Bank of America Taking/Threatening An Illegal Action Complaints

Review and analysis of over 89 complaints against Bank of America

Bank of America consumers have reported over 89 official complaints related to Taking/threatening an illegal action. Out of the 89 consumer complaints against Bank of America, 22% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Bank of America responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Bank of America resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 1% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Taking/Threatening An Illegal Action Consumer Complaints

Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

January 9, 2017 - -/-/- - We got a $ - loan with Countrywide for our primary residence valued, then, at $ -. Made our payments to - for the next few years w/o issue. Then in -, Real Estate bubble burst. -/-/- We missed our first Mortgage payment. - - We were " served '' an official letter from Countrywide demanding payment in full of the >= $1,000,000 loan. I called and spoke to, " - - '' who was absolutely horrible and said if we did n't pay the loan off, they could have us " out of our home by - '' We had a new baby girl and - - - boy/girl twins ( -/-...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action sued w/o proper notification of suit

December 23, 2016 - - is agresively attempting to collect debt for Bank of America. When I requested them to validate these debts I got NOTHING back. At the same time bank of america validate the ownership of this debt ( see attached letter ) and stated they were NOT connected to - - .... - - asked for financial statement in order " to help me negotiate and settle this debt '' after providing them with all of my personal information I got NOTHING back ... is this even legal to do? ... Bank of America still has the ownership of these credit card debt notes and I was advised to settle with them. Howe...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action sued w/o proper notification of suit

December 16, 2016 - I was the victim of an Illegal Debt Collection Lawsuit Mill owned and operated by - - - - -, a Georgia-based law firm. From what I can tell, apparently - - - - - take care of all the legal proceedings for - -, a company that purchased my credit card debt from -, in the amount of $3500.00. Back in -, I went through a financial hardship, and was having difficulties maintaining my mortgage payment and keeping up with credit card debt. I had no choice but to walk away from our home and all debt. As a consequence for my financial irresponsibility, my cr...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

November 29, 2016 - - - sued me over a disputed debt that they claim I owe to them via Bank of America , NA. They did let me know about the suit. I responded pro se with and answer and counter-claim. -/-/-, they won a summary judgment against me based on my not answering their Requests during discovery. I could n't afford an attorney, could keep up, got lost in the legalese. Based on the Judgement for over -, they are trying to garnishee my wages. While preparing to challenge that, I stumbled across your website and the -/-/- Court Stipulation directing - - - how to proceed. In my case...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

November 11, 2016 - I - - make a claim with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB ) that the following attached attempt to collect a debt is highly fraudulent. My personal information is being floated in what is known in the debt collection business as a " debt Pool '', whereas collection information is outdated and not even enforceable. The attached collection from - -, - does not state that the debt is no longer enforceable, a stipulation by the Federal Trade Commission. The method of an illegal posting of a collection on my personal credit report, or an illegal collection against my ri...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

October 24, 2016 - - contacted me stating they were going to sue me and place a lien on my credit card for a fraudulent credit card debt that was opened when I was -. Informed that I 've already disputed it and had it removed from my credit report almost 10 years ago. Informed not to contact me anymore and asked the representatives name. She would n't give me her name and I told her to have her collection agency remove me from her list. She informed me she was n't a collection agency. Used harassing and offensive language and said she was going to call my work. Informed I could n't get calls at work and sh...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened arrest/jail if do not pay


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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

September 11, 2016 - A Representative of - continues to call & harass me over a time-barred debt with Bank of America. I have been threatened with law suit filing and have continued to advise that this debt was disposed of 15+ years ago. I have asked the representative to cease and desist yet they continue to harass me with threatening phone calls....

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

June 3, 2016 - I am an - age - woman living on Social Security Benefits, with no assets not even a savings account. My daughter has to help me pay some of living-medical needs solely. I have attempted to several times to payoff my high credit card debts with Bank of America. I was successful with making - settlement agreements with - out of the - Bank of America cards. These Bank of America cards I have had over 10 to 15 years and paying interest rates well over 21-29 %, the balance never seem to be going down and because of my fix income I can not afford the payments. I was successful with he...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

