I.C. System, Inc. Disclosure Verification Of Debt Complaints

Review and analysis of over 164 complaints against I.C. System, Inc.

I.C. System, Inc. consumers have reported over 164 official complaints related to Disclosure verification of debt. Out of the 164 consumer complaints against I.C. System, Inc., 4% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how I.C. System, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against I.C. System, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Disclosure Verification Of Debt Consumer Complaints

I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

March 15, 2017 - The collection company has ignored my request to validate the debt and continues to report the alleged debt even after I have disputed the validity of the debt....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

March 8, 2017 - On -/-/2017 I received a call ( first contact ) from IC Systems on behalf of -. They provided incorrect information about my cancellation date and associated charges. On - I submitted a formal written dispute, including proof that their information was false and requested that the debt be verified. The letter was sent via registered mail and received on -/-/2017. I did not receive any response. Instead they reported and unverified delinquency to the credit Bureau and violated my fair credit reporting rights....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

March 5, 2017 - I received an attempt to collect a debt by - on behalf of I.C. System, Inc. and I requested debt validation. I have yet to receive validation of this debt. Instead, I received a letter from - stating that the account has been closed and returned to their client I.C. System, Inc....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

February 15, 2017 - I received a notice from IC systems claiming that I owe an alleged debt of $490.00 to -. I have no idea what this is about so I sent a written dispute in regards to this matter. IC system is threating to report to all the - of this alleged debt owed. I since then have not gotten a response in regards to validation of this alleged debt. It is now mid -....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

January 31, 2017 - after requesting a Debt Verification letter I received the letter from the collection agency, stating they were unable to validate....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

January 31, 2017 - I have an unverified account from IC SYSTEM, INC. I had previously disputed this account. I have never done business with IC SYSTEM, INC. Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ( FDCPA ) 15 U.S.C.1692g, I dispute the validity of the debt purport I owe. I request that IC SYSTEM, INC Provide verification of the following : 1. The original Application or contract ; 2. Any and all statements allegedly related to this debt ; 3. Any and all signed receipts ; 4. Any and all canceled checks ; 5. Original date of default and collection activity begin 6. Whether you purchased the debt, and i...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

January 30, 2017 - I C Systems placed a $450.00 debt that was from - -/-/2010 - -/-/2010 on my credit report. I had no knowledge of this bill until I received an alert from - credit monitoring service that I even owed this balance. I called I C Systems today and was then told about the debt. They claimed to have sent notice of collections to a previous post office box that I had in Arizona. However, ALL of the information on my credit report is correct. Therefore, if they wanted to contact me about this, my current address is listed on all - bureaus. They could 've also called me, because my cur...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

January 16, 2017 - I found a medical debt on my credit report and called the collection agency in charge of my debt, I.C. System Inc. I had to call several times over the course of the week before I was finally provided information on my account. I was told that my account was sent to a lawyer, which was never disclosed to me. I was given a phone number ( which turned out to be a cell phone ) and a name, along with an account number. From that point, I attempted to contact the said lawyer. I called and called and always get sent to a " ghost '' voicemail. I never receive a call back. When I called I.C. Sytems to...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

January 12, 2017 - I sent letters to ic systems asking them to send me proof of debt owed or copy of last bill on -/-/- today is -/-/- they have reported to - that I owe money when I do n't....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

January 4, 2017 - I have a non-validated accout # - that has been sold to your office. This is the third time I have had to have this old charged off account removed from my credit report. I have never done any business with IC SYSTEMS.Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ( FDCPA ) - -, I dispute the validity of the debt IC SYSTEM purport I owe.It would be advisable that you and your client assure that your records are in order before I am forced to take legal action. - COLLECTOR - Please provide the following : Agreement with your client that grants you the authority to collect on...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

December 30, 2016 - Recently while conducting a monitor of my credit report I discovered that items were furnished that have unverified information. I believe under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, I have the right to request that you allow me to validate the alleged debt. I am aware there is a debt from but I am unaware of the amount due and your bill does not include a breakdown of any fees. Additionally, I am allowed under the - law [ HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 1996 -, to protect my privacy and medical records from any third parties. I do not recall giving permission t...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

