Nelnet Student Loan Complaints

Review and analysis of 148 consumer complaints against Nelnet

Out of the 148 consumer complaints against Nelnet Student Loan, 18% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Nelnet responded to their complaint) and 99% were processed in a timely manner. 1% of consumer complaints against Nelnet resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 5% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

December 13, 2016 - Federal student loans to attend law school. My diploma has been withheld since -/-/- because I allegedly did n't pay tuition to the school. That bill was discharged in Ch - filed in -/-/-. Actual student loans were not discharged although I asked for it because I was never given my diploma although I graduated. My student loans are now at over $160000.00 for a degree I never received. This year my payments were tripled to $350.00 a month. I can not pay and applied for forbearance which has been repeatedly denied....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

November 15, 2016 - Nelnet, who services my loan, contacted a reference I had listed regarding my address. The company has my phone and email address. I do not understand why a reference would be contacted to confirm my address. I contacted the company and asked them to not contact my references again given that they already had a way to reach me. Nelnet 's contacting of a reference has caused me significant personal embarrassment. I send a payment to Nelnet every month. I am very upset and concerned about the company 's behavior in this matter....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

November 15, 2016 - A few days after we made a first and full payment of a parent plus loan we were notified that we qualified for Total - forgiveness. We immediately called up nelnet and they expclitly told us that even though we just paid it off we would be refunded if we qualified. After a few months we contacted them to check status and found out that we did qualify. However, because the account had been closed they were n't able to systematically do a refund and suggest we contact my - -. My - - tried to help but eventually gave up. Nelnet has yet to follow up with us but basically told us the...

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Nelnet can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

November 15, 2016 - I started receiving statements from the Department of Education about my student loans. Later I received a notice for another company, that call themselves Nelnet ; stating that I have students loans with them. I had pulled my credit report and they both were on it. The Department of Education show as transferred accounts. Nelnet shows balances that I owe them. Nelnet show as I missed payments. I always call to get a forbearance because I do n't have a job to repay the loans. So, what I 'm asking of you is to help me get the missing payments off my credit files and place them as current. Also ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 14, 2016 - I had spoken with a rep from the dept. of education in - of 2013 about putting my student loan accounts in deferrment because my income was limited, and I was told I was eligible to place these loans into deferrment. On the phone, I asked them to place the loans in deferrment, and to my knowledge, they had been deferred. Only to find out a few months later, I found out that the loans actually did not get deferred per my conversation with the rep. Once I found this out, it was too late and the late payments had already greatly affected my credit rating. I immediately caught up on the loan pa...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 12, 2016 - Nelnet has combined my subsidized and unsubsidized student loans without permission. I used to have a Group A and Group B student loan that I paid to them. Now - -I have only a Group A. I intend on going back to school next year - -so, I intend on only paying the unsubsizided since the interest will still accrue. They have done so without my permission. I have tried to call multiple times - -and have gotten no resolve. I am on time AND ahead - -but I have every right to pay either loan in advance by law. How many times are they going to manipulate my loans?...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

November 12, 2016 - They reported me over 120 days late and that is inaccurate. I wrote them and asked them several times to remove the late marks, and still they remain, the fair credit report act states they have 30 days to either dispute or remove and the have chosen to do nothing....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 11, 2016 - Prior to -/-/2013, I was submitting student loan payments manually via to my loan servicer, NelNet. In -/-/2013 I set up auto-debit. Because the auto debit would take time to take effect, I was told to submit a final payment manually via, I did. My loan was never delinquent during this time, this has been confirmed by NelNet. However, NelNet put my loan into forbearance without my request, and despite my loan payments being up to date. They redisclosed my loan and my monthly payments rose by a small amount. I have been paying them since 2013. I noticed this recentl...

