MRS BPO, L.L.C. Cont'D Attempts Collect Debt Not Owed Complaints

Review and analysis of over 71 complaints against MRS BPO, L.L.C.

MRS BPO, L.L.C. consumers have reported over 71 official complaints related to Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed. Out of the 71 consumer complaints against MRS BPO, L.L.C., 7% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how MRS BPO, L.L.C. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against MRS BPO, L.L.C. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 24% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Cont'D Attempts Collect Debt Not Owed Consumer Complaints

MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

February 4, 2017 - - had a billing issue when I moved several years ago, and " could n't find me in the system '' despite the fact that I was still a paying customer at a different address. So they submitted a $90.00 debt ( which I did validly owe ) to debt collections. Got a phone call from the debt collections agency, called -, and then I paid the debt immediately to -, and the whole issue should have gone away. Now, 3 times subsequently, the same $90.00 charge supposedly attributed to - has gone to a new debt collection agencies. Each time I call -, and they claim that they have nothing t...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

November 29, 2016 - This company has placed a stop on my vehicle registration for supposed tunnel fees that they should not have been accrued due to me having - EZ pass accounts for over 8 years. I spoke to a manager by the name of - - who was rude and unwilling to even listen to me. He tried to tell me that they have charged me $53.00 per transaction for $1.00 tunnel fees that they admittedly never sent me an itemization of from 2013. They apparently received my information from the - - - -, which I have only used about - times in the past going to see -, as I am a -. This is an...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

November 20, 2016 - Letter addressed to " - - '', which is not me, at my address. Another attempt to collect a phony - debt. I will attach their letter. Their web site allows no option but making a payment ; nowhere for an explanation ( in this case, that there is no such debt )....

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

November 11, 2016 - - - - is charging $330.00 and it reflects as derogatory in my credit history in 2014. I did n't ever sign or even negotiate a contact with -. I was studying abroad at the time....

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

October 31, 2016 - I believe this is a debt that I disputed in 2009 for cable services. I moved to the - - in - of 2009 and asked to cancel my cable service in -. I spoke with a representative at the time and was assured that this would be done. Sometime later, I was told that I owed for 2-3-4 months of service. ( I no longer have the documentation from this matter. ) I now have a $140.00. collection amount showing on - my Credit Reports by MRS BPO, LLC....

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 29, 2016 - MRS BPO , L.L.C . contacted me by mail, on - -, 2016, and identified the debt as $1800.00 owed to -, MRS ACCT # : - ; Current Creditor Account # : - ; Charge off Date : -/-/2016. I do not have any responsibility for the debt, have never owed - any money, and confirmed this with -...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

June 28, 2016 - I paid this company $1400.00 on - -, 2013 to settle a collection account with - but - is stating they never received payment for this account. I need a letter stating this account was paid off so that I can forward it to - because it is hurting my credit score....

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 20, 2016 - After the car was returned to - back in 2012 we received a letter stating that we owned nothing on the account at all. We have no idea why we are receiving collection attempts on a fraudulent amount and we would like for this to stop immediately. ...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

January 17, 2016 - I just pulled a copy of my credit report and noticed that your agency is reporting that I owe you a debt. I was not aware of this debt until now, and under my rights under the FDCPA, I request that you validate this debt. The details of the debt on my credit report are as follows : Account number : - Address Identification Number : - Inquiry made on : -/-/2014 Company Name : MRS BPO Original Creditor : - ...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

December 24, 2015 - mrs associates, ph ( - ) - continues calling my number which is ( - ) - in an attempt to contact a family member. These are unwanted phone calls, and I hang up before the recording can finish. I am on the " do not call list '' and for privacy have an unlisted number. ...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 17, 2015 - i am being called by MRS BPO every day. a machine makes the call. i am not the person they are looking for. it is the person who used to have this phone number. there is no way to get them to stop because the machine circles around and around. i have called their main number where the operator says she can not help me and transfers me to a number where nobody answers. please make them stop. when calls for the same person were made by human beings, i was able to convince them i am not the one who owes the debt. can not get the machine calls stopped. ...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 16, 2015 - I have never had - - -. This was disputed once before and removed from my credit profile nearly a year ago and now it reappears. ...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