June 2, 2016 - This Affidavit and Notice Complaint is being filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for a more transparent investigation. - - - - - - -.and attorneys - - - - - ) and - - - - - ), [ hereinafter " debt collector '' ] believes that after an Assignment and Sheriff Deed on Mortgage Sale was executed as being valid, they were authorized as debt collectors to defend against federal court proceedings and has denied the consumer remedy to a complete and accurate investigation - : to the alleged transfer to the named trust - - Asse...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

June 2, 2016 - This Affidavit and Notice Complaint is being filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for a more transparent investigation. - - - - - -. and attorney - - -, ( - ), [ hereinafter " debt collector '' ] who believes that after an Assignment was executed they were authorized to execute a Sheriff Deed on Mortgage Sale that is valid and has denied the consumer remedy to a complete and accurate investigation re : to the alleged transfer to the named trust - - Asset-Backed Certificates Series -, which caused a void or voidable lien to attach to propert...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

June 2, 2016 - This Affidavit and Notice of Complaint is being filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for a more transparent investigation. - - - -. and attorney - - - - - ) known herein after as the " debt collector '', have ( robo-signed ) enforced an illegally forged and void assignment and denies the consumer remedy to a complete and accurate investigation in regards to the alleged transfer to the named trust - - Asset-Backed Certificates Series - by way of the Assignment of Mortgage executed on -/-/2009 and recorded on -/-/09 [ Instrument # -...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

May 15, 2016 - - ( hereinafter " - '' ) stated that on - -, -, - - - and - - -, wife and husband ( hereinafter " the - '' ) took out a loan with -. ( open " - Attachment '' ). To secure repayment, the - executed a Mortgage with - as nominee for -, which was recorded in the E-ECUTIVE BRANCH OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL STATE OF HAWAI'I 'S BUREAU OF CONVEYANCES as Document Number -. ( open " - Attachment '' ). Shortly thereafter in -, - claims and states that it sold its loan to COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. ( hereinafter " CWHL '' ). ( open " - and -...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

May 13, 2016 - We are sick and tired when our true and lawful Attorney-in-Fact - OVERSEER AND SUCCESORS, A CORPORATION SOLE ( hereinafter " - '' ) contacts BANK OF AMERICA , NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ( hereinafter " BANA '' ), and COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. D/B/A BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS ( hereinafter " CWHL '' ) at ( - ) - or ( - ) - about BANA and/or CWHL not complying with Federal Law when BANA and/or CWHL has never properly sent or shipped any " NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT, SALE, OR TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF MORTGAGE LOAN '' ( hereinafter " NOTICE '' ) ( open " First Attachment '' ), dated - ...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action attempted to/collected exempt funds

December 30, 2015 - Told me in order for legal action to be seized, I would have to pay a lump sum of $720.00 or - monthly payments of $370.00. I only had until -/-/16 to make either payment arrangements. Which was 7 days from the date I was contacted. Advised that my wages would be garnished and/or my taxes would be taken once they 're filed if I had n't made arrangements by then. ...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

October 13, 2015 - - - - filed a lawsuit against me in -, 2015 even though the Statute of Limitations had expired. - See attached copy of my letter to the arbitrator. ) It cost me $240.00 to file an Answer in which I pointed out the fact that the SOL has expired, but a Judge in the - Court of - -, AZ sent the case to an arbitrator anyway. The case is still pending and an arbitration hearing was scheduled for today, but PRS 's attorney decided to play by the rules and demanded 30-days notice, so the hearing has been continued but not yet rescheduled. I saw your lawsuit against PRS and th...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

October 7, 2015 - I have recently found information that - - -, - - -, - - - and - - as individuals and Representative ( s ) or Agent ( s ) of - - - have submitting false evidence under the penalty of perjury into the Circuit Court of - - County. - - - has foreclosed on the subject property in -/-/- using the name of the original - and a license number that expired in -/-/-.- - - of - under the penalty of perjury affirmed that the purchase of the subject property was fairly sold and bought at a fair price. The subject property was...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

September 30, 2015 - Have letter dated from -/-/2015 from debt that is over 10 years old and has had many CFPB complaints filed on it before, removed from credit reports several years ago, now getting threats to collect. ...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

August 11, 2015 - I received a document delivered by the Sheriff of the county I live in. I was not home and the document was attached to the front door of my residence. I immediately called the Sheriff once I got home and read the document. The document said I owed a debt and listed the dollar amount of the debt on the document. The sheriff and other unknown persons were able to see my personal financial information. The debt collection agency threatened to take my vehicle as payment if I did not call them immediately and set up a payment plan. The sheriff also called the debt collection agency and he was told...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

