Regions Financial Corporation Checking Account Complaints

Review and analysis of over 94 Checking Account complaints against Regions Financial Corporation

Regions Financial Corporation consumers have reported over 94 official complaints related to Checking account. Out of the 94 consumer complaints against Regions Financial Corporation, 14% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Regions Financial Corporation responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 40% of consumer complaints against Regions Financial Corporation resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 7% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Checking Account Consumer Complaints

Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

April 7, 2017 - Yesterday, I deposit a check from my company account ( - ) to my personal account ( Regions ) using my mobile and I selected from the deposit option to be cleared last night and paid the $3.00 fee requested. With no warning, this morning I see that my check is ON HOLD - - - while the money was taken last night from - account. Basically, Regions Bank is holding my money ( - $3700.00 ) for 8 days, with no reason and no warning. By the way, the money was to pay my mortgage with Regions Bank. This is an abuse and arbitrary action and when I asked where can I write a complain...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 30, 2017 - I was improperly charged overdraft fees $36.00 on my bank checking account on -/-/2017....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 23, 2017 - Regions Bank refuses to confirm the date I can expect to receive the - they " - '' confirmed that I qualified for after being asked numerous times to do so. If I have indeed met all the terms, then it should be easy to see on their end when I can expect to receive the bonus....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

March 7, 2017 - I was charged $72.00 on -/-/- in NSF fee 's because - items posted while another was in pending status, even though those - items came into the bank first. They will charge fee 's any way possible and are not consistent about the way they post items and charge fees....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

March 6, 2017 - - ( Social Security Number ) Complaint Against Regions Bank I, - open up an account with this bank on or about -/-/2017 and was promised a promotion of $400.00 by bank rep - and now the bank seems as if it does not want to give me the promotion I did everything the bank told me to do....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

February 27, 2017 - I am writing this complaint about Region bank that place an inaccuracy report on -. When I asked for proof they kept sending information that happen back in -/-/- which I had paid the fees, this bank decided to charge me an unnecessary fees total $110.00, they never paid any company on my behalf. There was a return check that was not paid. I had send them a letter but have not received any reply from them. I never denied not having an account with regions bank but I am dispute the fees they charge my account and force my account into -. I do n't go aroung writing bad checks, no I ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

February 23, 2017 - Prior to -/-/-, I went inside a Region 's branch with my - offer for opening a new account. The offer stated that I needed to make at least - debit card transactions within 60 days of account opening and have e-statements to receive the promotional deposit. Since that time, I have sent and received dozens of messages through my online banking at Regions trying to confirm the promotion and that I have met the terms of the bonus. Multiple times I have been told by Regions that my account was registered for only a - bonus that required direct deposit. I know this is not the case, an...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

February 16, 2017 - I have 2 accounts with Regions Bank with the ability to transfer money between the 2. I made a purchase, accidentally using the wrong account. When I logged onto my account on Tuesday, -, I realized the mistake and saw there was an overdraft fee. I was upset, but I realized it was my error. I did n't immediately transfer money because I was trying to contact the company that authorized the charge. The problem began when I logged in today and saw they had charged a second overdraft fee for the same purchase. When I called customer service, the rep was rude and condescending. He stated that t...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

February 14, 2017 - On the morning of -/-/- I went online to make a transfer from my savings account into one of my checking accounts with Regions Bank. I noticed in my online portal that there were some pending charges. I also noticed that I was assessed an overdraft fee of $100.00, however, the balance at the time the fee was assessed was not negative. I completed my transfer and called to get clarification. The representative told me that while the pending charges had not been taken from my account ( or even been requested from the merchants ) they had preemptively applied them to my balance, thus creat...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 31, 2017 - My wife ordered a beauty product called - online and only ordered the product once. However this fraudulent company started sending more products without her permission and charging the account. We kept going to Regions bank disputing it. But they kept jacking us around saying they would resolve it. Never happened! So we paid the negative and closed the account. Even after the account was closed Regions bank continued to allow this fraudulent company to send charges to an account we closed. Then Regions bank keep sending us notices that we are in negative overdraft charges. Regions is doing...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

