Bank of America Complaints

Bank of America consumers have reported over 54,638 official complaints. Out of the 54,638 consumer complaints against Bank of America, 22% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Bank of America responded to their complaint) and 97% were processed in a timely manner. 8% of consumer complaints against Bank of America resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 14% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
Account opening, closing, or management
Deposits and withdrawals
Application, originator, mortgage broker
Problems caused by my funds being low
Billing disputes
Settlement process and costs
Making/receiving payments, sending money
Using a debit or ATM card
Closing/Cancelling account
Credit decision / Underwriting
Identity theft / Fraud / Embezzlement
APR or interest rate
Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Customer service / Customer relations
Other fee
Credit card protection / Debt protection
Credit reporting
Transaction issue
Late fee
Disclosure verification of debt
Delinquent account
Billing statement
Credit line increase/decrease
Managing the loan or lease
Payoff process
Communication tactics
Advertising and marketing
Credit determination
Collection debt dispute
Balance transfer
Problems when you are unable to pay
Collection practices
False statements or representation
Taking/threatening an illegal action
Unsolicited issuance of credit card
Improper contact or sharing of info
Fraud or scam
Managing the line of credit
Other transaction issues
Taking out the loan or lease
Forbearance / Workout plans
Account terms and changes
Money was not available when promised
Incorrect information on credit report
Cash advance fee
Cash advance
Application processing delay
Wrong amount charged or received
Shopping for a loan or lease
Balance transfer fee
Sale of account
Repaying your loan
Convenience checks
Dealing with my lender or servicer
Incorrect/missing disclosures or info
Other service issues
Overlimit fee
Managing, opening, or closing account
Unauthorized transactions/trans. issues
Improper use of my credit report
Customer service/Customer relations
Can't repay my loan
Received a loan I didn't apply for
Getting a loan
Lost or stolen check
Shopping for a line of credit
Overdraft, savings or rewards features
Incorrect exchange rate
Charged fees or interest I didn't expect
Can't contact lender
Applied for loan/did not receive money
Unexpected/Other fees
Credit monitoring or identity protection
Credit reporting company's investigation
Lender damaged or destroyed property
Excessive fees
Payment to acct not credited

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New Bank of America Consumer Complaints

Bank of America Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 12, 2017 - On -/-/-, I contacted - - at Bank of America to apply for a Home Equity Line of Credit. I currently have a Home Equity Line of Credit with Bank of America for $ -. The draw period expires -/-/-. The available credit on the line is $ -. - told me my rate would be prime plus .- and my house should appraise around $ -, so I could receive 70 % of the home value. A couple of weeks later, I was contacted by - -. Issue 1 : - stated my rate would be prime plus .230 % and could not provide any explanation for the difference in rate. Issue 2 : - stated my hous...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 12, 2017 - - -, whom we do not and never have held a mortgage with, erroneously paid our -/-/- - County property taxes and is seeking reimbursement. I confirmed - - made the payments with the - County Treasurer 's Office. On -/-/-, a - - Claims Processing Representative explained our tax ID # is similar to one of - - 's customers ( differs by a digit ), thus, - - paid our property taxes in error. Based on internet research, - - has made many errors in regards to property tax payments. Initially, our mortgage ( a FHA loan ) was with Bank of America. Th...

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Bank of America Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

April 11, 2017 - Dear Officer I am writing to report that Bank of America has never listened to its customers and has never looked into their mistakes. I followed the instructions of Bank of America but Bank of America did not keep its own instruction. Please ask Bank of America why they have - policies for the same transaction? Thank you! -...

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Bank of America Credit card other fee

April 11, 2017 - I was incapacitated recently and spent quite a bit of time in the - and dealing with - issues. Because of that, I was not as attentive to my other affairs which included my usual check of my credit card status. I noticed two charges on my card that I could not understand and contacted the Bank of America VISA offices for an explanation. We send funds on occasion to someone in a - through a company called " - ''. We expect to pay a fee for this service [ - or - dollars per transaction ] but we did NOT expect our credit card company to stack two additional fees for this transac...

