Conventional Adjustable Mortgage (Arm) Review

Review and analysis of 20,109 consumer complaints for 257 financial institutions offering Conventional Adjustable Mortgage (Arm) products and services

Best Conventional Adjustable Mortgage (Arm) Companies

Freedom Mortgage
Mortgage Investors Corporation
USAA Savings
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Statebridge Company
Wells Fargo & Company
Navy FCU

Worst Conventional Adjustable Mortgage (Arm) Companies

Goldman Sachs Bank USA
MetLife Bank
The Huntington National Bank
21st Mortgage Corporation
Quality Loan Service Corporation


Explore common Conventional Adjustable Mortgage (Arm) complaints by state. On average, California, Texas, and Florida have the highest percentage of consumer complaints agains financial companies that offer all products and services.


Conventional Adjustable Mortgage (Arm) Complaint Historical Trends

New Conventional Adjustable Mortgage (Arm) Complaints

Wells Fargo & Company Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 12, 2017 - Ref : CFPB Case - I have alleged fraud in Wells Fargo 's treatment of my mortgage problems in the above captioned case. Wells Fargo appears to be trying to extend their reply to after the sale date of my home. This would result in a sheriff 's sale of my home and the rendering of my appeal alleging fraud moot....

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Shellpoint Partners, LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 12, 2017 - In the process of my divorce in -/-/- my ex insisted that as I was to be awarded the home the mortgage was to be in my name. The home was refinanced through - under the guise that it would be in my name only. My ex told me years later he knew before signing the documents it would not be in my name as I had no credit or employment history at the time. I wasnt aware of this until after the ...

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BMO Harris Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) application, originator, mortgage broker

April 12, 2017 - I submitted a mortgage application with a mortgage banker, - -, who works at the - - Branch of BMO Harris Bank ( - - - - -, -, MN - ). He mishandled the application so badly that we would have been unable to close on our home at the already agreed upon date. As a result, we withdrew the application and secured a mortgage through another bank. The current issue I ha...

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Banco Popular de Puerto Rico Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 10, 2017 - Let me start stating that this is the third time that I submit a complaint against Banco Popular de Puerto Rico. I own an apartment and unfortunately the financial institution that first gave me the mortgage does not longer exists. Because the economic situation in - my apartment cost less than the amount I own to the bank and they said they can not offer me a refinance option. I got a letter o...

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Specialized Loan Servicing LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 7, 2017 - I purchased a - home in -/-/2013. The original purchase price was $170000.00 and I put 15 % down. I was at 85 % LTV with a loan amount of $150000.00. That means I needed PMI. According to my amortization schedule, my loan was scheduled to reach 78 % LTV in -/-/- of this year. The PMI should have been automatically removed. I messaged SLS about this via their website and never receive...

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U.S. Bancorp Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 6, 2017 - After waiting for over a month, I received a response from US Bank regarding my complaint with you. Once again, they neglected to provide any answers. I 'm attaching the response letter with this complaint. As you can see the response letter is pretty generic where there telling you and what income they used as well as the expenses they used to do their calculations. I had asked for NPV data they ...

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Shellpoint Partners, LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 6, 2017 - Hi I 'm writing to complaint about Shellpoint Mortgage company. We are try to do a loan modification I through everything was going fine .I would call every 2 day to check on my loan I got no call back or your loan steel being processed. A few days ago someone from a Realtor company came to my house. Say we have to sign a paper a be out in 30 days. NO WORD FROM MY MORTGAGE COMPANY ABOUT THEY WAS S...

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Shellpoint Partners, LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 5, 2017 - I have had a loan with -. I have been 60 days overdue, but making the current payment for several months. I was told by - that I needed to call on the 1st of the month every month to make the payment. When I called this month, I was told the loan had just been sold and to contact the new lender, Shellpoint Mortage. I never received any information regarding the sale of my loan prior to -/...

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Ditech Financial LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 5, 2017 - My husband and I are trying to pay off our mortgage. We made a payment - in -/-/- to go to principal only. They only applied - to principal and the rest on insurance which makes no sense because our insurance is through the payment and is up to date. I called and the representative said that was a mistake and it was fixed and would show up on the account in five days. So when I called b...

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Ditech Financial LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 3, 2017 - Direct financial llc bought my mortgage from - in -/-/2016. I have made all payments on time. I received. Late notice in -/-/- so I called and they said I was a month behind. I sent proof that my -/-/- payment went to - and I 've paid on time from last -/-/- until present. They are ruining my credit by stating I have missed 4 months! I have pulled my online accounts and ever...

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BB&T Financial Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

April 2, 2017 - On -/-/- a $16000.00 principle mortgage payment was made bringing our equity over 20 % ( $99000.00 balance / $120000.00 Sale Price ). We requested that PMI Fees be removed at that time and was assured by a BB & T representative we would no longer be charged PMI Fees. We have not received a statement since that time and have had difficulty viewing information on the website despite repea...

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Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 2, 2017 - - -/-/2017. Initiated contact with SPS loan modification. The approval letter stipulated a payment of $1200.00 is required for 3 months, on -/-/-, -/-/- and -/-/- to be considered for a permanent modification. -/-/2017. Emailed & called SPS Relationship Manager - regarding questions about offer letter. She never responded. -/-/2017. Initiated call with SPS Representa...

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Shellpoint Partners, LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 31, 2017 - CFPB complaint Filed -/-/- Case # ShellPoint - - -, - CA - - said that it will be a big problem to do a short sale for a homeowner that does not have separate business bank statements, no business name, and have not filed taxes for - and -, and therefore underwriting will likely require the homeowner to file taxes for - & -. I told ShellPoint that the homeowner i...