January 27, 2017 - On -/-/- I was charged - by -. I had canceled my membership well before the renewal period in -/-/-. I went into Regions Bank on -/-/- to dispute this transaction and provided them with the cancelation number as I had not received a refund back from -. On -/-/- I received a letter form Regions stating that my claim was denied. the letter sated that my claim shows I cancelled after the transaction date! WHAT! I told Rgions this was straight up fraud by -. I never authorized - to charge my card and I revoked my authorization for them to renew my membership. I h...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

January 27, 2017 - On -/-/- I was charged - twice ( - ) by -. I never made a transaction with them. I went into Regions Bank on -/-/- to dispute this transaction as I had already tried to correct this fraud charge with - and was getting no where. On -/-/- I received a letter form Regions stating that my claim was denied. the letter sated that my claim shows I cancelled aster the transaction date! WHAT! I told Rgions this was straight up fraud by -. I never authorized them to charge my card not did I ever sign a credit card authorization. The total of - that was charged is fraud a...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 27, 2017 - My bank essentially stole $510.00 from my account. My debit card had always been linked to my checking account. When my card was reissued, Regions incorrectly linked it to my money market account. Due to their error, I was charged a fee of $240.00 in - - and $270.00 in - - for " excess activity ''. In addition to being wrong, these fees are obviously outrageously high. I have written - letters to Regions corporate headquarters regarding this issue, the second sent certified mail. They have not responded in any fashion....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 26, 2017 - I have had a checking account with Regions for over 20 years which provided free checks if I maintained the required balance. I call Regions today on -/-/17 and spoke to a manger who advised me they had changed their policy and free checks were no longer available. I reminded him that when I applied for the checking account they stated free checks were part of the package....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 23, 2017 - I responded to an on-line promotion by Regions Bank. There were problems that morning with Region 's web site, so I opened the account in a branch. A branch employee did not open my account correctly and now Regions Bank is not honoring the promotion....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

January 21, 2017 - Regions bank withheld a transaction from my account for over 10 days then decided to take the money out when the funds were no longer available. It caused small transactions from - dollars to - dollars to overdraft my account. Causing - dollars in overdraft fees....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 21, 2017 - I brought in a mailer coupon for a $300.00 checking bonus -/-/- to a local Regions Bank on - - -, -, T- -, and opened a lifegreen checking with the bank. The branch manager told me they needed the complete mail for verification for which I already threw away because there was a detachable coupon from the mailer which did not state I needed the complete mailer for the bonus. The manager proceeded to open the account anyway stating it was okay because i had the coupon. 3 months passed by and i did not get the bonus despite having fulfilled the requirement ( - debit trans...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 20, 2017 - Regions Bank had a public link that stated that by opening a - - Account and making a minimum number of debit transactions there would be a $400.00 bonus. I submitted my application for this checking about along with the promotional code. My application was accepted, I funded my account, and ordered my debit card. It was only afterwards when corresponding with Regions customer service did I find out the offer had expired. It is not the premature expiration of this offer which concerns me ( the public offer had language that this public promotional code was good until -/-/2017 ), ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

January 16, 2017 - The issue that I would like to bring to the attention of the CFPB is that Regions processes ACH drafts before the designated date specified on the draft. It has happened a number of times on my accounts at Regions causing overdraft fees throughout the life of my accounts there. When I question the reps in the call center about the issue, they can not explain why to me. Example 1 : Mortgages payments set to come out on -/-/-. Draft was processed on -/-/-. Example 2 : Most every week, I have a draft for $200.00 for a daycare payment set to come out on Monday. It always comes out o...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

January 9, 2017 - FW : RE : [ Secure ] RE : Regions Bank - Complaint ID : - - & lt ; -- & gt ; To - & lt ; - & gt ;, customercenter & lt ; - & gt ;, - & lt ; - & gt ; Hide Wednesday, -/-/- - Sent from - for iPhone - - Begin Forwarded Message - - From : - Date : -/-/-, - To : - Subject : RE : [ Secure ] RE : Regions Bank - Complaint ID : - Dear -, If there is a problem where you do not understand the seriousness of this matter Sir. I was told by - the young man whom I explained my formal Complaint to that Regions really took these complaints seriou...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

