TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Inadequate Help Over The Phone Complaints

Review and analysis of over 120 complaints against TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc.

TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. consumers have reported over 120 official complaints related to Inadequate help over the phone. Out of the 120 consumer complaints against TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc., 24% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 18% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Inadequate Help Over The Phone Consumer Complaints

TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

April 6, 2017 - I am a victim of identity theft. I contacted the Federal Trade Commission andIi learned that the best way to recover is to file an identity theft affidavit and a police report. I did this well ovr 60 days ago. Transunion slowed around for over 60 days in violation of the FCRA laws. They did not remove the bankruptcies and they stated that they verified them. When in fact, I have documentation from the bankruptcy court stating that they did not verify this information. I sent the letters to Transunion and they lied like they never received the documents. When after a long time I finally got a s...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 31, 2017 - I have disputed several inquiries with TransUnion Credit Reporting Agency and unfortunately their customer service would not help and take care of the negative inquiries reporting to your credit report. Please see the below inquiries that I sent in to be investigated and deleted from my credit file : - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/-...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 30, 2017 - I filed a dispute with all - of the credit bureaus about inquiries that were on my report from multiple car lenders. The problem is I never tried to get a car. I have been disputing this for months even to the point of the bureaus telling me to contact the companies and ask for a delete letter. However that is impossible because I do not have an account with them nor do they show that I applied for a car or a loan.They said that there was no way they can offer me a letter of such statue. After contacting the companies I called each bureau yet again to dispute, even by sending letters. I als...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 29, 2017 - Under the fcra section 611 i am allowed to request and receive documents that was received in determining that a debt is in fact valid. I contacted - and was denied what was requested. I was told by a rep that they send somethi g to the agency reporting this debt and in return they say yes or no this is or isnt valid. I asked on several occasions to be sent MOV [ method of validation ] and i was denied. Their response is they have no idea if the debt is actually valid because everything is automated and they dont require them to send anything to validate the debts. There are collections and...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 28, 2017 - My credit report showed a credit inquiry by your company that I do not recall authorizing I understand that you should not be allowed to put an inquiry on my file unless I have authorized it Please have this inquiry removed from my credit file because it is making it very difficult for me to acquire credit This account is paid I have sent this letter because I need your prompt response to this issue Please be so kind as to forward me documentation that you have had the unauthorized inquiry removed If you find that I am wrong and you did have my authorization to inquire into my credit report th...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 27, 2017 - After noticing fraudulent accounts and inquires on my credit reports, I filed an id theft report with the FTC after which I proceeded to call the companies individually and in some cases received help through this very site which I am E-TREMELY GRATEFUL for.Then, I called TRANSUNION and informed them i was a victim of identity theft and provided them with the FTC identity report number and also asked them to remove the fraudulent items immediately since they are ruining my credit.I also called and faxed supporting documents after which they informed me that they will remove all of the fraudule...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 25, 2017 - All the major credit reporting agencies, Transunion, - and - -, " rate shopping does n't always affect your credit score in the case of rate shopping for an auto loan, if shopping was done within a 14-45 day period of time ''. Then turn right around and use that rate shopping as a " credit factor '' on your report. Example : with Transunion they show my shopping with ( 3 ) different companies, all on the same date, as a " credit factor '' on my report, - shows ( 2 ) of those same ( 3 ) as a " credit factor '' while - shows again all ( 3 ). They then " lower '' your credit score ...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 24, 2017 - Transunion score is lower than the other - reporting agencies. The same stupid answer. Each company uses a different model. They do everything to keep your score low so that you are forced to pay a higher interest on everything. They want to sell you a product to track your score. I had the man on the phone check my report and I have no late or missing payments. I have a - - - bankruptcy. It takes 10 years to get if off. How can you do any kind of transactions without getting an inquire that lowers you score for two years....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 23, 2017 - I called Transunion Credit reporting agency and talk to a representative regarding unauthorized inquiries and the rep was very rude and just would not cooperate and understand my sense of urgency regarding this unauthorized inquiries. Please find below a list of the inquiries : - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 12, 2017 - VERY SIMPLE. My bankruptcy is now TEN years old and should be removed from my credit report. I realize that it is due to come off in -/-/- I believe, but I asking, in a SHOW of HUMANITY that Trans Union remove it now, just a few months early. I have worked very hard to re-build my credit after losing my -, and I see no logical reason for Trans Union to insist on leaving this on my report, when clearly, TEN YEARS HAVE PASSED. Public Record Details Reference Number - Date Filed -/-/2007 Date -/-/2007 Status Discharged Amount $0.00 Classification Bankruptcy Responsibility In...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 7, 2017 - customer service would not help and take care of the negative inquiries reporting to your credit report....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 7, 2017 - I called TransUnion about this issue and their customer service would not help and take care of the item on my credit report - hard inquire ) this was an item that was removed and added back again ( if this is of any use, the customer service was very unhelpful )....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 7, 2017 - 3 inquires listed on my Trans Union credit report were removed and placed back on my credit report without any notification to the consumer ( me ). This is against the law and illegal. I called Trans Union on Monday, - - and spoke to a representative who confirmed the inquiries were removed and replaced back on. He said these 3 inquires will be removed. I told him I wanted the statement in writing, he said he could not do that since this is a system glitch issue. I stated if these inquiries were not removed from my credit report due to Trans Union violating the law and my rights as a con...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 4, 2017 - I 've been a victim of identity theft and someone tried to obtain credit using my name There are several inquires on my credit report as of result of that and I 've tried calling and disputing these inquires with the credit bears and they are not helping despite the fact I have been a victim of identity theft. They only thing they did is they 've put a fraud alert on my credit file but not willing to remove the inquires which hurt my credit. Please helming thanks....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