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Nelnet can't repay my loan can't temporarily postpone payments


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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 11, 2016 - I started going to - college to take courses to qualify for - in my state. Nelnet put me on automatic deferment. I have no major concerns with that, but what has really pissed me off is that I have called on multiple occasions to tell them to reinstate my automatic ACH payments. I have money to pay for my student loans and do not need nor do I want the deferment. It is now - and I am seeing that my last payment was made on - 2016. There is no way I can payback multiple months. But they need to reinstate my ACH payments! Why are they refusing to do this? I have a right to pay my deb...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

November 9, 2016 - Account Number # -. Dear Original Creditor : I know that you must receive an overwhelming amount of mail so I will try to keep this letter as brief as possible and to the point. During -/-/- to -/-/2014, I possessed student loans with your company that right now is up to date and subsequently been refinanced through another loan servicer. Unfortunately, I do have late payments that are showing from over two ( 2 ) years ago and I am writing to request if there is a way to have this information revised. At the time of these late payments I was unemployed and struggling to find gain...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 8, 2016 - I started the IBR on -/-/- with Nelnet , Inc. " Under the IBR and Pay As You Earn plans, your calculated monthly payment amount may not cover all of the interest that accrues on your loans each month ( this is called negative amortization ). In this situation, the government will pay the remaining unpaid accrued interest that is due each month on your subsidized loans ( including the subsidized portion of a consolidation loan ) for up to three consecutive years from the date you begin repaying your loans under the IBR or Pay As You Earn plan. '' This has not been happening on my accou...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

November 7, 2016 - Firstmark Services has incorrect information about my account on their website, including incorrect amount of accrued interest and incorrect monthly payment amount. The website says that I should be paying them $ 4000+ a month, when my monthly payment should actually be around $500.00. I contacted customer service to understand what is going on, and they were very unhelpful and just said that the website is n't working. This seems problematic because I assume the website would accurately display basic information like loan amounts. But it is n't. And this makes me think I need to go back ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 7, 2016 - My student loans were transferred/sold through several different places and I could n't find the company that had bought them. My credit file shows missed payments from -/-/- through -/-/- ( 11 missed payments ). Nelnet had my student loans at this point but I did not know who had my student loans. I called multiple places to try to find where my student loans where, but know one could tell me anything. I also moved from my original residence after completing college. I make my student loan payments monthly since learning that Nelnet had them. The missed payments were not my fault be...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

November 6, 2016 - I have a unsubsidized Stafford loan from college of $7500.00 that I did not receive any communication about for nearly six years while I was in - -. Then I get a letter in the mail after six years of no communication stating that I owed Nelnet an extra $3500.00 in loan interest. Had I been reminded of my loan status or amount of loan interest, I would have begun repayment earlier and not incurred as much interest....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 4, 2016 - I have been paying more that my actual monthly payment to Nelnet for years as I was trying to see if I could pay my student loan in 10 years. I would call and they would tell me that it would be applied to principal. Since I have it set up automatically I just call in to make sure that my over payments are applied and they always would tell me that yes they are being applied and that I was making inroads to paying off my student loan debt. After looking at my statements and seeing that I am now paid up until - of next year I decided to call again to make sure that my payments were applied ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

November 4, 2016 - I began attending - - at age - and began signing loan documents while I was still in - school. I have accumulated - loans to both private institutions and the federal government totaling over $50000.00. I have an - which has not been accepted for transfer to any four year institution at which I have applied. Numerous - have also rejected the authenticity of my degree. Therefore I am stuck with a degree I ca n't use and $50000.00 of debt....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 3, 2016 - I have multiple loans that were reported delinquent by Nelnet, past the 120-day mark, while I was still meeting all enrollment requirements to defer my payments. This has left my credit severely damaged. I have proof from my University that I was enrolled during the alleged delinquency, and have submitted dozens of requests for review of my dispute. Nelnet only accepts disputes via fax, which is an absurd limit on the capabilities of communication for something so serious. It took them months to finally reply, only to reject my dispute with very vague reasoning. My credit has been majorly im...

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Nelnet can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

November 2, 2016 - After graduating I went through the proper channels and consolidated all of my federal loans through the federal website I was given at graduation. At the time the website that was used was - ( no longer in service I think ). Everything seemed fine I was making payments and keeping in contact with them as my financial situation changed. A few years later I get a call from a collection agency that stated I was in default on one of my student loans. I was very confused as to how this had happened. She stated that it looks like it was not consolidated and that she could help me go through the ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 2, 2016 - I sent two payments totaling $710.00 on loan B of account - on -/-/2016. I specifically asked that the entire amount be applied to loan B. It was instead applied to both loan A and B. I want this to be corrected, and the entire amount applied to loan B carrying an interest rate of 6.8 %....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 1, 2016 - Many years ago, I consolidated my loan with a particular lender because of the incentives that I can earn. I 've earned them, but now my new servicer is telling me they do n't have to honor it. How is this even legal? The incentives were indeed the selling and determining factor. I honored my obligations to repay my loan and earn incentives ; and the lender can escape honoring its incentives by selling the loan or switching servicers....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