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Bank of America Credit card other

April 10, 2017 - I have paid my account balance to - with Bank of America, attempting to get a mortgage for a new home by improving my credit score. They are not updating my credit report to reflect this paid in full balance. Please help!...

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Bank of America Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 8, 2017 - In - of -, I opened a Health Savings Account ( HSA ) with Bank of America at the following website : At no time during the set up of this account was any information regarding fees directly presented to me. Shortly after setting up this account, I received a debit card and and two pamphlets in the mail. The first pamphlet was an agreement pertaining to the debit card. The second pamphlet was entitled " Bank of America Health Savings Account Custodial Agreement. '' On page - of this agreement is a section entitled " Article VI. Fees ''. The first sentence r...

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Bank of America Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

April 7, 2017 - Bank of America gave me a fee for being over extended for a period of time, but I was n't over drawn for an over extended period of time. I contacted them and they agreed that I should have not been received that fee, but they could not remove it. I get paid on - but they wont recognize the payment until Monday, even though its from their bank and they send it Thursday. I do n't make enough money to hand it away to a greedy bank who looks for ways to - over its customers...

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Bank of America Credit card credit card protection / debt protection

April 6, 2017 - i was charged by a plumber for a job he did not complete. it was a bait and switch scam. bank of american denied my claim against the charge because i did n't have another plumber do a inspection of the previous plumbers work. so i got stuck repairing the plumbing myself and the fraudulent charge....

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Bank of America Credit reporting improper use of my credit report report improperly shared by crc

April 6, 2017 - I requested credit line increase and they did not notify me of the hard inquiry....

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Bank of America Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

April 6, 2017 - I have a checking account at Bank of America. I unexpectedly had - charges put through which overdrafted my account. But I covered them within hours with a transfer of $100.00 from another account, plus a cash deposit at the bank 's ATM of $60.00. But the bank still put through - $35.00 overdraft fees. This resulted in a negative balance again because the bank rearranged the charges to my account from high to low and I accidentally paid for a coupon to fill a prescription drug on a website called - -. The website automatically stores credit and debit card numbers and I accide...

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Bank of America Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 6, 2017 - Opened Business Checking account with Bank of America on or about -/-/2017. Terms stated that " Make at least $1000.00 in Qualifying Deposits ( less cash received ) into that new business checking account within sixty ( 60 ) days of account opening ''. I in fact funded the account with $3000.00 within the first 30 days from a third party bank. Given the account promotion, I should have been credited $200.00 for this account opening and funding. Bank of America sent a letter the end of -/-/2017, indicating that qualifying bonuses were not met. I have requested that Bank of America i...

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Bank of America Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

April 5, 2017 - Hello- I tried opening up a bank account with a credit union today. However, I was told that I was denied because of information that was submitted to - and -. The information that was disclosed to them about me was that I did several fraudently transactions to try and get money. However this is not a true statement or reflection of my character ... I have NO arrests and now they are making me feel like I 'm a criminal. As I recall, back in late -/-/- I was diagnosed with -. I was in and out of the hospital. I ca n't recall any transactions that they are stating that I did. I wou...

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Bank of America Credit card other fee

April 4, 2017 - Bank of America - credit card. An annual fee was assessed even though i closed the account and havent used the card in many years. i called to have them reverse the fee as i closed the account in -/-/- and had paid - dollars of the - dollar fee. i told them to keep the - as it would more than cover two months of the year. they said since i used the card once ( who knows how long ago ) that a service fee is charged to the account no matter what and it is not refundable. I have not used the card in 4 or 5 years at least and feel that their previous fees more than cover any cost...

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Bank of America Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

April 4, 2017 - Bank Of America, has engaged in deceptive and unfair practices in connection with my checking account. BOA, has excessively charged the account overdraft fees causing me hardship. The account overdraft fees are so excessive that i could not pay my creditors due to boa excessive overdraft fees imposed to the account. On -/-/2017, I was overdrawn by $1.00 and escalated to $410.00 in overdraft fess alone. If you carefully review the statement, you will find that boa never paid any of this items, instead continue to charge the account overdraft fees since -/-/2017, when initially was ov...