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Bank of America Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 31, 2017 - Bank of America sold my mortgage in -/-/-. - ultimately took on my home mortgage in -/-/- and they modified the loan in -/-/-. Bank of America continues to report my loan as delinquent in -/-/- even though they sold the loan in -/-/-. Since my modification, I have had stellar payment history only to have my credit ruined by Bank of America 's practices. I have disputed ...

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Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 31, 2017 - I asked for a loan assumption since my husband died -/-/2011 and the mortgage was in his name only and I wanted to start a loan modification process. I was denied as a widow....

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Quality Loan Service Corporation Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 30, 2017 - Quality Loan Service Corporation - unlawful foreclosure auction of Consumer - home - subject to FEDERAL CRIME! Please see attached COMPLAINT. - NO LENDER named on alleged Notice of Default and Notice of trustee sale NOW results to THREE ENTITIES claiming ownership of Consumer 's home - simultaneously. Exhibits will be faxed shortly. Thank you for upholding Consumer Protection Laws as you inv...

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Shellpoint Partners, LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 30, 2017 - We hired a realtor to handle all aspects of this transaction and currently, have a contract pending to sell our home as a Short Sale. Closing date of -/-/-. Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing sent our agent the 'Agreement to Release Collateral Interest ' stating that Shelllpoint obtained approval to release interest for the amount less than the total due on loan. The terms did not include a 'waive...

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Specialized Loan Servicing LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 30, 2017 - This is a continuation of the problem with SLS, unable to point to any facts to claim that I am a month behind in my payments. I have provided bank transaction codes to prove my monthly payments were all made, including payments made to cover the difference in payments that were short due to payment amount changes. In their most recent letter to me, they claimed I did not pay the -/-/2016 payme...

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Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) settlement process and costs

March 29, 2017 - I asked for a loan Modification ... .has paid the trail period a few times ... But the loan interest is still high and the payments not as good as - and otehr banks ... THey are not discountqsing THe Obama - discount of $100000.00 per mortgage ... loan ... Iasked for a modification agreement not a lien modification agreement ... .We both must agree on something and erase all the arrears si...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 29, 2017 - I signed a Bi-weekly payment plan with Suntrust Mortgage to be auto drafted from my Checking account at - in -/-/- for drafts to begin -/-/-. I had to make a full mortgage payment in -/-/- for -/-/-, and the auto drafts in - were to be credited to -/-/- payment, keeping me paid a month ahead. That is not whats been happening. Suntrust Mortgage continually harrasses m...

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U.S. Bancorp Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 28, 2017 - I applied for a HAMP loan modification in either -/-/- or -/-/-. The reason for the request for loan assistance was due to the fact my husband - in -/-/- leaving me and my - young children with no life insurance. We were unprepared for his -. After this event I want to keep my children in as stable environment as possible. I put in my package to US Bank ( - ). I stayed...

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Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 28, 2017 - I applied for a loan modification on an adjustable rate mortgage in -/-/- due to getting injured on my job and having a curtailment of income. I 've been compliant to the all of the request made by SPS and I 've received seven letters stating that all of the documents have been received and are perfected and that SPS will send the file to an underwriter for review. The underwriters are n't re...

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Ditech Financial LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 27, 2017 - Ditech mortgage will not stop charging for optional insurance long after it has been cancelled. I have a cancellation letter dated -/-/2017 and the optional insurance continue to be billed. Even though the insurance was just $33.00, the non-payment generates late fees and causes the mortgage payment to appear on the mortgage statement as " suspended. '' In reality the optional insurance is pai...

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Servis One, Inc. Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 27, 2017 - My name is - and after working with my lender BSI Financial Services for over 3 years to obtain a modification my property was sold at auction on -/-/2017 located at - T-, now I am facing eviction and i have no where to go. I am - years old and would like to keep my home....

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Wells Fargo & Company Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 27, 2017 - In - my wife, -, and I obtained a Pick-A-Pay mortgage from - which was acquired by Wachovia Bank and finally by Wells Fargo Bank. In - Wells Fargo Bank consented to a special loan modification - - - to satisfy a class action lawsuit alleging fraud. The New Jersey Attorney General 's office reached a similar agreement with Wells Fargo. The - would have eliminated accrued int...

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Wells Fargo & Company Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account


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Ditech Financial LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 26, 2017 - I am writing to cfpb to get help with my home I have a loan with ditech since 2001 who is a predatory lender. They will not work with me on loan. The original loan was - in 2001 they have my payoff as -, It is a manufactured home the county only value the property at -. I think the contract is invalid did not do a lot of stuff promised to us in the contract. I do not want to lose my prope...

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Shellpoint Partners, LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 23, 2017 - Shellpoint Mortgage sold my mortgage on -/-/2017 to - but DID NOT notify me. I found out my mortgage had been sold when I received a statement from - on -/-/2017 stating that I was my -/-/- mortgage payment was late. Shellpoint accepted my -/-/- mortgage payment on -/-/2017 and as of today, -/-/2017 HAS NOT forwarded that payment to -....

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Wells Fargo & Company Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 21, 2017 - I am receiving letters from Wells Fargo Home Mortgage saying that I owe all these fees. I have never been late on a payment, I pay the mortgage at the bank and get a receipt each time so I know that they have received all the payments. The property is a rental condo and they have never called me to have an inspection. The outside of the condo is maintained by the Homeowner 's Association so I do ...

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Specialized Loan Servicing LLC Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM) loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 21, 2017 - This is an URGENT request for immediate attention. After receiving bad advice from a multitude of lawyers, we are sending this initial complaint without the benefit of being represented by a qualified attorney. It is only in the interest of time that we must at least get this on file with the CFPB now before our home is unlawfully lost. In addition to this list of Honor and Respa violations, many ...

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