December 26, 2016 - I do n't believe it 's my debt...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

December 21, 2016 - I have an unverified account from IC SYSTEM, INC. I had previously disputed this account. I have never done business with IC SYSTEM, INC. Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ( FDCPA ) 15 U.S.C.1692g, I dispute the validity of the debt purport I owe. I request that IC SYSTEM, INC Provide verification of the following : 1. The original Application or contract ; 2. Any and all statements allegedly related to this debt ; 3. Any and all signed receipts ; 4. Any and all canceled checks ; 5. Original date of default and collection activity begin 6. Whether you purchased the debt, and i...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

December 3, 2016 - I asked for verification of the debt within the 30 day window of first being contacted. The collection agency then mailed me what they considered the verification information. I then wrote them again, asking for more information about the alleged debt while I investigated myself. They reported the collection to the credit reporting agencies within one week later, without me even having the opportunity to rectify the debt with it damaging my credit....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

November 26, 2016 - When I called to clear debt the company had - information about the debt...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt


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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

November 8, 2016 - I C systems has reported a medical debt from the same event as - multiple occurrences listed as derogatory marks on my credit report. This debt should have been paid by my secondary insurance at the time was not aware of any balances would arise....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

November 2, 2016 - I have a a unverified account fromI C SYSTEMS COLLECTIONS # -. I had previously disputed this account. I have never done business with I C SYSTEMS COLLECTIONS. Pursuant to the Fair Debt8 Collection Practices Act ( FDCPA ) 15 U.S.C.1692g, I dispute the validity of the debt purport I owe. I request that I C SYSTEMS COLLECTIONS Provide verification of the following : 1. ) The original Application or contract ; 2. ) Any and all statements allegedly related to this debt ; 3. ) Any and all signed receipts ; 4. ) Any and all canceled checks ; 5. ) Original date of default and collection activity b...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

October 25, 2016 - IC System sent me a letter dated -/-/- stating they were a collection agency and that I owed $110.00. I responded in writing on -/-/- that I was disputing this dept and would like verification of the debt or a copy of the judgement. I then received a letter on -/-/- stating that my debt was now $230.00 due additional charges being incurred. I have no idea who I owe this money too and have not received a verification of this debt nor do I know what additional expenses have occurred to increase this debt....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

October 18, 2016 - I 've sent letters to this agency to verify this remark on my credit report. They have not sent any verification and it remains on my report....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

September 19, 2016 - I C Systems never sent a dispute letter. I check my my daily and I am a very organized consumer. I also check my - account at least once a week. I hve never done business with IC Systems, nor have they followed the law and sent a dispute 30 day notice.. They just appeared on my credit report with out following the FCRA. They have an open date of -/-/2016. Have them explain what this date means? I have never done business with this company so I have no idea what happened on -/-/2016....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

September 19, 2016 - Collector sent me a notice that stated I owed - for -. I do not owe anything to - and have not used - for over 10 years. I 'm an accountant and I pay all my bills on time. I do NOT owe anything to -. The company 's name is IC System phone - Address : - - - - - MN - Also, this company called me first, and asked for my address. They did not disclose who they were and that they were trying to collect a debt. Also, I have been getting phone calls from all over the United States. They call and then hang up....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

September 1, 2016 - IC systems was wriiten on - -, 2016 and legal demand for validation of the alleged debt was made. They have ignored this request....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

August 29, 2016 - I am disputing account number - with IC Systems because I have sent several dispute letters to the credit bureaus and it comes back verified every single time. I have contacted IC Systems to get the method of verification and debt validation on this account and they not provided me the information I have requested per the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. The account is also being reported as having a credit limit when according to the Credit Reporting Resource Guide & Metro 2 standards, credit limits only pertain to charge cards or revolving credit. Not...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

August 24, 2016 - I really do n't know what my options are, if any. I had cable in my name and my mother was living with me. I moved out, and allowed my mother to keep the cable on at that address in my name. She then moved and transferred the cable to her new addeess. She ended up accumulating a large bill and was unable to pay it. The debt went to collections without my knowledge of the situation. - - never contacted me, the account holder, that the debt was going to collections, and neither did my mother. I realize I screwed up by allowing my mother to do this, but do I have any options here? My mother...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

