Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Fha Mortgage Complaints

Review and analysis of over 32 Fha Mortgage complaints against Stonegate Mortgage Corporation

Stonegate Mortgage Corporation consumers have reported over 32 official complaints related to FHA mortgage. Out of the 32 consumer complaints against Stonegate Mortgage Corporation, 19% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Stonegate Mortgage Corporation responded to their complaint) and 94% were processed in a timely manner. 13% of consumer complaints against Stonegate Mortgage Corporation resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 34% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Fha Mortgage Consumer Complaints

Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 5, 2017 - I fell behind after starting my own business I fell into foreclosure but fully reinstated and I was on track again. Few months past and I got injured working mind you I am running my business alone. I fell behind on my payments the house went into foreclosure I kept saving money to reinstate. I applied for a workout packet to see it I qualified for a loan modification or some sort of assistance. Well in the interim a sale date was placed on the house so this now becomes a very time sensitive matter. I sent in all required information even though I was after the dead line of 10 days before sale...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage settlement process and costs

March 7, 2017 - I 'm having extreme difficulties with Stonegate Mortgage Company that has been ongoing for the past 3 months. I have a current - loan that is open and still pending because of discrepancies with the contractor ( I have proof, pictures, and the HUD Consultant as a witness ). My loan officer at the bank in charge of the Construction loan is -. I have even tried to reach out to her Sup - to no avail. This is my very first property and I have no prior experience with any of this so I have called them repeatedly for someone to explain every detail to me but they have refused to take any mo...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 6, 2017 - In -/-/- I requested the name of the foreclosure attorney and a reinstatement quote. I took more than - days to receive the reinstatement quote and I never received the name of the attorney. I faxed a - page loss mitigation package on -/-/- and I have a fax confirmation showing the transmission was successful. I called Stonegate on -/-/- and was advised they never received the information and they have no obligation to search their records to locate the documents....

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

January 31, 2017 - I believed that my sister was scammed by her real estate agent with the help of the loan officer from Stonegate Mortgage. My sister 's fault was that she trusted her real estate agent with everything - from selling her current house and buying her smaller house. My sister entrusted everything to the real estate agent. My sister does not even know that she needs to get a loan in order to purchase her smaller house. She relied on the real estate - - that she will take care of everything. In short, my sister did not have to communicate with banks or mortgage companies because her real estat...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage settlement process and costs

December 22, 2016 - I am in the process of closing on a FHA mortgage and I am financing the MIP. So instead of my loan amount being $200000.00 it is now $200000.00 including the - % MIP charge. But I received my Closing Disclosure ( - - and although I am financing the - % MIP, They are still asking me to bring that amount of money to the closing table. Can you please advise before I sign the closing disclosure and close on this loan. Thank you very much....

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

October 28, 2016 - I refinanced my house and Stonegate Mortgage and Servicing still has not returned over - dollars thats in my escrow account. They have told me numerous times they are sending it which I have at least two of those times recorded on my computer. A manager by the name of - assured me he was overnighting it. Two days later when I called to find out where it was, I was about to be transferred and then suddenly he is no longer in the office for the day at -. Not one person has given me a straight answer and no one has returned my money to me since my closing over 60 days ago from writing th...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

September 9, 2016 - My husband and I bought a home in - of - and was financed with Stonegate Mortgage Corp out of California. I was contacted by a representative - - from Stonegate Mortgage Corporation in - of - stating President Obama lowered PMI on FHA loans and we were eligible for a refinance with no closing cost and our monthly payment could be lower if we qualified. He stated we had nothing to lose just the possibility of having lower payments on our mortgage and they were doing a lot of these refinances. I spoke with my husband and we agreed this would be a good fit based on what we were ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

