Citibank Credit Decision / Underwriting Complaints

Review and analysis of over 223 complaints against Citibank

Citibank consumers have reported over 223 official complaints related to Credit decision / Underwriting. Out of the 223 consumer complaints against Citibank, 24% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Citibank responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 6% of consumer complaints against Citibank resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 10% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Credit Decision / Underwriting Consumer Complaints

Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 7, 2017 - This is with regards to an existing CFPB case # -. As instructed by Citibank, I requested my lender, - to pull a new credit report after -/-/-. A new credit report was pulled on -/-/- and does now reflect the correct report date of -/-/-. However, the reporting credit bureau ( - ) is is reporting a Code of " - '' and my lender is not able to approve my loan through their automated underwriting system. According to - -, the 3rd party credit reporting company, - is the only Bureau that would report this as an " - ''. The other - bureau 's would report as...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

March 11, 2017 - On -/-/2016, we accepted an offer from CitiMortgage to refinance the adjustable-rate mortgage we had with them, paying an application fee and locking in a 15-year, fixed-rate of 2.875 %. From the outset, we emphasized that the bulk of our living expenses are funded by automatic monthly withdrawals from our retirement accounts ( IRA, SEP-IRA and a tax-deferred employee savings plan ), in addition to our investment portfolio. After five months and countless hours of complying with Citi 's requirements for documentation - often being asked for the same documents two or three times over - we...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

February 5, 2017 - In -/-/- I bough a condo and had a 1st and 2nd mortgage on it since I put down about 12 % on the house. The mortgage was acquired by Citibank from - and I have always paid my mortgage on time. I later refinanced my 1st mortgage through - and my 1st mortgage from Citibank was fully paid off on -/-/-. I refinanced my mortgages again in -/-/- and I was informed that for the 1st mortgage that was fully paid off years ago the report from - showed that the current status was " PAYING UNDER PARTIAL AGREEMEN - '' with a - balance. I am not sure why that is since the mortg...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

January 12, 2017 - . At the time of the recession when everyone was losing or walking away from their homes we were given a trial mortgage by Citi which we paid every month with the promise they would modify the loan. after the trial period they put all the interests back, did not modify us and put us in foreclosure as mentioned.So happens they put us in foreclosure and we had to pay back a lump some of money to save our home from going into foreclosure. Now there is a $15000.00 dollars plus interest on our loan which makes our monthly payments very high and the - dollars we had to pay them to save the home...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 15, 2016 - I lost my job and already paid 12 years on loan then citi modified me for a 40 year loan and they have the right to part of my retirement this does not help it hinders I tried everything Citi wants me to move out because I ca n't afford it I want to keep this home I have been there for 16 years...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 11, 2016 - - froze my heloc because they devalued my property i have since paid down both my first mortgage and second mortgage by over 50 %. they want me to order and pay for an appraisal which i am not going to do. when the froze my line they instructed me my home dropped in value to - which is -. but i will accept that value since i have paid down my mortgage by over 50 % i am not paying for an appraisal...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 11, 2016 - I applied at Citibank to refinance a mortgage held by - -, on a condo unit we used to live in, but which is now an investment property. I 've banked with Citibank for 18 years ( now CitiGold ) and the broker said they hold - other mortgages in the building, so he believed that there should be no issue as far as the building goes. I have outstanding credit and sufficient collateral, and the LTV is 42 %, so it 's a great credit risk. I was rate-locked at 3.875 ( current loan is at 4.75 ), with a lock expiration of -/-/16. I was told by my loan coordinator on - -, after prov...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 2, 2016 - Citi Mortgage keeps denying my mortgage application ( via - ). They use factually incorrect appraisals, deem legal properties 'illegal ' despite meeting all city and state building standards, and make dozens of trivial requests for additional information ( ie. a - from a - job from 2014, for which I am not even using as part of my income qualification ), and require 'repairs ' for things which meet both local and state building codes. Also, denying me due process by frequently going past deadlines for decisions. I have lost out on 3 houses and lost my apartment due to -. They will ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

October 19, 2016 - My name is - -, and I have - mortgage accounts with Citimortgage, and the - mortgage is being reported to the credit bureau incorrectly. Because of the incorrect report, I am being prevented from getting any additional credit line from other creditor like - bank. On the - mortgage there is - amount due until 2024, and yet Citimortgage is reported on a monthly basis the full loan amount is due to all the major credit bureau. Citimortgage is reporting $24000.00 due on every month when in fact my due amount is $0.00. I applied for a credit card line of credit to - bank...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

