Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Conventional Fixed Mortgage Complaints

Review and analysis of over 46 Conventional Fixed Mortgage complaints against Stonegate Mortgage Corporation

Stonegate Mortgage Corporation consumers have reported over 46 official complaints related to Conventional fixed mortgage. Out of the 46 consumer complaints against Stonegate Mortgage Corporation, 20% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Stonegate Mortgage Corporation responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 11% of consumer complaints against Stonegate Mortgage Corporation resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 54% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Conventional Fixed Mortgage Consumer Complaints

Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 20, 2017 - I have requested my mortgage company, Stonegate Mortgage, terminate my PMI multiple times as we are below the 78 % LTV that is required. Everytime I call, they tell me they will the next month and it does n't happen. We hit 78 % LTV in - 2017....

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

March 13, 2017 - I had a short sale on a mortgage in -/-/- and my mortgage company is reporting to the credit bureaus that I am currently late on a mortgage to -. They reported false information in -/-/-, -/-/- and now -/-/- There should be no changes reported since the date the mortgage settled in -. It was reported as currently late again to - in -/-/-. Any lates should be removed, this was settled in -/-/- per the attached. Stonegate acknowledged their error in the attached letter, yet I cant seem to get resolution....

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 16, 2017 - I recently submitted a loan modification paperwork package to stone gate mortgage. I had this sent by priority mail so that I could keep track if this was delivered. The package was delivered on -/-/17. I had talked to stonegate and told them I am sending it this way and if there is anything else I need to do please call me. The girl confirmed she would do this. Today I get a letter from a lawyer stating forclosure procedings have started to my surprise. I called Stonegate and the girl was like it never showed up. I said it shows it was delivered. She said there is nothing they can do f...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 10, 2017 - Mortgage company unfairly and with intent withholding our escrow overage due to us since - 2016 escrow analysis....

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 5, 2017 - StoneGate Mortgage sold my loan to another loan company without properly notifying me or having my approval. The only action they took to inform me this transaction is to send a good bye mail to my address when I was moving to a new place and traveling a lot for business. They never tried to call me or send me an email about this. I set up an auto-payment for my loan in the past few years and was never late for paying that. However, my auto-payment information was not updated when StoneGate sold my loan, which lead to late payment for 3 month and a dramatic drop of my credit score....

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 18, 2016 - Stonegate Mortgage massively over charged me for escrow payments -/-/-. Their website and telephone rep claims they issued a refund to me for $1000.00 on -/-/-. Today is -/-/-. Not only have I FAILED to receive a refund, but Stonegate Mortgage has also FAILED TO PLACE THE NEW ESCROW ANALYSIS ON ITS WEBSITE. The one available now is dated -/-/- LAST YEAR!...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

December 1, 2016 - I had a mortgage account with StoneGate Mortgage # - for a rental property at - - - - -, IL - which was set up on auto payment. Our mailing/statement address was our office at - - - -, IL - StoneGate had our correct email address, office and mobile phone numbers. Yesterday I noticed the auto payments stopped in - 2016 for the mortgage payments. When I called StoneGate to find out why I learned my loan was transferred in - to - # - and that as of today - - we owed 4 months worth of payments. I made the payments today, but very concerned my cred...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 3, 2016 - Stonegate Mortgage claimed that we did not have appropriate insurance ( although we do ) and placed a grossly overpriced penalty insurance policy on our account, took all the money from our escrow account, and promptly sold loan servicing rights. We have electronic email records showing how many times we tried contacting them, and they did not respond a single time. My family has been defrauded by Stonegate....

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

August 22, 2016 - I purchased my house in - -. My monthly payment includes the principal, interest, mortgage insurance, homeowner insurance, and property tax. The homeowner insurance and the property tax payments are collected under the escrow account. My monthly monthly payment was initially around $1300.00 including the everything. I recently learned that my monthly payment jumped to $1900.00. After several attempts, I learned that even though the mortgage company collected the property insurance from me on monthly bases, THEY NEVER PAID it to the insurance company. Now the mortgage company tells m...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

August 4, 2016 - I made additional deposits to my mortgage at - and asked for my PMI to be dropped. I paid for and had completed I be removed in their appraisal and they told me the PMI would be removed in - But they were " backed up ''. It was not removed and I placed several calls and emails. They promised to call me back and never did. I believe this is a stalling tactic designed to keep charging me unnecessary PMI. I have more than $90000.00 in equity in the house - - - Loan Number - - - - -, - FL - - Thank you....

