Receivables Performance Management LLC Other (Phone, Health Club, Etc.) Complaints

Review and analysis of over 305 Other (Phone, Health Club, Etc.) complaints against Receivables Performance Management LLC

Receivables Performance Management LLC consumers have reported over 305 official complaints related to Other (phone, health club, etc.). Out of the 305 consumer complaints against Receivables Performance Management LLC, 15% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Receivables Performance Management LLC responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Receivables Performance Management LLC resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Other (Phone, Health Club, Etc.) Consumer Complaints

Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

December 3, 2015 - I recently viewed my - credit report and found a collection account listed for - I did not receive any correspondence written or oral from a collection agency representing -. I contacted - directly and was told by the customer service department they could not retrieve an account based on the information I gave them and I would have to get in touch with the collection agency that I saw listed. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

November 21, 2015 - Someone opened a cell account in my name. I disputed it with - and -, while - deleted it because the account is not mine, - did not. The name of the company is RECEIVABLES PERFORMANCEAccount Number : - ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

November 19, 2015 - I have contacted RPM several times when I call from my work # I 'm disconnect purposely and then when I call back I 'm asked to hold before they even ask my name. They can definitely see the number your calling from. So I called a couple of weeks ago to dispute the account as well as send in documentation to support that I have contacted the original carrier as well who verified my account is $0.00 and verified that I was to receive a refund check which I did. So RPM is giving me the run around I asked for a supervisor and the young man stated that he can get me to the escalation team '' an...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

November 12, 2015 - RPM placed a derogatory comment on my credit report, regarding a disputed debt with -. - has recently contacted me to say they have reversed the disputed amount in question and will contact RPM to remove any derogatory comments or other items that might affect my credit. RPM should remove any negative comments regarding my credit, as promised by -. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

November 3, 2015 - - - - has been trying to collect a debt for over $1400.00 for cell phone service that I am not responsible for. I have contacted them on many occasions to explain that this is a fraudulent account and have requested that it be cleared and removed from my credit report.I do not know the origin or the phone numbers associated with this account.I currently have an account with them that was opened AFTER this debt was incurred.They refuse to remove this debt as being my responsibility. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

October 30, 2015 - I placed order - cell phone on -/-/2014 through web & I received the phone on -/-/2014. Then I returned that wireless device to local - wireless in - - - -, T- on -/-/2014 within 14 days with restock fee $35.00. And I contacted - Customer Service. But this company has afflicted me by continued attempts to collect debt I do not know. So I had called Customer Service a lot and I had spent my time too much. To make matters worse, I have had to be exhausted by - debt collectors over 1 year and 4 months. Therefore I am claiming my case to CFPB. I still ha...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

October 19, 2015 - I received a call from on -/-/2015 from a female asking me my name and address. She did n't state where she was calling from. I returned the called and learned it was from a Receivables Performance Management Collection Agency. She stated that I owe a family mobile bill, but the account had a different last name than mine. I 've been with - for over six years. Therefore, I do n't owe a family mobile bill. I have n't received a letter from them stating that I owe a debt, but calls stating that I owe a debt. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

October 9, 2015 - I continue to receive calls from Receivables Performance claiming that I owe money. Lately they call continuously and do not answer. Multiple times a day. I have explained that I have not been given verification of debt since I had to pay - - - a sum of money when I cancelled my service in store. When I do get a chance to talk to a representative, they are typically rude and tell me that I owe more money and did n't pay enough. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

October 8, 2015 - I was told by - I was not under contract with them when I decided to change carriers to - They tried to charge me an early termination fee, which is now in debt collection, but it is based on inaccurate information they provided. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

October 4, 2015 - Receivables performance management started calling my husbands cell phone on -/-/2015, and have called either it or the house phone almost everyday since then. At the time of the first call he set up a payment plan for - payments of $25.00 ever other week because that is all there system could do. They have started calling our house almost every day since then and have asked for a post dated check. They asked my husband to set up payments on his dept card for next year after telling us they could only set up - payments at a time they were also wanted us to agree to giving them - p...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

