when ever I attempt to initiate an investigation and I enter my identifying information, a page appears that they are unable to honor my request and I must do it by mail. When I receive a paper copy of my report, I attempt to use the report number to view report again and I get the same message saying they are unable to honor my request. I can not initiate a dispute even after receiving the paper copy by mail. It appaears Experian has blo...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 26, 2016 - On recently changing my auto insurance policy from - to -, I was advised by my insurance company ( - ) of an adverse affect on my premium from my credit report provided to them by Experian. Because of the adverse effect, I was entitled to a free copy of my report from Experian. I first tried to obtain this report through Experian 's Website. I was told that it could not be processed at that time and that I should try again later. I tried later and received a message that it could not be processed and that I should call their telephone number. I called their telephone number and receiv...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 19, 2016 - I am a member of credit expert I have a membership and am allowed to view my credit report and score once a day. I have been transferred to the dispute Dept then back to the member Dept to resolve this issue mbr ship Dept tells me I have no address on file to view my report and to call experian I called experian and the put my address on my report. I then called back credit expert to view my report and was told I have to call dispute dept because there was a mismatch with my social security number and that over - reports have generated dating - but I still have no access to view them. Th...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 18, 2016 - Hello, I set up a credit freeze with Experian about 6 years ago. I misplaced my PIN number to get the freeze lifted, and so filled out the form online to prove my identity. The website did not accept my information for some reason, so I mailed Experian documentation to prove my identity. I did this over a year ago, and received a response that my request to lift the freeze was rejected. Experian did not state why and what else I needed to submit, even though I followed the instructions exactly. I then tried recently ( -/-/2016 ) to submit my documents online, but they were rejected by the sy...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 16, 2016 - Unable to obtain a copy of my credit report....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 16, 2016 - I began checking my credit report, and disputing inaccuracies a few years ago after finding out my identity had been stolen. On - separate occasions, I have provided the police report and all other required info. Here recently, the big - have blocked me access to online completely. Now, they refuse to return my phone calls, so I wrote Experian a letter with the police report again, and not knowing the outcome of my previous dispute. I never received a revised copy from Experian or -, or -. I clearly stated in my letter that I was disputing all adverse items, except for - - -...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 14, 2016 - I am trying to rent some office space, and - and Experian are unable to locate me, and not willing to accept my US Passport, or copies of correspondence received at the address of record. I want them to email the report because the potential landlord needs this today, and Experian and - want to mail it. There is no question as to my mailing address, since I have supplied them copies of documents received at this address....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 13, 2016 - I receive a free - score from - tied to my - - card. I am told that - uses - and they are reporting my credit score as -. I also have an - - card and they all make my - score available to me and they use Experian and they report my credit score as - As a consumer I do not understand why when the term " - score '' is used there is such a large difference in the numbers....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 12, 2016 - I have disputed error 's on alleged collection accounts that are reporting negatively on my credit report. I have tried my best to contact all parties. I can not dispute online on any of the - major agencies website. I was denied a home loan -/-/2016. Because of this inaccurate data reporting. how come the - bureau 's websites can stop allowing me access. also in the dispute process most accounts were updated against my wishes. is it legal to change an accounts payment history?...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 12, 2016 - I am - years old. I have bought - houses, numerous auto 's, have had several credit cards and several bank loans. I have also purchased for and paid for several acres of raw land. All of these transactions are fully paid for. I now have no credit score and very little information in my credit file. What has happened to all of this information? I would like for all of the pertinent information put back into my credit file. The lack of this information is affecting my ability to use credit. There should be NO adverse information in my file as I have had fewer than - late fee charges sin...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 8, 2016 - I have not been able to use a monitoring service with Experian for 2 months. My credit report has not updated since - -, 2016 and I have been in contact with the Executive Management with Experian since -/-/2016. I have made 32 phone calls with regards to this since -/-/2016 and spoken to - different people about this issue and I have not been helped. After several months of contacting the staff members of Experian and not being helped I contacted the corporate office who promised me return phone calls, but they never called me back. After reaching out to the corporate off...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 7, 2016 - Experian has my wrong personal information and I have been trying to correct it. My mail is not answered from them. There is no way to contact any customer service to speak to about it. There is no way to fix the issues online since they have the wrong personal information about me. I have zero way of accessing or correcting the wrong addresses and Birth date on my credit report. For a company who holds so much power over an individual it should not be so impossible to fix errors made on their part....

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 7, 2016 - I mailed Experian a letter asking them to investigate numerous items. I included all the required documentation as per the instructions on their web site. They sent a letter saying I did not send the right ID...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 4, 2016 - I have not been able to obtain my credit report or score for over a month. The last time that I could access my credit report was -/-/2016. Since that time I have called everyday to try to get this corrected and I have not been helped. I have spoken to supervisors within the credit monitoring department and they have placed a total of - tickets to have this resolved and keep promising me that it will be, however it never has been. I have been promised phone calls back countless times to tell me why I could not access my credit report and when it would be corrected, but not one person ...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

October 2, 2016 - I attempted to dispute something on my credit report with Experian online. They made it yet especially difficult for me to dispute online. Each time I attempted to dispute online, I was advised I needed to mail a copy of my ID and other form of ID to them simply to file a dispute. Also, I wanted to permanently remove a security freeze on my credit report again this was difficult as I had to provide a time frame for which it could be replaced back onto my credit file. I wanted it permanently removed Credit reporting companies know what they are doing and simply take advantage of consumers and m...

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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score


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Experian Credit reporting unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score

September 26, 2016 - Experian refuses to let me obtain my paid credit disclosure online. On - - and again on the -, I attempted to purchase my Experian disclosure online for $12.00. Although I entered precise, accurate identifying information and the address as exactly written on my previous Experian reports, Experian refused to let me complete the purchase online. Instead, they try to force me to call an automated number which can not accommodate hearing -. I also do not wish to obtain my reports via mail as it takes too long and also it 's onerous to scan my - report to save in PDF format. Obtai...

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