August 22, 2016 - There is an unknown account that just appeared on my credit file. This is not true. Please help...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

July 29, 2016 - I saw a medical collection from IC Systems on my credit file that I was not aware of. I disputed the information with the credit bureaus because I did not know that this debt was for. But, instead of providing verification of the debt, the split it into - different accounts and reported all of them to my credit file. So not instead of - collection with a $3400.00 balance, they are not reporting - collections with smaller amounts....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

July 24, 2016 - I. C. Systems , Inc. has place a derogatory report on my credit files without proper communication or documented proof of their claim prior to their actions as stated by law. I am currently seeking legal counsel to prove their actions are unwarranted. Specifically, I. C. Systems , Inc. is claiming a debt of $340.00 to which I am pursuing information to determine the basis for their actions. A call to I. C. Systems, Inc. office number as listed on the internet received no answer. After reviewing my credit report I see I. C. Systems, Inc. is listed as a collection account opened on -/-...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

July 21, 2016 - On or about -, 2016 I noticed that a - - 's - bill had appeared on my - credit file. I requested that this company validate the debt and send me a copy of the application that was used to open this account. They never replied back to the debt validation letter. Now IC Systems collection is coming after me. I have continued to request that they validate this debt and they continue to allow this to report on my credit file....

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

July 2, 2016 - Due to the fact that my problem does n't have a best way to describe my issue above I have to explain myself. I sent a creditor 's validation letter to I.C. Systems Inc. I had my Personal financial coach speak on my behalf. - - - spoke with I.C. Systems Inc. This was a Utility Bill from - - - and I sent the letter for them to validate the debt. Accordingly, to the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act a Debt Collection Company has 30 days to validate the debt. In my case my debt was never validated by I.C. System Inc. In this case my debt should be removed from my credit report a...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

July 2, 2016 - Due to the fact that my problem does n't have a best way to describe my issue above I have to explain myself. I sent a creditor 's validation letter to I.C. Systems Inc. I had my Personal financial coach speak on my behalf. - - - spoke with I.C. Systems Inc. This was a Utility Bill from - - - and I sent the letter for them to validate the debt. Accordingly, to the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act a Debt Collection Company has 30 days to validate the debt. In my case my debt was never validated by I.C. System Inc. In this case my debt should be removed from my credit report a...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

June 29, 2016 - I want this company to stop harassing me and sending me letter. I also want this company to be report to the - and the Florida Law for not respecting the DO NOT CALL list who is punishing of fine. Make sure this company stop sending me any more letter or calling me for this invoice. I do't know this company never received any letter except harassment phone calls...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

June 20, 2016 - Hi, I have not received any paperwork of this collection and would like to pay and resolve this immediately. Thank you!...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

June 4, 2016 - i am unaware of being seen by this doctor i am sure nothing was signed everything was to be covered by blue cross blue shield of texas due to - that occurred between -/-/2014 and -/-/2014. I am unsure of the date. this insurance was part of obamacare. ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

June 4, 2016 - IC Systems is reporting a collection account on my - credit report that has not been validated or verified. I have never received anything in the mail from them and then I look at my credit report and they have a $65.00 collection on there. ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

May 31, 2016 - I have a a unverified account -. I had previously disputed this account with BAY AREA CREDIT SERVICE. I have never done business with - - - Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ( FDCPA ) 15 U.S.C.169g, I dispute the validity of the debt - purport I owe.This is a old account from - - - ( bal. $250.00 ) that has been sold at least four times to various Third Party collections agencies and the previous agencies could not validate the account and it was deleted form my - credit report. I request that - Provide verification of the following : 1. ) The ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

May 26, 2016 - I questioned this debt when I saw it on my credit reports. IC System sent me the attached letter saying they have n't had sufficient time to investigate. As it has been over 30 days since I questioned the credit bureaus, this is an illegal response ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

May 25, 2016 - A sprint account in my name was submitted to IC Systems for collection. IC System contacted me and I initially made a payment agreement - to avoid credit bureau reporting. Upon further investigation, IC System continuously tacked on charges each month with zero explanation. My principal balance would increase by $ - $40.00 each month after I made a $100.00 payment. I disputed this balance with IC System due to their misleading representation of the actual debt amount, ( Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Section 807, False and Misleading Representations ) and also the misleading inf...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

