Santander Bank US Other Bank Product/Service Complaints

Review and analysis of over 140 Other Bank Product/Service complaints against Santander Bank US

Santander Bank US consumers have reported over 140 official complaints related to Other bank product/service. Out of the 140 consumer complaints against Santander Bank US, 23% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Santander Bank US responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 6% of consumer complaints against Santander Bank US resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Other Bank Product/Service Consumer Complaints

Santander Bank US Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

February 15, 2017 - I have had an overdraft account with Santander for over 5 years now. I have not made any payments because the original balance of $1900.00, with interest, is now $4700.00. I keep waiting for this account to go to collections so I can pay a lower amount, but it never has. I just keep getting more and more interest charges....

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 2, 2017 - Santander Bank did not send my -. They told me I could not receive another until -/-/-. They said it was mailed -/-/- ; however, it does not take more than two days to send and receive mail from within -....

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 28, 2016 - I became aware that my identity was stolen in - 2016. There have been several inquiries into my credit report since that time for items I did not apply for. I have been able to contact most of the companies to have the inquiries removed. Santander Bank has not returned my calls to discuss the false application or confirm that the inquiry will be removed. I have not received a written notice that they will remove the inquiry. Santander Bank made the inquiry on - -, 2016....

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service using a debit or atm card


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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

November 17, 2016 - i opened an account with santander bank in -, nj on - -, 2016 with a promotional bonus of - dollars within 30 days after having my account open for 90 days and meeting - in direct deposits. I have met all these requirments and we are on day - and i still have not recieved my credit. I have emailed the cs of santander with a ref of - and still have yet to receive a response. I have also called account services and was given a ref num of - on - -, 2016 and my credit has not been issued. When i opened my account on - - i brought with me a coupon which i had ema...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 25, 2016 - The following is the text of a letter sent to Santander Bank on - -, - : Please be advised that this is a second follow up letter related to the above referenced accounts with your institution. I have discussed the contents with - of my attorneys and adviser, a former bank owner and CEO, and decided to proceed with my claims. I would prefer to settle without a costly and drawn out legal process, but am committed to move forward to recover my reputation and good credit record. In - of -, I was placed on - ( Social Security - Income ) by the Social Security - of the U...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 20, 2016 - My business Merchant account is setup without my intention and fee is charged in ACH withdrawal every month from my business account. I have never / am not using any equipment or services from this account from Santandard bank and - - -. Sales Rep - - - from Santandard bank located at - - - NJ tried to sell me Merchant Services for my - - - - - - - - - - - - - -/-/2016 and I did not agree until I get it on paper and send me so I can review the agreement. She filled up all agreement documents and signed my name on document...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 9, 2016 - On Friday, - -, -, my husband and I visited the Santander Bank on - -, - NJ to review our accounts. Because of work obligations we had not been to the bank in quite awhile and for some reason were no longer receiving paper statements in the mail. We planned to leave work early that day to review our accounts. We spoke to the branch manager, -, who reviewed the accounts with us. We learned that they were earning close to no interest and that our checking account was being charged a monthly $16.00 fee for inactivity since -, -. This checking account was originally op...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

June 28, 2016 - ATM Skimming device placed on - MA, - between - - and - -. Bank statement outlined " CASH WITHDRAWAL - - - - - - US . on - - at - -. '' Santander alerted me via snail mail that my debit card may have been a victim of fraud and it was disabled. After noticing charges being declined, I called them up - - to inquire as to why, and immediately reported the - ( not including fees ). That were stolen from my account. After responsibly, and honestly answering their questions, they denied my claim based on the fact that only I knew the PIN ( whi...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

May 21, 2016 - My APY on my money market account with Santander changed from 1.25 on my -/-/- statement to 1.10 on my -/-/- statement to .75 on my -/-/- statement. I received no notice or notification about the change in my APY nor authorized the change with Santander or agreed to it. This is highly concerning to me as this is a violation of Banking regulations and warrants a complaint. I did try reaching out to Santander customer support and they gave me no written excuse. Instead they told me to call a customer support number which I did and sat on hold for - minutes and could...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

