BankUnited Issue Resolution

Resources for resolving common issues with BankUnited products and services

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a 21st century agency that helps consumer finance markets work by making rules more effective, by consistently and fairly enforcing those rules, and by empowering consumers to take more control over their economic lives.

The CFPB will forward your complaint to BankUnited and work to get a response. After your complaint is forwarded, BankUnited has 15 days to respond to you and the CFPB. BankUnited is expected to close all but the most complicated complaints within 60 days.

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New BankUnited Consumer Complaints

BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

February 21, 2017 - Hello, I had mortgage with Bank united and now when I call or see online account, it 's no longer there, there is no help at all, they said they sold my mortgage but there is nothing send to me, please help...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 15, 2017 - BankUnited failed to answer a " Qualified Written Request '' under Section 6 of the Real Estate Settlement procedures Act ( RESPA ). This office has jurisdiction over the matter. BankUnited have been in receipt of various " Qualified Written Request '' under ( RESPA ) and are refusing to answer any of the questions. On - - BankUnited communicated that we did not sent a " valid '' written request and further alleged we did not include either a statement of reason for the belief of the borrower that the account is in error or sufficient detail to the servicer regarding information relating...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

November 3, 2016 - Refinanced home in -/-/- while being promised a - % received a negative amortization. Since payments were not affordable, ( rising from $590.00 to $1300.00 to $1600.00 to $3600.00 t0 $4400.00 and so on ; I was granted by the lender a modification at - % through their retention and modification department and further they said that if I added my children to the property, it would better protect me ; 8 month later they accelerated the mortgage because an unqualified banker did my modification. It was prepared by the bank on -/-/- and recorded in -/-/-. I hired Att...

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BankUnited Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

June 21, 2016 - I keep getting calls from blocked/restricted numbers for which I send to voicemail. They leave a message saying call BankUnited at -. They leave no name, no department, and no information what it is regarding. When I call the number, they immediately want my name, social security number, loan number, date of birth, property address. This is an extremely wreck less practice in 2016. There is no way to verify that this number belongs to BankUnited. The number does not appear on any website. There is no way to verify is this is a scam, yet they want my personal information. I instructed them n...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 1, 2016 - I refinanced loan without understanding what kind of mortgage it was and the settlement company which rip off me is already out of business, they told me they will reduce my mortgage and convince me to get this loan, at that I was struggling with my mortgage so I refinanced the loan and it was in 2005 and mortgage company was bankunited. I got $370000.00 loan from the mortgage company and maturity date was - and now I am still with the company and still have loan of $360000.00 and maturity date is -, I am not understanding why I am paying so much interest for same house and why my pr...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

March 18, 2016 - 1. I believe the bank is knowingly sending out mortgage statements late. Last month it came on - - for Payment - - -. ( was told 3rd party does mailing ) 2. Is assessing late charges for bank error. 3. Is deliberately dismissing complaints by making it impossible to get assistance by phone through their Customer Care line. Must write for assistance. 4. Sending out form letters denying customer issues without looking into the situation. 5. Takes no responsibility for even the possibility of a bank mistake 6. Has a policy of " stonewalling '' the customer so they can not resolv...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

December 1, 2015 - i got 2nd morgage on my house about 10 years ago. when i signed up for the loan i was told it was a 20 year loan. about 8months ago bank united started sending menotices that the loan with up. i went into the local branch to speak to them about this. they stated they do n't do loans anymore and ca n't help me. i was signed a agent through the corp office, who never returned my called or gave me straight answers about the loan, i ask and faxed over on - different times for a copy of my loan still to this day i not received a copy. the loans officers lied to me repeatedly. i tired to make pay...

