Ally Financial Inc. Account Opening, Closing, Or Management Complaints

Review and analysis of over 309 complaints against Ally Financial Inc.

Ally Financial Inc. consumers have reported over 309 official complaints related to Account opening, closing, or management. Out of the 309 consumer complaints against Ally Financial Inc., 13% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Ally Financial Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 15% of consumer complaints against Ally Financial Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 19% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Account Opening, Closing, Or Management Consumer Complaints

Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 5, 2017 - Ally Bank currently has - Raise Your Rate CD products - a - CD that allows you to raise your rate once during the life of the product and a - CD that allows you to raise the - twice during the life of the product. Currently, the initial rates for the - and - -yr are - and -, respectively. The reason consumers went into these products was so they did n't get stuck when interest rates started to rise - just as the product was marketed by Ally. Now that interest rates have started to increase neither of these rates has budged. Ally is not being competitive with these rates...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 28, 2016 - I set up a new bank account with Ally Bank on -/-/2016. On -/-/-, they authorized my old bank account at - to transfer all of my funds into my new account with Ally, and did so. On -/-/-, I tried to log in and access my new account and was told that my account was locked, and that I should contact the fraud department. After calling Ally 's fraud department, I was told that my account would remain locked until I provided them with three more pieces of identification, including a Utility Bill with my name and current address, the front and back of my driver 's license, and the ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

November 30, 2016 - Ally Financial has made it extremely difficult to close my deceased grandparent 's account. I have the death certificate information for both grandparents but they request a medallion signed document that each banking institution had said is unnecessary. There has been a lot of back and forth and they have not been helpful with concluding this matter....

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

November 21, 2016 - I was informed - certificates of deposits were closed as being dormant, even though they were rolled over just this year. The funds were sent to the State of New Jersey, though the state has no record of the transfer. Not only did I not think the accounts were dormant, I received emails from the bank ( Ally Bank ) when they were rolled over saying, " The loyalty reward at renewal is automatic, you do n't have to do a thing. '' - CDs had a rollover within the last calendar year, which belies the bank 's claim that the accounts were dormant for 18 months....

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

November 7, 2016 - Cont Case number : -.-/-/-, I reviewed my closed accounts with Ally.The reason I had to check my account was because my husband 's work had not had time to update the direct dep. infor in time to issue a paper check.After he could not track down his check which after - was currently direct deposited into our joint checking account, his payroll told him to check his bank account.I checked my " CLOSED '' Ally account to find out that they reopened the account in order to receive his direct dep.! After spending hours on the phone with a supervisor on - from Ally, and she telling me ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 25, 2016 - On -/-/16 I faxed my daughter 's information concerning an on-going dispute on her account to Ally bank.My daughter called Ally on -/-/16, to find out if she needed to send more information and the status of her account.The Ally representative informed her that they had received the fax regarding her dispute and of additional documents she needed to fax/send in order to complete it and informed her that a deposit needed to be made into her account to bring it into the positive within the next 10 business days.I advised her that it might be best to transfer the funds from my outside...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 18, 2016 - I can not access my Ally savings account via online, mobile or via telephone. It 's been over 2 weeks since I 've been able to access my account or even verify what my balance is. I 've called Ally on numerous occasions and I 've been told that it is an IT issue. I am refused my balance and twice I 've requested a bank card to no avail....

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 20, 2016 - I opened an online acct with Ally Bank last year about -/-/-/-/-/-. Initially all was well. About a week after opening the acct I was bombarded with phone calls/ email as to the address provided. I reside in - -. I called customer service and was advised there was a problem with my addss, so I reconfirmed the addss and was reassured there was no further problem. I then kept receiving phone calls sometimes 3-5 times a wk, telling me to call again. I returned the calls and was transferred to what I understood was a fraud dept who asked me to provide a stateside addss because my -...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 8, 2016 - Following Ally Bank 's instructions from a phone call, I downloaded and completed their PDF form to add my wife as an account owner to - savings accounts. Following the form 's instructions, I submitted it to Ally Bank 's online Secure Messaging system on - -. There was no change to the ownership status on - -, so I submitted reply to the original Secure Message. Ally 's reply on - - was to provide them with already-submitted account information in the form of account numbers. I provided this on - -. Ally then told me to submit paperwork, neglecting to see the origin...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 3, 2016 - Regarding : # - On - -, I got an email from the Ally escalations desk asking me to call them to resolve the above matter. I called thirteen times and each time was asked to leave a message as there was no one available. The next day, I got an email with another number. I called 7 times and again no ability to talk with the person responsible for resolving the case. This is a check for $190000.00, where they are holding my money and I have no access to it. Please help me expedite resolution. It 's taken hours of my time with no results....

