SunTrust Banks, Inc. Loan Modification,Collection,Foreclosure Complaints

Review and analysis of over 29 complaints against SunTrust Banks, Inc.

SunTrust Banks, Inc. consumers have reported over 29 official complaints related to Loan modification,collection,foreclosure. Out of the 29 consumer complaints against SunTrust Banks, Inc., 21% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how SunTrust Banks, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 3% of consumer complaints against SunTrust Banks, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 14% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Loan Modification,Collection,Foreclosure Consumer Complaints

SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 8, 2017 - About 8 years ago I had to up and leave my house to move for care of my daughter. To which we had renters but they - us over and we didnt have time or money to deal with a house as my daughters health was way more important and the renters messed the house up. I have filed a few complaints on this company already. 7 years later the house hasnt been paid on its suposed to get forclosed. Its in the process but from what Ive been told my law office keeps getting hung up with SUNTRUST MORTGAGE on this issue. My credit has already been turned to - cause they wont do anything....

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 8, 2017 - My husband and I were having problems paying our mortgage. We called our servicer, Suntrust, to request foreclosure options ; we were seeking a " short-sale '' or a " deed in lieu ''. We were told that they could not assist us with either until we were in default, we would have to miss payments in order to be considered. When we met the requirements of default, we were asked to submit our financial information. We had to fax and mail it several times, and each time we were told Suntrust was missing parts of the information, that we would have to fax again. This went on for three months, alway...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

January 24, 2017 - The borrower 's name is - - ( maiden name ). Her former name, while married, was - -. On - -, -, we submitted an RMA and Request for Modification with all supporting financial documents to Suntrust, her mortgagee. Suntrust processes her modification through - of - at which point they advised that the loan modification was being denied. The reason for the denial was that the borrower showed excessive mortgage obligations on her credit report. When we had the borrower pull all - credit reports, the only mortgage showing was this one to Suntrust. When we explained to...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure


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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

December 6, 2016 - Due to a medical hardship affecting my - daughter, I started the loan modification process with SunTrust in -/-/- because my wife and I had to leave work to care for our daughter and we were adversely affected financially. My first request for assistance was denied in -/-/- because " income was NOT sufficient '' for an affordable modification. My wife returned to work on a flex schedule to improve our eligibility. My second request was denied in -/-/- because of a " lien error '' affecting the SunTrust 's 1st position. I spent money and time fixing this. My third request w...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

December 1, 2016 - In Case Number number : -, the CFPB has the authority to do the following when presented with clear and blatant facts of violations by SunTrust Mortgage. The CFPB was directed by the Office of Inspector General of the FHFA to investigate, but did nothing with the CFPB oversight authority. " CFPB may bring administrative enforcement proceedings or civil actions in federal district court or state court. The Bureau can obtain 'any appropriate legal or equitable relief with respect to a violation of [ f ] ederal consumer financial law, '' including, but not limited to the following : Rescissio...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

November 11, 2016 - I am trying to get a principal reduction for my home and have not been able to get it resolved and I need to in order to bring this matter to a resolution....

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

October 3, 2016 - **PLEASE HELP. STOP TOMORROW 'S FORECLOSURE : - -, - This is my - complaint against SunTrust Mortgage. I see from SunTrust 's response to my previous complaint that they claim they have no record of our applying for a modification. - of the modifications we applied for with SunTrust took place in - 2016. As previously stated, it was at that time, that - - - of SunTrust 's Loss Mitigation Department, recommended to me that in order to stop a foreclosure that was scheduled for - -, I should apply for a modification, which I did. A copy of said application along w...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

October 2, 2016 - STOP THE FORECLOSURE! - -, -. MODIFICATION WAS NOT PROCESSED CORRECTLY. Need help to postpone foreclosure scheduled for This Tuesday, - -, -. ***SOS*** Please help! This, my - complaint, is in follow up to my previous complaints against SunTrust Mortgage and the conviction that my loan is the product of predatory lending. Again, the loan is a Conventional ARM, 10-year interest only. The attached original loan application shows this loan was based on stated income. I can see now, that had verification been performed at that time, it would have revealed an imbalance in the ...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