May 10, 2016 - StoneGate Mortgage failed to give me credit for one of my mortgage payments. This was shown on my - 2016 statement. It shows that the payment was received on - -, 2016 and then reversed. There was no reduction in my principal. I called the company and spoke with - at ext. -. I was told that this was an error on their part and it would be corrected. I also contacted my bank. The mortgage payment in question has cleared. I have just received my - 2016 statement. This correction has not been made. The principal has not been reduced and the interest charged can not be correct i...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 16, 2016 - My suspicion is that there is a deliberate scheme by Stonegate Mortgage of intentionally reducing mortgage payments to starve clients escrow accounts thereafter essentially guaranteeing a high probability of refinancing, hence refinance fees and charges. My case is as follows. 1 ) Original payment from - - was set up at $1600.00. This payment would cover your Principal & Interest, Hazard Insurance, Mortgage Insurance and Property Taxes as were estimated at time of purchase. 2 ) Stonegate changed ( reduced ) my monthly payment ( intentionally? ) and now I have a problem : ESCROW SHORT...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 10, 2016 - In - - we filed for a loan modification with Stonegate Mortgage due to a loss of job. We were simply asking for the removal of PMI, due to being over - % LTV. We have had over 30 conversations with the company since we filed this, and get different answers almost every time. We were originally told the process would take 30 days, this drug in -/-/- and were we given several conflicting reasons why. On -/-/-, we were denied the modification due to " being current on our loan. '' This is an issue, because we are currently in Chapter - and this same mortgage company th...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage settlement process and costs

January 15, 2016 - I was offered terms to refinance a current FHA home loan, and proceeded with the loan origination. They were made aware that the seasoning requirement from a previous short-sale was not going to be met until the end of - 2015, however I was assured that they can originate the loan sooner, but would not close it until the seasoning timeframe was met in -. As we neared closure, I was then informed that the underwriters would not accept the loan since it was originated prior to the seasoning requirement, and was not acceptable even if closure would not happen until -. This was not in ali...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

September 9, 2015 - Stonegate Mortgage Bought out our Loan within - Months of Buying Our Home, I have Battled - off and on for - yr 's. So I did not pay Much Attention to My Statements, We Put $2500.00 a yr in an Escrow Account, With That Being Said, Property Tax and Insurance Comes to almost $2000.00 a Yr, Ok, There should Be Money Left Every yr, there is not. We pulled up all the statements for the last 2 yr 's. And Turn 's out they are Taking the Money for Insurance, Which we did not sign for, are that is there excuse to keep the Money, and - year they Put down USDA Fund, I paid My USDA fund wh...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 31, 2015 - In 2014 i was laid off work and have still not found full time work. I have been trying to get an many hours on as needed bases. Still not able to make ends meet my husband was in a accident in - - and off work - mths. We really fell behind. Discussed with Stongate mortgage our situation and inability to make payments. They recommend we fill out a borrower assistance form. I did - in - of 2014 and I was told I had to send another - cause the - - expired. The - - sent - -. I sent a hardship letter, expense form, pay stubs ( multiple times ), and bank stamens ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage application, originator, mortgage broker

August 23, 2015 - My original mortgage was with Stonegate. In late - I began working on a refinance with another lender through a broker I knew. Once the payoff request was sent to Stonegate, they began contacting me multiple times a day, stating that they could beat any offer I had from another lender, and that their process would be faster because I was an existing customer. After the other lender parted ways with the broker I knew, I decided to go with Stonegage. I began the process of refinancing my mortgage with them on - -. That day I spoke with a Mortgage Advisor named -. We discussed my wish...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 17, 2015 - We received a letter dated - -, 2015. The letter stated we may be eligible for a FHA Hamp with Partial Claim. To accept this offer we were required to make our - monthly trial plan payment '' under our Trial Payment Plan. The Trial Payment Plan was as follows:- payment : $1300.00 by -/-/15- payment $1300.00 by -/-/15- payment $1300.00 by -/-/15The plan further stated each payment had to be received by Stonegate Mortgage within 15 days of the trial payment plan due date. We made the trial payments as follows:- payment $1400.00 on -/-/15- ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 5, 2015 - My FHA loan was closed in late - of 2014. I lost my job due to injury prior to the close of escrow. The lender funded and closed the loan anyway. I did not know this was a problem. Now, I was looking to do a Streamline Refinance and the current lender tried to help me, but said my FHA loan was not insured. I have never been notified of this until now that i am trying to refinance. I am paying monthly MIP, but the loan is not insured. Am i entitled to a refund for all those payments? My loan closed with Crossline capital and was transferred to Stonegate Mortgage about a month after we closed...

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