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

July 11, 2016 - I was attempting to apply for a " partial release of real property '' with Stonegate Mortgage. I began by contacting them on-/-/2016.I was told by - that I needed to do several things such as 1. get a new survey 2. appraisal 3. history of my mortgage payments 4. sales contract 5. tax information. I began to do these things. -/-/16 I talked to - - - at Stonegate and was told I needed Form -. He emailed me a copy of form - that day. I continued to work on the application. On -/-/- I talked to - - -. He sent me a copy of the survey in their records of my pr...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 23, 2016 - My mortgage is through Stonegate Mortgage Corporation. It has been for two years. For -/-/2016 I did not receive my payment coupon to make my payment. Knowing it was due, I used a statement from -/-/- to obtain a mailing address for payments so I could mail my payment on time. The payment was mailed on -/-/16, before the late payment date of -/-/16. On - -, 2016 I noted in my bank account that the payment had not cleared. I contacted Stonegate to inquire and they informed me that they had a new payment PO Box as of - - and sent me a letter on - - with the c...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 15, 2016 - Hi, I had paid my initial 20 % of my 30 year conventional loan amount and requested for removal of PMI from my account which is allowed by Law and per the Mortgage companies own website FAQ and I paid the fee requested as requested by the Mortgage company but still they have been changing me PMI up from for the next months even before I am due for the next month payment. ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage settlement process and costs

May 18, 2016 - At the time of closing, there was no mortgage insurance listed on our closing disclosure and documents. When we received our first mortgage payment statement, the amount due was $92.00 more. I emailed our mortgage broker with - - and asked if he could explain the discrepancy. He responded 2 days later explaining that " for some reason, the payment letter and such given at closing did not include the mandatory Mortgage Insurance '' and encouraged us to pay the amount with the mortgage insurance from the payment statement. I do n't feel we need to pay the amount with mortgage insurance a...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 13, 2016 - In order to resolve a long standing issue we had with Stonegate Mortgage they offered us a refund of four months of interest on -/-/-. That email requested that we confirm that we would consider the matter closed by accepting those terms and we responded accordingly that same day. The following day, they sent us a formal letter ( attached ) with those same terms via the - complaint that we had open. The week of -/-/- we received a check from Stonegate Mortgage, but it was nowhere near the amount they offered us and to which we agreed. The check was in the amount of $690.0...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

March 22, 2016 - Initiated a refinance with Stonegate Mortgage. Supplied all documentation ( credit report, paystubs, - 's etc. ) scheduled and purchased appraisal, appraisal completed, loan to pre-processing. Lender contacts me about derogatory remark on - account on credit report, states loan can not continue until removal of derogatory remark. Instructed me to contact all - bureaus to have remark removed. By this action, FICO score reset from - to - - ruined as it falls below -. Result : No loan, out $490.00 appraisal fee, credit ruined. Why did the lender not advise me that requestin...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 3, 2016 - Our mortgage servicer failed to pay our - property taxes on time. It took over a month of multiple emails and phone calls to get the taxes paid, even though the money was in our escrow account. After paying the taxes over 4 months late ( we only realized they were not paid after - - sent us a notice of intent to lien our property ), the servicer sent us an updated escrow analysis that increased our monthly escrow payment, and incorrectly included our sanitation/solid waste fee in the analysis. The analysis also included a revised payment amount effective -/-/- ( which increas...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

January 25, 2016 - In - 2015, my mortgage servicing company, Stonegate Mortgage, sent me correspondence stating that they did not have proper insurance on file for me. I called them stated that - was my homeowner 's insurance agent and that I would get them the documentation, and asked where to send it. The representative I spoke with told me that it was not my homeowner 's policy that was needed, but the policy for the homeowner 's association. I obtained that from my homeowner 's association president and provided that electronically to the email address the Stonegate Mortgage representative told me to, ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