August 22, 2016 - This loan was originally opened as a Home equity line of credit. Under the terms of the loan it has now converted to a second mortgage. I have no ability to draw down on this loan or take cash out and havnt for several years, per the original loan agreement. It is a second mortgage with no credit limit, I pay principal and interest and extra principal every month. This loan appears on the - major credit bureaus as either revolving or credit card debt. It appears as if my balance is over a credit limit. This makes me look as i have maxed out all available credit, and in fact am using i...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

August 9, 2016 - Aggressive sales pitch and misrepresentations for a jumbo purchase money loan by Citibank 's loan officer, - Sun, - # - which resulted in a declined loan with lower counter offer than originally approved for, higher pricing and fees than promised, and numerous mistakes in documentation causing late closing of escrow....

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

August 8, 2016 - I have had a first mortgage with CITIBANK since - -, there have Never been late payments or any issues with this loan. Recently, we locked in a 2.75 % rate with Citibank for a Refi of the same property. As mentioned no late payments ever and perfect credit record and over - - score for both my wife and I. We already got approved in - - for a HELO loan on this same property by CITIBANK. This loan is approximately a 35 % Loan to Value of property loan based on their last year 's appraisal, so minimal risk to the bank. We have owned the property for 12 years. The lock in perio...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

June 3, 2016 - I want to convert a portion of my CitiBank HELOC to a fixed rate loan in accordance with paragraph # - of my original HELOC document dated - -, 2006. I am writing to you after spending many weeks communicating my request with CitiBank staff and supervisor representatives in far-flung parts of the world. I have had in-person office meetings with my local CitiBank Loan agents and CitiBank branch managers to discuss my desire for converting a portion of my current HELOC loan. On every occasion I am referred to another CitiBank employee ( phone # ) who either has no knowledge of the crit...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

June 1, 2016 - I need to ask for your help. I had been initially approved for a streamlined refinance through Citimortgage They are now refusing to refinance me because they say my payment was late, after -+ years of on time payments I got paid on Friday -/-/-, but it was - the seventh night. I could n't pay them until the holiday was over, on -/-/-, at night. I did, nut they said they got it -/-/16. I welcome any advice or assistance. Here is a copy of the email. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

May 26, 2016 - they froze my line of credit ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 18, 2016 - Our story is incredibly too long and complicated to summarize in this short space. Please see attachments, most importantly Word document " CFPB Letter '' for full story and details. I met with our local JAG attorney at - - - last week, - -, Field Representative for the Office of Servicemember Affairs branch of CFPB. He instructed me to file these documents with you in order to seek your immediate assistance. Thank you so much for your attention to our very URGENT case. On - -, 2016 we began the process with CitiMortgage for an assumption loan. After 3 weeks we finally r...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 18, 2016 - In -, we originated a refinance with a company named - - - -. - did not fund the loan. The reason for the refinance was not to get money out, but to get free from a predatory loan by - home loans while we were in litigation. It cost us over $70000.00 above our principle at that time to secure a refinance agreement. Immediately upon completion of the loan arrangement - notified us that our loan had been " sold '' to CitiMortgage who would be our servicer. During this time we were in litigation with - for their predatory lending practices for charges of fraud and -...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

March 19, 2016 - In - of -, I received a letter from Citimortgage stating that the Making Home Affordable program announced an expansion of borrower " pay for performance '' incentives for eligible loans modified under the Home Affordable Modification Program ( HAMP ). Since I did have this type of loan, I assumed this program applied to me. It lists the criteria I must meet in order to be eligible to received a $5000.00 incentive and the $5000.00 incentive would be applied as a lump-sum principal balance reduction payment shortly after the 6th anniversary of my HAMP Trial Period Plan effective date....

