Citibank Can'T Repay My Loan Complaints

Review and analysis of over 62 complaints against Citibank

Citibank consumers have reported over 62 official complaints related to Can't repay my loan. Out of the 62 consumer complaints against Citibank, 16% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Citibank responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Citibank resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 11% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Can'T Repay My Loan Consumer Complaints

Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

November 1, 2016 - I first consolidated my - loans in -/-/-, Citi bank bought the loans and I was currently enrolled in another school at the time, so the loans were in deferment for many years. Anytime I was not in school I did make payments, however once I completed my - and was out of work, I put the loans in forebearance ... .or so i thought. I tried numerous attempts to make arrangements with Citi bank to cure my defaulted account, then finally gave up. Now they are over $24000.00 and in collections- I just got the letter today -/-/-. The wo n't work with you on anything. It 's either ...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan can't temporarily postpone payments

September 23, 2016 - I had enrolled in a College back in 2008 and the school signed me up for this loan from a private lender. I did not fully understand what it was I was enrolling in and now I have had a bill from CitiBank Student Loans on my credit report since 2008. They then transferred the loan to another creditor and so I would like to dispute having these collections on my credit report. This is illegal as far as I am concerned and i would like to get some help resolving this....

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

June 27, 2016 - I have a private student loan with citibankfor approximately - I filed bankruptcy in - -. From - - to - - Citibank could not contact me due the bankruptcy procedure. I received a letter in -/-/- saying I owed the full amount. Prior to the stopping of communication due to my bankruptcy I was in deferment. When I spoke to Citibank when they contacted me by phone I said I was in deferment prior and wanted to know what could be done to get either back on or work with payments. They said I needed the payment in full which was -, I was unemployed from - - until -...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

June 23, 2016 - I was not aware when I first entered repayment. Because of this, I fell behind in my payments. The monthly payments ( without the late fees ) were already impossible to make without assistance ( approximately $ -/month ). When I spoke to Citi, they told me " ask your cosigner ''. I informed them that my cosigner 's financial situation had changed and could not help me. I asked if there was a way to change my monthly payments or to return my late payments to the principle so I could try to make my payments. Every time I was told no, there were no options for me. When they asked why I was beh...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan can't temporarily postpone payments

April 15, 2016 - I have been receiving unemployment since - of -. My benefits were exhausted in - of -. I have found gainful employment starting in - of -. As a result of my circumstance, I am left unable to make my - and - - payments. My unemployment was not a surprise, I had several months notice. During that time, I prepared for the financial loss. One step was to discuss with Citibank the terms of my loan and how many months forbearance were available to me. I was told I had a total of 6 months. I continued to make payments. I received a 1 month forbearance of my student loan...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

February 29, 2016 - I obtained a loan from citibank. Without informing me, Citibank sold off half of my loan to - student loans. This has caused a lot of confusion regarding what I owe, and what my minimum payments should be. The minimum payments and interest rates seem to differ between both citibank and -. ...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan

October 20, 2015 - Loan Relief LetterTo Whom It May Concern : I am concerned about the current amount of my student loan payments. I have - distinct sets of students, - from private providers - Citibank and - - and - consolidated batch from the - - - -. Here 's the breakdown : Monthly PaymentsCitibank : $ - : $ - - - - - - $ - : $1300.00 ( monthly ) Total Loan DebtDirect Sub Consolidation Loan : $ - Unsub Consolidation Loan : $ - : $ -Citibank : $ -TOTAL LOAN DEBT - $ - earn approximately $4800.00 per month at my full-time job. This mean...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan

October 16, 2015 - I requested a two-month forbearance for my private student loan and my request was denied by the system. '' Citibank was unwilling to consider alternative payment arrangements, despite my recent unemployment and my cosigner being on a medical leave of absence. I have no history of late payments and am not sure how soon I will be able to make a payment. ...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan

August 6, 2015 - I have tried for months to get my monthly private student loan payment through Citibank lowered. I have explained I am not working and have not been working for over a year and unemployment ran out. They agreed to let me defer one month ( because they said that 's all I had available to me -. They have called me at all hours of the day and night, sometimes 5 times a day if my payment is late. When I ask for help they have told me time and time again that they can not do anything and it will just have to go to collections and I can just deal with them. They have no compassion, no understandi...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan

July 27, 2015 - I have private loans with both - and Citibank and a federal loan with -. My payments for all - amount to $1100.00 per month ( though only $120.00 of that comes from my Federal loans ). I am a - and only make $20000.00 a year, and I have been having a lot of trouble making my payments and paying my rent at the same time. For the past 4 years, I have tried to remedy this situation, first by attempting to contact my private loan companies ( they claim that there is absolutely no way that they can change my 10 year repayment plan to a 20 year repayment plan, even though they curr...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan

July 23, 2015 - I went to - University from the fall of -/-/- to -/-/-. I decided to apply for student loans with Citibank because they were one of the only loan companies that I could get a loan through with my credit and a cosigner. Since graduating -/-/- they have sold off some of my loans to - and kept the majority that had very high interest rates. They allowed me to put them in a forbearance for a certain amount of time but once that time was up I was not able to defer them any longer. I had to jump through hoops to get them to put them into a forbearance while I was away for - a...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan

July 22, 2015 - My daughter ( - - Cust ID - ) has student loans originally Citi Bank and they were sold to - Student Loans. There are - student loans with the bank and has been forced to pay - separate payments each month. I am a co-signer ( - - ) on the loan and when I contacted about the issue, - states that Citi Bank will not allow them to consolidate the loans so that my daughter can pay a single payment per month. All of these loans are with the same bank and yet they are billing all - payments for each month separately creating a large payment per month that she can not afford...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan

June 22, 2015 - I have been back in school for over a month at this time after taking a month leave of absence. Citibank along with my other student loan lenders were informed of this approved University break. Hopwever, last month ( right before I started back in class ) I began to receive continued phone calls daily from Citibank indicating that I was late for a payment. When I answered and spoke to a representative she informed me that she would notate the file to show I would be back in class and there shouldnt be any issue with getting the information updated, a week went by and I was still receiving the...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan

May 24, 2015 - I have a private - loan through Citibank. They are threatening to send my account to a collections agency, even though I am enrolled in school. ...

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Citibank Student loan can't repay my loan

March 23, 2015 - This is a continuation of a previous issue with Citibank that has reached another -. Citibank increased my monthly payments - and I have been unable to reach an agreement with them about my monthly payment. I am requesting that Citibank reconsider my request for graduated repayment, so that I am not forced into Collections. I would like to pursue a payment plan that works with my current financial situation and allows me be responsible for my debt. ...

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