Synchrony Financial Other Fee Complaints

Review and analysis of over 19 complaints against Synchrony Financial

Synchrony Financial consumers have reported over 19 official complaints related to Other fee. Out of the 19 consumer complaints against Synchrony Financial, 5% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Synchrony Financial responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 58% of consumer complaints against Synchrony Financial resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Other Fee Consumer Complaints

Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

February 2, 2017 - JCP Payment Screen/Account Summary ( first screen once logged into account ) is deceptive and has cause me financial harm, thereby being abusive by CFPB terms. There are - choices to choose from to make a payment, non of which state that your account may be delinquent. Per the representatives that I spoke to today, -/-/2017, ( lastly was - in collections ) my account was delinquent even though my payment history would reflect otherwise. My monthly amount due went from $68.00 to $190.00 due to being " delinquent '' - something I only found out by calling and speaking to both r...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

November 29, 2016 - For several months now I have noticed on my statement from Synchrony Bank that there is no minimum payment. They increase each months payment to suit them. The card in question is Walmart and I have realized that this bank has many of the day to day cards people use. At the moment I use this card for monthly food but did not expect the monthly payment to increase for doing so. Attachments...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

November 1, 2016 - I just recently closed my CARECREDIT / SYNCHRONY BANK credit card due to fraud activity that affected/abused me financially by the company. I opened my credit card a few years ago to take care my dental bills, each transaction offered me 0 % interest charge for about 18 month. I spoke with the customer service multiple times to ask them about when my 0 % promotional rate will end. I asked them to calculate and gave me the exact amount for monthly payment and requested for that amount to be taken from my account every month to avoid ANY interest charges, as I was firm that I wanted to pay off m...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

October 29, 2016 - I had bought - items on promotional interest rates from - which is Synchroney Bank. Well all the payments I have made to them none of the money has gone towards the promotional balances. The representative informed me that I was billed $210.00 interest from - of the promotions expiring & if I wanted any of the payments I had made to go towards the promotional balance I would of had to specify at the time I made the payment which was done through the automated system because if you do a payment through the representative it will cost you an extra $10.00!!! It also DOES NOT give you...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

September 29, 2016 - Only one payment behind and called numerous times daily. When asked to wave late fee, reply is that it is credited on the end of the balance. ( not helping me to catch up the late payment now )....

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

September 28, 2016 - Called - - credit card ( Synchrony Bank ) and asked about Foreign Transaction Fee because it does not show in my account. Representative ASSURED me it is many time it is zero percent so I asked to send me in writing which she can not find. Supervisor ASSURED me it is zero percent but there is nothing in her computer or can not email me. They only postal mail and will take 30 days. I research online and there is nowhere where it says zero percent. They are lying. They will probably deny they ever said zero percent, which is why I wanted it in writing....

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

September 27, 2016 - -/-/-, I noticed charges on my Citgo credit card, managed by Syncrony Bank, were pending in amounts higher than actual charges. We questioned the gas station manager and were advised that Citgo was now imposing a $30.00 hold charge on every transaction for 24 -48 hours until the actual charges were processed. I called Syncrony bank and advised that the " pending '' charges were being imposed by Citgo. I call Citgo and advised the charges were a result of a new business takeover and began in -. I advised that this was unfair since my account was reflecting the " pending '' $30.00 ch...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

September 18, 2016 - I have an account with Synchrony Financial that allows for normal purchases and promotional purchases. I spoke with - -, a customer service representative, and - -, a manager. When speaking with them I was initially refused the a copy an updated credit agreement, and then told that it is the bank 's policy to apply payments to deferred promotional balances prior to non-promotional balances, unless a customer calls to direct a payment. Moreover, I was instructed that it could take up to 30 days for them to provide an updated credit agreement. By allowing non-promotional purchases ...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

August 20, 2016 - I attempted to make a payment online and their system drew from the wrong account. They refused to make it right. Apparently, this is a common issue for them as their representative stated that they have had several complaints like mine....

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

August 8, 2016 - I have a banana republic credit card ( through synchrony bank ) and they added on a card security fee. After reviewing my statements over the past several months I noticed that I 've been charged a fee for " credit security. '' I do n't recall ever agreeing to this fee....