January 5, 2017 - I had some charges pending on my account and all banks process between - to - the next morning. I had a direct deposit pending on my account when I log in at - on -/-/2016 and the charges were still pending. I said okay my deposit will hit so I am good. Was wrong the bank gets over and charges me 2 fees on the account when the deposit was there. They are wrong for this practice to get over on consumer and make money. Regions is the only bank that does this and I do n't think its right....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

January 3, 2017 - Over the -/-/- holiday, my Regions - Debit card was hacked and over $1000.00 of unauthorized purchases were made using the card. Of course, the bank was closed for 3 days during the holiday and would not allow a dispute be filed until the charges " posted ''. Did you know, Regions does not immediately put the money back into your account, pending an investigation like every other bank in this country does. There is a - waiting period and they do n't make exceptions. Did you know they do not issue temporary bank cards ( bank personnel told me they are not that technically savvy! ) ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

January 2, 2017 - On -/-/2016 I was charged - NSF charges in which I should have only been charged for -. A - dollar charge was presented which left me - positive after which a charge of - came in from - which caused me to overdraw my account. However, with the extra charge of - dollars caused my account to have a domino affect over the next few weeks which caused over - dollars in overdraft fees. I went back farther in my account and this is not the - time they have done this but this time it just caused a lot of problems and was very inconvenient being that it all happened during ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

December 30, 2016 - I 've banked at ( Regions Bank ) for almost 14 years and I have been overlooking some questionable practices until today. I call, talked to a Bank Rep to " Stop and Payment '' on two ACH 's that was being brought to my checking account a week later. Regions got the fees that same day I requested the service. I allowed enough time to stop the payments but on the following -, the payments was not stopped. I call Regions and the Rep was nasty ( attitude wise ), so I requested to speak with a supervisior. The supervisor refunded my fees but the payments went through and made my account overdraw...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

December 30, 2016 - On - - 2016 with a starting balance of $70.00 I made a cash transfer from a regions account of $600.00. On - - I made another transfer into the account of $100.00 to bring the cash balance to $770.00. I then proceeded to make purchases of $580.00 and the bank conveniently charged me $140.00 NSF OF Fee plus $15.00 OD protection fee leaving the account with a balance of $33.00. Other transactions totaling $130.00 were processed after that and then over drew the account $99.00. The bank then charged more fees of $210.00. Had the bank not charged me $150.00 wort...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

December 29, 2016 - Regions Bank of -, GA has allowed my estranged husband access to my personal checking account without my authorization. They provided a receipt to him with after he made a deposit to that account. I have requested that NO ONE be allowed to access my account in ANY WAY without my authorization and was refused this, the bank stating anyone can deposit money into my account if they provide an account number. He does have the account number as I was required by law to provide it to him, but it was not to be used by him at any time. This was also discussed in a legal negotiation in which he was ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

December 28, 2016 - After my Fathers death mid -, my mother and I tried to regain control of an account managed by him for which my mother and me are currently co-owners. My parents are international customers living in -, I live in -. For that account a card was existing but the ATM pin was unknown and no cheques were existing. It was nearly impossible to contact the bank throughout several months as a key number ( social security number ) is needed to make the phonecall and all known personal contacts at the bank branch were not responding to emails/phonecalls. We managed to get through on - - ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

December 27, 2016 - My complaint is that Regions Bank conducts fraudulent business practices, specifically reordering of transactions and giving fraudulent account balance information. I had a positive balance in account as of -/-/2016, made several transactions from account on the -. Checked balance on the - which showed positive balance after those transactions of the -. Made an ATM withdraw on the - which put account into negative status and understandably incurred an overdraft fee. Checked account on - to find transactions reordered which cause my account to incur multiple overdraft fees inst...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

December 17, 2016 - I still do not know why my bank accounts have been frozen, and I 'm still waiting on receipt of the form from - However, as I 'm made clear to you, I need to pay my mortgage as agreed to keep my home. I have CC -, the attorney who has worked out my arrangements with my mortgage company - - The payment of $1600.00 is due no later than -/-/-. If I do n't make this payment I could risk losing my home. As they stated, they will reach out to " - '' the - for their branch. I have not gotten a reply. This is a very bad experience. I would like to speed up the -/-/- d...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