March 2, 2017 - Hello .My credit score went from - to - a - point in one day with no apparent reason no late or missed payments the only different thing that happened within the last month is that i disputed - charges from comcast of which i won both .i 've contacted Transunion and no one can answer me as to the reason behind this Im working towards owning my first home and this is a real issue for me. Please help me....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

February 22, 2017 - I have called Transunion credit agency and asked why is my credit score so much lower than the - other agencies. I was explained to by a Transunion Rep " that they are allowed to use a different scoring system than - or - ''. Transunion credit score is always lower therefore causing me to pay more for items I chose to purchase. Why is Transunion allowed to score much lower and different? Most creditors use Transunion for credit in my dealing. I asked if I could close my file with them the Rep said no. I paid over - for my credit score back in - 2016. I have not receive it....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

February 21, 2017 - I was not able to update my dispute information and upload files this evening. Person I spoke to this evening around - at TU barely spoke -. I dont think the credit bureaus should put your dispute on lockdown after you submit it....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

February 17, 2017 - TransUnion 's database has my social security number linked to another persons name. This was confirmed from - who is - of the creditors denying me credit because they already have me with a credit card through them when in fact that it is n't me. I have contacted TransUnion and was told that all their information on my credit report is correct. Which in fact my credit report is correct it is their database that is incorrect and they refuse to fix it. They refused to give me phone numbers or other contacts in their company so this can be rectified....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

February 17, 2017 - I contacted TransUnion after receiving documentation from - that they have removed their listing from my credit file after their investigation. - is the owner of the -/- Account. I contacted Transunion and advised them of this and provided documentation and requested that the -/- account be removed from my credit file. When -/- sold the account, they sold their rights to the account. Previously, they updated the date reported on the account after a previous dispute. I then spoke with the Special Handling department and spoke to supervisors who requested me to fax in the...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

February 10, 2017 - I called Transunion and customer service would not help and take care of the negative inquiries reporting to my credit report after I informed them that I am a VICTIM of their " inquiry glitch issue '' and now these inquiries have greatly impacted my credit score in the worst way. 1 ) Inquiry Date -/-/-- - 2 ) Inquiry Date -/-/-- - - ) Inquiry Date -/-/-- - 4 ) Inquiry Date -/-/-- - 5 ) Inquiry Date -/-/-- - - 6 ) Inquiry Date -/-/-- - - - - ) Inquiry Date -/-/-...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

February 9, 2017 - I was on the phone very long with trans union and finally a representative came on the phone to supposedly resolve my issue, however, they simply gave me the run around about doing a phone verification, but never did it after - additional calls and long wait times again they finally informed me that they cant get it done....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

February 6, 2017 - I have two bankruptcies being reported and filed a dispute along with documentation showing they are being reported wrong. I called into Trans Union to ask the status of my investigation and was told it was verified. I then asked please tell me how this was verified. First they told me they could n't give that information out. After stating that the law states you must supply how it was verified they person said the court house verified with my name, addresses, and social security number. I then stated that was also false since the courts will not verify any information to any credit beauras o...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