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

July 29, 2016 - I applied and received an online account with - - that later turned into just Synchrony Bank. I was told I had the option of paying interest as I go or delaying interest payment. I chose to pay as I go. When I called, they said I did n't have the choice. They changed it without my permission to delayed interest payments as long as payments were made on different amounts in different periods of time. But no matter how I made my payments, they shifted money around that did n't pay off the things they said I had paid for with delayed interest, which I never wanted....

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

July 29, 2016 - Signed up for a guitar center card in - -. I was told I can return the product within 6 months if not satisfied, I did go back in - and was told that guitar center would 'buy ' back my guitar for less than half of what was charged to my card. Initially - - managed this account, then was turned over to Syncrony Bank in - or - -. Getting in touch with management is impossible and these people are unforgiving with high penalty fees, for people who can not afford them. I was told my account would be under a promotional period until - of -, and try to extend it so I c...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

May 13, 2016 - We purchased an appliance at Lowes and we were told that our choice was 18 months interest free then after the 18 months interest would start being charged. Well after 18 months they charged us - on bringing our balance up almost - extra $!! That is NOT what we were told at purchase at ALL. This is FALSE and misleading business practices and we want this charge removed immediately. ...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

April 29, 2016 - I have a card through Care Credit/Synchrony Bank. I recently fell behind on payments and was contacted from someone through them. I believe it was a collection agent. We setup a Hardship plan of $77.00 a month. My account was showing a current balance due of around $400.00. The person I had spoke with let me know that my monthly payments will start right away at $77.00 and the current balance showing due will continue to show on the site but that the $77.00 will go in affect right away .... I went on the website to setup automatic payments of $80.00 to pay towards my account since I ...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

April 27, 2016 - Chevron Gas Texaco continues to use deceptive practices by increasing the minimum payment even if you make a payment. They start with $25.00 minimum and then continue to increase the minimum each month. Even if you make a payment, if it does n't meet there minimum amount, they will charge you a late fee of $40.00 dollars and then they increase the minimum payment again until you are unable to make the minimum payment. Even if your account is closed. I now have a minimum payment of almost $200.00 even though I have made a payment. The company issues the credit cards from Synchrony Bank an...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

March 16, 2016 - I have - accounts with synchrony bank. I spoke with - ( Supervisor ) @ paypal because this company keep going in my bank account taking money out of my account without my permission. She told me that my bank has to refund my insufficient funds because it was not their fault that my account did not have the funds in my account. I explain to her I do n't have the money in my account and my account was overdrawn. She told me they was going to have to go in my account two more time to try to collect the money. I told her I did not have the money, she did n't care what I had to say. I had to ...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

March 11, 2016 - I am emailing you in regards to a deceptive health-care credit card enrollment with CareCredit I am a victim of the CareCredit deceptive Health-Care Credit Card Enrollment scam and need your help! After doing research, I have found several major articles from both - and your website in regards to several other victims of the same scandal. What happened in these articles is - what they did to me. - : - - - In - of -, I went to a doctors office to pay for a medical procedure. I had planned on paying the entire balance out of pocket, but the woman who handles their bill...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

March 1, 2016 - When I applied for the GE Capital for Promotional Purchases at H H Gregg for $4600.00 on -/-/-, I was told by the sales person that if I set up auto-pay for the minimum payment due, it 'll be paid off in about two years without incurring interest charges. So I set up auto-pay and e-Bill with confidence that the balance will be paid off by auto-pay in about two years. Later on GE Capital changed name to Synchrony Bank and the web site and email also changed. There were some confusion about the web site and emails during the transition. When I received " Your H H GREGG / SYNCHRONY BAN...

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Synchrony Financial Credit card other fee

February 15, 2016 - Amazon offered a store card issued by, which I signed up for. During an Amazon checkout, I was offered a " deffered interest '' promotion using the card on an item that cost $160.00. The terms were that if you paid the balance by the end of the promotion you would be charged no interest. I called Synchronycredit to confirm that payments made in the meantime would go toward interest-bearing purchases first. They confirmed this. I then received a bill showing that I was charged interest, which was then rounded up to a " minimum interest fee. '' I called...

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