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Bank of America Money transfers other transaction issues

April 3, 2017 - I sent a mobile payment of $1000.00 via email to my Aunt using my Bank of America account and it was routed to a closed - account. After reaching out to both Bank of America and - to get the matter rectified Bank of America informed me that - would not be returning my money. When my aunt called - to get the information they tell her that they can not go into the account because it is closed, Yet when I called - they ask for my aunts information to look into the account....

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Bank of America Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

April 3, 2017 - I have a Visa from Bank of America I used it to request services from a merchant -. Storage from - to - of $170.00 per month. in - I scheduled to have the container transported from - to - with a rate of $1900.00 paid in advance. For reasons not provided the transportation was cancelled by -, without notice. I 've tried to communicating with them with no results. It has been a nightmare dealing with the Bank and the merchant, seeing charges being made & paid, and not being able to stop them. - response has been " payments need to be made and disputed later '' ( fo...

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Bank of America Credit card credit line increase/decrease

April 3, 2017 - I called to raise my credit limit, without authorizing or being told. I would have NEVER allowed a credit check, as I am trying to purchase a home and need to have a clean check history....

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Bank of America Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

April 3, 2017 - I have received late fee charges from Bank of America that are not legitimate. I 'm not say all fees from the life time of my account but there has been many of times where Bank of America has changed the order of my withdrawals to have me have 2-3 late fees instead of one late fee. example my first few charges will be for - and - dollar charges. then a charge for - will come after. Instead of paying the first 3 charges in the order they come out the bank account Bank of America will change the order of the withdrawals to make more late fees. The last three fees I had in one day. I di...

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Bank of America Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

April 3, 2017 - In -/-/- I had a home mortgage with Bank of America ( $300000.00 ). In -/-/-, I filed for bankruptcy. At this time, BOA sold this mortgage to -. I had this mortgage re-certified with - during the bankruptcy. Never missed ANY payments, loan was never in default either with BOA or -. In - of -, BOA filed or claimed that my mortgage was delinquent and in collections at the sum of $330000.00? This information is reflected on my - credit report as a " Collection Account ''. This false information affects my credit status, my credit score and is incorrect. I believe B...

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Bank of America Mortgage settlement process and costs

April 3, 2017 - i received your letter today ( -/-/- and in emailing you too tell you that i have sent a letter to the court appeals judge and requesting papers to file a suit against bank of america for mortgage fraud. now you people and the bank of america has all the information and proof you need to send me back my $14000.00 because the money is mine and not yours or the government. it came out off my - - money, mine, not yours or the government and when i get the forms ill send a copy of the check front and back. i was hoping it wouldnt have to go to court and we could settle it peaceable bu...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 2, 2017 - Diligently making my mortgage payments for the life of the loan, on -/-/2017, I was unable to make the final payment, due -/-/2017, for the $720.00 balance due. Unable to make the payment on-line at the BOA web site, I went to the local branch in -, where I live, presented the -/-/2017, monthly payment coupon and check for the $720.00 balance due to Teller " - '', who was unable to accept my payment due to a " computer error ''. Teller " - '' then contacted BOA Relationship Manager, -, to request assistance. - was also unable to accept my $720.00 balance due payment ...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 1, 2017 - Bank of America has put my home into foreclosure eventhough I was supposed to receive a modification package. Furthermore a Bank of America and it 's contractor caused damages to my home....

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Bank of America Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 1, 2017 - we had one of the countrywide loans which was an interest only equity loan, at 2 % that originated in -. the bank was Bank of America. around -, my now ex husband and I started divorce procedures. he was refusing to sign off on the loan or be part of a modification. since the bank would n't modify the loan with just me on the more, and refused to accept payment, I was stuck and the loan went 5 years being unpaid until - came around in -. they explained that they were going to forclose on the note and would not offer me any help to modify and or allow me time to sell the house. I ha...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 31, 2017 - Bank of America sold my mortgage in -/-/-. - ultimately took on my home mortgage in -/-/- and they modified the loan in -/-/-. Bank of America continues to report my loan as delinquent in -/-/- even though they sold the loan in -/-/-. Since my modification, I have had stellar payment history only to have my credit ruined by Bank of America 's practices. I have disputed this several times with BofA through online disputes, only to have them not correct the issue and continue to report incorrectly. My husband is a fully retired - vet and due to this error on BofA '...

