Check Security Associates, LLC Communication Tactics Complaints

Review and analysis of over 7 complaints against Check Security Associates, LLC

Check Security Associates, LLC consumers have reported over 7 official complaints related to Communication tactics. Out of the 7 consumer complaints against Check Security Associates, LLC, 0% were disputed by the consumer (i.e. the consumer was not happy with how Check Security Associates, LLC responded to their complaint) and 57% were processed in a timely manner. 0% of consumer complaints against Check Security Associates, LLC resulted in the consumer receiving monetary compensation (e.g. money, cash reimbursement, etc.) and 0% resulted in non-monetary compensation.

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New Communication Tactics Consumer Complaints

Check Security Associates, LLC Debt collection communication tactics called after sent written cease of comm

March 31, 2017 - I originally took out a loan from -. This loan was sold to - who then moved it to Warren Asset Locations. The company 's phone number is -. I sent a cease and desist letter on -, 2017 both by fax and email. I spoke to a women by the name of - on -/2017 that confirmed they had received this letter. On -,2017 and -,2017 I was sent emails. Today on - they called me at work 3 times with in 5 minutes. When someone would answer the phone they would hang up. I have pictures on my phone of the caller ID. Before the letter was even sent I had asked them not to contact me at w...

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Check Security Associates, LLC Debt collection communication tactics called after sent written cease of comm

December 28, 2016 - Warner Asset Location Services at - NY - is calling my place of employment over and over re a debt they say I owe - -. I verbally informed the rep to not contact me at work and she rudely and forcefully insisted she could and proceeded to call 2 more times getting me in trouble. I then faxed a cease and desist letter also and they still called again....

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Check Security Associates, LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

November 22, 2016 - Called asking family of I still drive the same car, if I was at work had same job. If they had talk to me. Call people I have n't spoke to in 20 years multiple times. - and scaring them....

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Check Security Associates, LLC Debt collection communication tactics frequent or repeated calls

November 2, 2016 - They continue to call relatives when I have specifically told them not to contact relatives threatening them. They continue to call my work threatening me. I asked them for information sent via mail and have not received any paperwork....

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Check Security Associates, LLC Debt collection communication tactics called outside of 8am-9pm

October 26, 2015 - - - continues to call when asked to cease all collection attempts to my work number and he has crossed the line, threatening legal action, imprisonment, wage garnishment, asset collection, and credit reporting against me. He has also after speaking with me today, at my work as I told him I could not talk he called back I had my boss in the office and it is an unidentified number I assumed for work, when I answered he began the threats above and when I asked the amount he could n't give me a set amount I told him I contacted the owner of debt who said they do not have further information ...

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