Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan can't decrease my monthly payments
Discover Student loan department,
Non-federal student loan Can't repay my loan Can't decrease my monthly payments Ohio
I attended - - University in -, Ohio for my -. During that time I was unable to receive grant money for - costs, so I received a private student loan from Discover Student Loans ( Graduate Loan, for - ) to help with those costs. I am now a - but am attending a non-accredited University that is outside of the United States. Since the University is non-accredited I am not eligible for an in-school deferment. My income is a scholarship provided to me from a Federally funded organization here in the country for living expenses only and amounts to only ( after exchange rate ) - USD. My minimum monthly payment for my loan is - dollars, which barely covers the amount of interest I accrue each month, and pays almost nothing on the principal amount of the loan.
USD ( so not much less ) and does not cover the amount of interest accrued every month on the loan. My income will not change for the next four years ( the length of my - program here ), and I can not work another job while here ( as stated by my student - ) and grant money received for research typically can not be used to pay personal expenses, only those that arise from research. My family is impoverished, and lives with a monthly income well below the poverty line of our county in Ohio, so I can not seek help from them. I also have already sold my only equity ( my car ) in order to try and pay off personal debts, and lower credit card payments. So I have no other sorts of income that can pay a large sum of this money.
Discover customer in Ohio
Nov 20, 2015
* Source: CFPB Complaint Database
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Closed with explanation
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