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Bank of America Credit card forbearance / workout plans

March 31, 2017 - I have - credit cards with Bank of America. I experienced financial hardship over the course of 2 years. I called multiple times to request help and they would not assist me and said nothing could be done. I finally spoke with someone ( in -/-/- ) who said - ( - ) could help and provide the phone number to get things started. I set up an account with - and they sent the proposal to BOA. BOA denied the proposal but did not tell me why for weeks. I finally found out it was because I had - credit cards small balances and BOA demanded I included those in the proposal. I paid th...

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Bank of America Credit card transaction issue

March 31, 2017 - Our computer stopped working with a number to call to clean it. We were talked into placing $290.00 on our Bank of America card payable to - and they would clean the scam off of the computer. We contacted Bank of America the next day to not pay the charge as by that time we realized it was a scam. We were told by Bank of America that the charge had not posted yet so it could not be disputed, to call back. We have called a number of times and supplied documentation from a computer repair co. as second opinion that this was a scam. Bank of America has paid the scam co. and can only suggest ...

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Bank of America Money transfers other service issues

March 31, 2017 - Money is transferred from Bank of America in New Jersey US to - ( - - : - ) in - - for $9900.00 USD. Even after 14 calendar days money is not deposited into the destination account. Complaint is filed to trace with Bank of America and waiting for their reply and will contact them in another 3 days to check on the status...

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Bank of America Credit card apr or interest rate

March 31, 2017 - I have a Bank of America credit card. Last -/-/- I took advantage of 0 % APR balance transfer offer that they had that offered a balance transfer at 0 % APR until -/-/2018 for a one-time transfer fee. I have transferred balances to this credit card earlier without any issues so I was not expecting any problems this time. However, when I happened to check my credit card balance this month, I noticed that I was being charged a 1.99 % APR. I have tried calling Bank of America several times and even spoke to one of their supervisors but could not get anyone to help with fixing this. The Cus...

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Bank of America Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

March 31, 2017 - Bank of America took over the servicing of my home equity line of credit from LaSalle Bank. When the line of credit was just prior tomaturity they offered me a pre-approval on the refinancing of the home equity line of credit. I stated that I was going to be selling the home and I was assured that I was only going to be responsible for a $600.00 pre-payment penalty if it was paid off within the first year. I agreed to the terms on their recorded phone conversation and proceeded to submit all the necessary supporting documentation. At that time my credit scores were well in excess of - on ...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 30, 2017 - In - my husband and I refinanced out home with Country Wide Home Loan to consolidate a first and second loan, substantially lower interest rate and cash out some equity. When the original loan was started in -/-/- we were not married as of yet but was married prior to final documents being signed therefore the property remained solely in my husband 's name since he had purchased the property a couple of years earlier. In -/-/- a second was taken out which was a joint loan and therefore changed title on property. After finalizing the refinance in -/-/- a loan agent approached...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 30, 2017 - I purchased a home in -/-/-, through Bank of America. I made my payments on time every month. I then filed Chapter - bankruptcy on -/-/-. My mortgage payment was being paid through my bankruptcy plan on time. I sold my house in -/-/-, in which Bank of America was paid in full at that time. My credit report is now showing the last reporting was -/-/- and there are - delinquencies showing....

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Bank of America Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 30, 2017 - Bank of America Sent a package of documents about FHA Loan : 1. Original FHA-Insured BoA Loan # : - ( - ) 2. Address : -, Maryland - 3. This loan was a 15-year fixed issued on -/-/- ( -/-/- ) 4. BoA affected a FHA-HAMP modification and altered the term to 32-years 5. BoA has not explained how a 15-year fixed is now a 32-year fixed loan which has been sold to - as of - -/-/-. Please require BoA to explain and fix the error so that we do not have to resort to litigation. Thank you...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 30, 2017 - I had a modified mortgage in - and my payments kept going up and I was having trouble making those payments. I am a -, I could be working one day and out of work for 8 months. This job is very unpredictable. -/-/- I was given a forbearance loan and made all the scheduled payments. I did not realize it was for only for 12 months. I made the payment in - and -/-/- at the forbearance rate. I tried making -/-/- payment and was told I was in foreclosure since -/-/-. I have not received any notice of foreclosure. They said I have to " repay '' the overdue balance as stat...