September 27, 2016 - I have an equity line of credit or a second lien on my home through SunTrust. After 10 years of paying the loan and never missing a payment, the repayment period has ballooned the monthly payment to the extent of creating severe hardship for me. I asked Suntrust to rework/refinance the loan so I can get an extended period to pay this back. They denied the application which has put me in financial hardship. I feel that Suntrust is not being equitable or practical in considering my loan application. The first mortgage payment is $1600.00 to - - while Suntrust is telling me I have to pay ...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

September 22, 2016 - On - - -, I obtained a Loan Modification with Suntrust Mortgage that fixes my interest rate in 2.75 % for the whole term of my mortgage. As part of the agreement, my monthly payments from - - until - - were in the amount of $1000.00 plus escrows ; however, recently I received new Statements from SunTrust Mortgage for - month showing a payment increase of...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

September 21, 2016 - The borrower 's name is - - ( maiden name ). Her former name, while married, was - -. On -/-/-, we submitted an RMA and Request for Modification with all supporting financial documents to Suntrust, her mortgagee. Suntrust processes her modification through -/-/- at which point they advised that the loan modification was being denied. The reason for the denial was that the borrower showed excessive mortgage obligations on her credit report. When we had the borrower pull all three credit reports, the only mortgage showing was this one to Suntrust. When we explained to the s...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

September 14, 2016 - Our mortgage agreement with SunTrust Mortgage was entered into in - -, which is a 10 year interest-only, adjustable rate loan. On - -, - SunTrust doubled our mortgage payments, going from approx. $ - to approx. $3400.00 per month. After 10 years and $100000.00 down payment, we could no longer afford our home. We readied the house for sale and got it listed in early - -. We continued making the payments as long as we could - till about -. Also in - -, we secured a purchase agreement on the house, with a closing date of - -, -. The afternoon of -...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 19, 2016 - I called Suntrust Mortgage Escalation Resolution Team on -/-/- and was put on hold and then was told the team researching my case was n't available and they would call me back. They had not called me as of of -/-/-, so I recalled them and was told no one would speak to me, my case was closed, sorry if I did not like the outcome by - -. This was per - -, Vice President of the Escalation Department. This is consistent in their lies and misleading conversations and promises to recall you. I began contacting Suntrust Mortage in - - in reference to a $400.00 p...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 4, 2016 - -/-/- I was recovering from a - which kept me from working from - -. I contacted the bank to let them know my payments would be delayed till I return back to work in - -. Two months later sent them a check for payment and some extra to show good faith and they sent it back with foreclosure notification. I cashed out all my savings and my whole life policy and tried for 6 months to pay in full and reinstate my loan, employees stated that the lawyers were holding things up. Finally by -/-/- I reached a - - whom agreed to take my money ( - ) and reinstate my loan...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

August 1, 2016 - I bought house in -/-/-, mortgaged through Suntrust Mortgage. They forclosed on me and house was sold at auction on -/-/-. In all, I was 3 payments behind, approx. -. I was still trying to make monthly payments to not get further behind and try to catch back up. They accepted a couple payments then started returning them, not accepting the monthly payments and wanting the back payments in full. I was unable to and asked for help. They sent package to fill out and return, which I did and they received it on -/-/-. Never heard anything from them as was getting close to auction,...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

July 6, 2016 - I applied for a loan modification and was denied. However, Suntrust offered me the option for a conditional short sale. I have met all of the conditions requested, and have repeatedly sent in items that they have re-requested. During this time, they have refused to make a decision and have repeatedly tried to get a decision from the bank based on the completion of the short sale package. My realtor has exhausted all their efforts to get us to closing on time. However, Suntrust has yet to make a decision or even get to the decision making process....

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

June 20, 2016 - SunTrust Loan Number : - SunTrust Customer Number : - On - -, -, we closed on a loan with SunTrust Mortgage to build a primary residence at - - - -, -, GA, -. This contract was SunTrust 's construction-to-permanent loan product, a one-closing loan, to be converted into a permanent, 30-year adjustable-rate loan after the construction process, and certificate of occupancy was obtained. Please see the attachment showing various SunTrust Mortgage products, - of which is the one-time closing, construction-to-permanent product, that we were given in - from the ...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