May 19, 2016 - IC Systems has added a collections my credit report for the amount of $210.00. The debt in references was originally owed by - - - and was apart of a - with a recurring monthly payment. - and IC Systems failed to send any notification of owing a past due balance and instead added the collections to my credit report. The account was cancelled with - - - between in 2015 as our dog " - '' was stolen from our property and a police report was made. - was notified immediately via phone call at the - location and our account was cancelled. After the cancellation w...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

May 13, 2016 - A couple months ago the company listed in the attached letter sent me a collection letter. I recognized the alleged debtor but based on my records I had return all the equipment related to that account and no debt was due. Since I had not been notified of the debt before I sent a letter requesting a verification of the debt, and instead I received a collection letter asking me for payment but no validation of the debt. I have requested validation of the debt three times but I get no response. To this day they have not responded to my requests. In addition, the company is not legally authorized...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

May 12, 2016 - I was alerted to a medical collection on my credit report under the name of - - on - - while attempting to secure a mortgage. The account number listed is -. On the afternoon of - -, I contacted I.C Systems via phone ( at - ). When I got someone on the phone ( a woman who refused to repeat her name after it was given once, quickly, or collector identification ) I asked for information for who the original debt was issued by ; my credit report references a medical provider in Pennsylvania, but the name of the doctor / practice is not showing on the reports. I advised the...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

May 9, 2016 - I have asked IC System Inc to validate a collection they are reporting on my credit reports on -/-/16, -/-/16 and they have failed to provide anything that would support the fact that they are attempting to collect interest on a debt without an agreement or contract. Nor have they supplied anything other than a statement on one of the collections. I told them that I would be reporting them to you but they obviously do n't fear you because they failed to delete themselves or answer questions about the debt ( s ) that they are using to damage me financially. Its damaging my credit an...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

January 27, 2016 - I was contacted by I.C. Systems about a year ago, they called my cell phone repeatedly until I picked up. They asked me to confirm my information, to which I asked who they were. All they said was I.C Systems, I said " OK. And who are you? '' They told me they needed me to confirm my address, after multiple attempts I got fed up, and gave in to giving them my address. They told me that I owed them money from a previous doctors bill. I asked them to verify the information they were talking about. They could n't. They just told me that I owed them money from a doctors office. I told them they ne...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

December 4, 2015 - A former employer has stated I owe him money. However, according to my records I have paid this debt in full and in fact am owed money by this employer due to an overpayment. I requested a verification of debt and proof this money was still owed after my payments and my former employer provided only a copy of an invoice that he typed- no backup, no proof. I however provided a - Page document showing that I do not owe this money and that is has been paid in full and that he owes me money. This is a civil matter between my former employer and myself. Only a court of law can determine if I owe...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

December 2, 2015 - IC Systems failed to mail me a Dummy letter. Under FDCPA that is a violation and they can no longer collect on the debt. I want the debt gone and off my credit report. They ca n't report a Debt on a credit report if I did not recieve a dummy letter. ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

December 1, 2015 - On - - at roughly - - I was contacted at work by - from a company called IC Systems. She gave a total sum of $650.00 that she claimed I owed on an Account number ; however when I asked what the debt pertained to and requested her agency to send verification of debt from original creditor she refused to comply saying all debt is digitally submitted and she did not have that information. Then countered that I could pay $470.00 to her agency between now and Friday or they would take further action. She gave contact info as - ext -. As i continued to try and verify informa...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

October 14, 2015 - IC systesm- has listed an collection account on my - - - profile. I have disputed this information yet dates keep changing and amount is not able to be verified. I did not owe - any money at the time I stopped my services with them. I did not have a contract and did not request a contract. This same account is with another collection account I have submitted a complaint with - ( complaint # - ) & - ( # - ) ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

