HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Loan Modification,Collection,Foreclosure Complaints

Review and analysis of over 21 complaints against HSBC North America Holdings Inc.

HSBC North America Holdings Inc. consumers have reported over 21 official complaints related to Loan modification,collection,foreclosure. Out of the 21 consumer complaints against HSBC North America Holdings Inc., 19% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how HSBC North America Holdings Inc. responded to their complaint) and 86% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against HSBC North America Holdings Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Loan Modification,Collection,Foreclosure Consumer Complaints

HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

December 1, 2016 - We have 7.25 % rate mortgage with HFC ( household Finance Beneficial ) They are and have been uncooperative in all aspects of business. They claim to have no fax, or email ... absurdly. When trying to refi, they strung us out as long as possible we waited a month for a confusing mortgage statement, consisting of - pages ... ( via USPS ) the rates rose, and that hurt us, and also the new lenders could n't make sense of what was sent. " never saw anything like that before ''. It took weeks just to affirm our request, as the agents for HFC somehow did not understand what we wanted. about a do...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

December 1, 2016 - I have has a second mortgage with HSBC since -/-/2006 at the rate of - %. I have paid my mortgage on time but, after all these years my loan amount have only decrease only by $4000.00, and on top of that at the present time I work only part time and my spouse is on a set income. We have request for HSBC to extend our home modification on our loan because of our circumstances have not change. The modification was for only - months before it ended. This is the interesting part about my situation. We received a loan to update our home for $39000.00 about - years ago. I pay $460.00...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

June 1, 2016 - - - reside at - - - - ny - with my husband - and Daughter - - Hsbc Beneficial are nothing but scammers. They have ruined my life along with my family. The refuse to work with modification, lower interest rate. we are paying - which is extremely high. They are taking full advantage of us because of low credit scores, and lack of knowledge. How is it that those that were originally clients of Beneficial Finance, which is a predatory lender are now being taken advantage of a worse lender HSBC. We were n't ask if that 's what we wanted. Our accounts are sold out b...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 7, 2016 - We refinanced our home in -, - with - -. In doing so, it was a predatory ARM. We received a letter from the bank officer stating that we would refinance incurring no additional fees after our credit rating had improved within six months. The mortgage was then turned over to - - which in turn sold it to HSBC without our knowledge until we received the monthly mortgage statement with HSBC in -, -. With the building trades businesses failing in the Michigan downturned economy, jobs losses, our family was forced to file bankruptcy in -, - and we did not affirm our hom...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 6, 2016 - On - -, -, I purchased my home located at - - - -, -, Georgia - for $160000.00. The loan was evidenced by a Security Deed, '' naming - as the " Lender '' and - as the " grantee, '' or beneficiary, of record acting solely as nominee for same. The Loan was one of those Adjustable Rate Mortgages ( ARM ). I did n't want this kind of loan I had good credit but was told at the time that I could be put in a fixed loan at a later time. On or about - -, - my loan account was transferred to HSBC. My monthly note kept getting higher and higher until I was havin...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 2, 2016 - I continue to be denied mortgage assistance based on affordability as a result of false income inputs calculated and exploited by HSBC ( - - ). The purpose of this complaint is to obtain the raw data used to calculate the gross monthly income, net monthly income, and total expenses for me that was used to deny me for mortgage assistance multiple times now. I provided HSBC ( - - ) with every document that was requested to include a letter of explanation for my income. Nevertheless, HSBC ( - ) has continued to use erroneous income figures to deny me for mortgage assistance. I ha...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 1, 2016 - 1. The first complaint that I have is that I requested a loan modification -/-/2015 because I was unable to make my payments at the current rate and I was approved. I followed everything I was supposed to do according to the verbal conversation I had with the representative. After I mailed the 4th payment I received a letter telling me the loan mod was cancelled because I had not sent back the paperwork. I called and asked what paperwork they said the modification agreement. When I requested them to send it back out so I could sign it, their response was no we will not send the paperwork aga...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

May 1, 2016 - I would like to file a FTC claim of Fraud against Mortgsge Co, and the unknown Note Holder ( s ). According to an Independent Forensic Loan Audit, my mortgage violated several FTC and other Laws, Acts, and Regulations. Mortgage payments were made to several different Mortgage Cos. and Mortgage Service Cos. However, A different, recently Assigned Trust/Company has been granted a " Summary Judgment for Foreclosure & Sheriff Sale '' .of my home. I had requested a " Validation by contracts '' of the alleged debt several times. One request was by fax. The request was to provide proof of the debt or...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 25, 2016 - My ex-wife tried to refinance her home, the home had a 2nd on it from HFC. The loan would go through because HFC reported that I still owed money on the loan. HFC reported that I owed $5000.00, plus interest for the last 5 years, meaning I owe them $10000.00. The 2nd from HFC was included in my bankruptcy 5 years ago. The debt was paid and the bankruptcy court sign off on my case about 5 years ago. I believe that HFC is acting in bad faith by not accepting the payoff, in addition they have had the 5 previous years to notify me of this debt, they have n't, nor does a failure to pay a debt...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 15, 2016 - I requested a copy of my mortgage note from HSBC on - -, - and I have not received the documents yet it has been nearly 2months now. HSBC acquired the mortgage -/-/- and I have paid on time for 12 years. I am seeking assistance from HomeSafe Georgia because I lost my job 10 months ago and due to my age etc. I have yet to get an interview after working 17 years as a contractor to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I need a copy of the note that is required to complete my application. HSBC has not been of any assistance and is using stall tactics to get my home so ...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 13, 2016 - his is a request for intervention due to a wrongful foreclosure initiated on the first Tuesday of - 2016 by HSBC Mortgage Services Inc. at the - - court house steps with said property - Georgia -. Previous to this wrongful foreclosure action on the subject property, I was assigned to - -, Housing Counselor with Home Safe Georgia to negotiate a loan modification or principal reduction with HSBC Mortgage Services , Inc. He requested the following information to complete the modification application : Profit and Loss Statement ; Recent 2 Months of Personal Bank Statements ; T...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