October 28, 2016 - My payment on the loan is due tomorrow. I called to simply ask whether if I paid tomorrow, would it go through in time? Or whether I should make a payment today? The service rep did n't know so put me on hold to talk to her supervisor. She then told me that a late payment wo n't go on my credit report for 90 days so I could wait 90 days to pay. This is not at all what I asked ( which I told her ) but she encouraged me to pay late on my loan....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

October 27, 2016 - I am writing this complaint due to the unethical business practices conducted by my Student Loan company that negatively affected my credit -/-/2016. If you check my credit you will find that I have had excellent credit for years ( ~-- ). A fact that I take great pride in. -/-/- I received a credit alert. When I went out to check what caused the problem I was startled to find that my consolidated student loan was in 'delinquency. ' Because it was a consolidated loan it affected my credit as if - loans were delinquent, and subsequently my credit score plummeted to ~ -. I i...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer need information about my balance/terms

October 25, 2016 - I am repaying my student loan back accordingly to -/Nelnet, however it shows as - derogatory marks on my credit summary....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

July 3, 2016 - I graduated from the University of - - in -/-/- and consolidated my loans with Nelnet. I now make payment for the private portion of my loans to Firstmark Services and Nelnet for the Federal. ( I believe they 're one in te same ) I was to receive a 1.00 % interest rate reduction after 48 months of ontime payments for my private loan. I was to receive a reduction to my federal loans also which I finally received after fighting them on it! I have always made on payment for both loans. For some reason they are saying that for my -/-/- payment it was received on -/-/- ...

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Nelnet can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments

June 4, 2016 - We 've had this loan for a while now and in it 's simplest terms the amount applied to the principal versus the amount to interest is silly. Out of - applied in may 2016 applied to interest is - and - applied to principal and it 's been this way for the entire loan process and we are having a difficult time repaying the loan back at that mthly amount. We tried to get it lowered they say we make too much money which is a silly comment at best. This whole loan with Nelnet seems like it should be illegal....

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

May 12, 2016 - Charged by - for - semester ( - 2004 ). I was n't allowed to attend that semester by the - at the time due to lack of finances on their record. Or at least, that what I was informed. I did not attend classes because teachers also did not have me n their rosters. When I attempted to attend classes when the semester began, I was directed to financial aid where I was then told I did not have the finances. Only to be charged in later years for the loan for that semester when I was no longer attending school. I have accumulated delinquencies & am now paying debt on a loan I never receiv...

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Nelnet improper contact or sharing of info contacted me after i asked not to

May 10, 2016 - My student loan had been discharged -/-/2010. Nelnet claims I did not contact that last year and so without warning since -/-/- they have been taking $150.00 from my - check which I am barely living on. Said I have to re-apply. I did and have also shown proof of emails where I have tried to contact them in past - yrs. I sent everything they needed in the packet. I have called several times each time they have my wrong address. Each time I give them the correct one, although the mail gets to the right address. I have - of which I have been working very had to stay off -...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer need information about my balance/terms

May 4, 2016 - Firstmark Services manages several groups of student loans. They do not provide a history of monthly principle balances, nor will they upon request. They will also not mail this information to me. I believe they are mismanaging the principle amount and accruing interest on my loans. They also have made it exceedingly difficult to pay in excess of the minimum payments as I see fit. That is, they deliberately split large payments to spread across my multiple loans, so as to have the smallest impact on principal balance, despite multiple requests to the contrary. I have written, emailed, and spok...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

May 4, 2016 - They have stated that they are applying payments in accordance with my promissory note, but refuse to give me a copy of any of the documentation. On - -, I asked for copies of my signed origination documents, promissory note, terms, etc,. copies of any and all paperwork I have with the company. On - -, I received an email ( ref. CID : - ) from - that stated " We have received your request for documents and forwarded them to the correct department for review. These documents will be emailed to the address that we have on file in 1-2 business days. '' It is now - -, 2...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

April 29, 2016 - In 2006 I cosigned a private student variable rate loan. The interest rate at the time was 8.68 percent. Today the rate is 8.75 percent .Even though the prime rate has gone down substantially the last 10 years the rate on the loan has not been reduced. It seems that the rate should have dropped. I have called the company and they have not given me a satisfactory answer. I think there is fraud here. Please advise ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer need information about my balance/terms