August 7, 2015 - Signature load from back in - - Bank of America/ FIA Card Services - got behind in - / - attempted to work out arrangement w/ BofA - would not work with me in any form while continuing to add penalties/ Fees and Interest on top of the accountBof A stopped communicating w/ me for several months then I was contacted by Debt Collection Firm out of - ( - & - - for payment arrangements - which I did as required made payments to them for this account and did so for three years - requested a balance on the account was told that it was paid - but no written documentation was e...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

July 23, 2015 - - - - -. put a lien on a home my husband and I are selling next month. My name has not been on the title to this home for most of the 9 years we owned it because I was afraid cavalry would do this. But a few months ago we put my name on the title. ( thinking cavalry 's long arm had shriveled back due to credit card debt expiration laws in this state being 7 years ... ) I called them and settled to pay - so the home can sell ). But their practices have been illegal and abusive. 1. They bought an old debt of mine from around -/-/- from Bank of America. I moved to - in abou...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action attempted to/collected exempt funds

July 18, 2015 - I was sent an unsolicited credit card from Bank of America -/-/-. Shortly after, I was laid off from my job due to the economy and was unable to find a job for over a year so I used the card for gas & food during that time. I soon fell behind in the payments and most of the card debt was late payments and penalties. Unfortunately I had moved and I forgot about it when I started working again. - - bought the debt years later and sued me. I tried to explain my circumstances, that I was in school and did not make very much money and that I owned nothing. I 'm still driving the - Imp...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

July 13, 2015 - - - - contacted me about a 9 years old debt that was charged off my Credit History 2 years ago, It was affecting my Credit Bureaus for 7 years now this Agency sent my old debt to another new Debt Collection Agency named - - -, this last one is threatening me with another 7 years od bad luck.Please help me.The original collection started in 2006 with a Bank of America Credit Card. ...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

July 7, 2015 - The company FIA card services which is a subsidiary of Bank of America filed a default judgment against me for credit card debt accrued by defunct company MBNA - on -/-/-. I applied for and maintained a business credit card with MBNA on - before the company went out of business. The debt was accrued during the year -. Bank of America acquired MBNA in - and this arm became FIA card services that same year. Since my debt was initiated and established during the existence of MBNA and NOT after the acquisition period, this default judgment is a direct violation of the FCRA, as...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

June 5, 2015 - I was contacted by a Law firm by a man named - -, stating they were from - and - Law Firm and they stated I was being sued by Bank of America. I told them the debt was not mine and that it was opened in my name when I was - or - years old by my parent. He stated that we could settle the debt for $1500.00 if I paid now with - percent down to avoid going to court or we can make monthly payments of $150.00 and pay a balance of $3100.00. I told him I would call him back after speaking to my parent. I then contacted Bank of America and spoke with a representative. She sta...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

May 18, 2015 - At - hours on -/-/- CST I received a call from a - with Bank of America inquiring about my account. Bank of America had already been served a CEASE AND DESIST letter on -/-/- ordering them to not contact me further. Bank of America violated the FDCPA Section 1692c and FDCPA 15 USC 1692 c(c). - at BOA continues to harrass me, and when I advised the Cease And Desist letter she claims no knowledge. I have on record they signed for it and received it. I also sent a copy to the FTC, CFPB, - State Attorney General and the - Attorney General.I wish for Bank of America to ceas...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

April 29, 2015 - On - Bank of America Collections department seized ALL funds in our checking account in the amount of -. We spent over 2 hours, - people, and - disconnections later to get an answer to what this seizure was in reference to. Bank of America stated that this was a seizure of funds for collection of a boat loan debt. The collection attempt is for a Bank of America Loan. There was no judgement, no lawsuit, no certified letter, no letter period that indicated that they would seize my funds. This account holds ALL of our funds. This account has a third party listed on the account and 100...

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Bank of America Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

April 2, 2015 - An automatic call placed many times from - states that there is fraudulent activity associated with my name and social security number. To avoid - charges being filed against me they then give me a case number of - and a contact number -. When calling the - number the operator tells me that I will be sued if I do n't come to an agreement even though it is a Time-Barred debt. They continue to call even after I tell them the debt is not valid. ...

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