Medical Business Bureau Medical Complaints

Review and analysis of over 82 Medical complaints against Medical Business Bureau

Medical Business Bureau consumers have reported over 82 official complaints related to Medical. Out of the 82 consumer complaints against Medical Business Bureau, 38% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Medical Business Bureau responded to their complaint) and 98% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Medical Business Bureau resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Medical Consumer Complaints

Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

April 11, 2017 - This company ( Medical Business Bureau ) reported a collections account debt on my credit report ( - ). They did not send me any written letter regarding the existence of the debt. I have never done business with this company and the info posted to the credit bureau is false and a violation of my right under FCRA....

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

April 10, 2017 - Re : Medical Business Bureau : I have not received any notifications to validate the medical debt for date of service -/-/2014 by mail, telephone, or email. They have not been able to provide proof that I have signed and accepted responsibility for the debt they have placed on my credit report. I have requested that they remove this erroneous information from my credit report and they have not, instead they report back to the credit bureaus that I am responsible for this debt without explanation. Re : - - : I have also contacted the original creditor - - and ( - ) advised that...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

April 5, 2017 - Hello I joined - last week.. Noticed a debt. ( medical ) was in collections from a -/-/-.. - Visit.. That my medical plan and company med plan had handled. This company called me for ..-/-/-.. Had contacted - .. Was told Its handled.. Here is confirmation # s bla bla bla.. Told them that they still called a couple times ... Then stopped. I figured they got the info.. This is an agency the hospital uses.. From the start.. They never called me.= The hospital....

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

March 30, 2017 - I 've requested MBB to provide validation of debt and they do n't. All they 've sent me are the account numbers....

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

March 17, 2017 - I have medical insurance and co-insurance that covers my medical bills. I disputed this outstanding amount with the hospital and it was resolved. Upon checking my credit on -/-/-, 2017, the collection was on my credit report....

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

March 11, 2017 - - - hospital mailed a - statement in -/-/- or -/-/- regarding an - visit on -/-/-. The statement did not itemize what the charges were for and since I had already paid several invoices from swedish covenant that were sent right after the - visit, I requested a detailed invoice from -. This was never provided, however the statements continued and so I felt pressure to just submit payment via my health savings debit card. This transaction paid the statement balance in full and the transaction was dated on -/-/- in the amount of $150.00. On -/-/-, my...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was discharged in bankruptcy

March 2, 2017 - I was inquiring this debt and - tricked me into paying for it once I found out It was under the bankruptcy he acted like he did n't know and said that we owe them money that is why he charged us...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

November 1, 2016 - This company is putting a delinquent account on my - credit report, when it fact this delinquent account does not even exist. Their client, - -, used them to collect a debt that insurance paid, and they are inaccurately reporting bad data in my credit reports. I WANT THEM DELETED ASAP I believe that they might be under violation of the FDCPA for misrepresenting the fact I owe them money. I need them rectify ASAP...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

August 27, 2016 - I have already disputed the amount this company is attempting to collect from me. I do not owe this amount since my insurance paid for the very same claim this people are trying to collect on. I need them to prove what they are saying, and I need them to stop their harassment. I waited over 2 months to take on the treatment, because I was not able to take it until it was approved and paid by insurance....

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

August 12, 2016 - Medical Business Bureau ( MBB ) called my wife and asked to collect on a medical debt for the amount of -. The agents name was - -. I had spoken to the billing service that submitted the debt to MBB, and I have on record the actual amount that was submitted to MBB which was -. When I called MBB and asked for - -, I inquired about the total amount that was submitted from the billing office, and he clearly states on record the total amount that was submitted was for -. I contacted FTC and spoke to an associate who confirmed that the act of attempting to collect more than the...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

July 16, 2016 - There - issues regarding the medical debt collection company " Medical Business Bureau, LLC '' besides the fact the " Bureau misrepresents a government agency. 1 ) I received a medical bill from -, that is correct. The due date of this debt is - -, 2016. During the same time, I received a collection notice from Medical Business Bureau, dated - -, 2016 that they where attempting to collect a debt, and that the amount was assigned to them by - - before the actual due date of the debt. Please see attached documents regarding the bills looking at the dates. 2 ) I received...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

July 2, 2016 - I was pregnant and had 100 % medical coverage.I do n't realy know what service was performed to me and name of doctor.Never received any explanation or invoices for this amount.I have all receipts paid in full on hand....