November 23, 2016 - I have on - occasions disputed charges from my Regions Bank debit card linked to my Regions Bank Checking and Savings account, which were made that were the result of fraud. In -, my debit card was lost and charges were made at - - for over $300.00 dollars, from - - for over $20.00 dollars, and an ATM withdrawal debit for over $500.00 was made. I immediately contacted Regions via telephone and was told that until the charges actually posted, nothing could be done other than to cancel the debit card and re-isssue another -. After the fraudulent charges posted, I went ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

November 22, 2016 - Account has been closed and kept being overdrawn....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

November 18, 2016 - My husband and I are on -. I have been trying my best to keep up with our bank acct at Regions Bank. I have gotten all my statements together and in 2016 so far they have taken out overdraft charges in the amount of - and returned item fees in the amount of -. I went to the bank and my account was getting hit by debits that i did not authorize. The bank said that when my acct was in the - i could come back and open another acct. We are on a fixed income and can not afford these charges. Please tell me what i can do. Our checks are direct deposited so they just keep hitting me with ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

November 10, 2016 - I am opted in to overdraft coverage, and unfortunately overdrafted my account by $1.00, with no charges smaller than that ( meaning it was only - charge that sent me over ). I then was charged - $36.00 OD fees for a total of $100.00, leaving my account at $ -. When I called Regions to sort out, they said that the way the charges were pending is what caused it, and that it was not a mistake....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

November 8, 2016 - On -/-/2016 I had $7.00 in my account when I was out and about and did not write a transaction correctly so I believed I had $7.00 in my account. I went to purchase a meal for $6.00 and I went to the - store to get something printed for $.00 and I did not check my account till the next day since I believed I was fine, I come to find out that not only was I hit with an overdraft protection transfer fee for a service I opted out but it was a transfer of $.00 and then they charged me - NSF 's. I went to the branch and they refunded the fee and refused to refund me the - N...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

October 29, 2016 - I received the complaint the response from the Regions Bank with complaint # - whereas the bank did not answer the question about them charging overdraft the same day the overdraft occurred. Because of this situation, I have no alternative but to find another bank. I do n't want to be associated with Regions bank whereas they think only about themselves and not their custom. I am in the processing of changing bank because I was originally with - was a better bank. Regions did not address my concerns. I want the company that oversees banks to see if Regions was violating the laws by putti...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

October 26, 2016 - My Regions account ending on Saturday, - -, 2016 balance on the account ledger was - $ ( from transactions made across the day ). Monday, the account ledger showed the same. Tuesday, - -, 2016, a NSF overdraft fee in the amount of - was posted to my account. This NSF fee is what caused my account to be negative in the first place. The bank states that a pending transaction placed a hold on my account on Monday, - - caused all of my transactions from the weekend to be negative although this charge did not show on my account ledger and money to cover all charges was prese...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 8, 2016 - I recently found out that regions bank place an overdraft fees of $110.00 on -, I called them today to send me my last statement as I never wrote a check or cause any overdraft fee, I closed my account with this bank, but instead of them closing my account they kept it open and then charged me two overdraft fees because I did not have the amount to maintain this account, and to know this is a wicked bank, I was never aware of this until last week when I went to open an account I found out that region falsely my account and place $110.00 overdraft on my account, not $1000.00, not $500...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

October 3, 2016 - The reason for this complaint is due to an overdraft that Regions bank did to my account. Let me explain : I had a positive balance in my account and they charged me - dollars overdraft fee for - transactions a total of $180.00 ; I went to the branch and they told me that the " future purchases '' did the overdraft on my account, I 'm attaching a copy of pending transactions for you to review. This is a small business account and they put me under stress, given that I needed that money for some bills I needed to pay. ( electricity, internet etc. ) which are very important for me becaus...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

October 3, 2016 - On - I made a overnite deposit due to the ATM at the - GA location being down. On - I called - to find out why it did not post. I talked to - who refunded the NSF and put a total block on card for overdrafts. He said that if no funds are in the account no transactions will go through. - at - location - who said that they do n't make deposits from the overnite deposit box on weekends. ON -, charges from - as a trial period ended went through. On - I talked to - at the call center who said that a partial block was on and any recurring charges will post to avoi...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

