HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Other Complaints

Review and analysis of over 8 complaints against HSBC North America Holdings Inc.

HSBC North America Holdings Inc. consumers have reported over 8 official complaints related to Other. Out of the 8 consumer complaints against HSBC North America Holdings Inc., 38% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how HSBC North America Holdings Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against HSBC North America Holdings Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Other Consumer Complaints

HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Credit card other

August 5, 2016 - HSBC continues to report negative information on my credit report that is over 7 years old. I have - accounts with HSBC that are currently reporting as charge-offs. This information is over 7 years old. I called this to HSBCs attention and disputed with them. I received a letter - - ( see attached ) from HSBC stating that as a customer courtesy they had made the decision to delete the tradelines reporting. That the accounts would no longer be reporting. Since - - HSBC has reported - times to the credit burea and continues to report as charged-off. They reported it - - a...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Credit card other

July 26, 2016 - Did not provide a response Delinquent Account Lender -/-/16 HSBC BANK - - - -, NY - - A lender reported that you did not pay them on time, and the account is now 30, 60, or 90 ( or more ) days late Reporting Detail Account Number - Amount Delinquent $0.00 Account Balance $0.00 Payment Status Unknown Contact Method Other Got it - / - is posting an account delinquent which is being reported as 30,60,90 days past due. This should n't even be on my history. Also I called them and they keep giving me the run around and can not find this account....

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Credit card other

July 3, 2016 - Hsbc is inaccurately reporting on my credit. It is to my understanding that how long a credit item reflects on your credit for negative reporting is determined by the date of the last activity on an account. It is a serious violation of federal and state laws to not accurately report that information. Hsbc is reporting completely different dates on all - credit Bureus which was disputed and came back as reported accurate. This is a violation of my rights to have an accurate credit report and a total disregard for law....

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Credit card other

May 21, 2016 - A few days ago the author of this complaint ( sometimes hererin the " Complainant '' ) received a letter ( the " HSBC Letter '' ) dated - -, 2016 from HSBC Bank USA NA ( " HSBC '' ) informing the Complainant that my HSBC Platinum MasterCard Account With Rewards ending in - ( the " Account '' ) had been closed by HSBC because HSBC had determined the Account had been inactive for 12 months or more. Immediately before the Account 's closure by HSBC the Account had more than - Reward credits ( the " Credits '' ) credited to it by HSBC, the exact number of which is not now known to the ...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Credit card other

March 11, 2016 - Credit card account closed over a year ago and continue to get statement and be harassed by HSBC. In response to complaint filed, HSBC issued a response indicating the credit card account ending - - is closed and that the credit will be deposited to my bank account. Please refer to Case number : -. However, the credit has not be deposited into my bank account or been issued a check in the amount of $98.00. Furthermore, I continue to receive credit card statement ( Statement closing date - -, 2016 was received on - -, 2016 ). I understand Consumer Financial Protection Agenc...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Credit card other

February 5, 2016 - I filed a dispute with -, -, and - about an unknown debt listed on my credit report as a collection item. completed the form dispute process and asked the collection agency, - - -, to provide me with documentation validating the debt belongs to me. On - -, 2016, I receive a letter from - - - - -, where they failed to provide validation of the alleged debt to - ( Merchant ) or the alleged original creditor, -. The collection agency, cited the " seller 's records '' but failed to provide me with documentation that this debt belongs to me. I am req...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Credit card other

January 19, 2016 - HSBC has a charge off listed on my credit report that I have disputed numerous times. Each and every time I have disputed it, it has come back as verified. However when I have contacted Hsbc they have stated they have no knowledge of this account. So, my question is how can they possibly verify it if they have no information. It was removed from my reports for one day and than magically reappeared after the CEO received my email providing them with the details from my credit report!! ...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Credit card other

January 13, 2016 - I noticed an account on my credit bureau that was showing derogatory on my files. The account belonged to HSBC bank, so I called the phone number that appeared on the credit report and a representative informed me that she was not able to locate the account or there could be a possibility that the account was sold. I informed the customer rep. that i had disputed the information but it was verified and HSBC stated the debt was valid. I have never opened an account with HSBC bank, and i was wondering why are they reporting on an account that they do not have any information on. The customer rep...

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