Regions Vehicle Loan Complaints

Review and analysis of over 42 Vehicle Loan complaints against Regions

Regions consumers have reported over 42 official complaints related to Vehicle loan. Out of the 42 consumer complaints against Regions, 33% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Regions responded to their complaint) and 95% were processed in a timely manner. 5% of consumer complaints against Regions resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 21% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Vehicle Loan Consumer Complaints

Regions Consumer Loan shopping for a loan or lease shopping for a loan or lease

November 26, 2015 - I stopped into a bank ( Regions Bank ) to ask the process for an auto loan. I was told to send a copy of the title and bill of sale to start the process. Once I submitted the documents additional step that were not acceptable were presented. I informed the bank I did not want to pursue business with them. At that point they informed me they had pulled my credit days before. I never was told anything about access to my credit file during my initial introductory meeting, I never authorized access and never started any loan process. ...

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Regions Consumer loan managing the loan or lease

October 19, 2015 - Regions Bank is reporting that I am over 30 days late on my monthly payment. I have proof that the bank receives the check but they do not process the check up to 3 and 4 days causing their system to show that I am over 30 days. I am not disputing that I was over 10 days and they can charge a late fee, BUT I was not over 30 days later! I should not be penalized for their process time ; they received my payment prior to 30 days past the due date of the -. ...

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Regions Consumer loan managing the loan or lease

October 8, 2015 - I purchased a - Volkswagen on -/-/- and was financed by Regions Bank. My first payment began -/-/-. To date, I have requested by phone, email, and postal mail that someone from that company to please send me an itemized statement of all payments received and have not received any response. The car payments was not initially behind until -/-/-. I could not understand how the car payments had become behind. I had made several payments in cash at the local branch banks and they were not all calculated correctly even after I submitted receipts of payment. I even emailed the accou...

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Regions Consumer loan managing the loan or lease

September 21, 2015 - In dealing with Regions bank, I never received an initial loan statement for a used car loan. After 30 days I became concerned and contacted them on - -, 2015. They did not have my apartment number in the statement and I updated them accordingly. They noted my payment was due on the - of - but there was a 10 day grace period and asked if I would like to pay. I said no, noting that my first payment I would like to send myself and not through customer service. The rep noted that I would be sent another statement to my updated address and then asked if I would be able to access this a...

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Regions Consumer loan managing the loan or lease

July 12, 2015 - -/-/-, my stepson, had started a new job. It was a good one, and it seemed that his life was starting to take a positive turn. My wife asked to help him with the purchase of more reliable transportation. We wound up purchasing a new Ford Focus through a dealership near -, T-. I assumed that it would be reliable, and that he would have pride of ownership. I put in a $2000.00 down payment and agreed to cosign the loan ( Regions # - ). My Father had done the same for me when I graduated from college and I appreciated his assistance. The intent being that my stepson would handle the c...

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Regions Consumer loan problems when you are unable to pay

April 23, 2015 - Fell upon hard financial times! - business went under, had to sellshares of another business to cover due from share holder! went through a long costly divorce! I changed from office/owner to hourly employee! with a drastically pay cut! I found myself homeless ( house foreclosed on! ) and owing money I could not repay! I called Region 's Bank and explained to them my status! They ( same day I called ) immediately came and took ( repossession ) Motor Home! Yet after them taking Motor Home my Debt with them went UP! they did not give any value ( for what they sold it for )! They keep showing ...

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