October 2, 2015 - I have requested this debt to be valided and proper documentation provided to support that I was in contract with - and had past due Cell Phone bills. I disagree that I was in contract and that debt was still owed. After 2 years, hours adding up to over - speaking with - as well as RPM no contract can be located ( there was no contract ). At that time - lowered the debt from $1900.00 to $1100.00 I continued to dispute as I know I was not in contract and the response from RPM and - was proven incorrect at which point the reason for the debt was changed. They stated that I can...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 10, 2015 - - terms of contract were violated. I could not get - to honor their end of the contract by providing me service in my home -. Extremely fraudulent contractual obligation. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 10, 2015 - Since -/-/-, I started - family plan with a 2-year contract. After this 2 year contract due, -/-/-, I went to - store at - - -, -, and changed my plan to prepaid service. But after plan switch, I found - still charged me same money of the canceled plan monthly, in the meanwhile, the prepaid minutes also decreased after each use. I called - customer service for several times to fix it, their representatives agreed to cancel this double charge, but an unreasonable bill which value is $270.00 resulted from that. And - sold this bill to RPM collection agency ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 28, 2015 - Receivables Performance Management is a 'supposed ' collection agency that has put an account on my - credit report which is NOT MINE. I disputed this a year ago, - 2014, through - and it was removed from my account. Well, when I went this week to get a Home Equity Loan ( 100 % equity in my home and - credit score with - ) I was denied because of a $83.00 'collection ' for - - that Receivables Performance Management put BACK on my credit report in - 2014. When I called - and AGAIN disputed this I was told about them putting it 'back ' in - 2014, and I was given ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

August 25, 2015 - I paid this debt almost a year ago and it is showing up on my credit report still. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

August 22, 2015 - Once upon a time I had a - phone. My contract was up - month prior to the phone ceasing to work. I paid my last bill ( for a phone that was n't working ) and - continues to harass me, and claim I owe them money for a $50.00 phone I have n't owned since 2009. I want this off my credit report and I want - to know that I am not paying them another dime. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

August 17, 2015 - I called - when I first got this bill. I was charged an amount for collect calls that was different than advertised. On the phone my son called me collect from was a sticker that said $1.00 for - or - mins? but ended up being $23.00 per - minutes. I would have never accepted a collect call at $23.00 for - mins. So - said we would dispute it, immediately closed that account and opened me a new -. Giving me my same # - - told me I would only be responsible for what I owed them ( - ) for my regular phone service. Then I get contacted by collections for the whol...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection taking/threatening an illegal action attempted to/collected exempt funds

August 15, 2015 - These medical debt collection agencies has attempted to collect a debt on several different levels. One was a debt that my grandson 's school was responsible for because he had - insurance, the others were used against me when I gave them my VA medical insurance information upon entry to the - and on their constant harassing and threatening phone calls, to no avail. I am now a - - veteran living off of - and declared unemployable '' due to my injuiries substained while on active duty. - was sent a victim 's fraud '' package.I also sent them relevant documents. So why delete...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

August 11, 2015 - Someone stole my identity and opened a - account which they never paid. They then resulted to opening an optimum account when their - was disconnected. I have a police report which states the identity theft. I submitted it to optimum and they took the account off my record. However, I have submitted the police report to - and they are still charging me for it. Now I have a collections agency named - corporation on my credit file when this account was a result of identity theft. I have tried contacting the agency and no one answers. I have also tried contacting - and I just get p...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

August 10, 2015 - Company contacts me several times a day at my employment. I have asked them numerous times to cease and desist all communication. No debt is owed, on the account. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 7, 2015 - - - is utilizing debt collection agencies to attempt to collect for a debt I am not contractually obligated to pay. See previous cases - and -. RPM LLC is the latest collection agency hired by - - to collect on a debt I do not owe. - has not produced a written contract to support their position, however, - continues to use collection agencies as their agents to harass me. We are preparing to file action against - - in - -, - -, Arkansas and I will, without hesitation and great satisfaction be glad to amend said complaint to include the collection agenc...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

August 6, 2015 - I was unaware of any collection regarding my previous cell phone provider, -. I called - and they told me I had a previous balance that was now in collections. I asked if it could be removed from collections which they agreed to do. I then proceeded to make a payment for the full balance of $160.00. I disputed with the - reporting bureaus the accuracy of the collection being on my reports due to they did not have collection authority on the accounts. They came back as verified, and when I submitted payment verification, Receivable Performance refused to accept the documentation from...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