April 13, 2016 - I have not been able to access my account for 2 months. They have not been sending me updates on what is happening. I have been sitting in the dark until I have to ask for updates. I do n't see why it is taking so long to fix my account. ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer keep getting calls about my loan

April 6, 2016 - I co-signed on a loan for my spouse as she completed her - - degree. She graduated and 4 months later enrolled in her - degree program ( - ) which she is currently enrolled -. The - loan issuer ( Firstmark/Nelnet ) has demanded repayment of the loans while she is enrolled in her - - program despite their website stating that full time enrollment qualifies for deferment. They are threatening collections, credit bureau reporting, and other scary actions. We have attempted to work with them and provided documentation of her full time - program but they have rejected thi...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer don't agree with fees charged

April 5, 2016 - I attended - University in - Florida. They called me several times and pursued me to attend classes. I believe they preyed upon a person who did not know what to do. They had me sign all these documents without explaining that it was going to cost me $24000.00 for a few - classes since I already had an - degree from - - College. I believe this University is a scam and is overcharging students while engaging in predatory practices to get them to enroll. please help. ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

April 5, 2016 - I have been trying to pay the balance down by paying extra on each payment and sending in a small amount in addition to that. The company is not applying the extra to my principal balance - despite the fact that I am current. When I asked about it they gave me some ridiculous line about the simple interest calculation. It sounds like a corrupt practice and is definitely causing me harm. Additionally, they are not providing me regular statements, sometimes going months between statements ( no -/-/- statement ever produced or received, no statements in -/-/- or -/-/- ) Here 's wha...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

March 31, 2016 - I am writing to you in hopes that you can help resolve the issues I am having with an alleged loan that was first made with Nelnet/ - bank. This loan is now being managed by Firstmark Services a Nelnet company.Documents that I have requested are : Signed Promissory note, signed disclosure statement, payment history, payment schedule, a copy of the check that was released, and a signed release of funds form.I have been sent some documentation that I have requested, but the company is making it very hard to get anything. What Firstmark has sent me that they list as promissory note is the only...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

March 29, 2016 - I have been working hard towards keeping my credit in a good place and am currently trying to power pay on the Private Student Loan I have with the highest interest, while they ( the other - I have ) are in deferment. The last time I checked my credit score was about - and I contacted First Mark ( the private loan holder ) to see if I was able to refinance and they told me no. I just feel like 8 % is a lot for me to be paying in interest and was wondering if there is in fact a way to lower this loan so the extra payments I am paying will be worth it. Also, they told me that there is no w...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer received bad information about my loan

March 9, 2016 - -/-/- I attempted to payoff my student loan with Nelnet. I contacted them for a remittance address. I was given the wrong address and my remittance ended up with the Department of Education in -. When this problem was discovered, I contacted Nelnet. I was told by the customer service people that my loan would be put in forbearance and not accrue interest as it would take some time for the refund from the Government. It was their mistake to give me the wrong address. The money was finally remitted and I again tried to payoff the loan in -/-/-. Nelnet received the payoff on - -...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

March 6, 2016 - I 've been paying a student loan since -/-/-. The original total loan amount on -/-/- was $17000.00 ( $5800.00 & $11000.00 ). I was consisted through - - had some financial issues, my loan went into default, corrected that and by -/-/- was paying my loan consistently. Throughout my loan repayment, more money has been going towards interest than the principal. Prior to default in -/-/-, I paid a total of $7500.00. After default, my balance was $14.00, -. Payments from - through - has been $6000.00 and my outstanding balance on -/-/- wa...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

February 16, 2016 - I am a guarantor on my son 's student loans.My son was laid off in - 2015. He was unable to make his student loan payment. When he called, they said that he had to make his loan current prior to them helping him due to his unemployment ( they do not have a record of his call ). Normally, when he is late, I receive a letter within a few days of the due date. This time I did not receive any letters until - - when he was 60 days late. However, I found out that he was 60 days late, when I went to apply for a loan and my credit rating was - points lower than it should have been. I made ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer need information about my balance/terms

February 3, 2016 - I attended - - - - in - in -. FirstMark Services is currently the debt collector .- is the entity that controls FirstMark . They are unable to verify the balance and it is completely wrong. They are unable to explain where or how the interest is calculated. I have asked for a breakdown over and over again. What they have sent me is insufficient because the numbers do n't add up. I have made numerous payments that I have not gotten credit for or been itemized. I wrote a check for $62000.00 which I doubt was credited correctly. I have not gotten credit for any payments mad...

