Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Non-Federal Student Loan Complaints

Review and analysis of over 39 Non-Federal Student Loan complaints against Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc.

Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. consumers have reported over 39 official complaints related to Non-federal student loan. Out of the 39 consumer complaints against Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc., 28% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 3% of consumer complaints against Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 10% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Non-Federal Student Loan Consumer Complaints

Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

January 5, 2017 - Financial Asset Management Systems ( FAMS ) is attempting to extort money from me. FAMS and - were supposed to send me a settlement agreement in the mail which I never received. The settlement amount was $10000.00. Now FAMS is trying to extort more money from me by asking for $15000.00 when I never received the settlement agreement for the $10000.00. FAMS is claiming that I did not accept the $10000.00 settlement amount in a timely manner. This is lie, and a flagrant violation of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. I was supposed to receive a settlement agreement in the mail wh...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

December 29, 2016 - I have been paying Financial Asset Management Systems ( FAMS ) for two years on a student loan debt that is owned by -. FAMS has been miscalculating my payments and not applying my payments correctly to the alleged balance which is a flagrant violation of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. FAMS has been adding interest to the balance which is also a violation of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. I would be willing to settle the student loan debt for $5000.00. - had offered a settlement agreement of about $10000.00 more than 6 months ago. I have been making monthly paym...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

September 29, 2016 - FAMS called friends and family members that I had not disclosed their personal numbers to inform them of my debt. What is eerie is how they acquired this information because - family member they called, in particular, was my grandmother whom lives in a geriatric community. They called her house phone ( land-line ) when she does not even live in the states. She had no idea of my student loan because I did not want her involvement, and she has a - -. She called me crying and nervous because FAMS had called her saying I was in trouble and she needed to confirm my address and cell number....

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info talked to a third party about my debt

September 28, 2016 - I had recently agreed with FAMS to a payment deal on my student loanl, and had already begun paying the amount agreed upon. They assured the agreement was settled and nothing could void it. They also collected the payments I had submitted. When I went to pay this month, I could no longer login on the internet to pay through the account number they had given me. When I called to pay by phone, they had told me that - took my debt back and sold it to another debt collector. I asked how that could be, and the man could not answer me. When I called - they said FAMS had never disclosed to th...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

April 12, 2016 - Loan was taken out for my grandson in -/-/- in which I was the co-signor. Over the course of 10 years I have made payments on the loan and am now being told that I owe over $2000.00. I noticed that the loan number that I had been paying on is not the same number that I am being contacted about now and have inquired why the number changed. Loan was taken out with - and my request for a payment history has not been provided. I received information from -/-/- to -/-/- all information for prior years dating back from -/-/- I 'm told they can not provide because they have a...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection communication tactics called after sent written cease of comm

January 29, 2016 - - hired Financial Asset Management Systems ( " FAMS '' ) to collect on a student loan. Under Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( " CFPB '' ) complaint number -, FAMS stated that they did not contact me after - -, 2015, which was a flagrant lie and a flagrant violation of the Fair Debt ColIections Practices Act. I have attached a letter from FAMS where they confirmed they tried to call me on - -, 2015, even though they had received a written cease and desist letter from me in - 2015 and another one in - 2015. Both of which were logged in the CFPB complaint system and ...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

January 16, 2016 - Under CFPB complaint number -, - alleges that - and/or Financial Asset Management Systems can run my credit report anytime they want. That statement is false. In addition, whoever wrote the response from - to CFPB complaint number -, does not know what they are talking about because they cited the wrong applicable law. They cited the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. The applicable law is the Fair Credit Reporting Act in conjunction with the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. It is a very fine line between being able to run someone 's credit report including mine whenever t...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info contacted me after i asked not to

January 7, 2016 - - hired Financial Asset Management Systems to collect on a debt. Financial Asset Management Systems ( FAMS ) ran my credit report at least twice in 2015. Once on - -, 2015, and another time on - -, 2015. I never gave permission to FAMS to run my credit report nor did they have a permissible purpose to run the credit report - within a 6 month period. FAMS is flagrantly violating thr Fair Debt Collections Practices Act with their deceptive debt collection tactics. FAMS ' only purpose of running my credit report twice within a 6 month period was to harass and annoy in flagrant v...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

December 26, 2015 - - hired Financial Asset Management Systems to collect on student loans. Financial Asset Management Systems is alleging that I have only paid $1000.00 in total for the last 13 payments that I have made on my account. This is false. Financial Asset Management Systems is flagrantly violating the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act by not accounting all my payments properly. Financial Asset Management Systems is asking me to provide proof of payment when they should be the ones that should be correctly totaling my accounts. Each monthly payment on my account has been for at least $250.00, h...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Student loan getting a loan can't qualify for a loan

December 16, 2015 - My client entered into a repayment agreement with Financial Asset Management System ( hereinafter referenced as " FAMS '' ) on behalf of -. My client was in default on private student loan and he was given to understand his agreement would cure that default. This agreement was entered into on -, 2014. My client is attempting to purchase a home and has a respectable credit score. However, he is being denied his loan because FAMS and/or - is falsely reporting his is delinquent. This slanderous intentional misrepresentation is actively damaging my client. ...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

