Ability Recovery Services, LLC Disclosure Verification Of Debt Complaints

Review and analysis of over 19 complaints against Ability Recovery Services, LLC

Ability Recovery Services, LLC consumers have reported over 19 official complaints related to Disclosure verification of debt. Out of the 19 consumer complaints against Ability Recovery Services, LLC, 26% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Ability Recovery Services, LLC responded to their complaint) and 100% were processed in a timely manner. 5% of consumer complaints against Ability Recovery Services, LLC resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Disclosure Verification Of Debt Consumer Complaints

Ability Recovery Services, LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

September 20, 2015 - After several attempts of trying to legally communicate and validate a debt that Ability Recovery Services is trying to collect they are negligent and less than professional in responding to the issue. Ability Recover Services has reported to my credit report without validating a debt they purchased. It has come to the point that it is just harassing them avoiding the issue then dealing with the matter. They are using a false instrument 'contract ' which does n't contain my signature. This contract also is a contract for a period of 2 '' months. There report to the credit bureau 's state the ...

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Ability Recovery Services, LLC Debt collection disclosure verification of debt not given enough info to verify debt

April 6, 2015 - My credit report shows a collection account by - - - for something called - - ''. I sent the attached letter to - - - requesting proof in the form of a signed document by me stating that I am responsible for this account and to date no one has responded to my request. I believe this is a violation of the Fair Credit Credit Reporting Act. My identity was stolen and I am only finding out about it now as I went to apply for a credit card. I am demanding strict proof that this is my debt and I want to see where I signed for this loan/credit card or whatever the original de...

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