July 27, 2015 - RECEIVABLE PERFORMANCE/- has consistently troubled me over a debt of $960.00 that I do not owe or have any prior knowledge of, as I 've never had any contract communications account with - before. Their deliberate infusion of this account on my credit profile is impeding on my ability to currently obtain any credit. Receivable Performance must delete it from my credit report with deliberate speed. Thank you! ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

July 27, 2015 - I have previously disputed this debt as I do not and have not had an account with the original creditor. They could not provide the requested verification in the form of a contract or other agreement for services or even an affidavit of assignment, which is not surprising since this is not my debt. The last name is not even spelled the same on the printout '' they sent to me. They removed it after I disputed it and ultimately filed a complaint. However, I just checked my credit report to see that they have again put it on there even though it is n't mine. this is getting quite ridiculous. Deb...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

July 27, 2015 - I had an account with - and wanted to add my husband onto my account. A store salesman convinced us to switch to a business account, which we did. They upgraded our phones and we were all set. A couple of months later ( recently ) I began to get phone calls where an operator was on the line and then, brought a man on. He knew my name and said he wanted to verify my address which he mentioned. I said I did n't know who he was and was not going to verify anything. He would not say anything else. He called at least - times a day from - in the morning to - or so in the evening for a co...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

July 27, 2015 - I am writing to dispute charges on - - - - - - bills originating on -/-/--/-/- for the amount of $68.00, in addition to a - bill on -/-/2014-/-/2014 for $120.00. The total amount allegedly owed is $190.00. I am disputing the charges because I have maintained this wireless account with - - - for over 15 years and have always paid my bill promptly. Unfortunately, my cell phone service had continuously deteriorated month after month for the past 2 years, which has resulted in strained personal relationships and loss of revenue for my business. I...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

July 17, 2015 - I had been paying off my - bill after I switched phone carriers. I was paying what I could and I would receive new updated billings. Then, without notification my balance due of $140.00 was turned over to debt collector. As someone who was paying off as much as I could and making progress I feel that it was wrong to turn this over to a debt collector. - - ( - ) -- ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

July 13, 2015 - This is from - that I looked their website but I did not registered as their member. They are trying to collect debt from me that I did not registered with them and did not get their dvd or service, etc. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info talked to a third party about my debt

July 10, 2015 - According to the FDCPA, I contacted the collection agency Receivables Performance Management ( RPM ) and asked it to verify an alleged debt. RPM did not verify the debt. Nevertheless, RPM continued calling me several times a day and as of today is reporting an unverified debt to -, - and - in flagrant violation of the law. I attaching copy of my letter to the collection agency, asking it to validate the alleged debt and the receipt showing that I sent the letter via certified mail with signature request. This debt is not mine and I was given no evidence of my obligation to pay this de...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

July 8, 2015 - I am disputing this collection and explained that to - different callers from this company. I asked them to not call again. Now they call at least - times a day and then hang up. The last phone call they called, someone breathed heavily on the line, and then they hung up. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

July 2, 2015 - The attached letter was sent to - in -, 2015. I am still being harassed by this business and when I speak to them, I ask them to send me debt verification and I am yet to receive it. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

July 1, 2015 - Back in 2013, we were billed by - for usage that we were n't responsible for. Due to us switching carriers, there were some discrepancies with billing where there was an overlap of carrier usage, thus causing - to perceive that we still owed them usage charges. After receiving numerous billing statements from - ( even after trying to resolve this issue over the phone, another company ( hired by - ) contacted us for payment. A letter was sent to clarify the situation and further communication resumed between us and -, and the charges were adjusted and the balance paid. We are now...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

June 17, 2015 - A relative used my social security number to obtain - - -. I contacted - - and made payment arrangements with the person who used my social security number. After explaining that I did not use their services, services were provided in - and I live in -. The debt was taken off my credit report but now is back on and causing my credit score to be lowered. The bill is now being taken care of and wish to have the debt taken off my credit report. I also would like the company to stop calling me. I have provided all the information to have the debt paid for even though it is not...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

June 15, 2015 - The call multiple times a day- i do not know what debt they are attempting to collect as i have received no prior written communication from this company. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

June 11, 2015 - In - of 2014, I moved to a new residence where I paid my last bill owed, but tried to transfer my service with -. - came out and could not find a line-of-sight to connect my service, and I was not allowed to have it per my landlord/tenant rules I was unaware of which deemed my contract null and void. My chapter - bankruptcy was not discharged until - of 2014 so even if this all had not happened I would still owe - nothing. They continue to send a bill to collection agencies, and tamper with my credit illegally. The new agency they sent false info to is at -. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