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not disclosed as an attempt to collect

May 10, 2016 - Medical Business Bureau ( MBB '' ), alleges that I owe $360.00 for medical services rendered on -/-/-. I processed a dispute with the - credit bureau 's ( also submitted proof of having charity care through the state of NJ ) I contacted the doctors office and left several messages but no response was rendered. I have requested a verification of debt from MBB via certified mail delivered on - and -/-/-, but they have not produced one. I expressed all my concerns to MBB representatives, but they do not have answers. MBB is, however, reporting negative information on my credit r...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

January 11, 2016 - I see these on my credit reports but have never been contacted. ...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

December 28, 2015 - I was told by Medical Business Bureau that once I paid this account in full and not a settlement it would be deleted from my credit report. Instead of deleting it, they still listed it on my credit report as paid. My maiden name was - -. ...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

November 5, 2015 - On -/-/15 I requested - provide validation for $500.00 debt being reported to credit bureaus. On -/-/15 - responded, but did not provide sufficient evidence. ...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

October 26, 2015 - In - of 2012 my identification mainly my social security card and Florida ID card was lost or stolen from my handbag and a sequence of accounts were open and checks cashed in my name. As soon as this was realized, I filed a police report ( see attached ). This account is unknown and was not opened by me. ...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

October 7, 2015 - this bill was to go through my health insurance. I contacted the company MANY times with NO response. ...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

September 14, 2015 - My first time seeing outstanding medical bills '' was on my credit report from a company called Medical Service - in the amount of $6800.00. When I sent Medical Service - a validation of debt letter ; they replied with only $3600.00 all of medical bills that are covered by - and - for my children and - small bills that were paid by my insurance company and my deductible. When I provided proof and ask them to respond with a verification of this debt to be valid and true in 30 days, there has been no reply. The company can not validate this debt because it does n't exist. I '...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

August 26, 2015 - I mailed a letter to Medical Business Bureau in - disputing these accounts and demanding legal validation. Not only dod I never receive a response but I see a new account on my current credit report I knew nothing about. ...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info talked to a third party about my debt

August 4, 2015 - I was contacted on -/-/2014 by the Medical Business Bureau ( MBB ), a debt collections agency, and was told that I owed a hospital bill for an ER visit to - - 's - - - in - T- for the date of -/-/2014. I was told by MBB that my insurance at the time, -, paid $110.00 towards this amount and the remaining balance ( $700.00 ) was my responsibility. When I asked for a bill listing each charge, MBB could not provide it to me and said I should have already received the bill from - - -, the medical billing company that handled separate charges for the ER ...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

May 27, 2015 - I have received several collection calls from Medical Business Bureau ( MBB '' ), alleging that I owe $150.00 for medical services rendered on -/-/-. The most recent call was on Monday, -/-/-. According to MBB 's representative, this debt is associated for the medical services of - - -. I have called the doctor 's office, but they do not have a record of services rendered. In fact, the office claims that the doctor was not with the practice in -. I have requested a verification of debt from MBB, but they have not produced one. I expressed all my concerns to MBB represe...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection communication tactics used obscene/profane/abusive language

May 19, 2015 - I spoke with an agent and I asked if I could get documentation to verify I owe a debt and he says no I would have to talk to my insurance since they made an initial payment. I told him the letter they sent said that I could dispute the debt and he says you do n't know what dispute means '' I said he was being rude and unprofessional and I requested to speak to another agent or supervisor and he says they do n't have time to talk to people like you ''. I said are you refusing to let me speak to a supervisor he says yes, I am not going to bother them with your issues '' The agent refused to p...

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Medical Business Bureau Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

May 6, 2015 - This company said they sent me - letter over 15 months ago with information about a debt. I do not have record of it. After repeated attempts to contact them, they were purposefully withholding information about the debt from me ( telling me to contact my insurance or the physician ). They would not send me any more information without my first sending them a written request, even though they verified my identity on the phone. After multiple phone calls with them and disputes, they never returned my phone call. They claimed to have contacted my physician to see whether the debt was still ou...

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