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BankUnited Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 22, 2015 - I previously filed a complaint with you, it is the Case number : -. My complaining is about unfair and deceptive business practices. Bankunited is offering in - - accounts an interest rate of - for 3 months and afterwards, the interest rate is -. However, I have a MM account with BankUnited for almost 20 years. - has been lowering my interest rate until 0.3 %. This means that they have been giving me only a half of the return value, or interest rate that they should in relation with other customers. But, the market value of my money is the same as of those they called as " n...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

September 8, 2015 - This is a second complaint filed - the initial complaint resulted in the bank rescinding the original foreclosure. We discussed the payment required to enter into a forbearance agreement. The original amount discussed was significantly lower - the amount that was offered by the bank was eventually much higher and the funds were not available to make such a payment. We agreed to sell the family home after making certain renovations : those renovations ( about 80 % ) were made at a cost of over $40000.00. We began listing the house a short while ago. It was our understanding that the bank wo...

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BankUnited Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

July 13, 2015 - I have had an account with Bank United for over - years. My account was overdrawn and I received a call from a very aggressive and disgruntled Bank United employee, - - - who excoriated me for being overdrawn and demanded payment, of which I responded as soon as commissions came in it would be taken care of. I am in Hawaii since -/-/- and am nowhere near a Bank United branch, none on the island. I set this account at Bank United to receive funds electronically to cover these eventualities, however - - restricted my account and I called customer service and spent over an ...

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BankUnited Mortgage settlement process and costs

June 30, 2015 - The case is centered on the bank refusal to honore our TILA rescission. For over five years we 've been fighting them in their attempts to take our home. We initially purchased our homestead property on - -, - from - - with a - mortgage and a - mortgage. We subsequently consolidated the - loans on - -, - and took a new mortgage with a different lender '' called -. On - -, -, Florida - - - - terminated - - - ( - '' ) mortgage lending license due to questionable lending activities ( Exhibit-- ). On - -, -, after d...

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BankUnited Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

June 29, 2015 - I received a letter from - -, - - -, - - - -, - FL -, Tel : - informing that effective -/-/2015 our HOApayments will be sent to Bank United and asking to discard the old coupons withthe information for -. When I visited - website toschedule my payments online, I found a convenience fee as follow : standardprocessing new bank account $3.00, credit card $9.00 ; express pay new bankaccount $9.00, new credit card $9.00. Please note that with - wedid not have any fee when paying online. This is a rip off, please stop them. For security reas...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan servicing, payments, escrow account

June 19, 2015 - I - - I got a mortgage with PMI from BankUnited, -. At that time I received the Federal Truth-in-lending disclosure and the PMI was set to $370.00 for the - - payments and to $67.00 for the next - payments, and no PMI thereafter. In - - the PMI increased to $410.00. BankUnited did n't send any notification. In - - I noticed a very small decrease - to $410.00 -, again without receiving any notification. Every year, in -, after receiving the escrow account statement, I inquired about these PMI changes calling the bank. I spoke with several represent...

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BankUnited Mortgage credit decision / underwriting

June 2, 2015 - I informed bankunited years ago, and they posted it on my account that I could not make my $23.00 per month in late fees which has now reached $830.00 I am - years of ageand have never been late, when social security deposits my check into my checking account on the - wednesday of each month, the first thing i allways do is pay my mortgage.the late fees are adding up and there is no way to reason with bankunited as they are for the bank.please, please see if you can help me because with bankunited taking advantage of me, I can never get ahead. ...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 1, 2015 - -/-/2015URGENT MATTER pertaining foreclosure of my property -/-/2015 ( Short sale ) I am trying to get a short sale completed on my principal residence and have been for almost 2 years. Bank united is the lender and Fannie Mae is the investor. I have attached letters, the cash offer of -, the HUD-1, Addendum to the purchase Contract that the buyer will close on or before the foreclosure date. In addition, pictures and a value dispute conducted by legal counsel and a licensed contractor. The way I am being treated is unfair and borderline neglect by the bank and investor fannie mae. I am...

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BankUnited Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 29, 2015 - We were told that we were turned down for a HARP modification to our mortgage - then given the option of appealing but the appeal was ignored, and the bank accelerated the process of setting a foreclosure date. The paperwork was processed on -/-/2015 - foreclosure date was set for -. We then tried to negotiate a reinstatement - we offered 50 % of the past due amount plus past due/legal costs and 50 % amortized over 12 months. This was accepted, we liquidated our insurance policy to obtain the funds, we informed the bank the check would arrive Monday - - and to send reinstate ...

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