June 7, 2016 - During a period of hardship where my husband was out of work for 11 months, we contacted our lender Suntrust to help with our current loan. At that time, their suggestion was since we were current on our loan, we would have to be behind 3 months before they could help us .... So we filled out the Loan Modification and per their suggestion, did not make payments for three months. The loan modification went through and then we promptly made 3 monthly payments at once to make up for the three unpaid months. ( see - - ). In this time period, our rate was only 1 %, so our minimum payment was ...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 30, 2016 - The day after my mortgage payment was do in - my mortgage company started calling and harassing me on a daily basis. At least 6 times a day and I would hang up the phone with - and another would call and a rep for mortgage co. told me if I want them to quit then pay my bills. They call late at night and on weekends. I called - - to pay - mortgage payments in full and they refused to accept them, as they stated they wanted all -. Which my payments are do the first and I was well with in my grace period. I was told not to fill out the hardship package because it would not do an...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 12, 2016 - This letter appeals and request SunTrust to immediately reinstate my loan into the mortgage modification program. I have made two payments in the month as required and have encountered extreme difficulty with SunTrust in this process. I have had good and open discussions with - - and she along with the home preservations team have been in contact with me on the mess of the payment process and how to fix this mortgage reinstatement nightmare to stay in my home. Even in - -, SunTrust maliciously did not approve my modification based on false public records that I had to correct. ...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 10, 2016 - I was forclosed on by suntrust on - 2013. Suntrust was suied by a class action suit and lost for illrgally foclosing home in the 2013 time period. I was part of the case and awarded money. I requested Suntrust Morgage escalation Resolution team to remove this from my credit since I was part of the class action suit and awarded money for there actions. They refused and stated my forclosure was valid and correctly reported to the credit bueru. I disagree since they were suied for morgages they forclose during 2013. It was for - they had to award to customers. I would like this removed from...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 2, 2016 - We had a line of credit with Suntrust Bank in 2005 for $140.00 and we refinance our house to paid off the line of credit, we sent the payment to Suntrust, but we still getting charge for $140.00,, please help me. Thank you - ...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 11, 2016 - I was - -/-/- and did not receive income for approximately 5 months. Suntrust placed my mortgage in their home preservation department. I have submitted the same paperwork numerous times and every time they need something else and then the packet expires. I sent 2 full mortgage payments 3 weeks ago based on what I was told by the company, wire to wire transfer, and I received the money back because they will only accept the full amount. I received a letter 2 weeks ago stating my packet was complete and this past Saturday I had to fax pay stubs and today I got a call stating I did not c...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 28, 2016 - The payment amount on our mortgage doubled to $3300.00 per month on -/-/-. We kept up the payments through -/-/-. In the meantime, we had listed the house for sale and we entered into a Binding Agreement with the buyer for the house on -/-/-. The house closing was scheduled for -/-/-. We moved out of the home on -/-/-. The buyers extended the closing twice, then were in breach as of -. They assured us they would close, but then terminated the contract with no reason on -/-/-. We got the house back on the market as quickly as we were able. After several attemp...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 22, 2016 - I submitted a short sale package to Suntrust bank on - -, 2016. I have complied with all their requests in a timely manner to submit supporting documentation as of - -, -, Suntrust continues to request a seller disclosure form which has been provided on - -, - -, and - -. Each time i call they say that it is incorrect or missing data. I email it to a representative they review and confirm it is correct and that it will be forwarded to imaging department. I call again, and go through the same process and have lost almost a month and file has not been sent to neg...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 22, 2016 - SunTrust Home Equity line of credit keeps reporting to - and - bureau wrong information about the original date to when my case was opened. The date reported is wrong, and even though my lawyer keeps writing them letters about what they are doing wrong ; SunTrust keeps sending letters to me about the same case all over again. My case was opened and reported in -, -, but it was sold since -, -. I had sent several letters to this company telling them about the right date and about the closure of this case. My prepaid legal services in Florida has been sending to - and - l...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 16, 2016 - Please see attached Word document for all complaints against SunTrust Mortgage Co . Thank you. ...

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SunTrust Banks, Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 7, 2016 - I submitted paper work for a loan modification with Suntrust Mortgage in -. I continued to keep in contact with my Loan Preservation Representative, - -, who would tell me whether or not she need more information. I called to find out the status and she confirmed that everything was fine and it will be sent to the loan company. then i received a letter saying they were going to send my loan to another service co. - and they would transfer all my information over to them. When i called -, they told me they did not have any information on me and could not discuss the loan and unti...

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