October 3, 2016 - I had an account with regions i told them I didnt want to set up auto transfers and they did it anyway after i noticed it i canceled future transfers and now they transfered money from my checking to my savings and charged me a - dollar fee and then went into my savings and took - dollars out for a monthly maintnece fee this has to be illegal i understand the - dollar fee and i would have to pay that each month but to charge my account for putting money from my checking that was - cents into my savings all within the same bank and now my account is closed and i cant get an account ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

September 30, 2016 - I have a checking account and see a monthly charge of $5.00 labeled Online Bill Pmt Billingfee. I do n't know who is doing the debit and when contacting the - with the Company ID I am referred to - then -. They claim I have been misdirected and I contact my bank again to no avail....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

September 23, 2016 - This issue pertains to Regions bank and their overdraft coverage policy. For the past 3 weeks I have been making countless calls and visiting the local branches to try and have this resolved. In doing that I found out a lot about Regions and their workings. This all started because I went out of town on business and had to use my debit card for the hotel stay. Because the hotel put a hold, it caused many transactions to overdraft. -/-/2014 I turned off all overdraft coverages and protections, to avoid any charges being taken. I do not agree with this overdraft coverage and do n't ever ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 23, 2016 - I have been banking with Regions for several years. I feel I was a victim of a very unfair and unprofessional practice that I want to bring to your attention. I shared my concerns with Regions and even escalated to Regions management, but I still and not satisfied with their response. I am facing a possible foreclosure and keeping track of my finances is very critical for me right now. I opened a second checking account with Regions a few months ago to help keep my bill money separate from my spending money because I was having trouble with overdrafts. For a variety of reasons, my main checkin...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

September 22, 2016 - My bank holds transactions for days in order to cause overdrafts and assess fees to the account. I was just told it does n't matter how and when you spend the money, they will post the transactions the way they want to. I was also informed that there is no way to ever get an accurate account balance because of this. I have done everything in my power to prevent this, yet my bank refuses to acknowledge that they hold the payments. I made a cash deposit that covered both of these transactions and was still assessed a late fee when my account was not overdrawn.. additionally they charged me - ...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

September 22, 2016 - I have been getting charged OD fees when my account does not go negative. I have called once and they refunded but it has happed 2 more times....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

September 21, 2016 - I was charged hundreds in overdraft fees. The order in which the transactions would go through were manipulated in a way to where I would be charged fees when I should n't have been....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

September 17, 2016 - I have recently had direct deposits delayed into my account by 23hours 59 minutes. I am concerned that Regions Bank is pulling the same scam that - was. Why not? nobody goes to jail. Small fine. good scam....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

September 16, 2016 - My bank, Regions, has a way of classifying some transactions as pending. They stay in that status for various lengths of time based on some factor not known to me. My issue is that if my projected balance resulting from pending transactions reaches negative, Regions charges me a service fee, EVEN IF I make a deposit to cover the negative balance BEFORE the transaction that takes me negative is moved to non-pending status. The result is overdraft charges in my statement that appear without my balance ever going negative. This strikes me as Regions " having it - ways. '' The way I see it, i...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

September 15, 2016 - On -/-/2016 I lost my debt card issued by Regions Bank. I noticed the card missing on -/-/2016 and reported it lost via telephone. At around - the banker over the phone shut down the debt card and took my current address and stated that a new card was going to be shipped to my new address. I also disputed some fraudulent charges that were made on the account. I also requested to be taken of the overdraft program and not to honor any charges if there 's no funds in the account. This was requested in order to prevent overdraft fee ( $36.00 each ). On -/-/2016 I called regi...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

September 11, 2016 - Describe what happened so we can understand the issue ... Contacted on - - CST by - - HR Manager ( -- ) and Hiring Manager and - - ( -- ) Human Resources Department for - - - - for a online interview and briefing for a position on the job search engine -., All of the company history and stats were provided. Our temporary office is located at - - -, -, -, NJ -, United States. Expanding their businesses/customer reach by setting up a branch in -, AL which will be commissioned on the - of - and that 's why we are emp...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 31, 2016 - On -/-/2016 I deposited into my checking account an amount ( approximately $75.00 ) to bring my balance to - in order to close the account. Same day I made a follow up visit to the Regions bank branch office and met with Regions employee - - in order to assure account was closed. Regions beginning on -/-/2016 posted a series of service charges in excess of $400.00 to the account which was closed previously on -/-/-. Subsequently they seized $400.00 from my now card account to retire these erroneous charges to a closed account. I need the $400.00 reinstated to my no...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