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Bank of America Credit card billing disputes

March 30, 2017 - Although I had available line of credit $3700.00 I attempted to make a purchase in the amount of $840.00, from - and the purchase was declined. According to - Bank of America ( BOA ) denied the purchase. I immediately contact BOA and asked why the purchase was cancelled or declined according to BOA they had no knowledge of the declined although I had a copy of the cancelled purchase order. BOA referred me back to -. After going around in circles I immediately cancelled all purchased with - and again reached out to BOA and explained the problem. BOA then placed an hold on my acc...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 30, 2017 - I recently refinanced my mortgage with Bank of America. They offered a - Payment a year plan which I opted to participate in to help me due to the fact I have - mortgages at this time due to a recent divorce. My first application for this program was - - and it was to take place - - for the first deduction from my bank account. My loan number with BofA is -. This never happened as I was told it would. I reached back out to the bank and they told me I had to pay the loan in advance again and they would start it in - on the - and - of that month. Again it did not ha...

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Bank of America Mortgage settlement process and costs

March 30, 2017 - Bank of America Home Loans provided incorrect information as to where I should wire our down payment for our new home. We ended up following their instructions and wiring the money and were informed later that the funds had n't been received. Our funds are currently in limbo as a result of Bank of Americas 's complete incompetence....

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Bank of America Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

March 29, 2017 - I authorized a one time charge to my debit card in -/-/2016 to pay for personal training services for a friend. I was charged in -/-/- and -/-/- for these services. I disputed the charges with my bank. I received a copy of a contract that was signed. At no place did it have my signature because I did not sign or agree to recurring charges. My bank ( Bank of America ) told me that they would only refund one charge but would decide in the business 's favor in the other case. They told me to contact the business, which I did. The business told me they would accept any decision my bank...

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Bank of America Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 29, 2017 - I had a loan through a bank that was discharged and cancelled and I paid taxes on the amount as income. However they are still reporting the charged off amount on my credit report as a - dollar balance on my charge off when the debt was cancelled and not owed anymore....

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Bank of America Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

March 29, 2017 - This is my second complaint towards Bank of America because still to this day they still have not removed the Fraud Alert from -. So basically to sum things up I was scammed in -/-/2015 and we all know being scammed is the worst feeling in the world and top it all off I lost out on a car and my bank account and to make it all worse Bank of America place a fraud alert on my social in -. I just feel like they should have been a little bit more understanding towards the situation. I never withdrawed any money from the account so they didnt take a lost. After submitting this complaint I am...

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Bank of America Credit card other fee

March 29, 2017 - Bank of America charged an annual fee of $79.00. Although they were charging this fee for the first time ( they do n't charge it the first year to get people to sign up ) they would n't refund the fee even if the account was cancelled. They claim to have sent a notification email, however they made the subject of that email " Your Credit Card Legal Notices Are Now Available '' no mention of a fee. In fact, to see the details about the fee you 'd have to click on a link inside that email and be redirected to their website. Although the fee is for the coming year, 95 % of which is still unused...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 29, 2017 - My wife and I got a HELOC from Bank of America in - that had a 10 year draw period with no interest. Our payments fluctuated every month and reached more than $4100.00 a month in -. We applied and got approved for a HELOC loan modification in - with our payments reduced to $1800.00 a month. We made the trial loan modification payments on time every month and Bank of America was scheduled to send out a permanent loan modification package. We never received the loan modification package until we asked BoA to send the package again. By the time we received it, we did n't have time t...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 29, 2017 - My husband and I refinanced our home in -/-/-, so we could get a lower interest rate. So, after my husband setting up this meeting to sign the papers and in trusting the agent that came to our home and the bank my husband set this up with, we signed and got a lower rate. In -/-/-, my husband and I separated and he moved out, so called the bank to see about making partial payments until I got a full time job, then I would be able to make the full payment. The bank at that time told me to call back in a couple of days so I did. When, I called back in a couple of days, they told me the ...

