GLA Collection Company, Inc. Medical Complaints

Review and analysis of over 88 Medical complaints against GLA Collection Company, Inc.

GLA Collection Company, Inc. consumers have reported over 88 official complaints related to Medical. Out of the 88 consumer complaints against GLA Collection Company, Inc., 25% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how GLA Collection Company, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 94% were processed in a timely manner. 1% of consumer complaints against GLA Collection Company, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 3% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Medical Consumer Complaints

GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

April 4, 2017 - GLA Collection was suppose to report that debt on my credit bureau that info on credit file was incorrect. I spoke to a representative and they never reported that the info was incorrect. This is the letter I received from them...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

March 21, 2017 - University - report debt to GLA collection after my health insurance paid for my child doctors visit. I contact GLA and show proof that bill was paid by sending them a EOB an explanation of benefits that show proof that they have paid. The collection company refuse to remove inaccurate information from my credit report. I do not owe this debt they need to remove from my credit report....

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt right to dispute notice not received

March 15, 2017 - I was - when this was opened and in a foreign country. I did not receive any notifications at all on this. I was unaware of this going to collections. Is there a way that I can just have this removed due to the Sailors relief act....

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

January 19, 2017 - These people and other collection agencies keep on collection on debts i do not owe!!!...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

October 12, 2016 - I have tried and tried to get this debt taken care of. This collection account is for a workers comp claim. I have contacted GLA collections and Underwriters both and they will not help me. I want this collection REMOVED from my credit report. Underwriters said they would pay the account and GLA collections REFUSES TO SEND INFO TO UNDERWRITERS!! I am stuck in the middle with this collection on my credit report and it wo n't be removed!...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

September 14, 2016 - GLA Collection Service added debts to my credit report in which I had no clue what they were for until I called them. I also called the original creditor, - - in which they refused to give me printouts of the original debts and when they occurred, what the insurance paid ( or if ), stating it was against the law for them to give me that information and that they forwarded everything to GLA. I know that is an outright farce because they are required to keep billing information for no less than ten years. - - also sent me bills for a - - - and at the time I was - - -...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

August 31, 2016 - Hi, I had previously filed a complaint with your company regarding this debt collection agency. They had stated to you guys that they had found the accounts in question, and claimed to have requested removal from all my credit bureaus. I have n't seen it yet!!!!!!! The accounts were under my maiden name which I do not use anymore. This is pathetic that I have to contact you guys regarding this! This was from GLA Collections Company....

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

August 25, 2016 - OK ... .I have already filed a complaint with you guys regarding this company. I just saw an updated copy of my credit bureau report from Equifax, they had concluded their investigation, and they said that the account belongs to me. Ummmm, NO IT DOES N'T, because I DID NOT do this for one, and two, these people are impossible to talk to, I have communicated with them, and they were very rude. I refuse to contact them again!!!!!...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt resulted from identity theft

August 24, 2016 - I have attempted to communicate with this company to let them know that I am an ID Theft victim, and that these medical bills are fraudulent. I never applied for them, and they are both under my - maiden name. I already complained about one Debt Collection Company. These people would n't listen!!!!...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

August 10, 2016 - While reviewing my credit report I discovered GLA Collection has placed a derogatory item on it. They state I owe $63.00, however will not provide any proof showing my signature as mandated by law. I have sent them - letters requesting proof and they can provide me what the law mandates. I plan on suing this company if they do not remove all derogatory information on my credit reports....

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

August 10, 2016 - I reviewed my credit report and see where they have listed an item on it. I have requested a verification of the debit and asked them to provide proof. By sending me a copy of a document I have signed. They have not sent me any proof that I owe this debit. They have not sent me a copy of my signature as federal law mandates. If they do n't remove this from my credit report, I plan on suing them for damages....

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

July 22, 2016 - I have been called repeatedly for these debts. They are all for the same issue and they have n't sent just - bill. When you go to this place they send - different bills so its difficult to know what you 've paid and what you have n't. They also got the money from my insurance and now want more. They call repeatedly. leaving no voicemails from different numbers and I have n't been able to come to a resolution for a amount. There the main reason my credit is so messed up....

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

July 15, 2016 - Glad debt collection has turned in negative remake on my credit report. The debt they are attempting to collect was voluntarily direct deducted from my payroll check by the company that charged me. have not contacted me in writing about the debts. They have not provided me any proof that I am responsible for said debts. They have not provided me any documentation tat I agreed to pay the original debt....

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

July 6, 2016 - This debt was paid with - assistance and went to collection hospital says I do n't owe it I faxed proof to company all ready and still will not put it as paid company will not accept my proof bills are from -/-/- though -/-/- the person I talked to was unwilling to try to help and said I owed it no matter what but I have never received no bills to this matter just found on my credit report ......

