Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments
Discover Student loan department,
Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan Can't decrease my monthly payments Illinois
I transferred into - University in -, IL from a small college in Wisconsin after my freshman year. After realizing I did n't want to be in a small city setting, I transferred and left behind my scholarships. Unfortunately, many schools do n't hand out scholarships to transfer students and my parents were right above that line for federal aid, so I had to take out all private loans. Not realizing repayment options for federal and private loans were different, my family and I did n't think taking on a large debt sum was going to be that big of a deal. When I realized I did n't want to become a doctor anymore and was n't going to make as large of a salary things got a little scarier. So I ended college with over - dollars of student loan debt. Discover student loans wanted me to pay near $1500.00 a month, six months out of college. When I explained my situation they told me to ask my cosigners for money. When I told them - was recently - and put on long term - and the other only made $38000.00 a year, they told me I only had
or I would n't be able to survive. However, I am barely surviving as it is. I have to pay rent, bills, and loan payments. In order to do so I work my full time job, babysit at least 3-4 times a week, stick to a pretty strict budget, and try to pick up side jobs here and there. While struggling, Discover proves to be less than helpful. Every time I call it 's either " too early to talk about my options '' or I need to " call back later ''. I can never get a straight answer and when I do there 's no wiggle room. Even if I paid - a month to them, they told me that it would put my loans into default and they could garnish my wages. What - - - can pay $1600.00 a month in student loans ( federal and private ) and pay for rent, bills, and still eat? Not any that I know. Every time I try to work with them to get a lower payment plan they tell me that their agents are busy and will call back later, but I rarely get a call back, which just causes another call from me ending in a circle. My 6 months of reduced interest only are up and I 'm back to the circle calling. I do n't know what the next option is and I do n't know how much longer I will be able to survive like this on a entry level salary.
Discover customer in Illinois
Jan 15, 2016
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
Discover response to complaint:
Closed with explanation
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Phone | 224-405-1747 | | |
Address | P.O. Box 30943 Sale Lake city UT 84130 |
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