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Bank of America Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 28, 2017 - I received from the Bank of America a - card that I did not ask for and did not want. Went to the Bank office here in - Ca. where I asked for an explanation and what I got was insistence that I should keep the card regardless if I wanted it or not. The argument lasted over half houer because the - put me on the phone talking to someone that also insisted that I keep the card, I was getting very aggravated when finally he had the nerve to ask me if I had other accounts with other banks, I responded that it was none of his business....

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Bank of America Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

March 28, 2017 - Deposited a - check into my account, BOFA is telling me i cant have my money for 2 weeks because - will not verify. I spoke with - and they are telling me they have submitted everything they can and that my bank is lying to me and that the funds have been drawn from my employers account already. I am going to lose my job due to the fact i can not purchase gas and I am - miles from home in a new state...

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Bank of America Money transfers money was not available when promised

March 28, 2017 - On -/-/- I made an international transfer on line at bank of America as i have in the past. The funds were for a reservation at a vacation resort for myself and my family. Despite the fact that if I check on the bank website the transfer is completed, the funds were never received. Attempts tocall the bank at the number indicated were unsuccessful....

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Bank of America Credit card billing disputes

March 28, 2017 - I bought - airline tickets using credit card .but after three days get emergency ca n't fly on the dates .so I call credit card and did disputes. After few days they send me letter in mail explain to me about dispute. That 's was give me - credits for - airplanes tickets and they will process the dispute. I call that credit card to let them known l do n't want to loss that money if you ca n't getting the money so I could Chang that date for the tickets with airline but credit card company told me it 's no proces and we credit your account and that 's finally, l said that letter do ...

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Bank of America Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

March 28, 2017 - I called Bank of America 's customer service line. Figuring I 'd be on hold for a while, I put my phone on speaker. I got an automatic message telling me to put in the last 4 digits of my card number. I did. An automatic message immediately stated the amount of money in my bank account! This is my private information. Bank of America should not have done this. I did n't ask for this information....

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Bank of America Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 28, 2017 - We received a chapter - bankruptcy charge off in -. Bank of America ( BOA ) stopped reporting our payments to the credit bureaus in -. In -, BOA stated that the changed the way mortgages are reported to credit bureaus. This is based on a ruling that did not exist in -....

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Bank of America Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

March 27, 2017 - On Thursday -/-/2017 I initiated a wire transfer with Bank of America to a - bank. By the next day, I received a confirmation email saying transfer successful. By Monday -/-/2017, the funds had not reached the recipient. By Tuesday -/-/2017 I painstakingly initiated a recall on the lost funds. I was first told I would have to pay $45.00 for BOA to locate the money that they lost themselves. This was then waived. It has been 3 weeks since this recall was initiated, I have had no contact from bank of america. I am now being told that if they can not find the money, they will not refun...

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Bank of America Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

March 27, 2017 - Today, -/-/2017, I attempted to cash a check from my son-in-law made out to his mother, my wife at Bank of America, - branch, -, NC. Since my wife is not only - but recently -, she is rather -. However, I have cashed 7-8 checks from him to us at the same location. I place our identification - Id/drivers license, both bank cards from the - banks we do use, not Bank of America. They use the " California security screens '' which consist of 1 '' of bullet proof glass and a 3 '' opening to place your identification. I had placed her ID on the left side and my ID 's on the r...

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Bank of America Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

March 27, 2017 - I was a victim of fraud involving my Bank of America debit card. I immediately reported this to the bank on -/-/2017. Someone used my debit card numbers to purchase $85.00 at a -. I filed a police report the same day as I advised the bank. The bank advised me to call again the next morning, which I did. I got a recording saying the department was closed. I then tried contacting the bank using different phone numbers. I spoke to two more people who refused to do anything about the claim-including filing it. Today I went in person to the bank and spoke to a -. This guy was rude, un...