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 31, 2016 - -/-/-, I submitted a letter to close my account with Ally Bank. -/-/-, having not yet received a check, I called to understand status on - -, 2016. They said they mailed the check and would need to reissue a new check. Given the amount ( over $190000.00 ), I asked them to expedite whatever paperwork was necessary. On - -, I had still not received any paperwork, so again called. They said they had not done anything as a result of my original request, but would send paperwork via email. Since I was traveling, I did not have access to a printer and the paperwork " expired ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 27, 2016 - I opened - CD with Ally Bank five years ago the maturity was - -, 2016, we closed the CD on - -, 2016 and did not receive interest from -/-/- till -/-/-. I can not find my disclosure but I thought that they pay interested in the grace period. I called and they told me that do not pay interest because I close the account. Can you tell me if this is common practice?...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 24, 2016 - I tried to open a bank account at ally bank, but I was denied since I do not have any social security number. On this link - it is stated that I am not required to provide a SSN to open a bank account....

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 11, 2016 - Ally Bank allowed someone to open an account in my name ( fraudulently ) without using my correct address. I would assume any reputable bank would have better protection measures in place to verify someone 's identity. Ally ( after recognizing their mistake and after I notified them the issue ) continues to send correspondence to the wrong address....

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 14, 2016 - I paid off my account with Ally Bank for the purchase of my car in - and received a letter from them dated - -, - but have not received my title for this car ( - - - - I called them Tuesday and they say that the title was sent to me on - -, - but I have not received it and they are saying that they can not issue me a duplicate title that I have to go to the Sec. of State and pay $100.00 to get a duplicate title am - - - and have paid enough for the car. They have all the information on my car and should be able to issue a duplicate title. Yesterday w...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

June 10, 2016 - I received my signature card in the mail after opening a savings account. The signature card revealed my entire social security number. I felt like this was not a good practice to expose the entire social security number of the customer, especially through - mail. I felt as though they were setting me up for identity theft. I called twice to complain and I was told it is simply their policy. I had no idea my personal information would be tossed around so carelessly by Ally Bank....