April 7, 2016 - I have had my loan with HSBC mortgage services for over 12 years and I was laid off from my job on -/-/-. I have since fallen almost 2 months behind with my mortgage and have requested a modification from them. However, they have denied me, claiming that my home has no value. I was assigned to a mortgage service specialist ( - - ) whom I expressed my concern to about my mortgage being increased and also that I had requested modification and wanted to know what the status was. She explained the reason for the increase stating that my escrow had a shortage of $2500.00 and that m...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 26, 2016 - I contacted my mortgage company HSBC -/-/- to ask for assistance with my home loan because I have been unemployed since - - - and my unemployment ended - -. According to HSBC website I should have been offered assistance. When Mortgage Payment Difficulties Arise If you are an HSBC Mortgage Services ( former Household Mortgage Services ) customer, please visit Not sure? Click here for more information. Let us help you find a solution Remember that relief is just a phone call away.Life is not always easy. We understand that, and we 're here to ...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 23, 2016 - I have been trying to work with my lender, HFC for almost a year to get a modification. The reason I am filing a complaint is they give me contradictory updates when I call them to check the status of my mod. I last applied -/-/-, and was told that my file had the necessary bank statements. -/-/- I was told that my statement was missing a page. I asked to speak to a supervisor and they told me one would call me back. It has been 7 business days and I never received a call. This is just the latest action they have taken to keep from reviewing my file for a modification. They continuou...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

March 16, 2016 - At This time, I am disputing what Beneficial HSBC had responded to my claim with. For the fact that i did in fact make my trial modification payments, and each time I was never notified. During the last time in 2014 i had even went through another Lawyers office. I have enclosed copies of each check that was sent in for the last modification showing that we did make the payments for 2014. Also If Beneficial does not participate in the - or similar federal government-sponsored programs, why???? do Beneficial employee 's tell me when i have called or even when i received the information by ma...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 26, 2016 - To Whom it May Concern, I am filling this formal complain because I feel that Beneficial ( HSBC ) is not honoring their part of the agreement with the government. I have been trying to get a loan modification since -/-/-. During that time Beneficial has put me through a ridiculous ordeal. I have a legitimate reason for hardship. I became divorce in -/-/- so that took away half of that income, then my father became sick and my Aunt took over his house that was next door to me, I started taking care of my father then after he passed away, my aunt became dependent on me and I had my son...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 25, 2016 - I few days ago a person from HSBC came to my home and I already star receiving letters of foreclose ans short-sale. HSBC is my mortgage company for over 10 years, since I acquired the loan I was never late before, but in - my financial situation change due to my Mother - done, I had to be out from work to take care her, my bills start accumulating since I was not getting pay the same. I got behind on the payments so I requested a loan modification to help me but the denied my application. I am the only person that works in my household. I appealed the decision but it was denied again wi...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 24, 2016 - HSBC - - - - - - - - - , - -, CA - Why is HSBC refusing to release a lien on a property to which THEY HAVE ALREADY TA-ED THE HOMEOWNER ON THE LOSS?? On -/-/- and on -/-/- we mailed a Lien Release Request to HSBC. See attached copy of Lien Release Request Cover Sheet. Also see attached Confirmation of Receipt from the US Postal Service showing delivery on -/-/-. On -/-/- we were told that this file was being handled by the New York Lien Release Team and given their direct email address to email the docs that we had mail...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 14, 2016 - I have had my original company HFC promise a drop in my interest rate after 6 months of paying on time, this was the beginning of the loan which was to also include the taxes with the payment. When we originally did this loan it was all done by phone. No eye to eye until signing of paperwork. After arguing at closing in HFC office we were told to sign an ammendment sheet that was blank in front of the company rep. They would ammend the contract because we were refusing to go through with the papers that day. Signed a sheet with a few lines only for a signature on them and the date. Nothing was...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 11, 2016 - Loan denied for modification without defining exactly why it was denied. ...

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HSBC North America Holdings Inc. Mortgage loan modification,collection,foreclosure

February 11, 2016 - I purchased a home through HSBC and it was foreclosed on ... ...

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