February 4, 2017 - Hello, I have been in contact with - over a dozen times over the past 5 months. I have requested that they supply me validation of listings that are reporting in my file and they continue to respond back that the information has been verified. I am requesting validation of the debt so that I can dispute it properly to have it remove or corrected on my file. I spoke with 4 different supervisors and I have been told that this information would be mailed to me within 7-10 business days and over 30 days has passed. I took the liberty to send certified mail to them to as well to no avail. I am c...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

February 2, 2017 - On -/-/2017 I called TransUnion three times because I do not have access to my credit report online for viewing or disputes for whatever reason. I contacted TransUnion because there are some inaccurate things on my credit report. The first time I called I was immediately transferred by Customer Service to the special handling department because they said they had no access to my file and could not assist me. I then spoke with two different people who identified themselves as being in the special handling department. I was transferred again to someone else in special handling who advised that...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

January 27, 2017 - I disputed a balance with - - - - for a auto loan in the amt of $27000.00 thats being reported on my credit report. i received a notification that the dispute was completed. after reviewing the results and viewing nothing had changed i contacted transunion and spoke to - i explained to her the information was being reported incorrectly and i wanted it corrected, she informed me that a credit report was being mailed out. i explained the information i received had today 's date but still was incorrect. she hung up on me and i think that is RUDE!!!! i called back to speak to a su...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

January 24, 2017 - I have disputed multiple inquiries on my credit report with Transunion. Transunion advices that they will not dispute inquiries. This is a violation of the FCRA by furnishing inaccurate information regarding my credit file to potential creditors....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

January 18, 2017 - Credit inquiries : - TransUnion CUSTOMER SERVICE would not help and take care of the negative inquiries reporting to my credit report....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

January 17, 2017 - I contacted Transunion Regarding negative inquiries and they refused to help me were very passive and short. Not helpful at all and this was not resolved. I contacted them regarding the following negative inquiries : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -/-/- -- -- -- -- -- --...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

January 12, 2017 - Requested to have inquires removed...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

January 6, 2017 - The following inquires on my credit report were NOT authorized by me. I had financing secured through my credit union and has cash available to pay for a vehicle. I have tried to have these items removed and they still remain. -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- -...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

January 5, 2017 - Account not verified properly....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

January 3, 2017 - I called today -/-/- - PT ... the Transunion in Pennsylvania , spoke to a representative named - and i politely asked that they may remove - inquiries from my credit report as i fell victim to their inquiry error ... Removing and reinserting information on a credit file is by section 611 fcra laws illegal without notification within 5 days of reinserting. There were plenty of inquiries that were recently removed -/-/2016 and essentially put back on immediately without my acknowledgement which in turn later just expired due to the 2yrs statute, yet there was recently another gli...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 31, 2016 - Both - and Transunion are reporting incorrect information to financial institutions.They are reporting adverse factors adversely affected my credit scores that include serious deliquency and Transunion also includes time since delinquency is too recent or unknown. This has been reported to 3 different financial institutions this year. After each time I have tried contact both agencies, but only able to talk to Transunion. Every time I am told there are no delinquencies on my credit report. They deny supplying the adverse factors. On -/-/2016 I wrote a letter to both agency and included a ...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 30, 2016 - - - - pulled my credit report on -/-/-. I have had a freeze on my reports since -/-/-. This company had no authority to pull my credit-I had no account with them, no business relationship, I did not apply for credit etc. They should have not been able to gain access to my report. This keeps happening despite the freeze being placed long ago and yet every time I call TU they refuse to do anything about it or to investigate....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 29, 2016 - I was a victim of Transunion 's inquiry issue. I spoke with Customer service rep from the - call center. Transunion would not help me resolve the issue. Here is a list of the inquiries that were affected. -, -/-/- - -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -/-/- -, -, -, -, -, -, Any assistance in this matter w...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 29, 2016 - Customer service would not help and take care of negative inquiries reported on credit report. I would like for these inquires to be removed. - - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - - -/-/16 - - -/-/16 - - -/-/16 - - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - -/-/16 - - -/-/16...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 28, 2016 - I noticed several inquiries that had been deleted reappear on my credit report and double report. I called transunion customer service and explained several inquiries are showing up on credit report that were gone. After she explained she could not help me i asked for a supervisor and after a long hold was disconnected....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 27, 2016 - I called Transunion twice to talk to someone about inquirys on my report. Im trying to understand why all inquirys was removed from my report when I checked. I pull my report and transunion has reinserted what they previously deleted. This is a breach of FCRA 611 5 ( B ). I didnt recieve any notice in the mail, email, or by phone of anything. And the representative would not help me and explain to me why this happen. I listed all inquirys below - -/-/- - Misc -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/-/- - - - -/-/- - -/-/- - -/...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 23, 2016 - I filed complaints on TransUnion , LLC, to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, because of the way TransUnion , LLC was handling my files and disputes. Ever since I have notified the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, they have placed my credit file in a specialty unit and have blocked my file from all of the other departments within TransUnion , LLC. However, this specialy unit as the representatives refer to it, states they will need to handle my request or concerns when I call, and they always transfers me to this specialty unit. However, I never reach a live person. A lady na...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 19, 2016 - - did a hard inquiry to my credit report in - - and again in -. When I switched my account from business - to individual - - proceeded to do another hard inquiry on my account despite the fact that they were informed that it was the same social security number and I did not agree to a hard inquiry on my credit. They were informed that if they had to run a hard inquiry on my credit report I was going to close my account. I was assured by the customer service representative that they were not going to run my credit again. When I pulled up my credit report it appears that des...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 15, 2016 - I believe that I was a victim of the " inquiry issue ''. When I called in the gentleman in customer service was very rude. I asked to be transferred to a - rep and he refused. I received no help from the rep to resolve my issue. I just want these inquires removed from my report ASAP! Ally Financial ( - inquires - American - - - ( - inquires ) suntrust Cci/ppc - bank ( - inquires ) Citizens - auto Consumer Portolio Credo First investors - - - cars...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 13, 2016 - I had cable service with -. When I returned the equipment because I was moving, - said they would send me a final bill. I never got a bill, nor did I get a call from them ( I had the same phone number as when I was a customer ). My mail was being forwarded. The first I found that - expected payment from me was when my account went into collection. I immediately paid -, but the Adverse Account has ruined my credit. My account should never have gone into collection because I was n't billed or contacted, and therefore it should be deleted from my credit report. TransUnion refuses to d...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 12, 2016 - I attempted to file a dispute with Trans Union about my - card. So I went online to file the dispute. At the last point, where I needed to upload documents in support of my dispute, I found that the documents could be uploaded in Windows Edge Browser, but you could go no further as the Submit button was not working. When I called Trans Union, I first was routed to a call center in the -. I 'd already given my dispute ID and then the lady asked me for my Name, then Social Security Number, then she needed my home address. At that point I told her I was not comfortable giving that informati...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