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

May 31, 2016 - I opened a checking account at Ally Bank and deposited some money. A few days later I was told that I needed to submit identification documents and that the bank would have to review the documents before having access to my account. I have periodically called to check on the status, and I have been asked to submit the documents again. I also asked whether they could instead close the account and send the funds back to me, as I had set up an account at another bank while Ally 's review was going on, but Ally would not do this. I also asked for bank statements so that I may report the earned int...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 7, 2016 - I have a CD maturing at Ally Bank in 2 days. I called to renew it. - told me she would renew a 5 yr CD @ 2 %, with a 2 month interest penalty for premature withdrawal. I asked her to put it in writing ( email ), she said she could not. Her word is good enough??? Are you kidding?? I suspect they are lying on the phone. ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 1, 2016 - On - -, 2016, I wired $420000.00 in my Ally Bank account. The Federal Reserve Receipt for this wire, -, clearly dates receipt of the funds by Ally Bank as occurring on - -. I contacted Ally Bank by telephone at - EDT - - and again at - EDT requesting that the funds be booked into my account on -/-/- to prevent the loss of one day 's interest on the funds. On both calls, I was told the Bank could not locate the funds despite having been given the Fed Reference Number. The funds were subsequently booked into my account - -, resulting in the loss of interes...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 23, 2016 - I applied for a 18 mo. CD at Ally Bank for $75000.00. They withdrew that amount twice with authorization for only one. It resulted in insufficient funds charge on the checking account from which it was withdrawn. They refused to interrupt the transfer and I was charged $34.00 by my bank for the ISF. I received confirmation of only - transfer but they still contend I made - requests. The branch manager at my checking account bank called Ally while I was in the office and they agreed to return the second $75000.00. They will not pay the cost of doing so. I told them I wanted the whol...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 10, 2016 - When I log into my Ally Bank account, it used to always send me a one-time login code to my email address. I always check 'this is a public computer ' so they will always require the code, as I sometimes have guests and would rather not have reason to suspect a guest if somebody hacks into my account. I also occasionally access my account from the public library. Recently, the last few times I 've logged in, it has NOT sent me a one-time login code to my email address, thereby increasing the chance that a guest, or somebody at the library, could hack into my account. I have contacted Ally seve...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 9, 2016 - Ally Bank does not know how regulates them. I wanted to submit a complaint and they do not have a clue. ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 1, 2016 - I forwarded a check, in the sum of $100000.00 to ALLY Bank BY - # - for the purpose of opening - accounts, Check was received - -. Since then they have not been able to locate the funds or find out what is going on. - supervisor advised that the money was received and that the accounts are being worked on - I asked that he e-mail info to me - but that was days ago and has not happened. I have been on the phone with over - " supervisors '' at the bank, but all they want isthe answer to - questions to identify me, DESPITE the fact that I was just transferred to them b...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 28, 2016 - I applied for an Ally Bank online savings account on -/-/- and transferred, via ACH, $1000.00. On -/-/- I logged on and the screen informed me the account was blocked. I called and was assigned Loss Prevention Specialist - - -. I was told to provide copies of an original social security card, recent mail to my address and a state issued photo id. I supplied a copy of my passport, which expired in - -, plus the other - items requested. I am not going to renew my passport until my hair and eyebrows grow back. I am not planning on making any foreign trips, no...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 22, 2016 - I was perusing the Ally Bank website tonight to see if they were offering higher deposit account rates than what I'mean currently earning. In several locations you 're given the option of comparing their rate to other banks ' rates. Every time I elected to see " other banks ' '' rates, it listed only - - the bank I currently use! I had n't provided them with that information. They clearly did n't feel they had to hide the fact that they had obtained my private financial information. I feel violated and outraged. ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 13, 2016 - I paid off my account in full on -/-/- and Ally Financial sent me the title to my vehicle 5 days later. On -/-/- I received an alert from my credit monitoring agency that Ally has reported they are in the process of repossessing my vehicle. I called Ally and they confirm the vehicle is paid in full and there report was sent to the credit bureau in error. While on the phone with the rep. he says he submitted a dispute with the - credit reporting agencies. Dispute confirmation # - and that it will be resolved and I should get a response within 7 business days. On -/-...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 10, 2016 - I checked my credit monitoring report via - - and saw that ALLY Financial had instituted a " hard inquiry '' for a national credit card/airlines on -/-/2015. I never authorized or applied to Ally Financial for a airlines credit card. I never gave them authorization to pull a hard inquiry on my credit. This is the first reporting of this inquiry from -/-/2015 on - -. I check my credit every week thru the - site and I would have seen it earlier if it had been reported. I want this hard inquiry removed from my credit report. ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 6, 2016 - I banked with Ally Bank from - until - -, - the bank made the decision to close my checking account due to them allowing someone to transfer money from my account to another account. They reimbursed the funds to my account but now they are giving me the run around about my refund for the closing balance. I hhave been communicating with a - - who has told lies to me and her supervisor - who has taken her word to be true my account was closed in early - I was sent an email as notification and told on - -, - the check for my remaining balance has been mailed I the...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 4, 2015 - I am a permanent resident. I do not yet have a SSN. Ally online bank flatly refused to let me open an account without one although I explained that the states I do not need one to open a bank account. - - - and - - - - make the online process impossible without a SSN. ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 29, 2015 - I had - accounts with Ally Bank. - was a checking account, which I used for my small business, and the other was a savings account held jointly with my wife. In - I received a substantial tax refund from the IRS, which I deposited in the savings account. A few days later, I noted that the account had been frozen and I called Ally Bank to ask why. The Customer Service rep told me that my wife and I were suspected of fraud, based on information received from the IRS. As directed by the rep, I called - - ( ( - - - ) of the Loss Prevention Department. She told me that the...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 22, 2015 - I have an interest Chequing account with Ally Bank. The account number, routing number, my signature, home address, date of birth and other vital information was compromised. I called the bank ( also in writing via their secure message process - to confirm that someone having the above information ( and more ) would be able to access the account and withdraw all the funds. The bank representative confirmed that this is the case. I accordingly requested that to prevent such from happening, that they open an identical account, transfer the funds from the compromised account to the identical a...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 19, 2015 - Ally Bank refused to transfer a matured CD IRA account by trustee to trustee transfer as I requested well in advance. They failed to disclose a signature guarantee requirement. They made me take it as a distribution causing needless delay, loss of interest income and red tape in my doing a rollover. They benefited by the delay in having the money for an additional number of weeks. They admitted being arbitrary and unnecessary in requiring a signature guarantee when they already had a signature agreement on file. ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 2, 2015 - I applied for an Ally checking account and savings account. I ws granted -. a total of $20.00 was transferred to those accounts out of my checking account I have had for a while. Then Ally blocked my accounts with them and told them I have to prove to them who I say I am. I called and emailed them several times. Finally I was told they performed a credit check and it did n't go through. During the application process I was never told my credit would be checked by Ally Bank. Also if the credit check did n't go through why did they transfer my money to their accounts? They should n't have d...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 21, 2015 - I applied for accounts with Ally Bank and they opened my accounts made money transfers from my origianl checking account and then blocked access to my Ally accounts and wo n't give my money back. They say they could n't do the credit check and think I 'm fraudulent. I told them never at any time on their website did they tell me they would do a credit check and I was a victim of id theft a few years ago and froze my credit reports. They refuse to give the money back. They should never have opened accounts or transferred my money to their accounts if they could not do the credit check. And they...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 19, 2015 - I applied for a Ally Bank online savings account. It was denied in an Ally letter with words unable to verify applicants identity ''. There was NO information error in my application. I supplied an email address that I 've had for 14 years, a telephone number that I 've had for 17 years, a street address that I 've had for 38 years, and a social security number that I 've had for - years! Ally noted in this refusal, that I was checked by -. I requested my report from - and received the report. An internet search reports this about - : -, the company that essentially does for ch...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 12, 2015 - I recently moved to a new city, and opened an online bank account with Ally Bank. The account application and setup process went smoothly, and after completing the application, i received email notification that my Ally bank account is open ''. I then began transferring money and depositing checks into the Ally bank account. As soon as I deposited my last check, and essentially put every dollar I have into this new open '' account, I was locked out of the account, with no warning, no explanation, and without even being able to access any of the account details, such as the account number, or...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 7, 2015 - I tried to open a online savings bank account with Ally Bank with my Individual Taxpayer identification Number and after a phone call follow up i was asked for a image of my social security card. I informed the customer representative that I did not have a social security card, that all i had was my Individual Taxpayer Identification number and she proceeded to inform me that it was not possible to to open my savings bank account with only my Individual Taxpayer Identification number. ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 29, 2015 - RE : - amended this complaint to note that Ally refused to refund monies to my account that were fraudulently charged by - - - repair. - badly scratched my glass lenses, refused to refund my monies of $55.00. I completed a - page form for the bank and they did nothing. The glass lenses can not be photocopied and sent to the bank which they improperly requested. As it turns out, this merchant has a reputation for this conduct and is being sued by their former parent company for this fraudulent conduct. I have never been put to this trouble before by a bank. I want the monies...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 29, 2015 - I changed my address for my account at Ally bank to a local address in -, WA. Ally bank once again locked me out of my account without even contacting me at all and are stating that they need verification that i live at that address. This address is for a food bank. I am homeless and therefore do not have any utility or other bills sent to this address. This is an ongoing problem with ally bank, but not a single - of my other institutions. not -, not -, not higher - ( my student aid bank ), not a single other financial institution has a problem with me or my addresses, but ally ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 24, 2015 - Ally Bank locked out my account. Despite my submitting all the required documents they still have locked all access to my account for over 24 hours ...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 10, 2015 - I am filing this CFPB action to contest a series of abusive and seemingly unscrupulous actions taken on - -, 2015 by Ally Bank personnel, in relation to my online savings account. I opened up an Ally Bank online savings account last month and deposited a total of $20000.00 into the account via transfers from my home bank 's checking account. Other than the slowness of moving my funds from my bank to Ally ( it took 5 to 6 days rather than their advertised 2 to 3 day period ), my experience with Ally was basically meeting my expectations until the events of the past day. I had successful...

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Ally Financial Inc. Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 19, 2015 - ALLY bank doesnt accept other form of identification but a social security number ...

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