June 9, 2015 - This should n't have been placed on my credit, the consumer equipment was returned. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

June 3, 2015 - there is a collection notice on my credit report for $420.00 for a cable/ cellular service that I do not have any affiliation with. Trying to get this removed from my credit report. I submitted a request through smart credit for this to happen but creditor will not respondThanks in advance ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 27, 2015 - The debt to Receivables Performance has been paid in full. The debt has been satisfied. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 26, 2015 - My account with - - Cable was paid prior to being closed. - - Cable disagreed and sold the account to a collection agency. The account according to - was removed - and continues to be put on my credit report and is severely effecting my credit with all - credit agencies. Also - has stopped collecting on all my credit card debts and has discharged the debt in which - forms were filed and paid for. This was an agreement with - il because they were no longer collecting on the debts. However, they continue to report amount owed on my credit report instead of reporting...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

May 21, 2015 - I have been getting calls and emails from Receivables Performance Management for a - bill of $80.00. I have never received a letter in writing regarding this debt. They also reported this to my credit report as delinquent. I found out about this bill via my credit report ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

May 20, 2015 - After several phone calls with -, I got the appropriate amount of debt stated ( $450.00 ) and was informed that I could make payments until it was paid of. I began making $50.00 a month payments, after the third month I received a phone call from the debt collector about making the remainder $300.00 in order to prevent further debt collection action. After calling -, they informed me that I had only three months to pay off the full $450.00. I was not aware of this and in none of the multiple phone calls did anyone state that this was the case. Otherwise I would have paid the enti...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

May 19, 2015 - This is not even my name. I have no idea what this is or anything. The collection agency has never contacted me by any means I only came to know about the debt from checking my credit report ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 19, 2015 - We signed with - - - - for service in -/-/-. Service was unacceptable, we paid what we owned and cancelled in -/-/-. We were contacted by a collection Co. ( - ) that we owed $100.00, ( date not remembered ). We contested the claim. On -, we received a letter from the - That noted Current Balance : Not Applicable ''. The letter also stated that the ... account is closed in our office ''. Not knowing what Current Balance : Not Applicable '' actually meant, so on -, I phoned, talked to an employee who said that they had contacted - advising we had contest...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 19, 2015 - I had added - lines to my account with -. My husband suddenly bailed on our marriage and cancelled those - lines, incurring early termination fees. We each made a $200.00 payment toward the $1700.00 bill. The account was turned over to collecttions. Neither payment was reflected in the balance they were seeking. Within two months, I received bills from a different collection agency, again not reflecting our payments. I made regular payments to them on a monthly basis. A woman from the agency contacted me and proposed a settlement agreement. ; if paid $210.00 for the next 3 month...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

May 16, 2015 - I have been on the DNC list. I disconnected my services from - -. It took them a few month to get my final bill to me. When the bill of $150.00 arrived I made a partial payment. The next bill arrived I did the same. I made another payment leaving my balance of $100.00. When my check of $36.00 was enroute to - the calls from - started calling me eventhough I was making payments. They are relentless calling about 6 times a day. I told them I would report them to the FCC and they continued to call. Why - submitted my account to them is beyond me when I was making monthly paym...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 15, 2015 - On -,2015 paid off my debt of - to Receivable Performance Management payment processing and collection. This account was turned over to them by - -. I spoke to the supervisor - - at - and was adivsed to pay the balance listed above which we agreed as payment in full and was given a confirmation number. He also advised me to send a dispute letter for the remaining balance to the - credit collection agencies so the items may be removed from my credit report. I did as i was advised and i recently pulled my credit reports and - of the agencies are still reporting as not ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 12, 2015 - THIS IS NOT MY DEBTDear -, Dear Billing Dept Manager, I am writing this letter to confirmed that this is not my debt. And stop contacting me. I do not have any responsibility for the debt but you 're trying to collect. And you did send to RPM Collector. I am very upset to received this notice from you and RPM Collector LLC. I have paid on -/-/2015 with total $100.00 by my credit card - at - - - # - -, -, CT -. ( Reference receipt ). After 7 days I have received - more bills, I did call to Customer Service to make sure, and the teller told me you paid alre...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