May 17, 2016 - As a loyal customer of Santander Bank, I am not happy that I had to hear from another Bank that Santander had a privacy breach. As a customer I would expect Santander to notify its customers, but instead I need to hear the news from another Bank that received a privacy breach letter from Santander. The letter another Bank received discussed the following : On - -, 2016 Santander Bank sent an image cash letter file to the FRB and the file did not have a correct alignment of the data to the image records and as a result, it is possible that check images from the file were viewed by third p...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

May 6, 2016 - Today I had an appointment at the Santander bank on - - NJ to transfer over my - - account. We had an appointment for - so - - told us the guy that handles this told her that he was still in the - office and will be late. We waited over an hour for him to come. When he came he decided to help another customer instead that had an appointment at -. I knew he had an appointment for - because I heard - talking about it. When he finally came to talk to us, he said that - told me why we were here and all he his to do is open a new account. I then told him that I n...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 27, 2016 - I had my ties severed with my local Santander Bank in - recently in -/-/- and had my checking account closed after an incident ( I have received checks of a fraudulent nature which was n't particularly my fault ) and I was given a warning to my bank.However, I 'm still forced to pay Santander 's Line of Credit Overdraft Protection Service which I find to be unfair if I 'm no longer tied to the ban and have to pay back $3000.00 I felt like I got - to pay off a massive bill and I kept getting harassing phone calls from Santander after missing a payment and being called 5 consecutive...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 4, 2016 - -/-/2015, I opened a Money Market Account with Santander Bank and was told by - different bank managers that the account would earn .90 %. Each month I have logged on to the bank 's web site ( which has continually advertised .90 % ), to deposit additional monies to that account. When I received tax information regarding the interest earned for 2015, I began to question whether I had in fact been getting .90 %. I spoke with the local branch manager and was told that .90 % was a promotional rate, that I received for an unspecified amount of time, and now this account was earning .40 %. At ...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 4, 2016 - hi Bank Santander reported " account risk '' for the - accounts to " - - '' credit reporting company. Subsequently, other banks that I held bank personal accounts, credit cards, IRAs, - accounts terminated my accounts. Now I have to open new accounts, but I have a hard time to do so, because - keeps issuing " account risk '' for my ID. The problem is with bank Santander / Sovereign, I would like the information about " account risk '' to be removed from my file due to the following reasons : 1. I am a joint signor on the accounts, but I never performed any operations with this ...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 23, 2016 - I opened an overdraft line of credit in 2010 for an annual fee of $50.00. The fee is billed each -. This year I decided the ( LOC ) annual cost was n't worth the annual fee. On - - I paid off the balance on the LOC. On - - I went to the bank branch and told them I no longer wanted the LOC. I was told that I had to submit my request in writing. I later called customer service and explained that I no longer wanted the LOC. I then received a LOC statement charging me the $50.00 annual fee and some residual interest ( $4.00 ) from when I paid off the LOC. I called the bank 's ...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 23, 2016 - Santander Bank 's lack of transparency and customer service is detrimental to the consumer. Specifically, the information provided on my money market account lacked accuracy and timeliness. The interest rate, which I understand can be changed at anytime, is not communicated until the monthly statement is released and in this instance it was incorrect. As such, the first communication of the rate appears on the monthly statement. Since I am able to calculate daily interest rates myself, I monitor the account on a regular basis. From - - to - -, I noted a change in the interest rate....

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management


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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 29, 2016 - We had a line of credit loan with Sovereign Bank. Santander Bank apparently acquired the rights to this loan. After getting the run around with Santander, we paid the loan off in full with Santander in - 2013. Yesterday in the mail, I received a bill for $65.00 from Santander for a fee on this account. I called Santander. I was passed around to four different operators. I asked to speak with a supervisor after speaking with the second operator. I was never handed off to a supervisor. I was told I needed to go to a local Santander Bank branch to prove my identity. Yet they kept verifying m...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 14, 2016 - I 've never been told that the bonus is calculated according to the statement period instead of calendar month, and the Santander rep who opened my account told me that every month I pay - bill online and receive more than - direct deposit, then I 'll get - dollars bonus each month. And their public advertisement also indicated that it 's per month instead of per statement cycle. So, I paid - bills online and have my employer direct deposit my salary to my Santander account. In - 2015, I only received - bonus for direct deposit and called Santander for the missing - bonus ...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