August 25, 2016 - I found this article about Regions charging improperly on over drafts by shear chance, and luck. For years now Regions, since they " gobbled up '' smaller banks like my own " - '', and I became a Regions customer, it has been quite obvious a " new '' set of rules for how the customers are treated was put into place. It is no wonder they have grown so large with the continual praying on middle class, and lower income folks like myself with outrageous, and unjustifiable fees. The worst thing I know of all is regularly manipulating the on line banking entries of debits, and credits. Debits wil...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

August 21, 2016 - I am going through a very messy divorce. I was divorced from my ex husband - -, 2015. I opened a bank account at Regions bank for $2000.00 after this date. My first debit was an internal transaction for $10.00 to pay for my check order on -/-/2015.This was just a few days after opening the account. The balance then was $1900.00 When filing the descriptive list, my ex husband listed my bank account with the date of -/-/2015 and balance as $1900.00 as his documented information on a sworn descriptive list. He is a banker who has a lot of friends who would give him this informat...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

August 18, 2016 - Last weekend I went to visit my wife and child in VA. While I was there I rented a car. The rental company put a " hold '' on $100.00 in my bank account. I had the car from late Friday night ( - ) until early Monday morning ( - ). Over the weekend I used my debit card several times for smaller items, most under $10.00. On Monday when I returned the car, the company put all the money back in the account except for $37.00. On Monday and the Tuesday following, I was hit with several overdraft charges even though when the charges came through there was money in the bank to cover the pu...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service deposits and withdrawals

August 16, 2016 - As a small business checking account Regions Bank, every day we review our account and found that the day - -, 2016, a charge of $72.00 per overdraft, which did not exist, as is showed on the attached statement, call customer service and very kindly responded that we had a hold amount, which had led the charge and as a courtesy, they returned $ -, as recorded the day -, 2016, discussed and the response was take or leave. This is an unfair practices. We claim an full refund of the $72.00....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service using a debit or atm card

August 15, 2016 - I currently work for an -. Months ago my card was hacked and it took almost two months for regions to rectify the situation. They sent me letters that miscalculated the costs which led me to believe they had not returned all the funds. In fact they had but their " specialist '' did not do his math calculation correctly. Thats right, an employee of a bank did n't add correctly. It gets worse. Now, as they send me a new card they stated in their letter that the pin of the card would stay the same. That did not happen. I tried to access my account with the new ATM card and it was denied. I...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

August 14, 2016 - I have been banking for several years with Regions Bank - - - FL -. They have an unfair practice of deleting the largest withdrawal first from our account and then the smaller ones. So If you have - large and - small ones what happens if our funds are border line the larger one will be cleared and most of the smaller ones will not be cleared and then we are charged $36.00 per t transaction!! If the smaller ones are cleared first there is a good chance that there may only - $36.00 NSF rather than -. This has put a serious burden on us. We do live from paycheck to p...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service making/receiving payments, sending money

August 10, 2016 - On more than one occasion I took a check written to me from a business to their bank ( and their bank branch ) and was informed by the bank I would be charged a fee because I did not have an account at that bank. Their client wrote the check to me for their convenience and record keeping, I should not be penalized. If I deposit the check in my account and if funds are not available then my bank will charge me a fee. I should be able to cash a check written to me at the bank that the check was drawn from, without being charged a fee....

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service problems caused by my funds being low

July 29, 2016 - With Regions bank they have had a practice of overdraft fees that are not legitimate, although they have gotten better their is still an issue...

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Regions Financial Corporation Bank account or service account opening, closing, or management

July 28, 2016 - Regions Bank are reporting a report for non sufficient- funds to - . Original charge off amount of -. That is not accurate. The contract ended with a - balance....

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