May 9, 2015 - Multiple calls during the day. Some are hang up calls, some are answered, then I am put on hold for 20 minutes and then they hang up. Some verbal abuse, e.g. you got yourself into this mess '', or we never take it off your credit report '' ( I was attempting to negotiate a settlement in exchange for a promise to delete ). We get close to an agreement to settle, i.e. 50 %, then the next time they call they start all over again with 90 %. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

May 5, 2015 - I have made payment in Full to the collection agency ( Receivable Performance Management-RPM, Washington State ) since - 2014 and after several calls to the Debt collector, the information still remain on my credit report as the OPEN unpaid. i have called them several times in -, -, -, - and now - to correct this error and they promised to remove but have not done anything. This inaction is affecting my credit despite making full payment. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

May 4, 2015 - I received a bill from : Receiveables Performance Management, LLC, - -, phone : -, for $490.00, for DISH NETWORK. I called their office - times to dispute this bill. I was put on hold all - times. I was never able to speak with anyone. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info contacted me instead of my attorney

April 30, 2015 - - collector calls on Sunday -/-/2015 and threatens me about a - account. I asked who he was and he said third part representing - - never identified himself. Just went into a statement that they would put this on my credit report. - phone call on Tuesday - -/-/2015 - name as - with - out of Washington. said account was just received in there office on Friday. I never received any mail stating they represent - today is -/-/2015 and still no letter. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

April 30, 2015 - Hello my name is -, the reason i am writing you today, is I truly believe i was deceived and scammed by - ... .back in - of -/-/2013 I saw a great deal on TV for $19.00 a month for 6 months and internet for $9.00 when you bundle them together ... When i spoke to the representative he insured me that this deal was going on ... I very clearly asked him ... if I, order service from you i ONLY want to just sigh a ONE YEAR deal, and i asked can i do that?? ... and he replied of course you can and signed me up for a 12 month contract ... well what end up happening was they lied to me ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft


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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

April 22, 2015 - This was a duplicate account which was an error in reporting. I contacted the company and they verified it was an error. But they have yet to do anything about it. Every time I call them they keep putting me on hold for long periods of time and then hanging up on me. They hung up me - times just today. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

April 21, 2015 - Received a very vague letter from this company '' attempting to collect an $80.00 debt '' with no information about this supposed debt - just multiple options for making a payment. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

April 21, 2015 - The representative requested my full Social Security number over the phone. - ( requested that I repeat ). Further, I was informed that the company would not send correspondence regarding my account information with a firm NO. When I requested to know why the company could not send information in writing, I was given a nonsensical answer. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

April 19, 2015 - As a result of a dispute over services owed with - ( That is a separate issue ) I received a Debt Validation Notice from -, - and - ( - ) ( Exhibit A ) giving me several options to resolve my account. The original amount - claimed I owed was $71.00. I opted for option # - which was a - time payment of $49.00. I paid this amount to - on -/-/- as evidenced by my bank statement ( see item highlighted on Exhibit B page - of -. This was to have resolved the issue and removed the collection account from my credit report. On - - I received a collection ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection communication tactics used obscene/profane/abusive language

April 17, 2015 - Repeated phone calls from rude and harsh debt collector who do not state the specific reason of the debt and demand address and other personal information. The person also said in a threatening tone well I have your address '' The collector spoke to me in a rude/scolding manor as if I was a child. Even after politely expressing that the collector was rude she continued to be condesending and rude interupting me every time I tried to speak. The collector also would not release any information about their agency. ...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

April 13, 2015 - I received a call from - - - asking if I wanted to switch to Uverse that it was better and that there was no charge or interruption of service. I received a new modem in the mail and after connecting it found out it was defective. I was directed to an - office in -, CA to exchange the Modem. Went to the store and was told that I was given the wrong information and had to send it back ( mail ) to exchange it for a working - which I did. After about 20 days the system was up and running. Got a collection call several months afterword 's, I contacted - - - who told me i...

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Receivables Performance Management LLC Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

April 11, 2015 - Received a notice from RPM that says they are trying to collect a debt I owe. The notice says I have ignored repeated attempts by - to collect the debt. I have never had -, and was never contacted about any debt. I have read numerous complaints against this company online - and a lot of them sound just like mine, even using - as the company that is supposedly owed money. I am afraid to call them since most reports online say they are horrible, and harass and repeatedly call and threaten people, even when the debt is phony. It also appears that their bogus charges can appear on credit ...

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