Freedom Mortgage Credit Decision / Underwriting Complaints

Review and analysis of over 35 complaints against Freedom Mortgage

Freedom Mortgage consumers have reported over 35 official complaints related to Credit decision / Underwriting. Out of the 35 consumer complaints against Freedom Mortgage, 17% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Freedom Mortgage responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Freedom Mortgage resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Credit Decision / Underwriting Consumer Complaints

Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

February 4, 2017 - I applied for a refi in - -. Freedom Mortgage has been completely unorganized. They continually are switching my account to different employees ... Losing my documents.. Requesting and re-requesting documents. They have lost information. It has now come down to where they wo n't honor my locked in interest rate and want to charge me additional fees. Freedom has caused the delay, with hiring and firing and losing documents. No one is on the same page. It has been 6 months. One person will tell me that the Quick Claim Deed does not prove that I am not financially responsible for another h...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

February 2, 2017 - My refinance with Freedom Mortgage started - -, - and was on schedule to close by - -, -. - - contacted me with a notice of incomplete application on - -, - and we talked about documents that were suddenly required. Certain documents were not fully explained to me like the -, I was told I could get a 15 year loan and only pay $25.00 more than what I am paying now, which turned out to be a total lie, and emails back and forth between - and I were unproductive because she would not answer my questions. Over 2 weeks I fought to get the documents to -, a...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

February 2, 2017 - -/-/2016 we were contacted by Freedom Mortgage stating we were pre approved for re-financing our current FHA loan. They stated that we qualified based on fha guidelines and that we would not be denied. We worked with them for 4 months and finally after - loan processor changes and multiple hard inquiries on our credit history, it was submitted to underwriting. It was denied. They stated the reasoning for the denial as not enough funds to cover closing ( we had over $2000.00 in escrow from our current loan, as well as money saved aside for closing ). They also stated we had to many past ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

January 11, 2017 - I have not been in contact with my loan processor/mortgage broker, - - at Freedom Mortgage Company in -, FL for several weeks. He has not contacted me after I have made several attempts via emails, phone call, voice messages and text messages for a status on my loan application approval. I do n't know if my loan was approved or denied. There has been no phone call or email with a status of my loan. It is approximately 2 weeks before my closing date. At this point, I am left with wondering if myself and - child will be homeless due to the disregard and unprofessional conduct by the ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

January 6, 2017 - I have been a Freedom Mortgage customer since I purchased my home in - -. In - - I decided to refinance my loan, but the entire process has been extremely frustrating and unsatisfying, particularly with a Freedom Mortgage employee, - -. - - demonstrated appalling disregard and unprofessionalism. Emails between - - and I illustrate how I have been proactive in this process to provide the necessary documents needed. Yet, - - has neglected my information resulting in me receiving an email from - -, that my loan would be withdrawn due to " non-responsive c...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 31, 2016 - We are refinancing our mortgage through - - - - -. We were pre-approved by Freedom Mortgage company for $160000.00. pending our appraisal. We were given an FHA certified appraiser from - - ( through - ). The appraisal came back at $190000.00. which was only $5000.00 shy of what we needed. So the broker ( - - ) revised the loan request accordingly. We were just waiting for the approval of the underwriter. The underwriter requested that some comments be added to the appraisal so the broker sent it to the appraisal company for adjustments. we received our upda...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 21, 2016 - On -/-/2016, I decided to take advantage of a no-cost refi. I 've only been in my house/mortgage for a little over 2 years, but the idea of lowering the interest rate and monthly payment, even marginally, was attractive to me at zero cost. I called in, spoke to someone at my mortgage company ( Freedom ) by the name of -. I happened to know al of my vital information such as credit score and LTV because it 's something I track personally. I shared all of this information before giving - permission to pull my credit report and he shared some preliminary figures and rates based on that in...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 2, 2016 - I have been trying to get a " stringline '' mortgage done with - since -/-/- of this year. I have finally ended my relationship with them due to concerns over private information sharing and their practices are concerning....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

December 2, 2016 - -/-/2016 I purchased my home and my loan was sold and serviced by Freedom Mortgage. The mortgage was an FHA loan. In -/-/- I received an offer from Freedom Mortgage for the FHA Streamline refinance program and I applied in order to reduce my rate. Initially, the closing was going to occur in -/-/- until I was notified the program requires 6 months of on time payments. Given my mortgage was new the 6th payment would not be made until -/-/-. I remained in communication with the loan processor - -, who told me everything was fine and once the -/-/- payment posted we 'd...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

November 3, 2016 - During my refinance, I was told that I had an escrow shortage of roughly -, that needed to be paid. I have yet to receive an escrow analysis statement. When I called they indicated that my insurance increased by double. After calling the insurance company they indicated that was incorrect, my taxes had reduced and I should not have any shortage any where of this amount. meanwhile my payment will be increased by over - a month. Insurance company indicated that during my disbursement -/-/2015, it was paid twice which was refunded. I received a check -/-/2015 ; I called Freedom, and the...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

September 21, 2016 - We received a call from Freedom Mortgage our current mortgage holder offering us a no cost option to refinance our home because all of our payments were on time. The lender said that our new rate would be a at least of .25 % less then what we are currently paying and it could be even less then that if our credit was good. They sent us us back a denial letter. In the denial letter they said that our credit score was - which we thought and were told by everyone is n excellent score. However we own rental properties. Therefore we have several mortgages. All of them have always been paid on tim...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

August 3, 2016 - I have been contacted multiple times by my mortgage company, Freedom Mortgage in reference to refinancing. I have advised them multiple times that I have recently refinanced but the calls continue. I have also advised them that I no longer wish to be contacted about the issue but the calls still are occurring on a daily basis....