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

March 2, 2016 - We have gone to our mortgage lender on several occasions trying to get a lower interest rate with no success. We feel that we are victims of predatory lending practices. We need an interest rate that is more aligned to the market rate. Our current rate with Citi is 6.64000 %. ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

February 22, 2016 - We have applied to Citi Bank Mortgage at least 3 time to refinance our loan and take some cash out. Citibank ask us to close several other accounts which we did, fax document after document and then later deny our request yet would not provide an explanation. They always send us a letter referring us to one of the credit bureaus. Our mortgage has been with Citi for over 10 years but they can never give us the respect of an explanation or reason for the denial. They would constantly call or email with their many demands for many forms and documents, yet when it 's time to hear the results and ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

February 22, 2016 - 1. In - I was -. Being self employed I lost some business because I had to temporarily stop working. I had no choice but to file for bankruptcy. Because In - I was no longer able to make my monthly mortgage payments because my savings were depleted I stopped making payments. 2. In - To prevent foreclosure in my home I accepted a loan modification. The loan modification reduced my payments significantly from - to -. This modification deferred $45000.00 of the principal balance with no interest or monthly payments. The negatives were that the loan was extended to 40 years, t...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

February 1, 2016 - It was -/-/- that one of so call Citimorgage representative called and faxed congratulating me that, the HOME AFFORDABLE MODIFICATION PROGRAM that I had applied, has been approved. He said that, I have been approved for an interest rate of 2 % for the rest of the loan peroid, as long as I own my house. He said, all I need to do now is to make three ( 3 ) trail period payment plan, every month of $1100.00 and at the end of the trial period, I will have to make additional payment of $1100.00 for the closing cost. He said each payment however, goes towards my mortgage payment, therefore,...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

January 29, 2016 - Citimortggae keeps losing letters of authorization .A permanent '' Letter of authorization '' onwas sent to me an I filled out it was sent back electronically and certified mail to - - and - .This is a delay tactic.also CitiMortgage fails to answer my - 2015 letter for answers on a solicitation they sent to me. ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

January 11, 2016 - Due to unusual historical circumstances, I have approximately $55000.00 of outstanding credit card and other revolving debt. Most of it carries an interest rate of 29.99 % and is owed to Citibank. I would like to take out an additional home equity loan from Citibank for $80000.00 to pay off this high interest rate debt and use the remainder ( $25000.00 ) to pay towards my son 's college education. I have plenty of equity in my home and am employed full time and earning a good salary ( $ - K/year ). So from an equity and debt-to-income point of view I should have no problem qualifyin...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 14, 2015 - My wife and I are in the process of getting a home equity loan from - - Mortgage and they requested that we get an ARM statement from CitiFinancial loan # - explain what our interest would be after -/-/2020 because it was not stated on our statement. They also wanted to know why we had past due payment on our account. So, when I contacted CitiFinancial to request the information they told me that the past due payment we due to late payment ; which were suppose to have been forgiven. They said that they need 7 days to check into it and it 's been 14 working day as of today. As fo...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 7, 2015 - I got divorced in -/-/- i got a mod pd - payments -/-/- i had a bad motorcycle accident then they took it back i fault with them for 4 years then they told me my name was not on the morg. they have been reporting on my credit for 5 years and have ruined my credit, to the point that I am unable to get a mortgage. My credit was ok until this started. I have even tried to get a mortgage through them, but they told me they were unable to give me a mortgage due to my credit, that they ruined. Now I must go to court - - for a status conference, and this is the -. They said that...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

October 29, 2015 - Refinance loan application got declined. 1. I have excellent credit. 2. New payment is going to more than the current loan I have. 3. Mentioned that my loan to income ratio was supposed to be less than or equal to - % but told that it was coming out to be - %. When asked for the basis and calculations, none are provided. 4. Asked to bring $7500.00 more to the table, in the lines of origination fee. When I said, i would not, the loan got declined. ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

October 21, 2015 - We ca n't get citi mortgage off of our credit report. ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

September 16, 2015 - In -/-/- my wife lost her job and we applied for a HAMP modification for our - loan with Citi Mortgage. After a long and painful process, where documents were continually lost '' by Citi, we were told to start making lower, trial '' payments on our home loan. After successfully completing the trial payment series, we were denied a HAMP modification due to our income and/or assets. We had to repay the entire amount due resulting from the trial payments. We continued to communicate with Citi Mortgage on this matter for the next two years. We received denial after denial and suggestions...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

August 24, 2015 - I purchased a home with citibank in - through the FHA program. In -/-/- I contacted - - via phone and started a REFI to conventional. While on the phone I had asked about being credited back the upfront mortgage insurance premium because I had only been in the FHA program a matter of months. He told me that would be credited to me at closing. When I received the HUD prior to closing I asked the closer where my refund was. She told me that would come from HUD in - weeks. That I have in email format. I was expecting well over a - dollars back in MIP refund which I have been t...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