September 2, 2015 - My - - collection is incorrect. The account I opened in 2009 was closed and zeroed out before service was discontinued and a payed in full status was never restored. I submitted bank records to show the ACH payment made before my account was closed in 2009. ...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

August 24, 2015 - I received a letter dated -/-/15 from MRS BPO, L.L.C located at 1930 - - - -, NJ -. Stating that they are collecting on be half of - - - in the amount of $100.00. And if I did not pay w/in 30 days the info would be place on my credit report. Indeed I did own - - - earlier last year for a Modem, which I returned later and when I spoke with time warned I was told by their representative that my account was at a $0.00 balance after receiving the modem. And the negative info was removed from my credit report. Upon receipt of this collection notice I call ...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

July 24, 2015 - We have received communications from a debt sold by - -. We disputed the accuracy of the debt several times directly with - - and they refused to correct the matter because we were no longer a client of theirs. They were billing us for services not used because they stated that it is their internal policy to bill their consumers for a complete month of service and not pro-rate their bill if they left the service. We had no contract and were not under any requirement to maintain service with -. We do not feel that we are subject to their internal policies nor should they be permi...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

July 7, 2015 - - - office representative made false statements, and when I disputed the debt originally it was dropped from my credit history. 4 years after this was done, - - is attempting to collect what they think is debt. A person authorized to repressent the company told me that I would owe a certain amount and that amount was paid, when a different amount was attempted to be collected I was told that it did not matter what that person agreed to. In New York State a verbal agreement is tantamount to a contract and as such is where they provided service. They have harassed me for the last 7 y...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

June 27, 2015 - I received a letter stating that I owed money for my - cell phone bill. However, I am currently up to date with my cell phone payment and have never fallen behind. Therefore, this debt is completely fictional and I am not going to pay it to this company that claims the debt has fallen into collections. The company is called MRS - from MRS Associates at - NJ --...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt is not mine

June 26, 2015 - I had an issue with - Wireless. It got nasty; I wrote a letter to the -, sent a copy with a note to the President -. The result was that all the - billing was taken away, and I got a -+ credit on my Wireless account. I suddenly got a letter from MRS BPO, L.L.C. stating they were collecting - for -. No one at - knows anything about it. My current bills do not indicate the amount. I don't want my credit ruined by these people and no one knows who authorized the collection agency to come after me. -....

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 27, 2015 - - sent me in error to a debt collector - - - for $140.00 - -, 2015. On - -, 2015 I paid - - $160.00 which included late charge. I spoke to - on - -, 2015 at - verifying that I paid this bill full. Then received another bill from for the same $140.00 from another collector MRS Associates for the - - bill - $140.00 -. I tried several times to call MRS Associates on - -,2015 and - -, 2015. The phone tree takes me to the point of waiting to speak with a representative then disconnects me every time. This very frustrating and...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 27, 2015 - The disputed charges stem from disconnecting my service with - because I was moving when I resided in New Jersey in -/-/- I received a bill and I have made numerous attempts to receive clarification as to what I 'm being charged for. On -/-/-, I spoke with - from - and she did not know what it was. I received - notices from debt collection agencies and I demanded a verification of the debts, which no one has responded to. On -/-/-, I spent over - hours on the phone with - agents, including -, -, -, - and - with no resolution. I have copies of all...

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MRS BPO, L.L.C. Debt collection cont'd attempts collect debt not owed debt was paid

May 15, 2015 - My name is - - and I previously had an account with - - -, however, I continuously paid my account in a timely manner by way of - - pay. When I received my - 2012 - - 2012 ( service period ) bill ( approximately - - 2012 ) it stated I had an unpaid balance of $160.00, so I paid $160.00 in cash at the - - - on -. located less than - minutes from my residence. I checked my bill pay first and saw that the payment was sent but the check never cashed ( nearly one month after it was sent ). At that time I was most certain the check was lost and wou...

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