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

May 18, 2016 - I recently check my credit report and discovered that this company has reported that I owe them a debt. To my knowledge I have never done business with this company and they have never provided me with any services or goods. I feel that they placed this on my credit report without giving me proper notice which is afforded to me under the law according to the FDCPA 890 ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

January 25, 2016 - Gla Inc. Repeatedly calls my cell phone every day, at least five times per day. Gla is -. ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

December 17, 2015 - GLA COllection Company - - -, -, KY - is reporting - collection accounts on my credit report, I have been trying for a year to have they validate that I indeed owe the debt, they have refused, yet continue to update that accounts and try to collect on them, I need proof that I indeed owe these alleged debts. Account number -, -, - ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

December 5, 2015 - GLA Collection agency has established - consumer accounts, - being reported to credit bureaus. This is in violation of the FDCPA and the FCRA statutes. Section 808 of the statute describes what would be considered unfair practices employed in the course of attempting to collect a purported debt. It begins by saying that the limitations described in the following section do not limit the object of the statute, that means that even though the debt collector might not haveviolated the literal language of a particular provision, if it can be shown that the particular collection practice was ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

November 18, 2015 - I mailed GLA a letter on -/-/2015 asking them to remove the comment customer disputes this item '' I can not proceed with a mortgage with these - collects saying this. On -/-/2015 a GLA person contacted me about paying the - collections. I told her that I might have paid these collections through the - dept -. - hospital sends my unpaid bills there most of the time. I have had - about 10 years ago. I have to have bi-annual - with them. Sometimes I just ca n't paythe amount I owe right away. I spoke to GLA today, - about paying the - collections and a lady tells ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection communication tactics used obscene/profane/abusive language

October 26, 2015 - To Whom it May Concern, I recently received a written notice from GLA Collection Company , Inc. out of -, KY regarding the balance I owe to - Hospital. I phoned them this morning to inquire about this, as I have been paying - monthly since I first received my bill. ( I can provide proof, if needed. ) I first spoke with a female, -, who explained to me that I do not have a mutual payment agreement with the facility so after only 6 months the debt has been sent to them. I then explained that I have been paying, noone has refunded any money or let me know this is not sufficient. I mad...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

October 24, 2015 - the collection agency is GLA collections, i was contact by GLA collection agency about a medical debt what i owed the - hospital, when i called the hospital i was told that i do n't owed them anything.i do remember that i went to a hospital and the bill was paid by a - because i was unemployed and i was gave a form to file out for the debt to be taking care off. ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 30, 2015 - I recently checked my credit report and discovered that this company reported that I owe them but I have never received prior notice that I owed them. My right to validation was not afforded to me under the FDCPA before they reported it to the CRA ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

September 9, 2015 - I wrote - a check for $68.00 back on - - 2015. In - they sent me a check for $68.00, which I never cashed or deposited. Then they had GLA collection company inc send me notice saying I owed them $68.00. I called GLA and told them I had a cancelled check showing that I had paid the bill and send them a copy of it. They then told me that even though I had paid them that they wanted me to cash the check they had sent me and write them another check. I told them I thought this was ridiculous and a waste of time. I did my part and now because they made a mistake they want me to wa...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 2, 2015 - I recently pulled my credit report and discovered that this company has placed this item on my credit report without notifying me of the debt which I am afforded under article - of the FDCPA ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

August 12, 2015 - I have tried talking to them and explaining I Have - and - and I turned in all my cards the day of service. But they will not remove from my credit report and he keeps saying its not his problem and it needs to be paid in full asap. I ask him who the origonal debitor was and he just tells me the one on the credit report. He is not trying to help me in anyway. I tried to explain to him I was told that if I have - and - that he was not aloud to put that on my credit report cause I was never to be charged a bill and he just says well you was told wrong. ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

August 5, 2015 - There are - accounts reported on my credit reports from GLA Collection, one from - and the other -. - showing Open '' but with $0.00 balances. The one from - has been PAID but still showing open '' The second, I do not recognize the account number nor do I owe them anything associated with this account number. I do not know why the one from - is even on my credit report and showing open '' with a $0.00 balance. ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

June 22, 2015 - - .- clinic said I had a copay for $960.00 which I paid upfront.I got a account - and additional amount.I called then up and told them I have already paid it.They send my bill to a collection agency.I called and tell them I refuse to pay it because I have already paid it 1 year later the - clinic send me a - for - for over payment I called the collection agency and offer to pay them They refused the amount .My credit record is ruined and they still do not want to listen to me or help me Why am I beiing punished if they could not do there work ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

June 14, 2015 - - coded my emergency visit under dental so insurance was not covered. The bill was very high and could not pay for it so they sent this over to collections. The company called me several times and said that if I paid them this would not affect my credit in a negative manner. They put negative remarks on my credit even though they were paid ...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

May 22, 2015 - I already filed complaint # - but need to add also complaint that original debtor refused to work with me when I called them. They said they no longer had an account # or any information on me and the collection agency they turned my account over to would not work with me either. So apparently someone sold the debt to another agency and now my credit report shows I owe - different agencies - different amounts for the same original debt. I was never even contacted by the - agency in any manner. I had to go online to look up their name and phone number. I need to get this off my cred...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection communication tactics threatened to take legal action

May 21, 2015 - Collection company for a medical bill contacted me and stated employment verification had happened and I could be taken to court. They refused to give me the name of the attorney, stating they had - that they used. I asked for the names of the - and was not provided. She argued that they did n't threaten to take me court, but that I COULD be taken to court. They were also very rude when I disputed the bill, stating the doctor 's office had never billed me for it and I did not know the insurance had denied it. =They stated I could not do a payment plan without going through their hardship...

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GLA Collection Company, Inc. Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

May 20, 2015 - Received a call from GLA collections in ref to a medical debt for $190.00. -, representative from GLA, informed me that the debt was from -/-/-/-/2014 for - - -. I explained to - that I would pull the EOB for that date because I had some issues with my insurance in paying items and I would get back to him. I pulled my EOB and determined that the service for -/-/-/-/2014 was in the amount of $95.00 and my insurance had paid it in full. I faxed a copy of the EOB and all procedures done on - and faxed it over to GLA. I then called - back and explained that...

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