Access Group Non-Federal Student Loan Complaints

Review and analysis of over 78 Non-Federal Student Loan complaints against Access Group

Access Group consumers have reported over 78 official complaints related to Non-federal student loan. Out of the 78 consumer complaints against Access Group, 29% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Access Group responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Access Group resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Non-Federal Student Loan Consumer Complaints

Access Group Student loan can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

October 14, 2016 - I have a - and an -, and I have accumulated about $150000.00 in federal and private student loans, of which $45000.00 in private student loans have become a big problem to repay. I am unemployed and have very minimal income. I have exhausted my deferment, and I was refused to get on the income-based repayment plan or MGRS- modified graduated repayment schedule. My servicer is - and the holder of my student loans is Access Group. Both refused to provide me with an income-based repayment plan, and here is why- I was on the income-based repayment plan but still had a hard time maki...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

June 19, 2016 - I contacted Access Group back in - - about several negative marks against my credit bureau. Access Group sent me a letter -/-/- explaining the issued was the fault of Access Group and that they would contact all - bureaus and request a good standing/Loan has been paid in full. Now we are in the - and I am saving for house, well my broker runs my credit and says that I have a lot of negative marks. So I get in touch with Access Group and I get the run around for a couple of day 's. Well I have received a - letter from Access Group five years later stating the same old ...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

April 7, 2016 - I received a summons today -/-/- for a lawsuit filed -/-/- by Access Group, a lender for a private loan from -/-/- that my credit report shows I have n't made a payment on since -/-/-. They can not even report this time-barred debt and suing on it is illegal. I am in the process of trying to buy a house and I can not afford to have this issue come up on a search. ...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

April 1, 2016 - I have had extreme difficulties paying back my private student loans. Access Group will send emails to me saying to call they can help and options, when in fact they have no options. Access Group put - of loans in default, even though there was no technical default ( meaning the accounts were not - past due ). Most recently, I was 177 days past due. I went to make a payment so as not to default, but Access Group and " suspended activity '' on the account, making it appear that it was impossible for me to make a payment. They did it on a Friday, so that if I had tried to pay over the week...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

March 3, 2016 - i had a lot of credit card debt from when i was in school. along with $12000.00 in student loans. i had to file for bankruptcy because they garnished my wages and could barely make it, paying my rent late every month. ...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

February 17, 2016 - School name : - - University - - - - location : - -, MO I am having the very unfortunate experience of having Access Group as - of my private student loan lenders. They turned my account over to a nightmare collections agency, - - -, without even having the decency to notify me. After I was contacted by -, which calls at least 5 times a day, I contacted Access Group in the hopes of somehow rehabilitating my debt. The representative claimed to have left me voice mails ; however, my phone does not have voice mail! Then, she claimed to have mailed me stateme...

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Access Group Student loan can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

January 28, 2016 - Perhaps this is a common problem. I have had private law school loans since 1998. These loans are currently split between - service providers - - ( formerly - - ) and Access Group ( ACS ). Since my loans went into repayment, I never missed a payment, and paid my full amount owed every month. However, in the last couple of years, I 've had some challenges. I had to take time off from full-time employment due to some health issues, and we needed to relocate for my husband 's job across the country. I had a baby. I needed to stay home for a while. With both loan providers, I was able ...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

January 7, 2016 - I cosigned a loan which was later settled. After settlement, the originator ( Access Group ) improperly put the account into collection multiple times. Collectors contacted my family members regarding the account. The collection account was put on my credit report. - other Access Group accounts associated with the same student, which I did not cosign, were also improperly put into collection in my name and put on my credit report. I have been able to get the accounts removed from my credit report after informing the collection agencies, but these accounts should never have been put in col...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

November 22, 2015 - Pursuant to a letter I received from - ( - - - ) dated - -, 2015, the creditor, Access Group, had agreed to place my account on hold for 3-6 months, with a re-evaluation afterwards to determine what further action would be taken. On or around - -, 2015, I also spoke with - -, Consumer Affairs Team Lead at -, the drafter of the - - letter. She told me the letter was on the way and confirmed that I would be calling - to set up payments once I was in the position to be able to do so, no later than 6 months from the date I had first notified - that I ha...

