Bank of the West Deposits And Withdrawals Complaints

Review and analysis of over 69 complaints against Bank of the West

Bank of the West consumers have reported over 69 official complaints related to Deposits and withdrawals. Out of the 69 consumer complaints against Bank of the West, 14% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Bank of the West responded to their complaint) and 94% were processed in a timely manner. 20% of consumer complaints against Bank of the West resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 3% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Deposits And Withdrawals Consumer Complaints

Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

March 30, 2017 - On -/-/2017 I arrived to Bank of The West. I approached there ATM to deposit the amount of $100.00. I unknowingly used my prepaid card unaware i was n't able to use the card at the Bank of The West ATM. After depositing my money I received a receipt stating at - " We encountered a problem returning your cash, please contact your financial institutions '' after trying to withdraw my money back, I got error reading. I contacted the Branch Manager at the bank and they stated my Prepaid card company ( - ) would have to make a claim stating that i lost my money at Bank of The West ATM. bu...

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

March 20, 2017 - I received the attached Addendum to the Deposit Account Disclosure in my most recent checking account statement from Bank of the West ( BoW ). In the attachment I have highlighted the section that I find most troubling. In my own words, BoW is unilaterally declaring that even if a funds transfer is approved, they can for no reason at all choose to ignore it and not process it. Further they make the claim that they will attempt to contact me but will not make any guarantee of doing so. Finally, when they choose to ignore or not process a transfer, they are in no way liable to myself or any thir...

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

February 7, 2017 - When I applied for the checking account, I chose the option to fund my checking account by credit card for $500.00. My card was charged, and the bank claims they have not received the money from the credit card company and will not place my $500.00 in my account. The bank will not help me find or return my money. I am really concerned about my money being " lost '' by a bank. Repeated calls have led me nowhere....

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

August 23, 2016 - The bank for my small business reorders transactions in order to be able to charge overdraft fees of $ -- $36.00 each. The option for 'overdraft ' protection is only offered if we go into the branch office although every other service is offered online. The fees we have incurred in the last 45 days have been approximately - even though according the banks own accounting there were sufficient funds to cover the withdrawals....

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

June 8, 2016 - I deposited a - - - check into my Bank of the West checking account on - -. I deposited the check so my Bank of the West mortgage would be paid on - -. The funds were in - - -, but because this was a mobile deposit made with an -, Bank of the West did not credit the deposit until - -. I did not learn of the delay until - -, and never even considered the possibility of such a long delay because all previous delays for mobile deposits had been around 3 days. So, my mortgage payment was late and Bank of the West charged me a $35.00 " insufficient fun...

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

May 31, 2016 - This was drafted on - : - - quadruple charged my account ( total of $880.00 ) and they sent a hold release form to my branch on - in -, -. The branch told me yesterday there was no way they can actually remove the hold for me and to call the - number on the back of my card. I called the - number on the back of my card and they seemed confused as to why the branch could n't have just done it. She then put me on hold for about 15 minutes and said they ca n't release the hold but the hold DOES expire at the end of day and promised I will have my funds released back to me...

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

April 6, 2016 - I was the victim of a scam/fraud on my bank account -/-/-. I notified the bank as soon as I was aware of it and before they notified me. Instead of treating me as the victim I was I have been treated as the perpetrator. They froze my bank account even though I let them know that my only source of income was coming in which was my Social Security check. They let me know that they would be taking out the complete amount of what they said needed to be returned to the bank from the fraud which would leave me only $450.00 to live on for five weeks until my next check. I was also told that si...

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

February 14, 2016 - I had an account with Bank of the West a few years ago. There security fraud department contacted me because they seen a computer system from - trying to access my account. They stated that I had a mobile banking set up on my account and I did not. The security/fraud department contacted me four different times. They allow a payment to post to my account and then it was return as fraud and it caused my account to overdraft. They billed my account and closed my account after I told them I did not have mobile banking and they allowed the transaction to complete. The amount was around - and...

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

July 30, 2015 - my husband received a check for approx. $22000.00 from and inheritance recently in the form of an official cashiers check. I took the check to our Bank ( Bank of the West ) in -, AZ and I was told that the funds would not be available for at least - business days. I was told that $200.00 would be available immediately, then in - days $4800.00 would be available and then in - business days the remainder. I asked why that was since it was an official check. They said that there was nothing that they could do and it was just the way it was. I have since looked up the law and see...

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

July 9, 2015 - Here is what happened : they have refused to deposit this cheque, and refuse to credit my deposited cheques. to -., -. Here is the email to - it is very explicit in its instructions. Instead of following these or making any attempt to cooperate, - calls me and REFUSES to let me speak. That is beyond aggravating and does not help anyone. She refuses to give me her suoervisors contact, and wonders why I am upset! I have been treated extremely poorly by your bank. And - was rude, hostile, aggressive and condescending. All woukd have been avoided if she had taken the 5 minutes neede...

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Bank of the West Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

April 21, 2015 - I have - accounts with Bank of the West. Checking account # - and Savings account # -. On -/-/2015, I walked into my domicile branch of Bank of the West on - -, in the city of -, California. I presented $2500.00 cash to the teller and asked to purchase - cashier checks for $2000.00 and $500.00. I made a deposit of $500.00 to the - Account and the $2000.00 also, but the teller at -. - - - informed me that there would be a hold on the $2000.00 check for few day and I asked why, because there should n't be a hold on a Cashiers check, because i...

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