December 8, 2016 - I contacted Transunion about a hard inquiry that I did not authorize. Transunion told me I need to get a letter of deletion from the actual company - - - listed. I called that company and they informed me to dispute with transunion to look into the issue. I have gotten the run around from both - and transunion. - told me that they cant find where I made the inquiry but somehow it ended up on my credit report. This is a mistake that I can not get Transunion to look into. - repeatedly told me that they do n't give deletion letters. Transunion told me they ca n't do anything abo...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 25, 2016 - Upon reviewing my Transunion credit report ( - ), I discovered an obsolete account ( creditor name, - account number -, date opened, -/-/-. Please delete this account immediately as it is too old to be in my credit file. If for some reason the account is verified, please send me the name of the person who provided the information and the method in which it was investigated because in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 605 [ 15 U.S.C. 1681c ] " Running of Reporting Period '', as of -/-/-, reporting periods only run 7 or 10 years depending on the type of i...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 23, 2016 - I had around - inquiries on my credit report because of - - - -, the dealership submitted my information to multiple lenders without my permission and around - lenders pulled my credit report lending to an abundant amount of inquiries. I reached out to Transunion and was told that I needed to contact all creditors in order to get the inquiries removed. I received a letter from - - admitting they made a mistake in error but trying to contact - lenders and having to explain the nature of the situation over and over again is ridiculous, I have had some luck with some le...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 23, 2016 - Synopsis : I refinanced a vehicle loan. The original loan was through - - and that loan was paid off using a loan I obtained from my financial institution, - - -. The loan officer I worked with advised me since my credit score was below - I did not qualify for a substantially lower loan interest rate. The higher loan interest rate will require more than an additional $1000.00 in loan interest over the lower rate. A rate I would have qualified for had my credit score been - or higher. The loan officer advised me - - - utilizes the credit score provided by Tra...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 22, 2016 - Credit Reporting, Victim of TransUnion inquire issues. I called and spoke to customer service and they were n't willing to take of the issue. - -/-/-, - -/-/-, - -/-/-, - -/-/-, - -/-/-, - -/-/-, - -/-/-, - -/-/-, & - -/-/-....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 21, 2016 - This credit reporting agencies has not properly verfied this account belongs to me by getting the creditor to validate information with proper documentation showing this is my account. Because the creditor havent send me proper verfied document. And proving that i have a contract with -....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 21, 2016 - I contacted Transunion about 3 months ago approximately in referenced to an unauthorized inquiry. I receive an alert from - with an unauthorized inquiry from a company called - on -/-/2016. I requested for Transunion to dispute which they refused and I am entitled to dispute any fraudulent information on my credit report. What is extremely upsetting, is that there were fraudulent inquiries on my credit report a few months ago and I was informed to contact the police department and they would extend the fraud alert to the extended fraud alert for seven years and it was not applied as in...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 20, 2016 - I am trying to have my Chapter - Bankruptcy removed 1 year earlier than normal. In the long run, I want to educate and enlighten the American consumer, so that they are not victimized by what I believe may well be an industry, and companies guilty of violating US Anti-Trust code. I am considering filing a suit against Trans Union, - and -. I am an educated, experienced consumer that personally was forced to file a Chapter - under Title - in -, due to my - failing. PER THEIR DISCRETIONARY RULES, it is to come off my credit reports in -. I am asking them to be human and ...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 14, 2016 - Inquires that needs to be removed, customer service would not take care of it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Card...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 9, 2016 - I have previously disputed inquiries on my TransUnion report. They are refusing to remove the inquiries I disputed on CFPB Case number : -. When I spoke to the specialist on the phone I inquired what I can do to prevent further inquiries from being done on my credit profile and a security freeze was recommended. I was going to proceed with the security freeze until she informed me that I had to pay $10.00. Per the TransUnion website any person who has been a victim of identity theft can have the fee waived. I 've sent several police reports to prove my identity theft and would like for ...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