July 16, 2015 - They continue to deleted and re add debt every few months. It was taken off and now they put back with a new date as if the debt just started today. They even share with other collectors and double report the item. I have listed the deletion from the past. Today it resurfaced. I am in a home purchase currently please help. -/-/- removed- - $ - - - -/-/-- - - - CHECKING ACCOU ( they sold and readded today ) $1200.00 -/-/- removed date- - - - - - $ -- Removed dated but today the reaaded and changed collectors name. -...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

July 14, 2015 - ic systems contacted my about a debt from -, the dates were long after we had switched, so I asked for the original bill to verify, which lead to them threating me about reporting on my credit. I responded in writing asking for verification, if I owe it I will pay it but the dates do n't make sense. But they have not responded to my letter and reported on my credit. I really do n't know what to do. Its not a lot of money but I am not sure its right. Thanks for you help ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

July 3, 2015 - I 've received - calls from people at IC System named - and -, and in both cases, I was asked to verify who I am and my address. But when I asked who was calling and why, they would only tell me that they were with IC Systems and that they were calling about a business matter. '' When I asked what the business matter '' was about, they refused to tell me more until I verified my address. They both became increasingly indignant, and contunined to refuse to tell me what kind of company they were calling from and why they were calling. Not once did they mention that they were calling t...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

June 26, 2015 - I was contacted by I.C. Systems Inc around -/-/- about a -/-/- medical debt. I have not not heard about this debt so I wrote I.C. systems a certified letter requesting additional information and asking them to verify the debt. I have not received any responses, but instead, have received another collection letter threatening to escalate the issue to their attorney for not attempting to pay or resolve the issue, which is a lie. Today, I sent 2 more certified letters, one to their - - and another to their physical address. And, they reported this debt to the credit bureaus incorr...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

June 23, 2015 - - certified letters within a 60 day period to I.C. System, Inc. has failed to provide the following requested information to validate alleged debts:1. Signed credit applications between myself and the original creditor2. Copies of all signed vouchers from the date accounts opened until default3. Copies of all statements from the date accounts opened until default4. Proof of the statue of limitations5. Proof of agreements that they were hired by the original creditor ( creditor as defined by the FDCPA ) or6. A copy of the contracts I.C. System, Inc. purchased the alleged debts7. If the alleg...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

May 21, 2015 - I C Systems Inc. claimed I owe a debt. I sent them a Creditor Vailidation Letter - -, 2015. I waited the 30 days to hear back from them according to the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act. I have not herd back from them. ALso, I asked them to show that I C Systems Inc is incompliance with the State of Texas Debt Collections Laws thewy have not been able to show me that either. This debt should be removed from my credit report. ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

May 13, 2015 - IC systems of - minnesota violated FCRA by placing an item on my credit report without my knowledge. i DO NOT owe this money. They violated FCRA did not notify me of this alleged debt in writing or verbally and I DEMAND IT BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY! I DO NOT OWE this amount and I AM NOT responsible for it. IC systems violated the law and needs to be investigated. This item is FALSE and needs to be removed immediately. ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

April 16, 2015 - I live in the state of Texas. After sending emails - for verification of debt i am requesting that the debt be removed from my credit report. I have not received any information pertaining to debt nor any proof of required information pursuant to Texas -. I can not validate debt as mine as I have not any proof of debt, nor any communication from IC System Inc in the time allowed from said T- - -. ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

April 15, 2015 - I attempted to settle the debt with IC Systems for - in the amount of $-, I had offered the 40 % of the debt, a women named - offered me a settlement of $-, I advised her I would call back. I attempted to settle the debt at $770.00 and asked them to remove it from my credit report, I spoke with an employee by the name of - '', who I asked to send me a settlement letter by fax, or email and he advised that they do not do that, that it is sufficient with the recorded call. I asked him a - of times if he was making it clear that he could not do that for me and he offered ...

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I.C. System, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

March 26, 2015 - I received a debt collection letter from IC System, but their phone number was disconnected. I looked them up on their website and called that phone number, which kept disconnecting me every time I called. I do not know what this debt is for and I can not get any information about it, since none of their phone numbers are valid. I suspect this is fraud, but since it refers to -, I am concerned because someone recently hacked into my bank account and tried to run charges through -. I have not charged anything through - and do not have a - account. Someone is using my identity withou...

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