Aspen National Financial, Inc. False Statements Or Representation Complaints

Review and analysis of over 8 complaints against Aspen National Financial, Inc.

Aspen National Financial, Inc. consumers have reported over 8 official complaints related to False statements or representation. Out of the 8 consumer complaints against Aspen National Financial, Inc., 63% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Aspen National Financial, Inc. responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 38% of consumer complaints against Aspen National Financial, Inc. resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 13% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New False Statements Or Representation Consumer Complaints

Aspen National Financial, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

October 15, 2015 - My ex-husband and I owned real property. In our divorce, he was awarded the real property. I signed a QuitClaim Deed to him for my interest in the property. He failed to pay the condo association dues for the real property. The dues were sent to a collection agency. I only learned about this when I saw an account in collections on my credit report. I contacted the collections agency via telephone and certified mail and informed them that I did not own the property and was not responsible for payment. I also sent them - the recorded QuitClaim Deed and the divorce decree. My ex-husband has si...

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Aspen National Financial, Inc. Debt collection false statements or representation attempted to collect wrong amount

September 20, 2015 - In -/-/- I wrote to Aspen national Debit collection to verify a debit, which they did. I wrote back and acknowledge my debit with an explanation of the amount of payments of could make and the amount owe according to my calculations. I stated that I was sending my first payment in good faith. I then stated that if they cashed my check and I did not hear from them, they had accept my offer. They cashed my check and I never heard from them again. In -/-/- I wrote to say that I had paid my debt since I had received no communication, then about ten days later I received a notice from -...

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