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

July 19, 2016 - Recently, we sold our home for a great profit - in hopes of purchasing a new property. Upon our application for a new mortgage it was discovered that Freedom Mortgage had given us - late payment marks on our credit score, this made us ineligible for any mortgage loan program. After researching the issue, we 've discovered that Freedom adjusted our escrow payment, and did not appropriately notify us of those changes - as a result the consistent payment we had been making from our bank account was slightly less money than the new payment amount. We have never missed a monthly payment, once we...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

July 19, 2016 - I am a first time home buyer and am in the process of purchasing a home under FHA. I was suppose to close on - -, 2016. It is now - -, 2016 and Freedom Mortgage does not return my calls or emails. I am in fear I will loose my new home due to their neglect and lack of due diligence. I have submitted ALL items needed and this company is either toying with me or wants me to walk away as I have yet to close and they keep asking me for items I have already turned in. I have emails to back up all above statements. Also this home is only $86000.00 with the buyer paying my closing costs,...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

June 27, 2016 - I am trying to refinance my home. On - - I was told I should n't have a problem my son 's name is on the loan due to the fact when I brought the house my credit was n't good, and my daughter co signed. 5 years ago my daughter 's name was take off. Freedom Mortgage is giving me a hard time because they said my daughter 's name is still on the loan even though my current mortgage company told them no. I have been making the mortgage payment and have never missed or been late on a payment I have sent them my bank statements because the mortgage payments was coming from my bank account bi-we...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 6, 2016 - We began our short sale paperwork with Freedom Mortgage in - of 2015. After being required to submit paperwork multiple times, over a span of 5 months, because Freedom employees have repeatedly lost documents, we were finally notified that our application was submitted to underwriters on - - 2015. The letter stated that we would recieve a final decision within 30 days. Our realtor reached out to Freedom via phone today ( -/-/2015 ) and was informed there was not yet a decision. Not only has it been well over their 30 day allotment, this is only one of a long list of issues we have b...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 5, 2016 - Freedom Mortgage Corp - They keep sending me mail and I have to opt out to quit receiving their mailings. I NEVER Opted in. When I called their telephone number to opt out, they made it difficult to opt out, kept saying they did n't understand my voice commands to opt out,. These people are predators and need to be prohibited from conducting business. - - ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

February 19, 2016 - I am in the process of closing escrow on a new home, escrow is supposed to close -/-/-. I have sold my current home, and both my home now and my new home should close escrow on the -. - title has requested a payoff on my current loan from freedom mortgage about 2 days ago, should only take 24 hours to respond. Freedom mortgage still has not responded. I called freedom mortgage today which is -/-/-, talked to a woman who said she would fax ticor title right away. She also said it would take ten minutes. She also offered to e mail me a copy of the payoff and I agreed. It 's been...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

January 7, 2016 - I applied for a VA cashout refiance mortage loan from Freedom Mortgage on -/-/- for my home in - MD. Credit, Income, appraisal and all other paper work went through without any issues at first. In my area there is - contamination in the ground water so the EPA installed carbon filters in all the houses in the area as a precaution. They check the water quarterly and also contracted the - water company to also sample the water on a monthly basis. This was the process that was already in place when I purchased my home in -. The appraisal report which Freedom mortage reviewed ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

October 24, 2015 - Our VA mortgage is financed thru Freedom Mortgage, they called and said they wanted to reduce our mtg. by - % - just because ... he said they would send electronic documents to sign. I told him I wanted full disclosure he said no problem. When I review the e-docs I did not like what they said, did not sign and sent an email we were not interested. I have sent - emails telling them we are not interested. This morning I got email that said congratulations on you loan application, now sign these additional docs ''. We never signed anything, electronic or otherwise. I have emailed them agai...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

September 28, 2015 - To whom it may concern : In - of this year I initiated a loan request to purchase a home. I have jumped through hoops to satisfy the bank we are dealing with. We had a credit card that had not been paid for $1100.00 that they required we pay off. We paid that last Friday thinking that was the last hoop to jump through. Then they required that we deposit - house payments with the bank to get approval. In addition we already made a down payment of $4800.00 and $100.00 in earnest money. Also paid for the appraisal. The house was originally priced at $130000.00 by the realty company ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

May 11, 2015 - Post card solicitation to refinance our 3.5 % FHA mortgage from Freedom Mortgage. Offer is for a FI-ED '' rate 3.875 % that will reduce payment $70.00 per month, with NO POINTS '' NO LENDER FEES '', although the APR is 4.586 %. YOUR PAYMENT WILL BE HIGHER on back of post card, while on the front Close in - & Your New LOWER Payment is not Due 'til - ''. ...

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Freedom Mortgage Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

April 10, 2015 - Freedom Mortgage originally said that they would give a $2900.00 credit to lure me in. On - -, they then gave me a good faith estimate ( GFE ) for $1700.00 in credits with no origination fees and then another worksheet that said I would be getting an additional $1200.00. They said that they could not put the total credits on the GFE, but would give me the $2900.00 credit. I did sign this GFE. Then, on - -, they gave me a new GFE for a credit of only $880.00. I do not know why they can not put the total credits on the GFE like other mortgage companies. This seems kind of s...

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