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Bank of America Credit card closing/cancelling account

March 27, 2017 - In -, without notice, Bank of America force closed - of my accounts without any notifications, reason, or consent. When I asked them for a reason, they said I would receive mail detailing the reason ( which I have not received ). They did not tell me I still had a $25.00 balance on one of them. Fast forward today, I noticed a derogatory mark on my - report. I called into Bank of America today asking why there was a derogatory mark on my credit report. They initially claimed it was because I failed to make payments for 60 days. When I pressed with information that it was closed in ...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 26, 2017 - I have been going back and forth with Bank Of America trying to get a modification on my loan they purchased from another bank. I am not going to provide too much of my personal information due to he fact that I am uncertain of the security of this site. I have been telling Bank of America that my interest rate is 8 % which is way too high. I have had my mortgage for about 10 years and only $300.00 is going to the principle of the mortgage to pay it off. I paid over $25000.00 in interest alone to BanK of America. If this bank received bailout money from the government why is it so hard fo...

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Bank of America Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 26, 2017 - I am being charged a debt for a company that I have never had a bank account with. I was contacted on -/-/2017 in regards to paying the debt. I asked for verification regarding this debt because the only two banking institutions I have ever had were - and - ( located in -, GA ). I was told by a friendly rep that a dispute claim would be opened and I would receive a call from the agent assigned to my case. It never happened. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I have the right as a consumer to dispute inaccurate information and you must comply and support this inalienable right!...

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Bank of America Credit card customer service / customer relations

March 25, 2017 - In -/-/2016 I received a notice of an on-line payment of over $ - to my credit card from BOA from an account at - . I do n't have an account at -. I contacted BOA to let them know that it was not my payment. This was the start of the nightmare. I have attached a timeline of what happened after that. But, money kept coming in and I kept telling the bank it was not from me. Then at some point BOA decided I had too high of a credit balance and sent money back to - to a different account from where it originated. I have spent maybe close to 60 hours on the phone with BOA over the fou...

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Bank of America Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

March 25, 2017 - Someone use my Bank of America visa debit cards, checking account and money market rewards savings account to make fraudulent transactions. Under federal law and according to Visa policy, a consumer has zero liability for fraudulent and unauthorized charges/transactions. Someone stole and used my personal information and impersonated me to steal over $30000.00 from my checking account. I have filed claims with Bank of America in regards to this matter. The following claim numbers are all fraudulent and unauthorized transactions : -, -, -, -, -, - and -...

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Bank of America Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 24, 2017 - I had an account with Bank of America. I had applied for a job on - like I always did and they were legit jobs that I actually worked. I applied for a - job online and recieved a check that was said to be my advanced pay for the job I was going to start. To make a long story short I deposited the check in my account not knowing that it was a counterfeit check so instead of Bank of America notifying me they closed my account and put fraud on -. I had no idea the check was fake because it looked real had the water mark on the check and all. I 'm trying to get the issue resolved due to t...

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Bank of America Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 24, 2017 - I had a loan with Bank of America for roughly $1600.00 a month, then experienced I a job loss due to the economy. I applied for remodification and became employed again during this application process. BOA kept stating that the documentation that I was sending was out of date range or that they did n't receive it or that it came through but was legible. Basically they were stalling the remodification process. My boss even got on the phone with them at one point because he saw what they were doing and said he witnessed the paperwork being sent on multiple occasions. Later I read in the news t...

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Bank of America Credit card billing disputes

March 24, 2017 - On -/-/2017, I received a letter stating that Bank of America charged me $1000.00 for a returned check. A couple of weeks ago, I spoke with - on -/-/2017. I paid $1000.00 to cover any outstanding payments for the - statements. I told her since I have a very good record, can you waive the fees. She did. I cancelled the check I sent on -/-/2017 for I did not want to pay for double on my credit card. When I called Bank of America on -, I spoke with - of New York. I told her what the letter indicated : " Your account has been charged $1000.00 for the returned payment. You...

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Bank of America Credit card credit line increase/decrease

March 24, 2017 - I have three credit cards which are very rarely used. The card in question is a - Bank of America card. It has a $1000.00 limit. I have never been late with this and usually pay ahead of time AND in full. I recently paid off over $80000.00 on my kids loan. Our family income is over $100000.00. According to the - credit report, everything shows OK ... yet Bank of America refuses to increase my limit ( I requested a $5000.00 limit ). The reason for this ... we go on cruises. If I use this credit card ( which I always have the money to back it up and pay when due ) I get reward poin...

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