SECURITY CREDIT SYSTEMS INC Dealing With My Lender Or Servicer Complaints

Review and analysis of over 4 complaints against SECURITY CREDIT SYSTEMS INC

SECURITY CREDIT SYSTEMS INC consumers have reported over 4 official complaints related to Dealing with my lender or servicer. Out of the 4 consumer complaints against SECURITY CREDIT SYSTEMS INC, 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how SECURITY CREDIT SYSTEMS INC responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against SECURITY CREDIT SYSTEMS INC resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Dealing With My Lender Or Servicer Consumer Complaints

SECURITY CREDIT SYSTEMS INC Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

April 11, 2017 - I already know what SCS is saying. The check in question was through a bill pay account that funds the check before it is sent. Please see note below. My bank confirms that this was sent to them on -/-/2016. They DID NOT DEPOSIT IT until 113 days later. I am paying an outstanding loan for my Son. I send checks through my bank bill pay system. On the check it states " Check void after 90 days '' Security Credit Systems purposely held the check for 113 days before deposit. Check delivered to them on -/-/2016 place for deposit by them on -/-/2016. - accused me of bouncing a check and...

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SECURITY CREDIT SYSTEMS INC Student loan dealing with my lender or servicer trouble with how payments are handled

December 2, 2015 - Account Reference : - I was promised that letter in exchanged for paying the total balance of $1700.00 that - - had told me was due. I had several conversations with - - last week, Thursday -/-/- and Friday -/-/-, during which he assured me that once I pay the full balance due he would provide me with a paid in full letter by Tuesday - of - 2015. On Friday - I went to my bank and got a cashier 's check for $1700.00. I then when to the - - - - that was next door to my bank and deposited the check to the account that was provided to me by - -...

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