December 11, 2015 - - hired Financial Asset Management Systems ( FAMS ) to collect on private student loans. Financial Asset Management Systems ( FAMS ) is not reporting all the payments that I have been making since -/-/-/-/-/2015. I made payments in -/-/2015/-/-/2015 to FAMS which are not being reported to the balance. FAMS has illegally not reported all the payments that I have made on my account. I took a screenshot of the payments that are being reported via FAMS online payment system but they do n't reflect payments from -/-/-/-/-/2015. The payment system is not reporting payments made ...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

October 12, 2015 - - hired Financial Asset Management Systems to collect on a private student loan. Financial Asset Management Systems - FAMS - had previously stated in a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau complaint that I had filed that they do not save credit card information. Their statement was false and deceitful because I went online today to make a payment to the FAMS online payment website and they had - different credit cards saved under my name and account information. FAMS is intentionally misrepresenting that they do not save credit card information when in fact they do save credit card...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection communication tactics called after sent written cease of comm

October 1, 2015 - Financial Asset Management Systems called me on - -, 2015, after I had already sent a written cease communication to them under complaint number -. FAMS agreed in writing under complaint number - on - -, 2015 to not contact me anymore. I called FAMS on - -, 2015 and recorded the phone call to get a statement balance and payments made on the account. During the phone call on - -, 2015, which I recorded I again expressed to FAMS that they were not to call me because it 's my work phone however, they proceeded to call me on - -, 2015, which is a flagrant violat...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

September 16, 2015 - I have not received any mail or calls from the lender since -/-/- when it was charged off my account. Then yesterday a collection company called my cosigner and asked for a payment of $4000.00 toward a debt from -/-/- of $14000.00. The collection company also told her that by paying $4000.00 her financial responsibility as a cosigner would be removed. I have not received any notice of right to dispute, nor was it mentioned in my call today. As far as I was concerned this account was charged off and it does n't even appear on my credit report. ...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

August 20, 2015 - I came to a settlement arrangement with FAMS on -/-/15 and paid this debt in full on that date. I have the settlement letter stating the debt would be settled with payment and the receipt where I paid. Since then they have continued to bill me and have failed to release a judgment lien against my husbands property. They still show my account with a balance of $9400.00 ...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action seized/attempted to seize property

July 7, 2015 - Financial Asset Management Systems ( FAMS ) has kept my credit cards on file even after repeatedly telling them that I do not consent to them keeping my information on file. FAMS is engaging in illegal and deceptive tactics in flagrant violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. I never consented to allow FAMS to keep any card information on file, and even after repeatedly asking them to remove the information they have not done so. ...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

July 7, 2015 - Financial Asset management systems ( FAMS ) has steadfastedly refused to provide me a detailed balance statement on my account. In addition, FAMS does not have a contract with me to collect student loan payments from me. FAMS is engaging in illegal and abusive debt collection practices. The only rationale that I keep receiving on why my balance jumped from $24000.00 to $66000.00 is interest. '' Interest '' is not a sufficient explanation. I never received a detailed balance statement as to how this occurred and how this new balance was calculated. FAMS is trying to Collect on a balance t...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action threatened to sue on too old debt

June 15, 2015 - Financial Asset Management Systems ( FAMS ) is engaging in behavior that is in flagrant violation of the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. I have repeatedly asked FAMS for a statement balance regarding my payments, including interest rates, collection costs, and fees. They have repeatedly ignored my requests. In addition, I called FAMS on - -, 2015 at - - EST to make a payment and the agent that I spoke with proceeded to hang up on me even though I have provided my social security number and date of birth as verification. FAMS is engaging in illegal and abusive debt collection v...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

May 26, 2015 - I signed up with the .001 % loan rehabilitation program with Financial Asset Management System ( FAMS ) and - for my student loans. When I started the program I was told that my credit report would be updated after - payments of $250.00 per month to reflect the new rehabilitation program. In addition, I was told by the FAMS representative that my credit report status would be changed to in repayment after 3 monthly payments of $250.00 each month. Financial Asset Management Systems misrepresented and flagrantly lied about my credit report being updated. I have made 4 monthly payments ...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

May 21, 2015 - I recently received a letter from Financial Asset Management Systems Inc in regards to a private student loans with - -. I am recently dealing with collection calls everyday where they are stating they are trying to collect a debt on a student loan. I recently contacted Department - who looked up all student loans under my social security number. Department - did not inform me of this so call - loan with - -. Im in need of some assistant because this particular debt collector is telling me I owe them $11.00, - which $2700.00 are fees. ...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

May 13, 2015 - I filed and got a chapter - discharge in - 2011, - of my creditors was - - for a career loan through a non credited school, which was included in the Bankruptcy. I have started to get calls from - - - systems of -, Ohio as of - - that my career loan was not qualified for -. And I have to pay the full amount. After - years? I have contacted the - - loans and confirmed the loan is not a Federal Student loan. This loan was a signature loan for $50000.00 and now the - party collection company is claiming I owe $12000.00. Looking for help to resol...

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Financial Asset Management Systems, Inc. Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

April 21, 2015 - I went to school at - - - in 2008. I used my - - - - - - that paid for school. The loan was originally with - -. Recently I received a letter from - collection Agency trying to collect on this loan that was paid. They have put a hold on my tax refund to collect on a balance that does not match the loan amount. I believe it is out of statute for them to be even trying to collect a debt on this account. I have disputed the account requesting any paperwork that they have validating the debt and they have failed to provide evidence. ...

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