December 15, 2015 - Hi have an unsecured line of credit with Santander Bank. I also have - checking accounts, a savings account for my son, and my HELOC with Santander bank. I use the unsecured line of $5000.00 as my overdraft protection account. The interest rate on that account is aggressive, but it does n't bother me because I do not keep an open balance on there for long. In fact, I transfer money over very quickly and the check daily for any additional interest that may be tabbed to that account so I can pay it off. However, the account is set up incorrectly. The online interest balance does not match w...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 3, 2015 - Santander bank is constantly calling and leaving robotic messages. I do not have an account with them and they are asking for someone named " - ''. They call a couple times a day and leave messages saying that " - '' should call and enter a PIN to retrieve her message about her account. A search on the web revealed that there have been others who have had this happen, and when they contacted Santander Bank, the agent said that they could not remove the telephone number on file. This is outrageous. I have never done business with this bank, and they have the WRONG number. ...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

November 22, 2015 - Santander Bank N.A. is reporting to the - major credit bureaus an account that is not mine. It may very well be an account that was upon fraudulently, as I have been a victim of identity theft. I have submitted online disputes to the - major credit bureaus. - completed its dispute stating that the creditor has updated the status showing that the account belongs to me. The dispute is still pending -. I have been therefore informed to contact the creditor directly. When I did, I spoke to a - or - at - - - -. I was then informed that I needed to contact their Fraud P...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

November 20, 2015 - Santander Bank declined a debit card transaction even though my account had sufficent funds to cover the amount. ...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

October 13, 2015 - This complaint is in regards to the - - breach. I found out about this breach -/-/-. Prior to this I knew something was hairy with the account but they were all small purchases and places that I had shopped before. I had no proof of anything. At that time there was a significant amount of money in the account from a settlement I had received from a car accident to which I sustained - injuries from. It was in there temporarily until I could put it in something else. After the breach was confirmed I was devastated. I would stare at these statements for hours just in tears. Finally ...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 11, 2015 - Santander Bank N.A has reported to the - - that I owe them the amount of $330.00. I have never had an amount with this bank nor have I made any business with these people. ...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 28, 2015 - l relocated to another state, found out my bank did not have any branch in the area. l called my bank to close the account, they told me l need to come to the branch to close the account which l did. the cashier closed my account, gave me my money, he told me this is the money l have. he did not explain to me he gave me # - dollars from the line of credit to borrow of which l could have not accepted that. he gave me a wrong information saying this is all my money l have in the bank. now the bank is teling me i need to pay the money with interest. if l have borrowed the money, l should have ...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

April 10, 2015 - On - -, 2014 I noticed a fraudulent charge of $490.00, on my Santander bank statement, was made using my debit card. I immediately called Santander in regards to the charge. I was told that the charge had not yet processed so nothing could be done because the charge could potentially fall off rather than be processed. However, I had a new debit card issued in the meantime. On - -, 2014 the fraudulent charge was in fact processed. The charge was made to an unknown person in -. I was in - for my wedding and honeymoon from - -, 2014 to - -, 2014. Prior to my trip t...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 6, 2015 - I was contemplating cashing in some US Savings Bonds. Went into my local Santander Branch in - - and the manager went on line, pulled the values and I then selected several bonds to redeem based on the info presented. I redeemed - bonds out of - for $1700.00. The amount was put into my account and all was fine. 1 week later i received a call from the manager that there was an website system error '' and that the bonds were only worth $750.00. Before I could get there, they went into my account and took back the difference. I asked for my bonds back and was told your out of luc...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

April 3, 2015 - I was having difficulty accessing my accounts with Santandar through their online banking. I called the - - on the recorded line. After identifying myself through their automated system and changing my pin #, I was connected with -, a represntative. I reviewed my difficulty with - and he asked if he could ask me questions through public recored to confirm my identity. Although, I was confused why they would use public record as a means to confim my identity, but nevertheless I agreed. He asked me my name, address, and social security number. After a pause, he stated that he could n...

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Santander Bank US Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

March 30, 2015 - Opened account in - 2013 with Santander Bank in -, MA. Was told that all my accounts were overdraft protected. I was never notified about any changes and have been charged for account maintenance '' and overdrawn accounts, even though the telephone customer service did n't help. I went to a local bank in - - and met with a bank representative who told me he would contact the - office. After a week or so I had n't heard anything, so I emailed said banker who wanted me to call him. I told him I would rather email and I have n't heard from him since ...

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