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Access Group Student loan can't repay my loan

October 25, 2015 - I have been paying my private school loans since -/-/-. Never late, no problems. In -/-/-, I lost my job and entered into a graduated extended repayment schedule with Access Group. At no time did they tell me it was only for 2 years with that repayment structure. During this time, Access Group sent my loans to be serviced with -. - has been a disaster from the start. They took away my repayment structure telling me the time had expired. Since that time, I have been having trouble making my monthly payments because I can not afford them. I get calls on my cell telling me I 'm la...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

October 5, 2015 - Lender : Access Group ; Loan service provider : -Private student loan. My monthly payment amount adjusted ( based on repayment schedule ) and I contacted customer service via telephone to verify the new payment amount ( then made a payment for that amount ). The following month I received a statement indicating that I was $.00 delinquent on my account and that a $10.00 late fee had been assessed. I then contacted customer service via phone again and was told that my $.00 overdue amount had exceeded my contractual 15 day grace period and that they would not waive the late fee. ...

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Access Group Student loan can't repay my loan

September 18, 2015 - I have recently returned to graduate school. The lender of my private loans, Access Group, has a policy that prevents me from deferring my private loans while in school. The policy is that after 30 months of being out of school I can not defer these payments in the same manner as a student returning within this period. I would like the same treatment as a student returning to school within this period. ...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

September 9, 2015 - I am unable to reach anyone by telephone for - of my private educational loans for law school. Specifically, the loan disbursed in 1998, with the account # -, by The Access Group ( - ) had me on hold for over 20 minutes before I had to hang up to work. I have had trouble with many aspects of the servicing of this loan, including not being able to reach the servicer to learn the balance or what is going on with this loan. I believe that excessive interest has been and is being charged on this loan for a variety of ongoing accounting errors. Please have someone from The Access Group con...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

August 21, 2015 - Hi, Years ago I had financial difficulties arising from unemployment and surgical bills. During that time most of my student loans went into default or deferment. I am now on my feet and have resolved all my old issues. All of my student loans are current, except my private student loans for - - - through Access Group ( held by -. ) These are in collections in the amount of $ 40,000+. I have been paying - every month for years, but the amount is still high and wo n't be paid off for a decade. This leaves me with horrible credit ( It would be almost perfect without these collecti...

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Access Group Debt collection communication tactics threatened to take legal action

June 7, 2015 - My student loan was sent to a collection agency -/-/-. I have been making - monthly payments on my loan, and have never missed a payment. Last month on - -, I was let go from my employer and had no savings to cover expenses. I called - - - -, the collection agency handling my loan to let them know I would be unable to pay my loan until I found employment. I told them I was renting and had no assets and since I was unsure how long I was going to be unemployed and what my unemployment would entail, I needed to make sure that I have enough funds to cover the essentials, ...

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Access Group Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer

May 6, 2015 - The - website ( - ) is non-responsive, and that is where I make my student loan payments. For several months I have attempted to make student loans and have been assessed late fees because the loan payments have been made after a deadline. This is not fair, because I have attempted several times to make my payments online but their website is not responsive. ...

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Access Group Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

April 9, 2015 - - is conducting substandard, if not illegal, loan practices. Their website lacks key information about my private student loans, such as the original loan amount. They do not offer a service to allow borrowers to increase their monthly payment amounts. I took out my loans from Access Group, which worked fine for me through - school. I believe ACS is intentionally obscuring their contact information on their website, does not allow borrowers to speak with a representative in the U.S. without at least a 30 minute wait period ( first requiring the borrower to go through a confusing automate...

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