Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Loan Modification,Collection,Foreclosure Complaints

Review and analysis of over 17 complaints against Stonegate Mortgage Corporation

Stonegate Mortgage Corporation consumers have reported over 17 official complaints related to Loan modification,collection,foreclosure. Out of the 17 consumer complaints against Stonegate Mortgage Corporation, 29% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Stonegate Mortgage Corporation responded to their complaint) and 94% were processed in a timely manner. 6% of consumer complaints against Stonegate Mortgage Corporation resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 47% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Loan Modification,Collection,Foreclosure Consumer Complaints

Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 5, 2017 - I fell behind after starting my own business I fell into foreclosure but fully reinstated and I was on track again. Few months past and I got injured working mind you I am running my business alone. I fell behind on my payments the house went into foreclosure I kept saving money to reinstate. I applied for a workout packet to see it I qualified for a loan modification or some sort of assistance. Well in the interim a sale date was placed on the house so this now becomes a very time sensitive matter. I sent in all required information even though I was after the dead line of 10 days before sale...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 6, 2017 - In -/-/- I requested the name of the foreclosure attorney and a reinstatement quote. I took more than - days to receive the reinstatement quote and I never received the name of the attorney. I faxed a - page loss mitigation package on -/-/- and I have a fax confirmation showing the transmission was successful. I called Stonegate on -/-/- and was advised they never received the information and they have no obligation to search their records to locate the documents....

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

January 19, 2017 - Stonegate Mortgage Loan -. Owners - filed BK. Bk discharged. Applied for mortgage modification with Stonegate Morttgage and was denied effective - -. Letter sent to homeowner that there were alternatives to foreclosure, but no short sale package was sent. Homewowner requested shortsale package -. Shortsale package requested a second time approx - -, 2017. Short sale package sent out - - per may phone call today with Stonegate. In the mean time while homeowner is pursuing alternative to foreclosure, Stonegate is stalling and Dual Tracking by initiating foreclosure at ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 25, 2016 - My name is - -. I have a USDA loan through Stonegate Mortgage. I fell behind in my payments, and called in to speak to Stonegate management about it. They put me on some type of in house solution. This had me to try to pay - double per month, which was a harder struggle. This was not a good system.. I let them know that it was n't working.. Then they came up with this ( work out packet ) .. This paper work is long and complicated. It required all of my finances, and sense I 'm a retired vet, most of my paperwork took weeks to get.. Well Stonegate said that my time had run to fill ou...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 8, 2016 - My name is - - - - and I purchased my home in -/-/-, the worst year to buy since prices of homes were high and now the value and cost of homes has plummeted. Since I purchased the home, the - has had me away from it on - and - for six of the eight years I 've owned it. I 'm currently - to - and not receiving a housing allowance since my - started from -/-/-. I worked with a realtor ( - - ) towards a short sale but due to the VA 's inflated appraisal, the house has not had any offers on it in over 8 months now. The bank is trying to foreclose bu...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 8, 2016 - Stonegate Loan # - - - - and - - - - - -, - CA - Filed We started a short sale with Stonegate On - -, 2016. Last evening, - -, the homeowner received a call from Stonegate 's debt collection department. The male on the phone was very rude. He stated Stonegate was understaffed, not going to work on a short sale, and they were going to foreclose on - - unless the homeowner gave him in excess of $ - immediately. This homeowner is understandably distressed by this action on the part of Stonegate. Aside from the lack of professional exhibit...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 10, 2016 - In - - we filed for a loan modification with Stonegate Mortgage due to a loss of job. We were simply asking for the removal of PMI, due to being over - % LTV. We have had over 30 conversations with the company since we filed this, and get different answers almost every time. We were originally told the process would take 30 days, this drug in -/-/- and were we given several conflicting reasons why. On -/-/-, we were denied the modification due to " being current on our loan. '' This is an issue, because we are currently in Chapter - and this same mortgage company th...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

January 12, 2016 - I first received a loan modification from Stonegate mortgage on - 2015, at this time my payment was going to be -, estimated then went up to - after I had signed the new paperwork at the - payment, they agreed this was their mistake and each time they told me I could fill out a loan modification packet to get my account current again after i kept complaining that the payment was not what I agreed upon. Now for the past year I have been filling out loan modification paperwork maybe four our five times ( different packets ). Each time I am told I missed the deadline. I even had it ce...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 31, 2015 - In 2014 i was laid off work and have still not found full time work. I have been trying to get an many hours on as needed bases. Still not able to make ends meet my husband was in a accident in - - and off work - mths. We really fell behind. Discussed with Stongate mortgage our situation and inability to make payments. They recommend we fill out a borrower assistance form. I did - in - of 2014 and I was told I had to send another - cause the - - expired. The - - sent - -. I sent a hardship letter, expense form, pay stubs ( multiple times ), and bank stamens ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 17, 2015 - We received a letter dated - -, 2015. The letter stated we may be eligible for a FHA Hamp with Partial Claim. To accept this offer we were required to make our - monthly trial plan payment '' under our Trial Payment Plan. The Trial Payment Plan was as follows:- payment : $1300.00 by -/-/15- payment $1300.00 by -/-/15- payment $1300.00 by -/-/15The plan further stated each payment had to be received by Stonegate Mortgage within 15 days of the trial payment plan due date. We made the trial payments as follows:- payment $1400.00 on -/-/15- ...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 12, 2015 - I believe that Stonegate Mortgage is improperly stalling my short sale. Most mortgage servicers are required to approve or deny a short sale within 30 days of receiving a completed application. If this applies to Stonegate, I think they are trying to get around this requirement by continuing to ask me for more paperwork. Since - 2015, instead of a decision, I get monthly letters demanding additional paperwork. Sometimes Stonegate asks for additional information, other times they ask for the same information but in a different format, and they have even asked again for information that I hav...

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Stonegate Mortgage Corporation Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 25, 2015 - I recently went thru a loan modification with Stonegate mortgage company. The payments increased, almost - a month. Which I told my servicer this he said I could do a short sale. I signed the paperwork because I wanted to keep my house. This process took months, so by the time I finished with it I was drained mentally. The stress was to much and not to mention my loan processor -, was useless. I would call - or times a week and get no return phone calls. So after I signed this new paperwork, thinking my payment was - from -, I received a phone call saying Your payment now is goi...

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