July 28, 2015 - We put our home up for Sale as a Short Sale '' on -/-/-. We have two issues with Citimortgage : # 1. Received an offer on -/-/- and since then Citimortgage has requested new closing dates every month ; for different reasons. A year later the new closing date is -/-/-. Need a reason why it took so long for the closing. Which put me threw a lost -. # 2. We were told by Citimortgage Representative, that we will receive a relocation incentive of $3000.00. That is no longer available because they said we moved out. Yes, we moved out to due no heat in the home, however I still h...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

July 16, 2015 - I am trying to refinance my mortgage with the same bank that already has my mortgage, CitiMortgage. I also have a HELOC with -. CitiMortgage wants me to supply a copy of the NOTE '' for the - HELOC. I contacted - for a copy of the NOTE ''. They supplied me with a copy of the notarized signed HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENT and said that is the NOTE. CitiMortgage is telling me that it 's not and I have to get - to send me the NOTE or a certified letter stating they do not have a NOTE. I spent - hours this afternoon getting the same answers and no r...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

July 8, 2015 - My 10 year interest only loan had expired in -/-/-. In -/-/-, I applied for a loan modification with Citibank. I have all the email requests for multiple requests for the same information, many times. Each time it is submitted to the underwriter, it comes back with a new request, plus a repeat request. It is now -/-/- and my modification has yet to be approved or denied. In -/-/-, I requested a new person to work my account, received assurances that I would get a weekly update ( email ), never happened. With the new person, he has had 7 months of requests and re-requests wi...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

July 2, 2015 - I am a current Citimortgage customer. When I inquired to refinance and roll my heloc ( also with Citimortagage ) to lower my monthly interest rate. The loan officer quoted me 3.87 % based on the basic information I gave him over the phone. He then pulled my credit report and I was shocked to hear that my score was - due to - - credit card reporting me with a $5.00 payment that was 60 days late. I called - because I did applied for the credit card and never activated it and it turned out the charge was fraudulent. I then went back to Citimortgage and their response was that they n...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

June 24, 2015 - We filed bankruptcy and it was discharged in 2014, our mortgage company forgave the debt on our second mortgage but did not remove the lien and then it seems like they sold our debt to a collection agency. We can not refinance our - mortgage because there is an additional lien on our house. When we contact the people who now own our lien they insist that we go into a repayment program for 5 years. We feel if they forgive the debt they should remove the lien! We did n't receive any documentation and did n't even know that they were forgiving the debt. We are grateful that they did but, if th...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

June 5, 2015 - citi mortgage is using the hamp program to commit fraud in a federal court ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

May 1, 2015 - We were trying to refinance our mortgage. So after talking with multiple lenders we decided to go with Citi Mortgage based on the GFE they provided which has $5000.00 as lenders credit at 3.000 % interest rate. However, 20 days later when interest rates went up, I got another letter email saying that they recently received new information and sent me a new GFE which has lenders credit reduced to $1000.00. Now I ca n't even go for new mortgage shopping as the rates have gone up. If they would have mentioned the same before I committed to go with them, then at least I would have had an optio...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 25, 2015 - I applied for a home cash-out refinance through Citibank on - -, 2015. I called into the mortgage department and spoke to - - - # - and was immediately given a quote based on my credit score. I told the representative that the reason for my refinance was to save money ( as our current interest has been 8 % ) and to pay off approximately $50.00 k of student loan debt. I was pleased with the interest rate quoted and wanted to proceed with the process I was afraid that the loan would not go through based on my median credit score of - and asked for a guarantee which he did ...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 6, 2015 - In - I applied for a loan with - -, this loan closed on -/-/-. In - I received notice that the loan had been sold to Citibank, I received - letters as required. Last week a call came into my office, I am the office manager, from Citibank to verify my employment. I have not signed a release for Citibank to make such inquiry, I did not apply for a loan with them they purchased the loan. I advised - - from Citibank that they did not have my permission to make inquires regarding myself and that I would file a complaint with the appropriate departments. I did inform my emp...

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Citibank Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 2, 2015 - Is there someone employed at - - that can give me AUTHORATIVE answers to questions I have pertaining to my -/CitiMortgage Standard Modification Trial which was approved on -/-/15 by the servicer Citi? My approved rate they 've given me is 4.375 % for - years with Citi also claiming no option to pay-down my $20000.00 past due balance on top of my trial payments during the - month period. I 've been getting the run-around by Citi on my right to get the standard modification published rate of - ( clearly posted on - ) and my right to pay down my past due balance durin...

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