January 12, 2016 - I first received a loan modification from Stonegate mortgage on - 2015, at this time my payment was going to be -, estimated then went up to - after I had signed the new paperwork at the - payment, they agreed this was their mistake and each time they told me I could fill out a loan modification packet to get my account current again after i kept complaining that the payment was not what I agreed upon. Now for the past year I have been filling out loan modification paperwork maybe four our five times ( different packets ). Each time I am told I missed the deadline. I even had it ce...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

January 6, 2016 - Just by coincidence my mortgage company customer service dept told me my escrow was almost $5000.00 short. With further digging I was told that when I refinanced in - 2015 the homeowners insurance somehow was not included by the servicer although it is on the good faith estimate and the HUD statement. This means for last year no money had been put in my escrow for homeowners insurance although my monthly payment at closing was calculated based on taxes principle and insurance Now I face an extreme shortage in -/-/- which is when Texas does annual analysis. I am so angry thinking that...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

December 13, 2015 - We sent the email below to Stonegate -/-/15, followed up -/-/15 and never received a response from them. If you require any email correspondence proving any of our claims, we are happy to provide them. Hello, My wife and I reached out to Stonegate about refinancing our loan around mid - ( the first email we have is from -/-/15 ). We agreed to terms and were told on or before -/-/15 that we would be closing mid -. To be more specific, we were told -/-/15 that " Your appraisal just came in and your file has been forwarded to underwriting. '' Each and ever...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 3, 2015 - Stonegate Mortgage increase by $300.00 a month without warning ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

August 27, 2015 - Lender failed to notify buyer of condition of - acre property was not approved less the - hours prior to closing. Mortgage Broker was in direct communication with Sellers Agent, taking verbal on amend extend. Contract expired and Buyers lost Ernest Moneys. Mortgage Broker and Direct supervisor admitted negligence and stated Company would reimburse Ernest Money. When asked for promise to be provided on official letter, received sub par email for request of internal process. The actions of Mortgage Broker were not in the fiduciary interest of Buyers, and fraudulent statements made in regar...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

August 27, 2015 - My wife - purchased a house a little less than - years ago. We were approved for the loan and the appraisal was completed and we closed on the property. The house is a - level property with internal stairs connecting the - - - floors. An external staircase allowed for access to the - - - level. The appraiser did not make any deduction in the appraisal for the external staircase. We refinance the house several months ago and during the appraisal process, the appraiser for the refinance did not fully recognize the sq.ft. of the - floor, since you have to use an exte...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 12, 2015 - I believe that Stonegate Mortgage is improperly stalling my short sale. Most mortgage servicers are required to approve or deny a short sale within 30 days of receiving a completed application. If this applies to Stonegate, I think they are trying to get around this requirement by continuing to ask me for more paperwork. Since - 2015, instead of a decision, I get monthly letters demanding additional paperwork. Sometimes Stonegate asks for additional information, other times they ask for the same information but in a different format, and they have even asked again for information that I hav...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

July 10, 2015 - I wanted to reduce my mortgage by removing pmi. After struggling with moving money from bank to bank, I was able to make another 10 % payment to Stonegate Mortgage. I had put 10 % down on the house and with the 10 % payment, was at least 20 % of original loan. The whole goal was to reduce my mortgage by approx. $200.00. Not only has my pmi not been removed, I was told that I had to pay an additional $110.00 to request a broker document before they remove the pmi or I have to wait years until the loan value is 78 %. They just gave me a bunch of other things to do. The problem is I work 14+ ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 25, 2015 - I recently went thru a loan modification with Stonegate mortgage company. The payments increased, almost - a month. Which I told my servicer this he said I could do a short sale. I signed the paperwork because I wanted to keep my house. This process took months, so by the time I finished with it I was drained mentally. The stress was to much and not to mention my loan processor -, was useless. I would call - or times a week and get no return phone calls. So after I signed this new paperwork, thinking my payment was - from -, I received a phone call saying Your payment now is goi...

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