November 9, 2016 - I have been contacting Transunion for over 2 months disputing the exact same inquiries that I did not authorize. So finally, today, -/-/2016, after being extremely fed up that this credit bureau continues to send me the exact same inquiries that continue to be disputed from several months back. I called Transunion and I could see why no disputes can be processed logically with common sense. # 1, it sounded like I called -. Secondly, the first representative I spoke with named - told me I need to call the companies that pulled my credit and have them send me a letter to provide to T...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

October 27, 2016 - I had checked - on - - as I prefer to stay on top of my reports and I also checked on - - to find over - inquiries that I did n't authorize. Nor is my signature on the inquiries. I only authorized - I had called and spoke to numerous reps who just assume hang up on you or tell you repeatedly that they can not help you with the Inquires but also tell me no one was affected by the glitch when it was on all news channels even with proof in hand and they flat out refuse to connect you to a supervisor or anyone in the American offices to handle this matter per my request After ...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

October 24, 2016 - I requested a credit card from - on - - 2016. TransUnion, credit reporting agency deducted - points from my credit score. I called TransUnion but the Supervisor would not give me any information why - - points were deducted instead normal - to - points for hard inquiry. I filed a dispute to TransUnion on - - 2016 but I have not received a response....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

October 21, 2016 - they did n't want to check with the company for an update.. here if my proof the account is settled I would like this removed from my credit report please...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

October 21, 2016 - Trans Union Issued a credit score of - on - -, 2016. After I secured a vehicle loan and increased the line of credit on my federal credit union account of over 10 years, my credit score dropped to - on - -, 2016. New accounts are suppose to affect the credit score about - %. My score dropped over - points. Also, inquires were made within 30 days to process this car loan but each inquiry was counted separately instead of as " - '' inquiry by law. There was a number of inquiries that are inappropriate. I tried to resolve this with officials with Trans Union with no suc...

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

October 16, 2016 - I recently attempted to dispute inquiries on my credit report by phone and keep getting the run-arounds. After finally reaching someone they said they can be deleted since I am a victim of identity theft but said that I had to speak to the fraud/identity theft department ... After calling I was hung up on after waiting 20 minutes on hold. I have attached the inquiries that I am disputing as a result of identity theft. I have also attached a copy of my police report....

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TransUnion Intermediate Holdings, Inc. Credit reporting credit reporting company's investigation inadequate help over the phone

October 15, 2016 - I called their dispute department and requested they remove all the hard inquires from my credit reports. I have sent letters to each one of these companies and have not received validation from any of the companies. I explained this to the representative that answered and the supervisor I spoke with. I was told that the only way to remove these inquires was to get a letter from the company that did the pull saying they did it and should not have. I told them I contacted each and every one of the companies and they did not respond with in 45 days of the letters being mailed. How am I supposed ...

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