Tower Loan Improper Contact Or Sharing Of Info Complaints

Review and analysis of over 15 complaints against Tower Loan

Tower Loan consumers have reported over 15 official complaints related to Improper contact or sharing of info. Out of the 15 consumer complaints against Tower Loan, 20% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Tower Loan responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Tower Loan resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Improper Contact Or Sharing Of Info Consumer Complaints

Tower Loan Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info talked to a third party about my debt

August 14, 2016 - tower loan contacted the individuals whom i put down as references in the event i could not be reached and shared information other than whomever was calling and a telephone number. they told they my loan was delinquent and legal actions would be taking if i did not contact them soon. they also called me multiple times per day alomg with my references. this is very unprofessional and a breech in company confidentially i also have a voicemail where information more than contact information was left amd received calls from cellphones before as well....

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Tower Loan Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info contacted employer after asked not to

May 11, 2016 - Tower loan has called my job after I have told them that I will be punished if calls continued. I have asked district manager to have workers not called and he stated he will make sure the calls would stop. Soon after the calls continued and workers stated they will call as long as my account is not paid. ...

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Tower Loan Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info talked to a third party about my debt

July 10, 2015 - Tower loan company came to my home and a friend was aty house and answered my door and told them I was not home. They told him that my account was past due and I must pay immediately. They should n't have talked to anyone about my loan. They call my friends and family every day and call me at least - times a day. This is very unprofessional and borderline harassment. ...

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Tower Loan Debt collection improper contact or sharing of info contacted me instead of my attorney

May 16, 2015 - I took out a loan with your company to pay a medical bill. At the time I had a good job and paid on time. -/-/- I was laid off. I lost my home and just about anything of value. I informed chelsey and andy at tower loan that I lost my job. Even after that I made a few payments to catch up then, I no longer had any income but unemployment $200.00, weekly. I went to - - to start my bankruptcy proceedings. The harassing phone calls started by - and -. They started to call my minor child 's cellphone number. He came to me crying and upset saying that some people said that I owed ...

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