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Nelnet can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

December 29, 2015 - I am behind on my student loan because I can not afford the payments. I contacted the servicer to see if they can offer me any assistance to bring the account current or at least get on a payment plan. They have no options for me. So although I am attempting to pay because I can not pay the past due balance in full there is nothing they can do. This is very frustrating because it seems that all I can do is have the account go to collections. I have been paying on this account for 7 years now and ran into financial difficulties. It seems that more options need to be available to help borrowers ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

November 27, 2015 - I attended - - of - from -/-/--/-/-I took out - private student loans to finance my education. My loans were initially serviced by Nelnet with no problems. In 2014 my loans were service released to Firstmark Serviceswhich is a subsidiary of Nelnet. I remit payments through - - Online Bill Pay making one payment of $420.00 monthly. The servicer would split the payment and apply funds to each loan. I made 10 payments to FirstMark with no issues. The 11th payment was only applied to - of my loans. Reason being is that the payment processing computer now can...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer having problems with customer service

October 30, 2015 - The loan was provided by - and is services by Firstmark Services. It was applied to my education at - University between - - and - -. Prior to attending graduate school between - - and - -, I applied - to set up automatic payments. Both times, the loan servicer reported never having received the required documents leading me to miss payments. After I completed graduate school and began to make payments again, I attempted for a - time to set up automatic payments of $200.00 a month. Again, the loan servicer reported not having received the request and resul...

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Nelnet can't repay my loan can't get flexible payment options

October 29, 2015 - I have been paying on my private loans for 8 years now without ever missing a payment. According to my financial history as provided by - - -, I graduated with $26000.00 in private student loan debt. To this day I still owe $25000.00 on my private student loans. According to those numbers I have only paid off less than $1000.00 on my private loans in 8 years of on time payments. How are they calculating interest on these loans? I am having a very hard time believing that I 've only paid $990.00 on these loans in 96 months of paying on them. This is clear fraud!! ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer

September 29, 2015 - I have these private student loans from a fraudulent for profit college. The loan documents say school name is unavailable and my graduation year is -. I believe that these loans are fraudulent and invalid. I am asking for forgiveness on all of these fraudulent loans. ...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer

September 9, 2015 - Firstmark Services is an unethical business that charges hidden fees and extorts money from their customers. They take out a huge finder 's fee '' from the loan disbursement right off the bat. Also, if you go into deferment they add the balance to your principal without informing you. On a $7500.00 loan, they added roughly $6500.00 in fees ''. As a very young college student desperate to finish school ( at - - college ), I naively decided to work with these people, and the Firstmark employees are the most incompetent people I have ever had the misfortune to communicate with. If you...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer

May 12, 2015 - My student loans have been sold/transferred to different servicers several times. The student loan servicing industry is broken - each time the loans are sold, data and information is lost. My current servicers can not even provide me with complete and adequate data to confirm payment history, principal amount, interest rate, incentives. ( - of my prior student loan servicers are now out of business due to fraud and other violations that forced them out of business - and they can not be contacted or left any records either ). ...

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Nelnet can't repay my loan

April 17, 2015 - In - -, I was contacted by First Mark Services concerning my private loan. I - from - school on - -, -. Immediately after - I requested a grace period of 6 months after - to begin repayment. A representative, - - from First Mark Services indicated that their records reflected that I used the grace period during the period of - - through - -. However, during that time period I was enrolled in school and did not use that grace period for repayment as I was a - student and not required to make payments on the loan during that time. At the time, I su...

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Nelnet dealing with my lender or servicer

April 8, 2015 - Hi - I got a student loan from Nelnet to attend -. As I was an - -, - set up a - in order to secure the loan. In spite of this, I always received the form - - so that I can file this in my annual tax returns. Recently - took over my -, and without really informing me of anything, are now saying that since they do n't have my original SSN on record, they will not give me my - - form ( even with the - SSN ). I immediately sent them a scanned copy of my SSN, but they now say it 's too late. Since I was never informed of this change, and only now am told it 's t...

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