Unable to get credit report/credit score problem getting report or credit score
Experian Credit reporting department,
Unable to get credit report/credit score Problem getting report or credit score Washington
- is not allowing me access to my once a year free credit score that W. George Bush passed a law in 2008 stating that we are allowed one free credit report and score each year by law. - nor - nor Experian are allowing this to occur. I guess paying - - dollars in fines has not even phased them whatsoever. Why is it the that nobody is doing anything about this behavior. Why do they continuously get away with ripping off the American people that built this country and free Democracy. Enough is enough with this behavior. Somebody needs to stand up and actually do something about it once and for all. I 'm getting tired of people turning their backs on the American people do the right thing and make a change.
Experian customer in Washington
Mar 21, 2017
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Experian response to complaint:
Closed with non-monetary relief
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